832-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 2, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week’s publication SAT. DEC. 16 - 9AM 2 1/2 Story Alum Sided Dwelling and Apartment. Real Estate 1.32 Acres. Fine Antiques-Household Goods. Located at 11 N. State Street, Brownstown, Lancaster County, PA (Across From Turkey Hill Store). Alice R. Brown Estate Horst Aucts SAT. DEC. 16 -11 AM Small stone house on 2+ acres located along Leven good Rd , Amity Twp, Berks Co Open House Sat, Nov 25 1-3 PM. By Peter Evans Horning Farm Agency. SAT. DEC 16 -11 AM Opportunity Sale II The Influence of Canada. The Cattle Exchange and Stonehurst Farm. SAT. DEC. 16 - IPM 10 Acres of Woodland w/ Ranch Style Home at Perry Co. Estate Sale. Located Approx. 4% Mi. East of Loysville, Along Freeman Hollow Rd.(LRSOOII), Just 2Vi Mi. West of Rt. 74., Perry Co. Watch for Sale Sign. Estate of Sara E. Alleman. Long's Auction Service. TUES. DEC. 19-IPM Real Estate, Vehicles. At 3390 New Park Rd., New Park, PA. (Located in Fawn Twp. on the Road Between Mud dy Creek Forks & Gatche ville) Owner: Barry R. Mor ton. Gilbert & Gilbert Aucts. TUES. DEC. 19-7 PM Pigs Graded Sale. Westminster, MD. Westminster Livestock Auction. TUES. DEC 19-7 PM Fine Stone & Sided Rancher Real Estate Located at 80 Clearview Rd . Clay, Clay Township, Lancaster Co, PA. Directions: Rt. 322 West of Ephrata to Village of Clay, Turn North onto Clearview Rd Terms by Louella Good & Mary Sauder T. Glenn Horst Aucts. TUES. DEC. 19 - BPM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South - then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511, WED. DEC 20 & THURS DEC 21 - Large Two Day Sale of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa, One Mile East of Marion along Rt 914, '/. East Off Rte 81, Exit 4 Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks Marion Auc tion Service FRI DEC. 22 - 130 PM State Graded Feeder Pig Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Alexander Spring Rd , 249-4511. FRI. DEC. 29 - Real estate, 54 acre diary farm, from Akron take Rt 272 S approx Imile turn right on Cocalico Creek Rd , go 1/10 mile turn right on Mill way Rd. to 307 Millway Rd, Ephrata Twp, Auction by Henry & Elsie Weaver. Aar on E Martin, auction service. FRI. DEC. 29 - Real estate, house and barn on 3 acre lot from Akron take Rt 272 S. approx. 1 mile, turn right on Cocalico Creek Rd, go 1/10 mile turn right on Mill way Road to 389 Millway Rd., Ephrata Twp Auction by Henry & Elsie Weaver Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. FRI. DEC. 29 - 9AM Furni ture, Antique Glassware, Paper Items, Toys. Af 3013 E. Market St., York, PA at Springettsbury Fire Co. Social Hall. Owner Catharine Geist Gilbert & Gilbert Aucts. FRI. DEC. 29 -11 AM All Canadians, all registered 80 head fresh or close hole teins. Belleville Livestock SAT. DuC 30 - 9 30AM Market, Inc Mark Click, complete Dispersal of Dnrnnoa anrl Onn_ SAT DEC 30 - Real cialty Crop Equipment Estate, Dairy Herd, Bayboro (Pamlico Co) Machinery HeldatßDLoy- North Carolina Sodoma sville, PA Owners: Ed & Farms of North Carolina, Irene Horn Sale by Klmg's Inc. Pirrung Auctioneers, Auctions, Inc Inc MT. PABIDS FARM COMPLETE DISPERSAL AUCTION Fabius, New York (Onondaga Co.) Fri., Dec. 8,1995 9:3OAM Auction to be held on the farm on Goodrich Road just offNYS Rt 80; 6 miles east oflblly and Route #Bl exit, 1 mile west of Fabius. Auction is about 20 miles southeast of Syracuse. Easy to get to. 216 - HOLSTEINS - 216 133 Mature Cows w/over 18,000 DHIAAP Average in all stages of lactation; 35 Heifers Bred or just being bred; 40 from well started to yearlings; 8 real young calves. A