T e■> V Farm for sale by owner: 110 A, 70 tillable, remain der woods and gullies, 32x50' 2-story barn w/well, IBR house w/heated shop. Near Dundee, NY $130,000 neg. 607.-243-8335. Farmland Wanted To Rent: In Lancaster or York County 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. Finger Lakes Region NY' 300 Acre prime vegetable ground, ample water for ir rigation, planning, cultivat ing and harvesting equip., grating and packing lines, storage buildings and load ing docks, owner will con sider managing position Phone owner 716-554-6713 or 716-394-3743 FOR RENT 170 Acre Or ganic Farm Large two story Farm House and sev eral out buildings- barn, composte shed, orchards. Good for horses. Call Qual ity Management Group, 610-944-8130 Fruit Farm for Sale, Finger Lakes Region, 117 Acres, consisting of several variet ies of apples, grapes, some woods, 2 barns, ask ing $179,000. Call Carol Mack Realty 315-536-7474. FULTON CO., PA' 209+A farm w/2 farm homes, PA bank barn, double 3 milk ing parlor, numerous other buildings, all excellent con dition Mostly all cleared ground, pasture and tillable 105+A mountain ground Excellent hunting, small game, Turkey, Deer, oc cassional bear JE KELSEY REAL ES TATE Contact Dave McLucas 717-328-5629 Harrington, DE 80+ Acre Working Dairy Farm w/ House and Barn, Excellent Soils, Development Poten tial, Close to Major Urban Areas. $225,000 (410)819-8140. Hog, beef, grain farms for owner/operators or invest ment (515)484-3248, or wnte Twin Cities Real Es tate, Box 114, Toledo, IA 52342 HUNTINGDON CO 11 01 open acres fronting on Rt 35 in beautiful Shade Valley Permits for standard septic system and highway access in cluded Lots w/woods and small streams also avail able WEST REAL ES TATE AGENCY. INC Please call 717/987-3395 today for prices and addi tional information LEASE Dairy Facilities Feed would be furnished. 150-200 head facility 200 freestalls (804)374-8575 Looking to Lease: 3 or 4 responsible adults looking to exclusively lease farm or piece of land for deer hunt ing Call Jim, (908)754-6489 Operating Dairy Farm, Tie- Stall Barn, Three Bedroom Home, 140 Acres Owner Wants to Retire Location Central NY Cayuga County, Classic R E (315)253-8491 or (607)749-5018 PRIME NY HUNTING LAND, Allegany and Steuben Counties Priced to sell 40A, 4x4 trails, paved road frontage, will divide. $24,500; 88A & 90A parcels, both having fron tage on abandoned Twp. road, and cabin shells at base campsite, $4OO/A Serious buyers only please, contact. Resources .Consulting, 716/593-5075. Prime 105 acres, 88 till able, bled, road frontage on 2 highways, 1 w/natural gas Located in Northern Yates County, NY, $130,000 315/789-8141 RENT Dairy Facility 52 be stalls, heifer housing, man ure storage, silos, pasture for grazing, pipeline milk ing system, good milk market Schwenksvtlle, PA, (610)754-7542 WEEKEND RETREAT: Charming chalet located in PA country hamlet 3 hrs. from Lancaster. 29 wooded acres w/meandering streams. FAMILY/ CORPORATE RETREAT: Manor house nestled on 17 acres in the Endless Moun tains of PA, neighboring Eagles Mere, spendid! $675,000. Peggy L'Heureux Real Estate, Williamsport, PA, (717)326-6541, (717)546-8225 Working Dairy Farm, New ark, NY. 300 A, well drained, Ontario loam, good well, 4 ponds, 70 stanchions, pipeline barn, 39 free stall heifer barn, harvestores, concrete silos, 1 or 2 houses Machinery & cows op tional 315-331-1284 or 716-526-6557 Wyoming County, PA' Farm for sale by owner 184 acres, remodeled house and barn, privacy, woods, stream and open fields Great for horses and beef $210,000 (610)395-6554 YES, WE HAVE FARMS FOR YOUII LOWER SCHUYLKILL. COUNTY 36A, wooded, pasture, pond, stream, springs, house, barn, outbuildings PINE GROVE AREA 123 A, fertile fields, rolling meadows, house, barn, pond. RINGTOWN. 