C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1995 Mute* ■ 1 Pr. Molly Sorrel ■ 1 Pr. 4 year old Molly, sorrel $3,500 ■ 1 Pr. 5 year old Jacks, 16.3 H, broke ■ 1 Pr. 8 year old Molly sorrel, $3,250 ■ 1 Pr. 5 year old Molly sorrel ■ 1 Pr. 3 year old Jacks, black, 17H ■ 1 Pr. 3-4 year old Jacks, 17H, broke Plus some singles Check our prices before you buy Ben K. Kauffman Park Road • Honey Brook, PA 19344 610-273-3082 Call Between TAM SAM Vi MULES U m FOR m wS SALE *■ 1,2,3,4, year olds Broke and Unbroke 16 & 17 Hands from Vernon A. Cornett Please call between 11:30 & 12:00 Noon Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shirktown Rd. Narvon, PA 17555 Ask for Ivan 717/445-5956 /q'o'n /tTSN /fTtj'i /S"cT\ /'ffa'i /S'o'i /'3"q' , \ /ITq'n /iTo'i /iToN /fToN | WANTED l^aj S gg op sS spj HY-TECH Mushroom §§ oo 2 jSj. West Grove, PA 19390 ® || /SjT'i fltF) fit!*) (&) /lOT) fiiß} /$jT) /'CF'I /iTo^ BIG DRAFT MILES • 1 Pr 17-3 H Sorrel mares, 5 yrold, Broke The Best • 1 Pr 17H blonde, 4-5 yr old, Broke-will work anywhere • 1 Pr 16H, 6-7 yr. old, used for ride farming, out of Canada * 1 Pr 17H blonde, 3 yr. old, Jack's Tenn. Broke, fancy &good Good Single Mules on hand - Ready for the plow When Shopping For Mules - Check Ours Last. PAUISHER MEL’S STABLE WORK HORSE, MULE & DRIVING HORSE SALE nil 1 - 10:30 A.M. SAT. HORSES HITCHED AT 1:30 A.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT 134 WALLACE RD.. NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS: FROM RT. 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, GO SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE., GO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD. TURN LEFT ON HILL RD. PROCEED 1.2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD., 2.S MILES TO HILL RD., RIGHT ON HILL RD. TO SALE ON LEFT. Com* and driva tham youraatf. Bam opan on Fri. March 31 from 9:00 A.M. till dark. MEL’S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE - BOMB - 717-354-8307 BARB - 717-354-8431 AUCT. MEL HOOVE* AUOO3IIIL not uaroNanui ro* accidents FOOD ON PRBMiaBa Next Horae Sale April 22 L 1 - J JL THINK SPRING! )L Mules for sale, W ready for the plows 1 I Pair Sorrell 5 year old Jack & Molly, 16 2H, broke & acclimated I Pair Blonde Sorrel 5 year old Jacks, 17H, broke & acclimated I Pair 3 year old blonde Sorrel Mollies, 16.1 H, broke, a well-matched team • 1 Pair Sorrel Jacks, 3 & 4 years old, full brothers, 16.3 H Several single mules ready for work. Also, new work harness in stock made with belting, soft but tough. Stephen G. Lentz 305 lona Rd., RD 1, Lebanon, PA 17042 Leave Message 717-273-1584 BUY OR RENT (717) 299-3721 JL MAPLE m* LEAF matiw farms • 1 Pr. Sorrell Molly Mules, 16.2 H, 6 & 7 yr. olds, broke • 1 Pr. Gray Molly Mules ■mV 5 yrs. old, 16.1 H, broke • 5 Saddlebred 2 yr. old geldings, big & fancy Several other young horses, several pair to choose from Bill & Judy Cochran 2664 Highway SIN, Jontsboraugh, TN 37659 (615) 348-8864 »(615) 348-7893 IU SHEEP & GOATS YEO FARMS CUOB LAMB SALE LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST Saturday, April 22,1995 Judging: 9:45 A.M. Sale: 1:30 P.M. at the Farm in Lowellville, OH □ PICK A WINNER at Club Lamb Sale featuring outstanding club lambs from a flock with a proven show record. □ JOIN THE FUN I Test yourself against the competition Register by April 10 YEO FARMS 2704 Bedford Road • Lowellville, OH 44436 For more information call: (216) 536-6531 or (216) 536-8585 Empire Spring Classic SHEEP SHOW AND SALE May 12 & 13,1995 NY State Fairgrounds, Syracuse All breeds plus colored sheep and market lambs Junior Show - Youth to 21 years. For entry information Keith Stumbo Box 121, Honeoye, NY 14471 (716)367-2775 Entrlat dote March 25,1995 U!| SHEEP & Hampshire Club Lambs, ewe lambs and ram lambs. Many sired by Choma ram. Choose your 4-H and FFA Club lambs now while selection is at its best. Rea sonably priced. (717)292-2587. Professional shearing ser vices, 1-4 shearers, 2 shearing trailers, wool classing, specializing in med. to large flocks. 