po We* *P v'fw'l- nfy&p?- AB-Lanca«ter Farming, Saturday, January 31, 1998 L _ _ xiiwrdC Wl 7T “Little Half-Pint” February 7 marks the birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder, bom in 1867, and known affectionately by her “Pa,” Charles Ingalls, as “little half-pint.” Her series of “Little House” children’s books havr ' favorites for generations and give a vivi ture of the early settlement days in Ami Little House on the Prairie was once ( lenged as being discriminatory to Nat Americans, and an attempt was made ti ban it front some library and school bookshelves, but the effort proved considered and unsuccessful. In fact books are quite open-minded aboui effects of early settlement and developr Did little girls have to he as gt as that? i®- Check that the “weep holes” remain clear at the bottom of aluminum combination storm windows, to let moisture drain properly. Cornmeal Cookies 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, about the same diameter softened as the size of the cookies 1 cup sugar you want, and chill for an 2 egg yolks hour Cut into slices and 2 teaspoons grated lemon bake , n a preheated 350° F 2est oven for 8 to 10 minutes. 1-1/2 cups sifted flour Cool on a rack 1 cup yellow cornmeal Cream butter and sugar, then add remaining ferT ingredients and mix well. Shape into a log, United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave (Printed in the U S A ) NV, NY 10016 (212-293-8500) AVAILABLE Hji SPRING '9B A Groundhog Day, Feb. 2 WEATHER PROVERBS The shepherd would rather see the wolf enter his flock than see the Sun on Candlemas Day. - Laura Ingalls Wilder if snails come out In February, they will stay home in March Just as far as the sun shines in on Candelmas Day, just so far will the Makes 1 to 2 dozen. snow blow in before May. CATTLESB2..PDA...COMPARED TO LAST WEEK’S SALB..SL. COWS STEADY TO STRONG. SL. BULLS STEADY TO 4.00 HIGHER-SUPPLY INCLUDED 104 SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS, 326 SL. COWS. 21 BULLS AND 131 FEEDER CATTLE. SLAUGHTER STEERS: FEW CHOICE 1170-1430 LBS. 63.75-66.00, SELECT 57.00-64.25, FEW STANDARD 5030-57.50, HOLSTEINS: ONE HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1410 LBS. AT 63.00, FEW CHOICE 1480-1605 LBS. 56.00-56.75, FEW SELECT 5225-53.75. STANDARD 4330-50.00. OLD FARMER’S HEIFERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE ADN PRIME 1180-1350 LBS. 67.50-6830, FEW CHOICE 1160-1510 LBS. 64.00-67.25, SELECT 56.25-6330, STANDARD 4200-55.75. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 36.00-43.50, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 31.00-3830, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 2630-34.75. SHELLS DOWN TO 21.00. BULLS: YG#l 1350-2285 LBS. i e c• We Deal Exclusively in Commodity Futures jj I & Options | |• 25 Years of Trading & Hedging Experience | I • We Handle Commercial & Personal e I Accounts § £ E E e I For Free Information or For A I I Personal Consultation, I I Please Ca 11... jj | (610) 366-7979 or 800-543-8939 I I LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. e Commerce Plaza, Suite 249, 5000 Tilghman Street, Allentown, Pa 18104 | The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be I substantial Futures and options trading may not be suitable for e jn everyone You should carefully consider the risks in light of your | I ] financial condition in deciding whether to trade E In the case of Chore-Time's ULTRAFLO* Cage Feeder,' dr beefing up the auger wire extending the product w r Chore-Time's new am improved ULTRAFLO* Cage Feeder uses our exclusive round-wire auger. It is nearly 10% heavier than our original ULTRAFLO\ And that means strength and years more running time for you! We're so confident ol it that we've warranted th( auger for twice* as long as old model. Greencastle Livestock GrMacaade, Ft Jw. 26, 1998 gauiummiuimuiuiiaMaiauiuiaiaiauiiaiaiaiaiilumimmqiaiaaiaiaiaiaaia I WHAT’S AHEAD FOR I CATTLE & HOG FUTURES Store Hours: Monctav-Fridav 7:30 am to 4:30 pm 24 Hour-7 Day Repair Service 50.00- FEW #2 980-1190 LBS. 4275-46.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS JEW MED. AND LARGE FRAME «1 245-485 LBS. 75.00-85.00, FEW MED. AND LARGE FRAME «2 555-835 LBS. 56.00- HEIFERS MED. FRAME #1 275-510 LBS. 60.00-70.00,530-725 LBS. 6230-7000, 850-885 LBS. 47.50-57.00, LARGE FRAME «1 380-425 LBS. 70.00- 500-640 LBS. 6200-7200 MED. FRAME #2 310-725 LBS. 45.00- LARGE FRAME «2 200-330 LB. HOLSTEINS 67.00-75.00, 500-910 LBS. 4330-51.00; BULLS FEW MED. FRAME «1 200-350 LBS. 7200-7730, ONE AT 44.00. 550-750 LBS. 58.00- 344-615 LBS. 61.0068.00, COUPLE 87.00 AND 89.00, MED. AND LARGE FRAME «2 250-450 LBS. 42.00- SEVERAL BREED BEEF TYPE HEIFERS 135-1015 LBS. 35.0044.50. CALVES; 4SO...VEALERS FEW CHOICE 175-240L85. 58.0079.00, FEW GOOD 135-140 LBS. 50.0060.00, STAN DARD AND GOOD 80130 LBS. 22.00- UTILITY 5090 LBS. 10.0021.00. FARM CALVES; HOLSTEIN BULLS 3.00- LOWER...#! HOLSTEIN BULLS 90125 LBS. 70.00109.00 BULK Do You )n The Best? Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. Flyway Business Park Delmarva Office 139 A West Airport Road 305 University Ave. Lititz. PA 17543 Federalsburg, Md. 1-800-673-2550 1-800-735-6361 717-569-2702 410-754-9434 What's more, you still get valued in the origi / Feeder. You can . on unparalleled 'vings, economical ion, and ULTRA i remixing action :h eliminates feed ration. all the ft Chore-Time's TRAFLO* Cage ;r-contact us , for more informa »n how the best just ter! few ULTRAFLO® Cage 10-year prorated warranty OP SALES 80.00-107.30, #2 80-125 LBS. 30.00- WITH A FEW TO 25.00; FEW #1 HOSLTEIN HEIFERS 95-125 LBS. 50.00-75.00. BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 90-105 LBS. 50.00-98.00. HOGS: 36...8ARR0WS AND GILTS FEW US42-3 255-330 LBS. 31.00-39.00. SOWS: USBI-3 360-685 LBS. 29.00- FEW TO 38.00, FEW MED. 380-480 LBS. 14.00-22.00. BOARS: COUPLE 370 AND 405 LBS. 14.50 AND 15.50, FEW 195-250 LBS. 23.00- FEEDER PIGS: 90... SLAUGHTER UTILITY 50-145 LBS. 5.00-17.00 PER HEAD. SHEEP: 86... SLAUGHTER LAMBS HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 90-100 LBS. 84.00-87.00, CHOICE 70-90 LBS. 85.00-102.50, 100-120 LBS. 72.00-81.00, FEW 110-140 LBS. 65.00-70.00, GOOD AND CHOICE 45-65 LBS. 62.50-80.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: CHOICE 50-70 LBS. 112.50-15000. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 38.00-55.00. GOATS: 116, BY THE HEAD. LARGE BILLIES 70.00-117.50, MED. 51.00- LARGE NANNIES 55.00- MED. 43.0056.00, LARGE KIDS 27.50-57.50, FEW SMALL 14.0024.00 PER HEAD. m m ■i
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