LIQUID MANURE HAULING ft PUMP RENTAL 717-867-5633 ALLEN FOX CUSTOM WORK 1 LIQUID MANURE HAULING Chisel injected or surface spread. Serving Cumberland, Franklin, Adams, York, Dauphin, Perry County & Northern Maryland LITTLE ENTERPRISES ' 717-776-3108 STOLTZFUS CUSTOM HARVESTING Big square baling with mid-size square baler. Up to 1200 lb. bales Combining with Maximizer combine. Will travel for acreage. 6lO/942-0239 NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 Tout Gooseneck Trailer w/Winch Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 Auker’s Custom Bagging Kelly Ryan “A tighter pack for a better ferment” Myeretown, pa (717) 988-5224 SMALL GRAIN FARMERS: inLKINSON FARMS, INC. wants to lurchase your straw. We are capable of fating large acreage FAST. Call (610) 174-8283 between 8:00 and 5:30; after i PM call (610) 274-2224 ask for Tom. Ray’s Hoof Trimming Service All hand tools used 717-432-3338 Bm services OFFERED PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING Ovar 20 years experience. Fast and accurate work. 70-100cow* par day. Inciaaaaa mHk production. Eaay and gsnHa on <ha cows and farmar. No farmer's halp needed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 717-755-0770 800-359-TRIM Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience Equipment disinfected between farms References Available (717) 927-9775 (800) 770-TRIM 8746 VMA CUSTOM. WORK Construction and Farm Equipment Welding, Re pair and Fabrication, Also Portable Welding Service. Reasonable Rates. Con tact Todd’s (610)756-6723. Custom Bagging, 6'&B' bags. 717/949-2366, 800/782-1757. Custom Bagging. Call Charvin Farm at (717)665-7471 or (800)352-3785. Cash dis counts available. Great Plains, 10' drill, no till or conventional, soy beans, small grains, gras ses. Renting available. Strasburg, Darrell Ranck, (717)687-7288. HERTZ-HAUL Liquid Man ure Spreading Services (il 0)286-9708. PLANTING COMBINING: corn, beans, prain. Silo filling roller mill. Cinders Bros. 717-872-8994. SEED CLEANING on your farm- soybeans & small grain. Newcomer Seed Cleaning, (717)653-4123. Custom Ag Begging Elam Rutt 6* and 8’ bags (717) 626-4072 CUSTOM NO-TILL PLANTING /|/** JD 750 15' Drill White 6100 6RN Uquid Franklin and Washington Counties 717-328-2336 OBERHOLTCER’S GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Vallay Vlow Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (610) 286-2062 Stover fIV Custom Spreadinj Gap Area Ph: 610-593-5866 Dauphin ay. Ph: 717-365-3294 FLAVOR SEAL ROUND BALE WRAP 1-MIL White UV Film A Proven Quality Film Par Roll Skid Prlca •20 X 6000 $58.50 (32 rolls) $57.50 •30 X 5000 $72.50 (24 rolls) $71.50 DANIELS FARM STORE 324 Glenbrook Rd., Leola, PA 717-656-6982 CUSTOM GRINDING PORTABLE TUBGRINDBR Torn Wood Waste Into Valuable Mulch Material 50 to 75% V tor hauling Lancaster Firming, Saturday, May 20, IMS-C3l CUSTOM Custom Round Baling Lee Martin (717) 284-4873 — i s LIGHT! Mai InstallatF Frr (n maili toll free; 00 532-0990 GREAT PLAINS 10’ No-till Grain Drill For Rent Contact Jay Hess 717-872-2732 Lancaster County Will also do custom work Brubaker’s Custom Bagging 6’ and 8’ bags Myerstown, PA (717) 866-6859 If No Answer (717) 866-9093 CUSTOM BAGGING 8’ rotor bagger Competitive prices Quality service DWAYNE LEININGER 717-948-9647 HELP WANTED Looking for farm work? The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau can computer-match your qualifications and experience to its members’ employment needs. No fee is charged. If interested, send self addressed, stamped envelope to: PFB, Ag Employment Opportunities PO Box 8736, Camp Hill. Pa 17001-8736 Must have minimum 10 years farm experience. Good mechanical ability required. Beef cattle experience helpful. Housing provided. Send resume to; 138 Quail Run Lane, Slippery Rock, PA or call (412) 794-5214 LIQUID MANURE HAULING AND PUMP RENTAL 610/286-0168 610/286-0706 BAGGING MACHINES • SILAGE BAGS •BALE WRAPPERS BUT - SELL - TRADE BAGGERS OVER 20 NEW MACHINES TO CHOOSE FROM 4 USED MACHINES TO CHOOSE PROM For Your Best Prices, Service end Quellty ADAM’S SUPPLY P.O. Box 821, Brownstown,. PA 17508 717-656-6508 WCi HELP Ml WANTED Diverse NJ vegetable oper ation w/retail focus on ur ban farm markets, seeks production assistant w/ farm equipment experi ence. (908)689-1641. EARN MONEY Reading books! $30,000/yr Income potential. Details. (1)805 962-8000 Ext. Y-4156. Full position, Fulton Co, PA, 80-90 registered herd, good wages, housing, re ferences required (814)685-3862 Fulltime tractor driver needed to operate modern hay equipment for hay sea son. Farm tractor driving experience required. Southern Chester County. (610)869-8765. Harvest Texas to Montana Need combine, truck and tractor operators Wheat and fall harvest. Must have experience operating trucks and farm equipment. May thru November FRANZ HARVESTING 316-227-7679.
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