C3O-Lancister Farming, Saturday, May 20, 1995 IQ FEED* SEED WANTED: Grain Bagging and Handling Equipment for Start Up Feed Mill; WANTED: Pregnant and Baby Goats for Petting Zoo. (607)359-3921. Want to Buy: Moldy grain, feed, or bi-products. (410)833 1 1847. Wood shavings (hardwood $1.25 per bag) call 717-647-4397. B|S| FERTILIZER Poultry Manure For Sale Also mushroom mulch & wood bark mulch for sale 717/354-4174 “Competitive Prices" • Ag Limestone ■ ■ w riw • Rock Phosphate HY ** • Calcium Sulfates 11 1 MAG Sales & Spreading Soil Testing Available ZIMMERMAN LIME & FERTILIZER (717) 733-7674 “Check Summer Discounts” PLANTS Orders taken for Fall Plants cauliflower, celery, broccoli, cabbage, etc Grown in float system greenhouse Amos K. Smucker, 114 Strubel Rd.. Strasburg, PA Want to Buy Type 41 To bacco Plants Call (717)872-5562 or 572-5114 Yellow Jersey Sweet Po tato Plants, $7/hundred Kreiders Mum Farm, Lititz, PA 17543, 717/626-6805 der Rd, Lititz, Pa. 17543 17) 626-6805 31Potted Mum Plants that can grow into bushel basket size till Fall, $1.25 each. June Special 5 dozen flats of mixed varieties $2O/flat. Call or write for wholesale prices on 12 flats or more. ATTENTION BUYERS & GROWERS AT THE SNYDER COUNTY PRODUCE OUTLET Located in Fort Trevorton, Snyder County, PA. g milea South of SeUnapove on Routes 11 ft 15 or 40 miles North of Harrisburg, at the Snyder County Produce Building. AUCTION STARTS S Thursday, June 1, 1995 at 8:30 a.m. yEvjfeDW and WILL HAVE AUCTION Every Monday at 12:00 noon and Every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Shore Farmers will be bringing produce early in the season. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL SNYDER COUNTY PRODUCE 717-374-0284 or 717-374-3793 AUCTIONEER ft MANAGER: Roger A. Lauver #AU-002634-L FERTILIZER UJ NURSERY HEN HOUSE FERTIL IZER, dry layer manure, spreader truck service available. 717/684-2490. Ufl PLANTS Hybrid Pepper Plants, Camelot, Marquis, Baron. Ready for spotting May 25. Call after Bpm, (609)881-5133. IRISES for sale (717)464-3682 ORDER NOW! Will grow Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cab bage transplants for whole sale accounts Large quan ities available. Grown in float system greenhouse. Delivery available July 5 and/or your schedule. Lan caster County, leave mes sage, (717)464-3700 KREIDERS MUM FARM Growers & Breeders of Hardy Mums NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE Azaleas, Rhodes, Flowering Trees Junipers, Arborvitaes. Call For Price Lists MASKELLS BOLL NURSERIES Salem, NJ (609)935-4675 WHOLESALE SHADE TREES 2-4” caliper, SSO-$lOO . Pin Oak, Red Maple, Sugar Maple 2V>" caliper pin oaka, 25 or more, $55 3” caliper pin oaka, 10 or more $75 Lowell Swenson Nursery 610/367-5039 ©M.H. MARTIN LANCASTER COUNTY, PA , (717) 738-1312 MUSHROOM MULCH-Delivered 100 bu. $75.00 300 bu. $llO.OO { 1200 bu. $210.00 I BARK MULCH-Delivered 5 yds. $140.00 10 yds. $250.00 15 yds. $330.00 (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave |l*| FRUITS Si ■■ VEGETABLES Approximately 290 perlite growbags for greenhouse production $4OO 080. Warren, (908)689-1641 WANTED: contract grape grower, $3,200/acre. Call Eric, Chaddsford Winery, (610)388-6221. Usl NURSERY 12' to 16' Douglas Fir For Wreaths, $3.50/each. Sheared Xmas Trees 6' to 8’ Douglas Fir, $6.00/each. Quantity Discounts! 717-758-9177 32’ ‘Care Tree' tree spade w/3 PTH, new style piggy back cylinders, excellent condition, $7500 080. Lancaster Co. 717/872-0755. Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. Carman's Coal and Mulch Pro (717)653-9580. ucts, Compost, $4O/cu. yd., large & small amounts. 