B&Umcaster Winning,' Saturday, October ’2f, Isss Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication TUES. NOV. 7- SPM Valu able Residential Real Estate. Lititz, PA. 312 Bal mer Rd„ Lititz, PA. From Front St.’, Turn Towards Bonfield Elementary School, Turn Left, Then Right onto Balmer. Auction for Charles Hornberger. E M Murry Associates. TUES NOV 7-7 PM Feed er Cattle Sale. Westminster Livestock Auction. TUES. NOV, 7»- 7PM Pigs Graded Sale. Westminster, MD. Westminster Livestock Auction WED. NOV. 8 - Complete Liquidation of 10x50 mobile office trailer, trucks, jeep, tools, office equip & sup plies. 2020 Horseshoe Rd., Lane. Pa For Ferry's Ag Service Inc. Miller & Sie gnst, aucts WED. NOV. 8 - Leola, PA Special Auction. Christmas trees, nursery stock, truck lots, tools, hardware, snow equip, farm equip, excess equip., lawn & garden. Goods Auction, 111 N. Maple Ave., Leola, PA. Call 610-358-0725 WED. NOV. 8-10 AM Valu able 43 acre M/L farm, 31 acres tillable, limestone soil, stream & farm equip. 2 miles E of White Horse, turn N. off Rt 340 on Plank Rd 1/3 mile to sale. Salis bury Twp, Lane. Co. By James E. & Lois E. Kauff man Robert & Jeffrey Mar tin, aucts. WED. NOV. 8 - 2PM 6.6 acre farmette, classic Mus tangs & parts for Dennis & Elaine Durlin, Lewisburg, Pa. Kenneth E. Massinger, Neil A. Courtney, aucts. WED. NOV. 8 - 2PM Anti ques, Household Goods & Tools. Sale to Be Held at the Horst Auction Center Located at the Comer of Rt. 322 & Durfach Rd. (Approx. 2V4 Mi. West of Ephrata) Ephrata, Lane. Co., PA. Sale for Annie Mentzer & Mildred Snader. T. Glenn Horst Aucts. THURS. NOV. 9 - Feeder Cattle Consignment Sale. Jersey Shore Livestock Auction, South of Jersey Shore, Rt 44. THURS. NOV. 9 - 9AM Real estate, household goods, antiques & car. At 11 N. Conestoga View Dr., Akron turn N. off Rt. 272 near Akron Restaurant on N. Conestoga View Dr. & PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, November 18,1996 Mu, £ Location: 14 miles south of Sunbury, PA. 1 mile east of Herndon and Route 147, Northumberland County. ,1' Unique Spring House ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES • HOUSEHOLD TRACTOR • FARM MACHINERY Terms; Cash or PA Check MARK J. JONES, AUCHONEERNG SERVICE Phone (717) 2864052 • Lie. #AU 1595-L Jeff Dunkelberger • Lie. #AU 3043-L West Earl Twp. By Sarah G. Mowery. Robert E & Jef frey R. Martin, aucts. THURS. NOV. 9 -10 AM Real Estate, Coins, Furni ture, Car in Lenker Manor. Directions: From Rt. 322 Near Harrisburg Take the Derry Street Exit Towards Paxtang. Turn Right on Bonnymeade at Raub Supply Store, Go to Elder Street Turn Left, go 1 Block Turn Right on Rosewood Lane to Property. Swatara Twp. 530 Rosewood Lane, Harrisburg. Auction by: Catherine Doyle. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. 3 ACRE COUNTRY PROPERTY Farmersville Area PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Nov. 18, 1995 3:00 p.m. DlrecMonat mm Ephrata take Route 322 Bast through lUnhletown turn right on Carmen vtUe Road at Martin s Bike Shop follow Carmen vine Road to Calrmont Road ... approx. 1600 sq.tt. u. ... ig area containing large modern eat-in kitchen with oak raised panel doors, formal dining room, large living room, foyer, 1/2 bath, laundry room, UPSTAIRS has 3 large bed rooms including master bedroom with walk-ln closet, mod ern bathroom, attic storage. Pull basement partially fin ished, cold storage, central vacuum, water softener, oil heat, built-in humidifier: SPECIAL FEATURES ■ Control Air Conditioning • 200 AMP Service • 3 Acre Lot • 2 Car Oarage ■ 2 Storage Sheds • Well Water • Large Deck • Anderson Windows See this country home at: OPEN HOUSE: Saturday. October 28 • 1 rOO PM to 3:00 PM Saturday, November 4 • 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM or by appointment. For appointment or assistance to obtain financing, call Aaron E. Martin, AucL at (717) 733- 3511. TERNS: 10% down payment day of auction, balance at final settlement on or before March is, 1996. NOTE: Zoned rural, potential for another building lot, shop., etc. Contact Earl Twp. concerning your needs. Land now being farmed. Attorney: Doug Good AUCTION BY: DAVID L. OC SUSAN M. HOOVER Profusions! auctioneering Martin auction service 410 Wasl Church Rd. Ephrsts, PA 17522 (717)733-3511 MMOUOI (Farm Being Surveyed) Approximately 40 acres tillable. Southern exposure. Hav ing thereon a 2-1/2 story frame home. Ground level base ment with basement kitchen. Ist floor has kitchen - din ing area, living room, parlor and screened in porch. 