840-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 23, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing’ Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication To settle the ring legally described ret . Auction. The sale will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 29,1995, at the St. Ansgar State Bank,. St. Ansgar, lowa. Property Description: The southwest quarter, (SW 1/4) of section fourteen, (S. 14) township ninety-nine north, (99N) range sixteen west, (16W) Liberty Township, Mitchell County, lowa L The Acreage May Be Sold Separately, Depending Upon Interest. TERMS: The Property Will Be Sold In An “As-Is” Condition, And Sub ject To Court Approval, With The Executor Reserving The Right To Refuse Any Or All Bids. AlO% Down Payment Will Be Due The Day Of The Sale, With the Balance Due On Or Before The Date Of Possession (March 1,1996) Bidding Procedure: Sealed bids, accompanied by $500.00 earnest money, will be accepted by St. Ansgar Real Estate until 4:30 p.m. Thurs day, September 28, 1995. (The day before the sale). ** Bid Forms are available at St. Ansgar Real Estate 4 " 11 Those parties having submitted bids, shall be invited to return to the St. Ans gar State Bank on Friday, September 29, 1995 at 4:30 p.m., at which time those parties will have the opportunity to increase their bids. For further information, examining the property or questions concerning the sale, contact St. Ansgar Real Estate. Estate of Blanche B. Newton. Owner St. Ansgar State Bank, Executor St. Ansgar Real Estate P.O. Box 219 St. Ansgar, lowa 50472 Dale Blakestad, Rodney Patterson 515-736-4501 In Stacyville see Joel Nickerson 515-737-2320 PUBLIC AUCTION September 30, 1995 8:30 A.N. Location: R.D. #l, McClure, PA, Mifflin County. Ttirn off Route 522 into McClure, at blinking light go west on Summit Road for 2 miles. Real Estate: 23 acres, brick ranch house, living room, kitchen, laige added room, 3 bedrooms, bath, attic, basement with finished apartment, hardwood floors, oil hot water heat, 2 wood stoves, new small bam with horse stables and other outbuildings. Collectibles: Wooden Rockers; Stands; Bookcase; Display Cabinet; 6 Pc. French Style Dinette Set/Hutch; (6) Plank Bottom Chairs; Desk; 5 Pc. Blonde Bedroom Set; 7 Pc. Single Beds Bedroom Set; Matching Coffee Table and End Tables; Dry Sink; Cedar chest; Drop Leaf Table; German Cuckoo Clock/Revolving People; Adv.; Lg. Kraft Shortening Can, Davidson Rubber Co. Syringe Box, German Beer Bottle/Porcelain Top, Garcia & Vega Box, Carlton Hotel Choc. Box & Goods Pota to chip Cans; JH Dipple Crock, Jug & 12 Gallon Crock Plus Others; Pickle Jar; Galv. Double Wash Tubs; Toys; Child's Shooting Star Sled/Back Plus others, Dolls, Doll Rocker, Chalkboard, Barbie dolls, Nylint, Tonka Plus asst.; Painted Milk Cans; 1 & 2 Man Saws; Lg. Asst. Wood Items; Records (Some Ist Edition, Elvis); Floor Lamps; Asst. Kero & Table Lamps; Hand Tie Quilt, Log Cabin Type & quilt Tops; Pictures & Frames; Lg. Amount of Glass; Blue, Green Amber, Cranberry, Ruby, Clear, Red, Pink, Milk Glass (Westmoreland, Fenton), Cape Cod & Smith; Candy Dishes; Jewelry boxes; perfume Spray Bottles; Quilting Frame; Pipe Rack; Bedwarmers; Wire Egg Basket; Lg. Asst. Baskets (1 Dated 1919); Glass Apples & Strawberries Sugar Bowls; Salt Dips; Goofus; Granite; Cast Iron Griswold #B, #9 Dutch Oven, Tiny Iron, Strainer & Lamp Wall Bracket; Beanpot; Hammered Alumn. Roasters; Buttons; Marbles; Avon; Green Chicken on Nest; Glass Carboy; Books; Plus. Household: GE Refrig./Frost Free Freezer; Signature Port. Dishwasher; Philco Elec. Stove; Uph. Couch, Loveseat, Rocker & Chair; Zenith Port. Color TV; Broth er Sewing Machine/Cabinet/Stool; Hammond Double Keyboard Organ/Bench; Single & Double