Ldnbach’s Hay SMpywhirs, PA Jam. 24 «Mi 27 ■apart SappM by Aacdoa 152 LOADS. ALFALFA: 11100-210.00. MIXED HAY: 90.00-200.00. TIMOTHY: 9000-180.00. CLOVER: ISO.OO. BROMBCRASS: 107.00-133.00 OR< 70,00-200.00, STRAW: 75.00-125.00. BAR CORN; 80.00-112.00. CORN FODDER: 49.00-70.00 OATS: 230-3.15 BU. Pa. Grain January 26, 1998 Report aupptled by PDA COMPARED TO LAST MONDAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CENTR AL PENNSYLVANIA: CORN. WHEAT ft BARLEY UNEVENLY STEADY TO STRONG, OATS ft BAR CORN STEADY TO STRONG, SOYBEANS STEADY TO. 10 HIGHER. PRICES PAID DELIVERED TO DELIVERS DOCK: ALL PRICES PER BUSHEL, EXCEPT EAR COIN PER TON. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 3.06-3.23, AVERAGE 3.14, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.77-3.00, WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.21-3.50, AVERAGE 3.38, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 3.32-3.59; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.40-2.50, FEW REPORTED 2.70. AVERAGE Z4B. CON TRACT FOR HARVEST, FEW REPORT ED 1.95; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.602.00, AVERAGE 1.76; SOYBEANS RANGE 6.55-6.90. AVERAGE 6.75, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 6.36-6.65; FEW REPORTED GRAIN SORGHUM. A]arl!!l_ /MACHINERY jb Xi GENERATORS Sales ★ Service ★ Rentals * Complete Generator Systems * PTO * Portables * 2-1600 KW “We Service It If You Have It And Sell It If You Need It” 34 W. Mohler Church Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 Tel; 717-738-0300 Fax; 717-738-4329 RANGE 2.96, AVERAGE 2.96; AVER AGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-110.00. MOSTLY 80.00-94.00, AVERAGE 87.38. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 3.00-3.15, FEW REPORTED 3.26, AVERAGE 3.07; WHEAT NO. 2 3.00-3.30, AVERAGE 3.13; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.00-250, AVERAGE 2.24; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-1.75. FEW REPORTED 2.40, AVER AGE 1.73; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.35-6.75, AVERAGE 6.53; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN, RANGE 75.00-87.00, AVERAGE 81.86. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.95-3.23. AVERAGE 3.09; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.10-3.54, AVERAGE 3.29; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.20-255, AVERAGE 2.40; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-2.00, AVERAGE 1.75; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.50-6.90, AVERAGE 6.65; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW BAR CORN, RANGE 70.00-94.00, AVERAGE 80.61. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.66-3.15, AVERAGE 2.95; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.00-3.26, AVERAGE 3.14; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.20-X3B, AVERAGE 2.29; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1-50-2.00, AVERAGE 1.76; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.24-6.55, AVERAGE 6.40. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.95-3.20, AVERAGE 3.08; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE FEW REPORTED 3.20-3.30, AVERAGE 3.23; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE FEW REPORTED 2.15-2.70, AVERAGE 2.45; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-2.00, AVER AGE 1.71; SOYBEANS RANGE 6.50-6.65, AVERAGE 656; AVERAGE Fornsy Longenecker Vice President / Financial Consultant Commodities Only Smith Barney 717 295 8914 • 800 441 1997 A Member of TravtlmGroupT SMITH BARNEY INC 29 East King Street Suite 200 Lancaster PA 17602 2852 1 MOISTURE NEW BAR CORN RANGE 66.00-80.00. AVERAGE 77.29. LEHIGH VALLEY AREA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.95-3.08, AVERAGE 3.01; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.25-3.54, AVERAGE 3.37; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE FEW REPORTED 2.35-2.55, AVERAGE 2.48; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-1.80, FEW REPORTED 2.OO.AVBRAGE 1.73; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.61-6.75, AVERAGE 6.69; GR. SORGHUM RANGE 5.75, AVERAGE 5.75 PER HUNDREDWEIGHT; AVER AGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-85.00, AVERAGE 74.00. CORN NO. 2-Y 3.08; WHEAT NO. 2 3.39; BARLEY NO. 3 Z 34; OATS NO. 2 1.71; SOYBEANS NO. 16.73; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN 75.24. YEAR AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 3.06; WHEAT NO. 2 4.35; BARLEY NO. 3 3.28; OATS NO. 2 2.28; SOYBEANS NO. 1727; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN 79.84. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Price* FOB Track) CORN 2.77-2.79; WHEAT 3.16-3.29; SOYBEAN MEAL: BULK 44% 191.40- BULK 48% 203.40- Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, OK Wed Jan 28, 1998 USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News Oklahoma National Stockyards - Week ly Cattle Summary Compared to last week; Feeder cattle and calves steady. Demand good for feeder classes as well as Stockers. Quality of supply plain to average, few fancy. Quality well below the outstanding quality of last week. Weigh conditions gaunt to average and unchanged. Feeder cattle in medium to moderate flesh, few fleshy. Stocker cattle yes! Hot W at« ROSENBERRY STOVES (717) 532-9023 MONTH AGO md calves in thin to medium flesh. Slaugh ter cows and bulls LOO higher. Packet demand vety good. Total of 1,550 cows and bulls sold including 900 head of ranch fresh cows. Demand for stock cows and heifers vety good. Packets took 60 percent of 650 cows and bulls sold on regular cow turn. Receipts this week 14200; last week 10,725; 14,275. Supply consisted of 65 percent yearlings over 600 lbs; 24 percent calves under 600 lbs; 3 percent slaughter cows and bulls 8 percent stock cows. