Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication TUES. NOV. 14 - Fed Cattle Sales. Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc. Exit 12 off 1-81 turn S. then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED. NOV. 15 & THURS. NOV. 16 - Large Two Day Sale of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. One Mile East of Marion along Rt 914, ’/. East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc tion Service FRI. NOV. 17-7 PM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, Pa. FRI. NOV. 17 & SAT. NOV. 18 - Martin's Annual Fall Auciton of Horse drawn carriages, sleighs and anti ques at Leb. Area Fair grounds, Leb., Pa. Martin Aucts. TUES. NOV. 21 - 9AM Quilt, craft & Buggies. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. TUES. NOV. 21 - BPM Feeder Cattle Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South - then EVENING DAIRY SALE Thurs. Evening, June 29,1995 7:00 P.M. Sharp Located 2 miles Northeast of Landisburg, on Route 74,15 miles North of Carlisle. 100 HEAD OF REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEINS Featuring 50 Fresh or Close Canadians - over 1/2 Registered - Sired by: Coun selor - Lincoln - Starbuck - Broker - Lindy - Astro Jet - Rookie and others. Special Mention: 3 yr. old Canadian bred Blackstar with over 200 BCA as First Calf - V.G. Starbuck Dam with over 26000 - EX Sheik Cr. Dam with 24000. Also a nice group of First Calf Grades - all Fresh and Milking well And 10 Grades - 2nd Calf Heifers - all picked from an overstocked Herd - Fan cy udders - Bred to A-I Bulls. And - 20 Head of Grade, vaccinated Heifers, from one Herd - from 6 month to shortbred. Nice well grown Cattle All Heifer Calves bom before Sale - Registered and Grade - wiH sell Ray McMillen of Loysville sends a group of Registered Heifers, from 1 Yr. old to Shortbred - Top Sires and Top Records on Dams. 3 Sei vice Age Registered Bulls And also accepting a few Top Quality consignments - Call for information. ‘■SSZSJy Sale Managed By: Kling's Auctions, Inc. Landisburg, Pa°i Lie. *O5OO Office Phone #717 789-3883 WSf MIDDLEBURG tts DAIRY SALES xS Fri. Eve., June 23,1995 7 PM Located at Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales Inc. along Rt. 522,3 mi. East of Middleburg, PA. DISPERSAL SALE FOR 808 SCHRADER 143 • PUREBRED COWS & HEIFERS • 143 74 Mature Milking Animals in Various Stages of lactation, 21 Bred Heifers, 9 Shortbred Heifers, 25 Breeding Age Heifers, Balance Yearling Calves. Fresh 9/14/94 5/6/94 3/3/95 1/31/95 12/14/95 2/10/95 12/14/95 2/19/95 Evelyn Ontario Rita Brittany Erma Misty Dornida Jessica Herd Average 21,827 lbs. 789 Fat averaging 70 lbs. of milk in tank. All classified. Sires to include: Enhancer, Bellwood, Conan, Encore, Vanquish, etc. If you need milk, don’t miss this opportunity! ‘ For catalogs & more information call C. W. Shirk 717-656-8793 or Middleburg Auction 717-837-2222 or 837-2512 Restaurant Open & Free Ice Cream Trucking i Motel Accommodations Available TERMS: Cash or Good Check Out-Of-State Checks - Certified or Bank Letter of Credit Harry Bachman, Auctioneer Donald Welch, Ringman John Burkett, Pedigrees Phone: 717-687-7475 left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED. NOV. 22-9 AM Quilt & craft. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jack son St.. New Holland, Pa. FRI. NOV. 24- 10AM Weekly Thurs Sale, 6 PM Feeder Cattle Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. FRI. NOV. 24 - I:3OPM. State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. DECEMBER SAT. DEC. 2 -Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. ot sale on left. Mel Hoover, owner. TUES. DEC. 5 -BPM Feed er Cattle Sale. Carlisle Lbs. 71 Lbs. Dry 100 Lbs. 98 81 114 82 95 Dairy and Livestock Sales Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South - then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED. DEC. 6 - 6:3OPM Winross Trucks & Toys. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. FRI. DEC. 8 - 9AM Farm equip, tractors & farm sup plies. A&C DiffenbachAuc tion, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. FRI. DEC. 8-I:3OPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Ale xander Spring Rd., 249-4511. TUES. DEC. 12 - Fed Cattle Sales. Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc. Exit 12 off 1-81 turn S. then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. TUES. DEC. 12 & 19-Goat & Lamb Sale. Receiving 9AM Christmas Sale. Carli sle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 off 1-81 turn S. then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. SAT. DEC. 16 - Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. Due 11- 6-20-95 5-9-95 5-9-95 9-11-95 5-6-95 12- 4-14-95 Slater Vanquish Encore Damion Bellwood Conan Bellwood Leader From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. ot sale on left. Mel Hoover, owner WED. DEC. 20 & THURS. DEC. 21 - Large Two Day Sale of Farm Equipment, SMITH BROTHERS DAIRY AUCTION Triangle, N.Y. (Broome Co.) Thins. Eve., June 22,1995 7:15 PM Auction to be held at Barn #2 on Eggleston Hill Rd. Tiirn off Rt 206 in Triangle to North St, go V« mile & turn to Eggleston Hill Rd. & go 1 mSe to farm. Triangle is S miles east of WP & 6 miles west of Greene 64 - HOLSTEINS - 64 51 Mature Cows. Herd has 20,345 RHA, 3.6%F, 3.2%P, Low Somatic Cell, DHIA - OS records. A great group of cows w/many Ist & 2nd calf cattle. Some giving over 100#. 7 due June & July; 11 due Aug. & Sept.; 12 due Oct; 7 due Nov.; balance in all stages. 13 real nice well grown Bred Heifers due July thru Nov. The Smith Brothers are eliminating Bam #2 and are selling a wonderful group of cattle-not the tail end of the herd. You will like these cattle. The Smiths are well known for their milk making abil ity. The cattle are Preg Examined and are Blood & TB Tested and are eligible for immediate interstate shipment eve of sale. Shots are up to date. PS - Don’t miss this opportunity to buy good replacements. TERMS - Cash or Good Checks w/Positive ID. Payment in full night of auction. J 8 OWNERS Smith Brothers MEL MANASSE Sales Managers & Auctioneers Whitney Point, N.Y. 607-692-4540 / 1-800-MANASSE MELVIN KOLB, INC. HERDS FOR SALE ANY SIZE NEXT PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY NIGHT JULY 6, 7:30 PM 150 HEAD SELLING AT OUR LANCASTER FARM Phone 717-569-6800 - Mel & Dennis Kolb 717-569-2106 Melvin Kolb Residence 717-393-7459 Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. One Mile East of Marion along Rl. 914. ’/. East Off Rto. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc tion Service. FRI. DEC. 22 - 1:30 PM State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. PUBLIC AUCTION TWICE A MONTH 500 Head On Hand • Fresh or Close Springers • Cows or Heifers • Grade or Registered • Stock Bulls Available Lancaster Faming, Saturday, June 17,1995-847 Notice!!! I Office Closed on \ Tuesday July 4 Auctioneers... Please Mail or Fax Public Sale Copy Early! Fax No. (717)733-6058 ; LANCASTER, PA r#
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