717/354-3105 Lancaster Co. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477 FOR SALE: Pin Oaks, 13/.I 3 /.--3/.",2 3 /.", SSS-$B5. Aristo crat Pears, 13/.I 3 /. -3", $57-95. Autumn Blase Pears 2V4 -3", $B5-95. Bradford Pears 2-3’, $73-95. Euro pean Mountain Ash, 13/.I 3 /. -2'/i ”, $53-65. Bermu dian Valley Nursery, (717)292-6697. JANCO lean-to green house, Bxl2, aluminum frame, • $2OOO. 215-572-7700. Plastic Pots, gallon, 10,000 for sale, like new. 609/561-5279 s'-Bpm. TREE PLANTERS- 3 mod els, plant trees from 3’ see dlings to 10' shade trees. Rentals also available. Also Available: Tree Boss for B&B-a 1-MAN tree ' loading and unloading sys tem. TREE PLANT DE SIGN INC. RD Box 104. oIGN . J 1. ,yOX . „ New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-3515. Vermeer Tree Digger TS44A on 1968 Chevy 30, $6500. 215/885-1032. Front PTO Case Clutch Lever Assembly Hanger Brackets Lift Rod (2)Sets of Blades Manual. $450. (717)675-4820. Page Garden Tractor w/ Wisconsin AKN Engine, 2-Wheel Walk-Behind Tractor 3-Speed & Re ’ verse w/36*Blade, Wiscon sin Engine. Call to Discuss Price and Condition (717)888-4952 Gary. Bj lawns WKM GARDEN Red decorative patio blocks for sale, 12x16x2, $175/ea, Many available. 215-754-6298. Warehouse clearance on new Woods 3pt gear driven finish mowers, s'. only $1395; 6' only $1595. Lim ited supply. 717-445-4541. SERVICES OFFERED BACKHOE & DUMP sured. PA&MD. Call Jphn Lindinger 1-800-310-1015. CUSTOM AG BAGGING, baggers for rent. 8' PTO, 9' self-propelled. Serving Lancaster Co. & surround ing areas. 717/426-4919. Custom Hauling on Our Tag-A-Long Trailer, Load Capacity to 28,000 Lb. Please Call David at (717)875-4946. FULLER HOOF TRIM MING. 800 Creek RD., Carlisle, PA 17013 $B/cow, $3/wrap. 717-249-3174. Hauling w/24' rollback truck. Lavern Rutt, Mt. Joy, PA. (717)653-4725. Hauling with 26’ rollback truck. PA, MD, NJ, VA, NY. Lester Zimmerman 717/949-3582. Need a break! Relief milk ing. For rates and dates call (717)665-7471 Or (800)352-3785. POLLINATION | Tony B HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST. Wasps & Hornets. Venomous Insects. Honey and Bees wax. 1-800-47-STING Soybean roasting on your farm. Dale L. Schnupp, RD 6. Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-865-6611. TRACTOR/EQUIPMENT HAULING. Up to 18,000 lb. insured. PA&MD. Call John 1-800-310-1015. \, Will Do Masonry Work, also repoint old stone and brick houses, barns, etc. for free estimate call 717-445-5216. Announcing the Opening of Bio-Secure Ag Solutions Offering Quality Service and Fly Control, Pest Control, Fumigation, Fogging, Disinfecting. Insured Licensed Commercial Applicator. 17 Years Experience. Bio-Secure Ag Solutions Larry Weaver (717) 464-2688 BUD SHERIDAN ■EL LIVESTOCK HAULING ✓ Cattle Hoof Trimming '✓ Total Hoof Care ✓ Hydraulic Tilt Table ✓ All Hand Toole Mark W. Beall (301) 845- 4376 H SERVICES OFFERED ——JSSSSSS^ LIQUID MANURE HAULING 717-354-8232 Aaron M. Hoover CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING (215) 345-0897 laaaaaaaaaaaaaaßemi IPM Pond Mgmt Sludge Mgmt Manure Mgmt Erosion Control Site Assessments Stream Protection Land Reclamation Conservation Plans Government Permits (610--298-8073 THE JOHN METRICK COMPANY BACKHOE AND SKID LOADER WORK Farm or Contractor Kenneth G. Stoltzfus White Oak Road Christiana, PA 17509 610/593-2363 AG BAGGERS FOR RENT ; (1) B’Xlso’ OR | B’X2oo’ (1) 9’ MOTORIZED f Leroy Zimmerman MARIETTA. PA 717-426-4919 609 358-1281 800 320-6505
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