814-344-8659 Purebred Nubian Goat Kids. PA's top DHIR milk ing herd. 3000-4000 lb. lines. C.A.E. free. 610/296-0463. Purebred Hampshire breeding stock, lambs, yearlings and brood ewes. Top bloodlines with proven production records. David and Barbara Lytle. 610-255-5048. Sheep- Romneys & cross breeds. Goats: Alpine cross, buck kids. 717/927-9629. WANTED: Commercial ewe flock(s). Some footrot OK Harford Co., MO, (410)836-2308. Yearling TUNIS Ram lambs. Old-style. Out standing genetics (Hillis). We saved the best and ate the rest. Don't wait until Fall Buy a quality ram now $lOO. Dauphin County, (717)362-3634. IIU SHEEPS WKM GOATS 8 week old Pygmy male goat, $9O; (2) female Nu bian Himalayan goats, $75 each. 717-229-2754. American Alpine Buck, top show lines with high pro duction available, $4OO. Buck* 215/536-1161. Dorset X Finn (November) ewe lambs from acceler ated lambing flock, $7O/each. Dauphin County. (717)362-3634. SWINE Registered Hampshire boars. Eight months old. Todd Cauffman, Miller stown, PA. (717)444-3232. WANTED to buy or rent: large, gentle boar, 9001bs. or more for farm exhibition 4/20 thru 6/20. 201/285-9299. York Boars, $250. Bred Gilts, $l6O and up. Com mercial Gilts $5O -$l5O. Call Ken 717-637-0192. Young Yorkshire boars ab out 250 lbs. $l5O. Christ iana. Lancaster Co, PA. (610)593-6275. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 615-364-7050 Yorkshire and 3, ft YorkXHamp Gilts, £ ft Gilts $40.00 Over * ■y Market Good 5 7 Selection, Lean, £ 7 Heavy Muscled, v 7 We'll deliver to you. \ 7 GIVE US A CALL! \ WILSON YORKSHIRES S. AND HAMPSHIREB JL R.D. 2 Box 210 £ New Freedom, Pa. 17349 i. 717-235-3478 1 FOR SALE Duroc, Yorkshire, Spotted, Chester, and Landrace boars, and open gilts Bred gilts on order. CALVIN H. LAZARUS & SONS Hampshire service age boars and open gilts. DONNA & J.C. STRAWBRIOGE Validated free herds. Delivery available 4290 Bridge Street Whitehall, PA 18052 (610) 799-3375 farm (610) 799-3831 mkt. Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W Hall, RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844. Centre County. (614)355-1647. ffZZZZZZZZXZZZZXZZZXZZZZXXZZXZZ22» M PA STATE SHOW AND SALE RESULTS N M We are extremely pleased with all the people who showed interest tj H in our breeding program. M I) A special thanks to the purchasers of the Grand Champion Duroc H M Boar. Grand Champion Hampshire boar &. Grand Champion M M Hampshire gilt. H M Bred gilts on order, boars ready to work and delivery available M before field work begins. M h HOLLOWAY DUROCS h Vi 717-235-6966 U H CALL DAVE M ttzzzzzzzzxxzzzzzzzzzzzzxxzzzzzzzil Bennecoff's Hogs. 4-H Project Pigs. Boars and Gilts, Hampshires, Berk shires, Poland China. Ser vice Age. 610-285-6582, 610-285-6581. sssnsssxx JJJSXXSXSSXXSJSSSSXSS* For Sale | Stress Free Large Whlte-Chester White, Durocs &|| Chester White Boars & Gilts! These Boars are very [ aggressive and will have backfat figures. Can Deliver J Jim Parlettft Son [ SSParlettßd. [ Alrville, Pa. 17302 } 717-862-3610 [ The Pig Of Tomorrow at Our Place Today! 40 Years _ f Landrace of Tested P ur ° c u . Genetics Pj/lyL Large Whites da—Bgarara F 1 Crossbreds MBAfS BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Csrtmsd Brucsllotis and Paaudorabias Fraa Hard Reno Thomas Park Thomas Mark Stehr (717)658-5821 (717)658-6544 (717)658-7007 RD #l, Box Beavertown, PA 17813 HOG FARMERS: We offer the largest selection of performance tested and high health breeding stock available Yorkshire • Hampshire • Duroc • Landrace • Hybrids THfIM€S B€ND P€NN Home Of "Stein ” genetic* from Cenedi ’• Lergeet Registered end R.O.P. Testing Operetlon v RAY BOLL OR RAY MEYER OFFICE 717-295-8791 ' PA 800-732-0467 P. 0. Box 4366, Lancaster, PA 17604 Ray 801 l Ray Mayer Reaidenca 717-656-0613 • Realdanea 717-294-6010 Home OHlce 717-949-3361
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