M Announcing A Public Auction _ . H SHORTHORN 'bftiiy Cows & |[| BULLS & FEMALES Heifers sat., apr., 8, 1995 " , I M TUSCARAWAS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Bought & Sold f a dovbr,ohio VrmAAim l M SHOW 11 A.M. - SALE 1:30 P.M. r reaiue f >< auctioneer - todd woodruff S. Smith j:j 703/639-2262 ||| * Alter SPM f { 703/382-0570 | ■ »■—.4 P" ELK CO. i\ \ SIMMENTALS i \ I Registered \ ► V Full-Blood f V * Simmental Bulls, j | Bar 5 Crown | Royal Bloodlines. \ u t'T' R .°..-. —... I >lO .M M Robert W00d*.—..—.... .. NewMartinivUle, WV £ TnmK, bmootn and i M June* Whitehlll Fermlly -...Georgetown, PA } Good Disposition % N catalogs on request: cirarr a john hively, sales, mgrs. f J M 47060 Hiecyßd. I (814)968-3184 or 1 U N.ww.^rdOH^s 1 Ml UMI -Am Jf H Phone:2l6-457-2033 f (814)9o5-B079 eastern ohio shorthorn assn. QUAIL RUN RANCH sth Annual Limousin Bull Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH • 1:00 PM Location: At the ranch near Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania (17 mi. N. of Butler. PA on Rt. 8, turn West on Branchton Rd and watch for signs OR take Exit 30 out of 1-79 or Slippery Rock Rd 108 and go East thru Slippery Rock 4 mi and watch for signs) PUREBREDS, FULLBLOODS, POLLED, BLACKS, REDS 52 BULLS: (32 Blk & Polled 15 Red & Polled) 13 FEMALES: Cow/Calf Pairs, Bred Females, Open Heifers 138 Quail Run Lane Ranch Ph: (412) 794-5214 Bill Dean, Show & Sale Cattle Evan Backhus, Herdsman f The Top Twolndexing Angus Bulls At (/ \ The PA BULL TEST i 4- ! DIAMOND DL CATTLE * Presents* i DDL DIAMOND PROSPECTOR 416 7 \ BW WW Milk Adg. Ratio A I +2.9 +2B +l2 4.99/D 133 * ] DDL STOCKMAN 430 f r BW WW Milk Adg. Ratio \ k +6.5 +26 +lO 4.80/D 128 7 \To be sold «t P*nn»ytv»nia'» 22nd Performsncs Tested Bull Sale M h Selling Friday, March 31,1995 al Noon in Pann Slate's Ag Arena 1 V For Information Contact: 7 r Darron L. Smith (610) 756-6001 A h (610) 756-3516 Fax \ ) - OR ■ <3 \ MEAT ANIMAL EVALUATION CENTER i \ (814)238-2527 Dairy Herd A & v* The following ✓ Opportunity to purchase complete herd!! ✓ Do you need 50 cows, and 40 heifers?? ✓ Top managed, excellent herd health!! ✓ Lebanon County -10 Year Established Herd!! ✓ 25 Projected Over 20,000 lbs., Several Over 25,000 Lbs.!! ✓ Average Age is 3 years and 11 months!! ✓ 3.8% F, 3,3%P, low SCC!! ✓ All Registered with Deep Pedigrees!! ✓ Sires and Service Sires Specialty Selected!! ✓ Over 93% Bom On This Farm!! ✓ Call Us For Details And Appointment!! Stonekirstßm Don Walk 1541 Lima Valtoy Rd., Stmburg, PA 17518 Ph:7l7-M7-7475 FAX: 717487-MM [j FEATURING - Breeding Stock, Two year old Bulla, Yearling j Bulls, Open it Bred Heifers, Many Show Prospects A CONSIGNORS *1 Blue Rock 5h0rth0rn5.............. Fair-All Farms.... ....... A MLB Ranch...- >4 Lionel Persinger....... *i Steve Dawson Hively's Highland Farms >3 Specht's Hobalara Farm 5......... >d G fe J Acre 5........— *i 10 M's Polled Shorthorns - > j Mark Oliver Mcßhaney Stock Farm............ A Moorcland Shorthorns >2 Red Valley Shorthorns. ► j Turner Shorthorn Seedstock... DonJc Craig Ulry Robert Bell Reid R0mme1....... Larry Roberta.. SELLING 65 LOTS QUAIL RUN RANCH Blue Rock, OH ................... Frazeysburg, OH Toronto, OH ... M .. M .. M ... M ....... N Proctor, WV ..................Frazeysburg, OH New Waterford, OH Sugarcreek, OH ..« Toronto, OH Woodsfteld, OH Guernsey, OH Hookstown, PA Decatur, OH Rayland, OH DeGraff, OH -...