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Open stairway, oil hot water heat. Bank barn, sheds, 2 story chicken house (needs repair), spring water. This farm is located in a pri vate blacktop lane and offers privacy. * Inspection: phone 717-7SB-1701. Plan to inspect, arrange your financing and be pre pared to bid at auction. Terms: 10% down at conclusion of bidding, balance due in 45 days. THURS. NOV. 9 -11 AM Tractors, Farm Machinery, Skid Loader, Feeder Cattle. Location: 490 Schaeffer Rd. Lebanon, S. Lebanon Twp., Lebanon County, PA. From Rt. 72 at Traffic Light in Quentin, N. on Rt. 419 3.9 Mi. Thru Cornwall to Farm Lane on Right. From Rt. 897 in Schaefferstown, South on Rt. 419 for 3.4 Mi. to Farm Lane on Left. Auc tion for; Garry Maurer. Har ry Bachman Aucts. THURS. NOV. 9 -11 AM Investment Property 4+/- acres of land and large Restaurant building with equip, included. Femwood Auction Co. THURS. NOV. 9- 11:30AM Fantasy-Found Milking Herd & Select Heifers Ale. Cortland, NY Held at the farm on Rt. 392 1 mi. E. of town of Virgil. From 181 exit (717) 355-0567 Lunch Owner: Nealla Phillips A W w 9 Marathon NY take Rt 11 N. 4 mi. to Rt 392 E. 6.5 mi. to (arm. Hoskins Sales, aucts. FRI. NOV. 10 • 9AM Midat lantic Contractors’ Auction, Frederick Fairgrounds, Md. Traveling weston I-70, take E. Patrick St., exit 56 to Fairgrounds. Wolfe Aucts. FRI. NOV. 10 - 1:30 PM State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. PUBLIC SALE SAT., OCT. 28,1995 10:00 A.M. Located five miles south of Strasburg, four miles Northeast of Quarryville, at comer of White Oak and Miller Roads. West of the May Post Office Road, at 511 White Oak Road, Strasburg, Pa. Lane. Co. Penna. CONSTRUCTION AND CARPENTER TOOLS EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Honda 5000 and Honda 3500 Generators; Two Emclo Air compressors with 5 h.p. Honda engines; Electric compressor; Table saw with 5 h.p. Kawasa ki engine; Drill press with 4 A.M. air motor; electric table saw; two electric Mitre saws; McClough, Stihl and Poulan chain saws; two Makita electric routers; four inch planer; Makita and Milwakee Saw Saws; siding saw; other hand tools; Four aluminum extension ladders; Three Aluminum 24’ Pole jacks and Poles; Two Aluminum 24’ planks; Aluminum step ladders; Eaves metal brace plank holders; Eleven air nailers; Six circular skil saws; three cord less screw guns; hammer drills; Five hammer tankers; Good Lathe chisel set; Various size pipe clamps; Two wheel trailer; New Garden tub; wheelbarrow; Certainteed Replacement windows; Shutters; Twelve Upstairs windows; door and window, (downstairs); stairs and interior doors; siding; ply wood; insulation; New lumber; Black flex pipe; trim work; Some furniture making tools. Many articles too numerous to mention. Sale 10:00 A.M. Abe Diffenbach and Sons Auctioneers 225 L (717)393-4464 Food Available PUBLIC SALE MON., OCT. 30 10 A.M. T«ineytown Farm Equipment Route 832 1 Ml East of Taneytown FARM TRACTORS - JD 4430 4 post, JD 4020 SC JD 3010 WF JD 2510 NF Case 730 D WF Case 1070 PS. AC 7045 PS, Oliver IBSOD, Farmall Super M, Super C w/Fast Hitch, MF 285, Ford 9N, Int 240. COMPACT TRACTORS - MF 210-4 w/loader, JD 750 4x4 loader 1200 hrs, JD 750 4x4 600 hrs, JD 650 2WD, Ford 1500 2WD 600 Hrs, Cub w/Mower INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT JD 350 doz er, NH 555 Skidloader. FARM ROUIFMRNT- Martin Spreader, JD R spreader United 10 Tooth Chisel Plow, NH 469 haybme, NH 55,256 Rakes, JD 640 Rake, NH 451 Mower 10' Pull Type Mower, Woods Cl 14 Mower, JD 5‘ Pull Type Mower, Woods RM 306 Mower, JD 260 Mower, Glenco 1 2 3pt Cultiva tor, JD 400 Rotaiy Hoe, JD Haybme, Gehl Hay bine, Ford Sidebar