real good herd to buy replacements from. Entire herd has been shot for Shipping Fever, Pregnancy Examined, Blood & TB Tested, eligible for immediate interstate shipment day of Auction. MACHINERY White 2-135 4wd Diesel Tractor w/Full Cab, 20.8x38 rear tires & 18.4x28 front; White 2-150 Fender Diesel Tractor, 20.8x38 Rubber; JD 2440 Fender Diesel Tractor, 16.9x30 Rubber, has JD 146 Front End Loader; JD 3020 Fender Diesel Tractor, 18.4x34 Rubber; Tractor Chains to fit All of Above; White 588 5 Btm Spring Reset Plow; Taylor-Way 10 Shank Chisel Plow; Taylor-Way 20 ft Wing Disc; JD 15 ft Cultimulcher; JD 12 ft Drag; JD 17 Hoe Grain Drill; White Seed Boss 4 row Air Com Planter; 75 Dodge Pickup, has Century Gas Motor Operated Spray Rig - can be sold separate; Int. TA Fertilizer Spreader Truck, needs some work; Gehl 800 & Gehl 1000 Chopper - 2 Com Heads & 1 Hay Head; NH 499 Hydro Swing Haybine; (2) NH 716 SU Wagons w/Tandem Axle, 3 Btr & Roofs; Badger Tandem Axle 3 Btr SU Wagon w/Roof; Gehl BU 810 SU Wagon; JD Chuck Wagon, needs work; NH & Bad ger SU Boxes for Parts; Gehl 99 Late Blower; Old Gehl Table Blower; (2) Hay Rakes (JD 660 & NH 256); Grimm Hay Tedder; NH 315 Baler w/Pan Kicker; (2) Hay Elevators; 5 Kicker Wagons on Gears (2 Steel & 3 Wood); JD 680 Hydra Push Tan dem Axle Manure Spreader; Lucknow 285 TMR Mixer Wagon w/Scales; Bedding Chopper; Win- Power PTO Generator on Wheels: 28 ft 6” Grain Auger on Wheels; Feed Flex Auger; 4 Wheel Small Utility Dump Wagon: JD 3 pt Rotary Mower; JD 3 pt Rear blade; JD SP#4O Combine, needs work; 200 Amp Lincoln Welder w/Wisc Engine; Mig Welder; Oxy-Acet. Torches & Stand; A few small items. BARN & MILKING EQUIPMENT Mueller 1000 gal Bulk Tank; Stein Horst 1000 gal Bulk Tank; Glass I'/’” Pipeline Milker, lots & lots of it; (8) 4 Star Claws; Westphalia 7.5 HP Vacuum Pump; Delaval Pre-Cooler and Thermostore; (3) Patz Bam Cleaners, 16” Gutters, approx 360’- 375’125’, 2-RH & 1-LH; (2) Patz Manger Feeders w/20” Hi-Flite Paddles, approx 350’ each; Patz 16’ Material Mover, approx 150 ft; (4) Patz Silo Unloaders - from 16’ to 24’ (sold after silage); (7) Single Chain Conveyors - different lengths; (3) Portable Bam Fans; Breeding Kit & Semen Tank. PRODUCE Bunker w/approx 1400 ton of Good Com Silage; 24x70 Silo w/approx 650 ton of Com Silage; 24x60 Silo w/approx 360 ton of Corn Silage on top of approx 350 ton of Good Haylage; 20x50 Silo w/approx 150 ton of Good Haylage; 16x55 Silo w/approx 200 ton of Haylage; Hay - approx 75 ton of good early cut Ist Cutting; Approx 50 ton of Good 2nd Cutting; Approx 1200 Bales of Straw; 70 Round Bales - 800# size. Order of Auction: 9:30 - Small Items; Approx 10:00 - Machinery; Approx 11:15 - Milking & Barn Equip & Produce; Approx 12:15 - Cattle. Auctioneers Note - A large hill day Auction. Join us!! They have been here since 1931. Everything ready to go! A good Auction to attend! Lunch Available Portable Johns Terms - Cash or Good Checks w/Positive ID. Payment in full day of Auction. Mt Fabius Farm Grant Goodrich & Steve Olcott MELMANASSE Sales Managers & Auctioneers Whitney Point, NY 607-092-4540 / 1-800-MANASSE SAT. DEC 30 - 42 Acre Steer Farm, Farm Equip ment Loc: 1381 Sheep Hill Road, East Earl, Approx IV* Mi. E of Blue Ball Terms by Nelson S & Lau ra Horst. Nevm Martin & Sons Aucts Owners; SAT. DEC. 30 - 9:3OAM Farm Equipment Located Along Ammon Road, Caer narvon Twp., Berks Co. Terms by: Ralph & Carol Stoltzfus. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. SAT. DEC, 30-12 Noon. 110 acre dairy farm, Rt. 274, Lysville, Perry Co., Pa. Approx. 