What a rude awakening. “Be aware if you’re on your way to work,” said the perky announcer’s voice on the radio,” that there are spots of ice on roads at higher elevations.” Half-awake from the clock radio, the sky still midnight-black outside the bedroom window, I snuggled deeper into the electric blanket and pondered just how cold it was. In contrast to the cozy down stairs woodstove warmth, the ther mometer on the lack porch regis tered a brisk 35-degrees. Down in the colder area of the meadow, breaking daylight showed a frosty coating on the big, round hay bales lined up there. MINI AIR VALVES LTV-125 MV-15 A Completely Integrated Modular System with Advanced Engineering Features 9WR Now...from Arrow...the TRI*STAR Modular System...a space age answer to compressed air line needs. TRI*STAR is a completely integrated modular filter regulator and lubricator system. Each unit is a tour de force of engineering and performance that offers complete adaptability to single duo trio or more system applications Equally unique to TR*STAR engineering and performance is...TRI'STAR flexibility. • A screwdriver is the only tool needed to connect units. Halfway through my toasted English muffin came the second mental jolt of the morning. Antifreeze, noted the television news reporter, is already in short supply, selling for as much as 80- percent over last year's prices as people hurry to stock up. Noooooo! I wanted to protest. But, like it or not, facts are facts: it was time to winterize. Encouraged by the gorgeous, sunny—and wanner —afternoon, I took the first reluctant step toward “winterizing”. Lowering the storm window. Which means washing windows. Cleaning the windows of our century-plus old farmhouse required the single-minded deter- Mead Light Touch Valves (LTV Series), are compact 1/8" ported 4-way valves needing only 0.010” of stroke and 4 ounce of force to activate. Mead Microline Valves (MV) are miniature 1/8” ported 3-way pilot valves that eliminate the need for electric switches LTV and MV valves offer a wide choice of actuator styles Beiler Hydraulics 252 N. Shirk Rd. New Holland, Pa 17557 (717) 354-6066 mination of a charging bull and the balance and flexibility of an acrobat. Bulk of the job can actu ally be accomplished easily in an afternoon. It’s my attitude adjust ment about it that takes longer. Years ago, we insulated our old, multi-paned, wavy-glass win dows by in installing triple-track type storm windows. Their layers of glass and screens are designed for easy removal for cleaning at some handy place, like the kitchen sink. But, due to where some of those windows are located, the layers can’t foe taken out; thus it is our window washer that ends op in the kitchen sink. Just behind the sink is my pri mary “window on the world,” from which much of the farm is visible. Because the window sill lies several inches below the counter’s splash back, none of the storm windows can be removed for cleaning. So, the glass and screen panels have to be raised and lowered a couple of times to reach all the inside and outside surfaces of three separate layers of window. And the only way to do that particular window one is by stand ing—literally—in my sink. Even more challenging is the window directly behind the stove. While the outside panes of the “sink” window are accessible NOVA High Flow - Fast Response N2-DC The Mead Nova Series represents state-of-the-art valve design at a remarkably low price. These 1/4" 4-way directional valves have a single bonded rubber spool which travels less than 1/16th of an inch, assuring long valve Ife and easy maintenance. It is a mere 3” long, Cv = 1.0, and can be used either inline or stacked. The Nova comes standard with dual exhausts and manual overrides. j TRI»STAR MODULAR SYSTEM • SERIES 5 VALVES Box 56 RRI. Atglen, Pa 19310 (215) 593-2981 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 22, 1994-B5 from the back porch, the outside, upper glass layers of the “stove” window are nearly 20 feet above ground, accessible only with the aluminum extension ladder. The insides of that window, however, can be easily reached. Just by kneeling on the stove burners. Preferably not while something is cooking. It always takes about two win dows before I get the proper rou tine of raising and lowering sec tions to reach the most glass with the fewest trips inside, outside, up and down the ladder. After all that, washing the other half-dozen windows on the main floor are a breeze. In the process, I find and remove several dozen spider Raising Responsible Teens BROOKVILLE (Clearfield Co.) Plan to attend “Raising Responsible Teens 1994: The Communication Connection.” This national video conference on talking with teens will be down linked on Wednesday, October 26, from 8:30 to 10;00pm. Location will be the Quiet Lounge of the Hiller Building, on the Dußois N2-PB webs—a few with residents— dried bits of houseplant leaves, miscellaneous nuts, bolts, nails, various decorative items and the cat’s favorite superball. Every fall I dread it. And, every fall I’m equally pleased with myself over the results of window “winterizing.” Clear, clean glass has replaced the dusty screens, making the beauty of the October landscape outside even more brilliant. And smack in the middle of my now-clean “win dow on the world” is a trio of squirrels, hogging sunflower seed from the feeder I’d filled while returning the extension ladder. Wonder if these furry-tailed little beggars could be trained to wash windows? Campus of Penn State. “The Communication Connec tion” will focus on talking with teens openly and honestly about the problems they face and, most importantly, what they want from the adults in their lives. The intent of this video confer ence is to provide an opportunity for parents and other youth-serv ing personnel to discuss with teenagers the issues that teens are confronting every day. The pro gram will be moderated by a teen and will feature panels of teenagers from Wisconsih, Colorado, and New York. The panels will talk to viewers and answer their questions. This broadcast will feature teens talking about the things they need from parents and adults, and is intended to help adults better understand the chal lenges and choices confronting today’s teens. Primary issues to be discussed will include communica tion, dealing with peer pressure, setting rules and limits and the importance of emotional support. To register contact either the Clearfield office at (814) 765- 7878, or the Brookville office at (814) 849-7361. OUTSIDE wood HPP FURNANCE Hot Air and Hot Water Domestic Hot Water Chuckwood Sales and Service (717) 532-5820 WOODMASTER the Right Price” E. WEAVER KITCHENS Custom Kitchens, Vanities and Counter Tops 20 Years Experience New Holland, PA Elam Weaver-Owner 717-354-7257
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