-....Johnstown, OH ....... Frazcytburg, OH ... Sherrodsvilc, OH .Proctor, WV Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Fax (412) 794-3278 (412) 794-6492 (412) 794-2393 K*f*| EXOTIC ANIMALS Afridan black buck, fairly tamed, nice horns, $lOOO. 610-754-6298. Chinchilla Herd: 75+ ani mals, mostly Holmes stock, gray, charcoal, bussey, black, white, mosaic, beige, pastel cages, rolls of wire supplies. First $2,500 takes all. Would like to sell all to one person, but will consider spliting herd. (717)957-2942 after 3pm. Exotics direct from the farm. African Pigmy Hedgehogs. Newest exotic pet in the country. Great investment, easy breeder, palm sized, easy care. Winding Creeks Farm, (717)865-4473. LLAMAS: crias, yearlings, geldings, bred females. Reasonable prices. Call for appointment. Smallcreek Farm 908/996-7744. White Tan Deer, (4) year ling buck, $4OO/ea. Taking orders for fawns. 717-354-6261. L™ (610) 868- II I 0186 Hi HORSES S ■■ MULES APHA Loud Sorrel overo gelding, foaled 4/17/03, 15H, $4500; 7 year old reg. purebred Arabian bay mare, broke western, very good reigning horse, $2500. 717/649-5006. Appaloosa Gelding, 0 year old, English or Western, very gentle, excellent trail or show. Asking $2OOO 080. 302/834-7422. HI HORSES A MULES leldini rear old quarter horse, black bar line, dapple gray and rides English or Western, $2200. 717-229-2754. 17H Standardised trotter, $B5O. Samuel F. Stoltzfus, 903 A Vintage Rd., Christ iana, PA 17509. (2) 4 year old geldings, 2 year old stud, top work horses. Omar Stoltzfus, 301 Frosty Hill Rd., Airville, PA 17302, York Co. (2) Belgian geldings, (1) kon,--asking W5O. New. red and (1) light sorrel, never used, Wintoc type Coming three and four year synthetic saddle, close old. Delivery available. os kln 9 $2OO. Bradford Co. (717)538-1771. 717-596-3401. Donkeys, Mammoth. Jen- 2 pair, Belgain work net 19 months. 2 weanling horses, field ready and jacks. Leesburg, VA, need work. John M. Kauff- (703)777-8373 man, 3500 Barnsley- Chrome Rd.. Oxford PA 19363 2 year registered Belgian stallion, red sorrel, light MTT, stripe, sire: Orndorfrs Congolaise Supreme. CORRECT PHONE NUMBER: 610-869-4477 8-B:3oam. 3 Saddlebreds; 6 year old sorrel carriage horse, accli mated ready to go, any body can drive, lots of snap; 4 year old bay, traffic safe i sound, lots of snap & ready for road; 5 year old sorrel, needs work. Ivan , Stoltzfus, 525 Furnace Road, Quarryville, PA 17566. 4-horse trailer, '93, bumper pull, 6xl6'. 6,880 GVW, torsion axles, 700x15 tires, NEW, many extras, $3,500/080. Bedford County, (814)784-3332. 4-horse trailer, 'B3, bumper pull, 7xlB'. heavy horse construction, tri-axle, 18,000 GVW, very good condition, $3,000/OBG. Bedford County, (814)784-3332. 5 year old trotting gelding, dean legged, and jogged everyday. $1,500. (301)898-7426. 6 Year Old Saddlebred, sorrel w/white markings, traffic safe & sound, big strong carnage horse, lots of snap, anybody can drive, ready for trips. 525 Fur nace Road, Quarryville, PA 17566. Morgan Mare lOyrs old, chestnut, excellent blood lines, proven broodmare, 15 H , $2BOO 080. 814/495-5402. Nice Gentle Mare Pony, 11.2 Hands, Brown w/ White Mane. $450. (717)933-8561. Percheron Thoroughbred cross filly, grey, 10 months old, excellent conforma tion, $1,600. Also regis tered Thoroughbred colt, 10 months old, flashy roan w/lots of chrome, excellent bloodlines, for race or show, $1,200 (717)665-6263. Registered Oocßar bred quarter horses for cutting or team penning. Jo-Lar Ranch. (301)698-0954. Reg. Percheron gray stud, 2 years old, 17VS H. Leo nard Kemper, 3331 Sykes ville Rd., Westminister, MD 21157 410-795-5173. Reg. T.B. Stallion, 12 yr. old, 16H, gray, great dis position, great cross for quarter horse mares, has sired race winners. Make offer. 610/683-5452. Saddelbred gelding, J years, carriage horse, 16.1 H, liver chestnut w/4 white socks and blaze, traffic safe, fancy horse, $2400. 610-754-6298. Sate; Buckskin Stallion sires foals with beautiful full manes and tails. 