4 miles E. of Blain on Rt. 274 on N. side of Rt. 274. By Edward J. & Irene M. Horn. Sanford G. Leaman, auct. public Auction OF VALUABLE COUNTRY REAL ESTATE WELL KEPT HOME & TWO STORY GARAGE/SHOP FURNITURE, BRUNSWICK POOL TABLE, TOOLS & H.H. GOODS SAT., DEC. 9,1995 10:00 AM LOCATED AT: 5154 Mine Road, Kinzers, Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, PA. From Routes 30 & 41 in Gap, Route 41 South to right on Route 741 (Town Clock), over railroad bridge to stop sign. Left on Mine Road to property approximately two miles on left. ★ REAL ESTATE ★ Real estate consists of a bi-level dwelling con taining 1,715 square feet of living space on two levels, situated on a 1.034 acre country lot bor dering farmland. The dwelling has three bed rooms, living room, large country kitchen, fam ily room with woodstove, two full baths, and a built-in two car garage. The dwelling is heated with electric baseboard heat and has a central air conditioning system. Well water and on site septic system. There is a detached 26’ x 36’ two story garage/shop that is heated with an oil furnace and has water and electric service. There is a 13’ x 14’ two story shed included. This property is in very good condition and has an excellent country location with easy access to major routes. ★ OPEN FOR INSPECTION ★ Thursday, November 16,4:00-6:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 18,2:00-4:00 p.m. CALL AyCTIONEERS FOR COMPLETE BROCHURE OR PRIVATE SHOWING ★ FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS ★ Nice three piece bedroom suite, single bed, two dressers, corner desk, bookcase, sofa & chair, dinette set, entertainment center,, sewing machine, upright freezer, Hotpoint dryer, 19” Zenith color television, Sharp microwave, Xerox copier, gas grill, air purifier, toys, pic tures, baby items, and much more. ★ BRUNSWICK BRISTOL II 4’XB’ POOL TABLE, 1” SLATE TOP, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION ★ ★ WELDER, COMPRESSOR & TOOLS ★ Lincoln Arc welder, mechanics tool cabinet, parts washer, drill press, drills, 55 gal. drum mixer, engine crane, floor jacks, steel shelving, work bench, log chains, 3 111 air compressor. ★ 5 HP UPRIGHT AIR COMPRESSOR W/60 GALLON TANK ★ AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: All items have been well cared for with most in excellent condition. Don’t be late for this one! PAYMENT TERMS: Real Estate, 10% down payment day of auction. Balance due by January 31, 1996. Buyer pays all real estate transfer taxes. Personal Property, to be paid in full day of auction with cash, PA or approved check. BROKER PARTICIPATION: 1% fee avail able for successful registered buyer prior to December 8, 1995. Registration letter must include prospective buyer’s signature. Brokers call Auctioneers for details. Auction Conducted For: George L. & Kathy M. Rupert W. Bryan Byler, Attorney Auction Conducted By: AUCTIONEERS^ Stephen J. Barr AU-002422-L James S. Davis Jr. AU-002421-L Gap, PA 17527 (717) 422-9221 Food Available SAT. DEC. 30 -11 AM Real Estate Consisting of 12.92 Acres w/Nice 2 1 /. Story Dwelling & 1 Story Bam. 218 Stony Hill Rd., Quarry ville, Lancaster Co., Eden Twp., PA. Dir: Approx. 4V4 Mi. South of Strasburg Square on May Post Office Rd, Turn Right on Stony Hill Rd., Approx. 1 Mi. on Right, or Take Rt. 222 South of Lane, Turn Left on Camargo Rd., Left on Picadilly Rd., Right on Stony Hill Rd. Sale on Left. Sale for: Enos & Levina Stoltzfoos. Miller & Siegrist Aucts. SAT. DEC. 30 - I:3OPM . . m .. eeHalo „n .ho Real Estate. 457 Walnut Run Road. Hessdale, Strasburg Twp.. PA. Dir: Approx. 