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers; Medium and Large 1 300-400 lbs (350 lbs) 105.50-113.00 (109.62); 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) 94.00- Fancy 99.50-109.00 (100.02); 500-600 lbs (550 lbs) 85.00- Fancy (91.09); 600-700 lbs (650 lbs) 79.00-88.00 (82.18); 700-800 lbs (750 lbs) 74.25-81.25 (77.99); 800-850 lbs (826 lbs) 74.75-78.50 (76.81); 850-900 lbs (863 lbs) 70.25- 75.00 (72.31); 900-950 lbs (938 lbs) 70.25-70.75 (70.47); 950-1000 lbs (974 lbs) 66.75-69.50 (68.38); 1000-1050 lbs (1027 lbs) 65.50-63.50 (65.60). Hoi steins: Large 2 600-800 lbs 55.00- 800-850 lbs 53.75; 950 lbs 52.75. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 300-400 lbs 83.00-90.00 (87.44); 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) 79.25-86.50, Fancy 84.00- (84.72); 500-550 lbs (526 lbs) 78.50- Fancy 83.75-87.00 (80.98); 550-600 lbs (576 lbs) 75.50-81.00 (77.93); 600-700 ibs (650 lbs) 72.00-78.75 (75.38); 700-800 Ibs (750 lbs) 70.25-75J0 (72.63); 800-900 Ibs (850 lbs) 67.00- 70.00 (69.13). Slaughter Cows: Average dressing: Cut ter 35 JO-38.00, Utilities 38.00-41.00; high dressing: Cutter 38.00-41.50. Utilities 40.00- 43.50; high dressing/high boning 42.50- low dressing Cutter 32.00- Utilities 35.00-38.00. Canner 29.00- Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma National Stockyards: Cutters 79.10; Bon ers 78.60; Breakers 76.65; Canners 76.75 Bulls 87.25. Slaughter Bulls; Yield Grade I 1500-2100 Ibs average dressing 45.00-50.00; high dressing 51.00-52.00; high dressing/high boning indiv 54.00; low dressing 42.00-46.00. Replacement Heifers and Cows: Pre tested for Bangs, pregnancy, and age; LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Rt. 22 Cattle Sale Every TVies. & Fri. at 1:30 P.M. 2nd & 4th Ihes. Special Fed Cattle Sale Horse Sale Every Second SaL of Each Month Dave Brubaker (717) 865-2881 * Diesel Fuel Injection Pumps, Injectors, Turbochargers * Factory Trained & Authorized for complete services on: Stanadyne (Roosa Master), Lucjs CAV, Simms, Robert BoscH*Ambac (American Bosch), etc. * Instant Exchange Or Rebuild (Fast Turn Around Time) * Feed Pumps (John Deere & Most All Applications * Quality Workmanship, Experience, Troubleshooting. * Free Pick Up & Delivery (100 mile radius of Hbg ) Daily UPS Shipping MILLER DIESEL, INC. Wi: WANT TO 15K YOUR IVKI, INJECTION SIM'( lALIST Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 31, V Medium and Large Frame 1 Sold in ranch fresh lots: High Quality 2-4 yr old 800-925 lbs 6-8 mo brad Angus. Btangui A BWF 750.00- 4-6 yr old 1150-1300 lbs 6-7 mo brad Limousins 640.00-710. 00,1400-1450 lbs 720.00-760.00. Avenge Quality 2 yr old 800-975 lbs 5-8 mo brad Blacks & Bnngus 625.00-700.00,2-5 mo brad 560.00; 5-7 yr old 1000-1275 lbs 5-7 mo bred Odvieh A RWF 530.00-630.00, 3-5 mo bred 510.00-525.00; 7-8 yr old 1000-1200 lbs 5-7 mo bred Blacks A RWF 510.00- Medium and Large 1-2 Sold in ranch fresh lots; 2 yr old 800-850 lbs 6-8 mo bred Brangus Baldies 525.00- Pairs: High quality Medium and Large Frame 1:5-6 yr old 950-1250 lb Blacks & Limousin cows with 100-300 lb calves 740.00-810.00; 5-6 yr old 950-1150 lb Char & Char Cross cows with 100- 350 lb calves 710.00-765.00. Avenge quality 2 yr old 750 lb Black cows with 100 lb calves 775.00; 5-6 yr old 1150 lb RWF cows with 100-200 lb calves 700.00. Morrison Cove Livestock Martinaburg, Pa. January 26, 1998 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 188. STEERS CHOICE 65.00-68.00; GOOD 60.0063.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 63.00-67.00; GOOD 55.0060.00. COWS: UTILITY A COMMERCIAL 35.0044.00; CANNER A LOW CUTTER 20.0035.00. BULLOCKS; 42.00-Sl.OO. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 39.00- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 48.00- BULLS 45.00-S8.00; HEIF ERS 35.00-SS.OO. CALVES 90. PRIME. NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE 65.00-8S.00; GOOD 50.00- STANDARD 15,00-30.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 45.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. SO.OO-IQS.OO. HOGS: 192. US NO. 1-2 37.50-38.25; US NO. 1-3 36.50-37.50. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 25.00-33.00. BOARS: 18.00-28.00. FEEDER PIGS: S 7 HEAD. US4I&3 20-50 LBS. 1200-28.00. SHEEP: 144 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS 102.00- GOOD LAMBS 92.00- SLAUGHTER EWES 42.00- GOATS: 23.00-80.00 EACH. Leesport Farmer’s Market, Inc. Leesport, Berks Co., Pa. (610) 926'1307 SPECIAL 1 FEEDER CATTLE SALE • Consignments Welcome Refreshments Available WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18, 1998 2:00 p.m. Bill Weist livestock sale starts at 1:00 p.m. j
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