Mower, NH 770 Chopper, Brillion 1 O’ Cultipacker Nl #7 Picker, Pequea Hay Tedder like new, AC 6 Row Planter No Till, Woods 208 Mower JD 2 Row Corn Planter JD 3 Bottom Plow, JD 4 Bottom, Ford 2 Bottom Plow NSW EQUIPMENT - SELLING ABSOUITR 4-5-6 ft mowers, box blades, scraper blades 6-7- 8 ft. NEW BUSH HOG 120-09 blade, carry alls, cultivators, etc Shaver HDB &10 Post Dri vers, Post Hole Diggers, Bale Spears of all kinds. New 16' 2 axle trailer, NEW BUSH HOG LOADER FOR MH 35-135, round bale feed ers, 3pt tillers, stone rakes, bale forks Many more consignments expected. Sale enter lOiOO small Hams. Tractors at 1 liOO sharp. Be On time. Lunch Rights Reserved. For more info call Sam at 410-751-1500 Edgar A Bohrer Auctioneer FRI. NOV. 10 -7:3OPM 280 Acres of Juniata Co. Wood land. Property Located 2. Mi. South of East Water ford, Oft Rt. 75, But will be Offered for Sale at Juniata Markets, Jet. of Rts. 75 and Old 22, At the Blinking Lights, 1 Mi. North of Port Royal. From Hbg. Take Rt 322 West Approx. 40 Mi. to the Port Royal Exit, Take Rt. 75 South to Property. Sale Direction Sign Along Rt. 75. The Estate of Esther W. Wingate. Long's Auc tion Service. Jonas K. Esh Owner PUBLIC AUCTIONI ® 59 ACRE FARM Sat, Nov. 4,1995 at 10 AM In Fleetwood just E of F.M. Brown’s Feed Mil] turn S onto Poplar St, travel 1.1 mile to 230 Poplar ROAD to farm on left, Berks Co., PA. Real Estate 59 acres of gentle rolling land along w/a beautiful 2-1/2 story stone dwelling. Ist fir has a kit, DR, Ig LR, 1/2 bath, plus a Ig family rm featuring a Ig stone fire place, open beam ceiling & Ig picture window over looking the farmland, 2 ponds & stream. 2nd fir has 3 BR’s & bath. Attached to the dwelling is an old fash ioned summer house. Bam 74’ long bank type stone & part frame con struction. Farm has a long blacktop driveway & 10 springs supplying the stream & ponds. For inspection call 610-395-8084. Terms—lo% day of auction, balance on or before December 29,1995. Meridian Bank, Trust Co. for Mary Hoffman. Conducted by PO kl MWipilntill. PA UNI (IIII9N-HM* Fn |IU)NH2» Unm iAUNIIH. AUCTION NEW HOLLAND AREA FARM PUBLIC AUCTION 30.7 M/L ACRE LIMESTONE FARM MON., NOV. 6, 1995 Auction Time 1:00 P.M. Direction to Farm: From New Holland take Railroad Avenue North 27> miles, turn left on Linden Grove Road. Farm is on the right just before South Fairmont Road. Addreaa: SOI Linden Grove Road. West Earl Townahip, Lancaster County, PA. (TWO) 2/4 STORY HOMES HOUSE #1: is a log home. Downstairs has 4 large! rooms including kitchen with large eatery. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms and full bathroom. Attached summer house, oil hot air heat, never failing well, new septic system. HOUSE #2; has 3 rooms downstairs including large eat-in kitchen with wooden cabinets, upstairs has 4 large bedrooms, full bathroom. German & aluminum siding, oil hot air heat, basement, separate well and septic systems. LARGE BANK BARN • Approx. 42’x84’ • Steer bam • Several box stalls OTHER FEATURES • All acres tillable • Detached garage • Tobacco shed • Other outbuilding • 8 acre hanging capacity • Mature shade • Stripping room • Two wells NOTE: High producing limestone at a good location. Frontage on two roads. Be prepared to buyl OPEN HOUSE: Saturdays, October 21 and 28,1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Balance of farm may be seen anytime. For private showing, assistance to obtain financing, or free transportation to see farm, call Aaron E. Martin Auct. (717)733-3511. TERMS: 10% down payment day of auction, balance at final settlement on or before March 1,1996. Owner financing available to qualified buyers by prior written approval only. For financing details call Aaron E. Martin, Auct. at (717) 733-3511. All herein information Is believed to be accurate but is being used for advertising purposes only. Attorney; Michael P. Kane Auction By THE WEAVER HOMESTEAD (717)354-0402 ProUaabnal larun auction service 410 Watt Church Rd. Ephrata, PA. 17522 (717)733-3511 Ml Mil Real Estate offered by • Bam fully scaffolded auctioneering
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