90 days professional training. No vices. Chester, (610)383-0861. Young female miniature donkey, $1200.00; Young male $400.00. Both regis tered parents, evenings or mornings 717-865-4360. A special bred Quarter/ Morgan foal, 2 years in July, needs training, excel lent for 4-H project. i g (717)665-4345. At stud 15H sorrel Jack. $125 (or mares, $2OO for Jennys, w/return privilege for the season. Elmer Click, 264 White Horse Rd.. Gap. PA 17527. Big 4 year old Clydesdale gelding, reg. purebred, well-mannere 610/488-6734. Black parade saddle, 3 rows silver diamond shaped studs, good condi- FOR SALE: 1979 bay Mor gan Broodmare, 17.1, ex cellent bloodlines, rides and drives. Meadowbrook cart also available. Call Sarah, (410)848-0290. For Sale: Miniature Horses. Dauphin County. (717)533-7051. Four year old, 17H, bay mule, works in lines, will make good lead mule. Six year old sorrell. Can de liver. (804)286-3353 VA, answering service Lancas ter County, (717)354-4374. Haflinger 2V4 year old gelding, $l5OO. 6KV754-6887. HORSES; Walkers, Spot ted. Mountain Pleasure, Racking. Ortho-Flex Tack dealer. Used horse, stock trailers. SPOTTED FEVER FARM (717)582-7831. Horse Walker exerciser needs motor, out of estate, $5OO. (301)898-7426. Mammoth Jack, black w/ silver tips, produces excel lent riding and light draft mules, quiet, 6 year old. 6:30-9:ooam, (717)528-8170. MILL RUN CARRIAGE Re storing and manufacturing carts, carriages, coaches to your specifications. (610)273-9665, RD#2, Box 7J, Mill Rd.. Honey Brook, PA 19344. MINIATURE DONKEY TALK MAAZINE. Fun. in formative reading. You’ll love it) $2O/yr. 1338 Hughes Shop, Westmin ster, MD 21158 MC/VISA 410-875-0118 Miniature Donkeys for sale. Miniature Donkeys: 2 Jacks. 1 gelded, 2 years old, must go together. Very tame. You haul. sBoonegotiable. 717/244-0561 after 4pm. Miniature and small pony carts, harness, miniature horses. 717/442-9248 leave message. MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce . RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 (717) 949-3246 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1995-C23 Reg. Haflinger Yearling FHly $l,BOO ' 2 Year Old Reg. Stallion & u $1,300 Call Alvin for Information (717)768-3106 v \>oad of from Tennessee 3 to 5 Years Old, Can Be Seen At The Jonas Blank Farm, White Oak Road, Paradise. For more Information call (717)768-3506. Ask for Dave. Financing Available. CLYDESDALES STALLION SERVICE NUMEROUS GRADE CHAMPION AWARDS BAY, 4 WHITE LEGS, 18H Mares and young stock for sale LIBERTY KNOLLS FARM LLC Gene Emswller 10702 Maplevllle Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-416-0015 (tjL KELSO MULES*}) Big draft mules for sale Broke ang green broke. * Hauled in weekly from Kentucky. Delivered to your farm. Guaranteed Sound. Johnny Kelso ft Sons Rt. 7 Box 383 Murray, Ky. 42071 502-435-4229 Between 6:30 AM-8 AM K & K HORSE SALE Fredericksburg, PA March 25th Directions 1-78 to Exit #l, Lebanon Valley Livestock Market, Next To Esther’s Diner on Old Route 22. New and Used Tack 2 PM Horses 6:00 PM Information 717-334-7282 Steve Day Of Sale 717-865-2881 Regularly Scheduled Sates Will Be Held The 4th Saturday Of Each Month, 4/22; 5/27; 6/24; 7/22; 8/26; 9/23; 10/28; 11/25 SPECIAL SALES • OUTSIDE Truck & Trailers 2PM Tack to Follow Horses 6PM April 8-May 13 ROCKING "K" STABLES 117 Paradise Lane Australian Saddles Ronks, PA 17572 and Oilskin Coats, Lancaster Co. Tack & Horse Supplies (717)687-8408 Hitch equipment BEE TRAILERS Compare Price and Quality before you buy! Featuring Affprdable Horse & Livestock Trailers Custom Built The Way You Want. • All Trailers Include: Complete trailer steam cleaned with acid solution. • All seams and trim .totally sealed, inside and out • 2’ treated, #1 grade wood floors • Stainless steel hinges • 3 coats primer * 3 coats acrylic paint • full under coating. ,„rrs i „%n , i' f t> L ■' H - Four horto dint load w/drtaalng room «nd roar tack area Oocatnackor Bumi lPtfPull TWo Hoim with »It otmTm room 'Tmlar «rr Two through •IShthorM modala availabla Stock
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