Beds; Whirlpool Washer; Sm. Westinghouse Refrig.; Butham Jubilee Furnace; Record Rack; Asst. 8 Tracks; Coffee Trees & Cups; Mugs; Glass es, Dishes, Asst. Tins; Knife, Iron, Little Mac, Can Opener, Presto Popcorn, Hot Dogger. Heater; Milk Glass Type cookie Jar; Candle Holders; Glass Pitchers; Wood Shelves; Ice Cream Freezer; Bird Cages; Porch Swing; Coleman Stove; Military Sleeping Bags; Lanterns; Sm. Tent: Camp Cooking Kit; Canning Jars; Plus Much More. Tools: Cub Cadet 128 with mower; Reel Push Mower; 8' Truck Cap; Poulan 361 Chainsaw; Sm. Air Compressor; 3" Bench Vise; Misc. Lumber; Oil Pumps for Drums; 55 Gallon Drums; Creeper; New 36" Alumn. Door; Alumn. Chain Binders; Ratchet Straps; Grease; Bricks; Tin; Fork; shovels; Car Ramps; Roll Chicken Net ting: Chain Link Dog Kennel; Sm. Porta-Potty; (2) 30" Wood Doors; 6'x6' Alumn. Window; 4" Jointer; B&D Hedge Trimmer; Sander; Bench Grinder: Drills; Rock well Motorized Miter Saw; Bolts, Nails; Hand Tools; Tool Boxes; Saws; C- Clamps; Pipe Wrenches; Hand Bench Grinders; Plus. Terms: Cash or PA Check Only Real Estate: Offered 12:00 Noon, 10% Down, Balance 45 Days Note: Excellent glassware, very large sale, will sett at 2 locations part of the day. Auctioneers: Ken Smith ■ AUB67-L 717-837-3535 Dennis Hassinger ■ AU2689-L 717-837-3159 SAT. OCT. 21 - 7PM Feod or Cattle Sales. Accident, MD Friend's Stockyard. TUES OCT. 23 - 2PM 2 Tracts of Real Estate, Anti ques, Household Goods, Primitives, Tools. Located St. Ansgar State Bank P.O. Box 219 St. Ansgar, lowa Owner: Doris Sprenkle 717-543-5446 at 289 A A 290 A RaistviKe Turn West onto RsfeMHe Rd., Raictville/Heidetberg. Rd. to Properties on Left) Townshia Lrttanon Coun- A Worst Estate. and ty. PA. (Diractkins; Rl. 501 Vtetet Horst T. Glann Horst North of Schaefferstown, Aucts. Public Sale ' Of ANTIQUES COPPER, IRON & AGATE & WOODENWARE GLASSWARE & CHINA FRI., OCT. 6, 1995 AT 9:00 A.M. ■ Loc. 17 Horse Hollow Road, next to Sick man’s Mill, Marticville, Lancaster Co., PA (Dir.: Take Rt. 324 south of Lancaster to Marticville. Turn right onto Frogtown Rd. & go 2 miles to sale.) Food served. Sale by G.D. “Buck” Price Estate Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) PUBLIC AUCTION JOSEPH KINGSTON ESTATE REAL ESTATE - MACHINE SHOP TOOLS - FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - VEHICLES - GUNS-ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS Sat, Oct 14 & 21,1995 BOTH DAYS AT 9:00 AM LOCATED: 7 Miles east of Lewistown, PAoffßl. 322 at the Burnhan & Yeagertown Exit going west come off ramp to stop sign, turn right go 1000’ to stop sign & turn left, keep straight for Tlw mile, turn left in macadam road - Going East on 322 go off ramp & turn left & follow previous directions OR 8 Mile east of Lewistown on Rt 522 at Alfarata, turn west go to stop sign & turn left to Ist road on right - Watch for Signs! “THIS IS A 2 DAY AUCTION” SELLING SAT., OCT. 14,1995 9:OOAM TO BE SOLD 2ND DAY! SAT., OCT. 21,1995 9:OOAM REAL ESTATE - CONSTRUCTION & FARM EQUIPMENT - MACHINE SHOP TOOLS - VEHICLES - GUNS PARCEL A: 111.36 Acres of mountain land w/a 2 room cabin w/electric only. (Perculation passed for a on lot sewage disposal system). 1 Acre reservoir, timber wasn’t harvested for 20 years, deeded right of way ingress and egress to property. PARCEL B; 141 Acrew with 3 ponds (4 acres, 2 acres, & V: acre). 3000’ Road frontage, building sets private in macadam lane w/27: story log and frame house with 8 rooms, 2 baths, & Florida room, 1 car garage, 2100’ private PA Lie. Landing strip w/hang er, large block & metal garages & workshop, approx. 