84 acres of beautiful land, large home, stable,'barns, etc Call agents for details and appointments. COLDWELL BANKER HIGGINS ASSOCIATES Mildred Yasenchak Clark Keefer Helen Miernicki 717-622-7776 SOUTHERN VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE AND LEASE Freddie S. Smith 703/639-2262 703/382-0570 after 8 pm 200 Sow Farrow to Feeder Pig Operation in Snyder County. House and barn w/outbuildings and 5 acres w/option to lease 40-50 acres tillable land. $210,000 717/658-4641 Thinking of marketing your farm? You mod to mi on tha axparlanca o( Horry Zlmnwman lor profaaalonal confldanUal torvlco. SpodaUzlng Hi tax dalarrad axchangaa. TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 717-299-4885 OFFICE 717-355-2048 HOME 1-800-472-2641 717-575-2542 CAR PHONE LANCASTER CO., PA Manor Twp., 30 Acre Farm, 25 Acre tillable fenced pasture w/stream, Modern farmhouse, 2 car garage/shop, 2 bams, an implement shed, hog pen. Can be sub-divided. Call Jeff for Details. f|CLOVsR,..c. Am Kon 600 F. Eden Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 Office (717) 560-9495 FAX (717) 560-9611 BRADFORD COUNTY FARM 150 Acres, New Mobile Home and Large Bank Bam Ideal Beef or Horse Farm, Improved Blacktop Road (717) 549-5618 ATTENTION We purchase small or large tracts of land. Are you thinking about building lots, subdivision? Call: Bob 717/653-1523 717/397-7101 JERRY FREY REAL ESTATE Unique small equipped restaurant and 600-2000 sq. ft. of retail and office space available. Prime location. Downtown Lewisburg, PA (717)523-8484. barn, 28x60'1 story office w/ separate apt. built in 1987. Beautiful setting, Owner financing possible, Sub division possible! $289,000 Chip Stanilla (717)270-4246 Remax of Lebanon County BHLttTITteQ WANT TO SELL? • 3J% DISCOUNT COMMISSION. • PRIVACY PROTECTED. * PROPERTY SHOWN ACCURATELY Obviously, wo art different then typical brokerage companies. FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE OWNERS. BtHtfontt 0mct41V3554500 State College Otftca4l4-231-1540 Lock Havan OWca-717-74M500 MINNESOTA FARM 312 acres, 291 tillable; in Lake area of central Minnesota. Corn, soybeans, wheat. Good schools and churches, Low cost of living. Shaded area suitable for large house, barn and outbuildings. Great hunting and fishing. Priced to sell $239,000 (717)394-2042 days (717)394-1433 even! ngs ★★ A TOP Wisconsin Dairy Showplace Offered For Sale ★★ Are you looking to buy a SHOWPLACE for a high quality dairy herd? An existing unit that is well designed, in Excellent condition and ready for you to move in? This is it! We are offering a 135 cow dairy setup that includes a headquarter unit and two additional building sites, all located on 301 acres. There is an adjoining 115 acres of crop ground available by a special low-cost lease arrangement; all set in a prime location in the Eastern part of Wisconsin. The three sites currently house 300 head of cattle and is host to one of the top 15 BAA’s in the country for holstem herds over 95. Over $750,000 invested in improvements over the last seven years. Can be split. ASKING PRICE: $900,000. Cattle, machinery and feed also available. For a full detail brochure, call 1-414-923-9180. Ask for Jerry. CATALOGUE #7777 (NO BROKERS). Franklin Co. 68 Acres of Gentle Rolling Farm land with small stream and lots of road frontage. Perfect for a veal, poultry or hog operation. Fulton Co. 108.59 Wooded Acres with Cabin & Well. Ideal for a hunting Club or weekend Get-A-Way. 100 Wooded Acres-Perk approved-Perfect for your A-Frame or recreational retreat. 