8 Mi. South of J Lane, on Rt. 222, Just Miller A Siegnsl Aucts. AUCTION RESALE OF INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE 84 GROSS ST., EPHRATA THURS.. DEC. 14 @ 2:00 P.M. 2 Story Masonry construction bldg, currently in fire damage condition, being sold “as is" TERMS: $3OOO day or sale. Balance at settlement on or before 45 days. East on 322 turn rt. on State St. to left on Fulton St to left on Lake St. to left on Gross. Property on right. Inspection 1 hr. before or auction or by appt. Auction By: MT •"£*** Auctioneer: Lead broker: *A HCtkm CO. , im Mf-riaiian E RA SANDOE 717-933-8264 AU2B3IL GR. AY43L 800-617-3850 717-738-2005 PUBLIC AUCTION COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE VEHICLES, PLUMBING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Thurs-9 Dec. 7th at 9:30 A.M. LOCATION: Near Rt. 22 in Allentown, property is located on Sumiier Street just off of North 6th Street, Lehigh County, PA. ITEMS: (2) 1990 & (1) 1986 Dodge service vans, 2 w/roof racks; 18 ga. 10’ tinsmith brake; 16 ga. 8’ tinsmith hand brake; 14 ga. 6’Peck & Stov shears; 16 ga. 3’PS&W shears; 18 & 22 ga. lockformers; Niagara 3’ brake; 3’ hand brake; 16 ga. hand cut off shears; 16 ga. Welty-Way sheet metal machine; steel coil air punch, like new; 8’ tool power drive work table, crimpers, etc.; 2 hand 36” sheet metal rollers; DeWalt power saw; Eisler spot welder; 2 Miller spot welders; Lincoln welder; Airco welder; port, heavy duty hoist; 5 van storage trailers; 4 power driven sheet metal roll dispensers; Owik-lift truck; elec, hand truck; new, Ranco steel band saw, oil cool; 5 hp air compressor; Hydic 20T press; cut oft saw; Sears 13” 5 spd. fir. drill press; Crafts man fir. drill press; Makita rotary hammer; ridge pipe threader & cutter; hand angle cut ter; 48” hand brake; Skil power grinder; Ritchie internal capacity; 30’wooden ext. lad der; 24’ alum. ext. ladder; 4’, 6’ & 8’ step lad ders; welding tables; lots of metal shelving; parts racks; pipe racks & taps; welding rods; anvil; snakes; mallets; torch heads; bench vise; chain pulleys; several jack hammers and bits; ext. cords; saw blades; air hose; floor jack; Ig. chain pipe wrenches; pulleys; wrench sets; hydralic fittings; bacteria water testers; velometer; (5) 4’x6’ platform carts; hand carts; air tools; elec, drills & parts; (6) 4’xB’ work tables; roll racks; steel, copper & brass fittings; galv. steel pipe; alum, pipe; condo pipe; PVC pipe & fittings; elec, cords; elec, switch & breaker boxes, all sizes; water pipe tap & die sets; new water heater & tanks; new bathtubs & tub/shower units; stainless sinks; wash bowls; commodes & tanks in box es; parts bins; bolt bins; (9) 11 drawer parts cabinets; (3) 8 drawer parts cabinets; insula tion, rolls & pipe covers; heating furnace; fur nace filters; heat duct vents; heat ducts, sq. & round; cooling & heating coils, all sizes; hot water cast iron radiators; metal wall fin radi ator; cooling compressor units; York central air cond.; scaffold bucks; dolly carts; flashing; flat iron; all sizes elec, motors; lots of elec, parts; fire extinguisher; shop vac; water foun tain; copper tubing; microwave; refrig.; all kinds of new faucets; fans; lots elec, wire; chairs & stools; Pettibone Mercury fork lift, mechanic special; riding mower; (15) 6’xB’ thermopane glass; Xerox 1040 copier; office desks & chairs; plumbing manuals; vacuum cleaner; mason jars; wooden chest; hand tools; scrap metal; (150) RR ties; commercial kit. equip.; assorted restaurant supplies & equip.; many, many more items. No out of state checks. Terms By: Lafayette Bank Attorney Alfred S. Pierce hFHJ» HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin Horning AU-0433-L Elton Horning AU-0434-L Route 23, Morgantown (610) 286-5183 OF
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