90 acres tillable & some wooded. TERMS: CASH, CERTIFIED, OR CASHIERS CHECK, DEPOSIT OF $20,000.00 PER PAR CEL DAY OF AUCTION, BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 717-543-5483 OR 717-242-1649 “OPEN HOUSE” ON REAL ESTATE ONLY SUNDAY, SEPT. 24, & SUNDAY, OCT. 8 - 10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT & TOOLS - CONSTRUCTION & FARM EQUIPMENT 1:00 PM - VEHICLES & RECREATION EQUIPMENT • 11:30 AM - GUNS & PISTOLS THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST OF THE SALE ITEMS FOR BOTH DAYS - WE WILL START PROMPTLY AT 9:00 AM BOTH DAYS! FOR COMPLETE LIST SEND SA.S.E. TO AUCTIONEER SELLER: Estate of Joseph W. Kingston EXEUCTOR: Linda L. Grumbine AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzal & Auction Service Francis Searer P. 0 Box 222 Emlgavilie, Pa 17318 717-764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Public Sale of ANTIQUE TOOLS POWER & HAND TOOLS FISHING EQUIPMENT ■ HUNTING SUPPLIES HOUSEHOLD GOODS Thur., Oct. 12,1995 AT 9:00 A.M. Loc. 23 & 25 Miller Street, Borough of Strasburg, Lancaster Co., PA (West of Strasburg Square, along RL 741) Food served. Sale by Jeanne Eicholtz Swisher (Formerly Mrs. John P. Eicholtz) Harry B. Yost, Esquire Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) REAL ESTATE CROPS TRACTORS FARM EQUIPMENT PUBLIC AUCTION 20 ACRE FARM M/L SAT., SEPT. 30, 1995 Auction Time 10:00 A.M. Real Estate 12:00 Noon Direction!: From Ephrata taka Route 322 Eaat through Hlnklotown, turn right on Farmaravllla Road (at Martln’a Bike Shop) go '/> mile to pro perty on right. Earl Townahlp, Lancaater County, 2Vz STORY HOUSE Downstairs: includes large eat-in kitchen with cabi nets, large living room, family room, wash house, enclosed porch. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms, large walk in closet, attic access. Full basement. BANK BARN Large steer pen and box stalls on lower level with attached 12’x22’ block buggy shed, cemented barn yard. OTHER FEATURES Fully scaffolded barn 14x60 stave silo Well water 30'x60' Implement shed • Lots of road frontage TO BE OFFERED AS 2 SEPARATE TRACTS TRACT #1 includes buildings with approx. 2 acres. TRACT #2 includes 18 acre field across Farmersville Road. Tract #1 and #2 will also be offered together. 18 ACRES STANDING CORN TRACTORS FARM EQUIPMENT CIUtZ 6806 Diesel on steel, plus full set rubber tires, Farmall 504 Gas on steel, Ml #323 1R Corn Picker, J.D. AW9’ Transport Disk, N.H. #520 Manure Spreader • like new, EflDl #l4O 3 bt. Auto Reset Plow, N.H. 350 Grinder-mixer, UL 456 4R Corn Planter w/Gandy Applicators. J.D. 3 Pt. 2R Cultivator, 3 Pf. Subsoiler, J.D. 7' Rotary Mower, 2 Row Transplanter, 3 Pt. Fertilizer Spreader, Dearborn 3 PT. 2R Cultivator, 8' Cultl-hoe, MJ. 14' Flat Wagon w/Sides on steel, 18- 4x26 Tires & Rims. 6000 Tobacco Lath - Troy-Bilt Rototillar Tobacco Rails - Spears, Shears, Pig Feeder, Pitcher Pump & Trough, Table Saw, 4" Jointer, Fence Posts & Wire. Lincoln 225 Welder. Homemade Swing, Cordless Drill, 3 A hp. Air Compressor, Firewood, Lumber, Elec. Heater, Crib, Sofa, Wooden Rocker, Dresser, Chest of Drawers, Refrigerator. NOTE: Total acreage zoned Ag. Tract #2 may have possibilities for a poultry facility and or building lot. Contact Earl Twp. with any questions concerning zon ing. Sellers will have a new survey done if Tract 1 and 2 are sold separately. Open House by appointment. For assistance to obtain financing or transportation to ace the farm contact Aaron E. Martin Auct. at (717) 733*3511. TERMS: 10% down paymant day of auction, balance at final settlement on or before February 15,1906. Attorney: Michael P. Kane Auction By John N. & Elsie Z. Zimmerman Apw Martin auction service Pialaatlonil auctioneering I 410 WMt Church Rd. J Ephrata, PA. 17522 (717)733-3111 Food By Fairmont School HUMMMI • 4 acres hanging-capacity • 18 acres tillable • Mature shade
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