68 Acres-with Bank- barn-Milk house and silo. Perk approved and lots of road frontage. Wooded lots from 3.89 Acres to 5.03 Acres. Perk approved $17,775. to $22,250. Only minutes from I-70-Approx. 100 miles from Washington- Baltimore-Harrisburg Area. Lawrence Stauffer iPhone: 3QI-733-3701 or 717-597*2584 Heyworth Realty So. York Co. 31+A Horse Farm Remodeled House, Ring, Stables, $269,900. O’Conor Piper & Flynn 1-800-888-1323 Ask for Pat Unverzagt BERKS COUNTY 48 acre farm 3BR 1 % bath farmhouse, 4 bay bank barn, detached 2 car garage, stream, pasture, ideal location-much road frontage. $199,500 Terms 8 acre farmette, 2 ponds, some - woods, rest tillable, new 3BR 2 bath, 2 car garage rancher, heat pump, C/A $169,900 Land for sale-52 acres some woods, $3,000/acre, nice view, lots of road frontage Blue Marsh*33 acres farm land w/stream, super view $4OOO/acre Both Tracts Ideal For Horses or Building etc. Call (610)670-0010 or (610)478-8418 Lycoming County 90 Acres+ farm consisting of 60 acres fruit; apples, peaches, nectarines, tart & sweet cherries, apricots, plums, pears, grapes & raspberries. U-Pick, retail/ wholesale business w/900 sq. ft. fruit stand and display area. 2700 sq. ft. greenhouse. Large bu. capacity coolers, storage and sorting rooms. Large bank barn. 8 room house. Never failing stream for irrigation. Excellent family business with room for expansion. Includes 60 acres of high tensile fencing. Could be converted to dairy or other type operation. Will sell with all machinery, equipment, fixtures and inventory. Financing available to qualified buyer. Owner Selling due to poor health Reply To Box R 2 Lancaster Farming PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Farm For Sale 180 acres, 100+/- tillable, 3 silos, 40x80 machine shed with other outbuildings, 28 tie stall barn, 57 head free stall shed. 'All milking equipment still in the barn. 2” SS pipeline, all milkers, everything ready to go to work. Big 2-story brick home, excellent condition. 814-847-2402 (leave message) 500 Acr» Dairy Farm Bordaring 3,000 Acraa of Stata Gama Landa: 36’xlSO' Bam with 70 Tie Stalls, De-Laval Pipeline, Enclosed Spreader Area, 40'x130' Bunk Silo, Outdoor Feed ' A Bunk, Heifer Bam with new electric, and water bowls, Partially « Remodeled 4 bedroom, I bath home with separate mobile home lot. Quiet Dead End Road Location. Asking $194,900 ISO acraa, 125 tillable, Balance woods. Bank Bam with 55 Tie Stalls, Nu-Pulse Pipeline, 2 Bulk tanks, Large Pole Bams for round bales, 3 bay heated shop/garage Other outbuildings, Big Ole Victorian Style Home with 5/6 bedrooms #. that needs some TLC (well OK. major surgeiy) But it does have Owner Terms with around $35,000 down Asking $109,900 290 acres, 190 tlllabel, 30 acres Paddocked for rotational Jk ' grazing, Gothic Arch Style Bam with 69 stalls, 3 box stalls, 17 stanchions for heifers, 70’x46' concrete barn yard w/Virgima MU. s, y'e meter bam ' Bou-Matlc pipeline, 800 gal Bulk Tan\ 2 silos Nice 4br 1 bath home Asking $144,900 or may be ej9 porch w/Cattle & Equip .M RUSSEL J. FINLEY Kuml fropenits. Farms Jk BROKER • OWNER Ktlldtnlial, Sulinrii jl w\ey \ ' y( * ( * 24 Hour Phone # 315-393-6325 207 Montgomery St • Ogdanshurg, NY 13*49
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