Most people have heard about the adverse health effects of a high fat diet Many have responded by trying to eat as little fat as possible. But nutritionists counsel that while for most Americans reducing fat intake is a good idea—doing so is healthy only up to a point. People who go on diets as devoid of fat as possible run into a whole range of health problems including lack of energy, skin defi- BETH MILLER Cumberland Co. Correspondent SHIPPENSBURG (Cumber land Co.) Frazier and Sally Phillips have a beautiful garden these days, but they learned early on that, when it comes to plants, things don’t always go as you had planned. The Shippensburg couple found that out when they started their garden, which was one of the cen terpieces for the ninth annual Ship pensburg Garden Tour. Sally said the first packet of seeds they bought was labeled the “Monet garden” after the famous Frazier and Sally Phillips standing In front of their Monet Garden. ciencies, skin rashes, and worse, according to Scoot Murdoch, a nutritionist at Cornell University. Fats are an essential part of every living cell' in the body. So it’s important to eat some fats, espe cially those that contain linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids two fatty acids the human body cannot produce itself. Another problem with diets extremely low in fat is that they Shippensburg Holds Garden Tour French artist The seeds were from Monet’s own garden, and the planting instructions stated in detail where each seed was to be planted. “We were quite excited —a gar den like Monet’s,” Sally said. But things didn’t? work out as planned, she said. Everything grew and eventually became a tangled mess. “We still have many of the plants, but we had to separate and give away many of those original plants,” Sally said. She and tier husband still jok ingly refer to that section of their now luxurious garden as the don’t leave a penon satisfied after eating. The person is likely to go off the diet completely and go back to eating high-fat foods. How much fat is enough? How much is too much? The US Depart ment of Agriculture guidelines recommend that no more than 30 percent of the calories we take in each day come from fat and of that no more than 10 percent should come from saturated fats. This is still an excessive amount of fat for most of our population. Twenty to 25 percent is probably closer to what we should be striving for. However, slipping below 20 is questionable from a health standpoint For many of us it’s difficult to calculate the percentage of calories from fat for all the foods weeatina given day. It is important to eat in moderation those products that derive more than 20 percent of their calories from fat For those of us who typically eat “Monet Garden.” The garden they displayed on the tour is filled with sculptures that reflect the interest of Sally, who is a retired art teacher. The couple are avid bird watch ers and their garden sports several bird baths, houses and feeders. Their pool is shielded from view by a screen of hemlocks, rho dodendrons and azaleas. Frazier has a keen interest in square foot gardening and has dot ted the garden with herbs and vegetables. Another stop on the tour was at the garden of Dr. Lynn and Janet Adams. They have established a garden No hernia is unrepairable, even after several previous failed attempts. We specialize in outpatient hernia repairs, <md most patients are able to return to full work with-in several days : PLEASE CALL COLLECT OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION MID RTLRNTIC SURGICAL SERUICES 217 Harrisburg Avs., Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 (800) HERNIA 8 MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED 30 percent of our calories from fat, a diet that consisted of only the fol lowing foods would result in a too radical drop in fat intake: fat-free whole-wheat bread, fat-free salad dressings, fat-free cheese, skim milk, fat-free yogurt, skinless chicken or turkey breast broiled without adding oil, fruit (no pud dings. sauces, baked desserts or breakfast products, snack foods, or nuts). An example of a low-fat diet that is less drastic and still health ful is (this is as low-fat as a diet should be): BREAKFAST: whole-grain cereal with sldm milk, orange ffltflCAS & ALTH K '% in compliance with directives of the National Wildlife Federation that is attractive to small mam mals, birds, bats, butterflies, and bees. Bird and bat houses are scat tered about the garden, which is lush with wildflowers and perennials. The style of the garden reflects Janet’s former career as an envir onmental specialist at the nearby Kings Gap Environmental Educa tion Center. She noted that the wildlife gar den. which also includes fruit trees to supply food and lily ponds and bird baths for drinking and bath ing, is its own little habitat Cover for the animals is pro vided by a brush pile, evergreens and hollow logs, she said. Pests are controlled through natural methods and fertilizing is done organically, Janet said. “We hope to raise peoples’ awareness with our backyard wild life habitat” Janet said. “We want to show that a wildlife habitat can be anywhere in your yard, front back, or all of it” Her efforts have paid off, she said. “We have all types of birds: warblers, hummingbirds, finch Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products ■ • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil yf "// or Gas • Corning Catalytic Combustor Option Available on all Models Clyde K. Alderfer ■§* / Box 246, RD #1 l r gWi / Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 Adapts to any existing heat system (717) 539-8456 Installation & Accessories Available LOW, FIXED-RATE TERM LIFE INSURANCE Level Premiums for first 10 Years, GUARANTEED!! 10 YEAR R&C MONTHLY ‘PREFERRED” Premiums Male Rates (Female Less) Policy L 1665 For more information, call today: THE FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANY P.O. Box 225, Line Lexington, I*A 18932 1-800-699-TERM (8376) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 1995-821 juice, bagel with fat-free cream cheese. LUNCH: boneless chicken breast sandwich (broiled and served on whole-wheat bread with lettuce, tomato and fat-free may onnaise), salad with fat-free dress ing, tangerine, diet soda. SNACK: fruit, low-fat yogurt, or bagel. DINNER: pasta with meatless, low-fat spaghetti sauce, broccoli with lemon juice, whole-wheattoll with no spread, glass of grape juice, sherbet. The answer is not to stop eating fat completely, but to choose low fat healthful, real foods. and many more; skunks, green frogs, dozens of butterflies and a Cooper’s owl, which is rare to see,” Janet said. Other local gardens on the tour were the oriental garden of Esther Weaver and Robert Earner, which features an array of well-trimmed shrubs and figurines, a fish pond and a waterfall, and Wayne and Karen Beaver’s landscaped garden where the perennials and shrubs are arranged in a way that frames and highlights the house. Norman and Norma Bricker’s traditional garden includes pom poms and sculpted shrubbery, and vegetables, perennials and annuals to form the border for the yard. Tom and Kay Cypher’s garden provides privacy as well as beauty. Arborvitae and pine screen the back yard and a pond surrounded by hostas and spring flowers enhances one comer. The foundation of an old mill, a stream and a wooded area are key elements in the garden of John and Jennifer Taggart, which the couple is still developing. So far, they have planted in the mill foundation, created a wood land garden and planted peren nials, native ferns, meidiland roses and rhododendron. AGE 100,000 250,000 35 14.33 24.70 40 17.72 33.42 45 22.70 45.61 50 31.15 86.75 55 42.19 94.34
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