838-Lancast*r Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. OCT. 8 - 9AM Estate of Anna B. Phillips, 1 mile S. of Domsife, Pa. along Rt. 225, JacKson Twp, Northumberland Co. Approx. 14 miles S. of Sha mokin. Mark J. Jones, allots. SAT. OCT. 8 - 9AM Spring Glen Greenhouse, RD 1 Box 872 MaiUnsburg, Pa. On Hickory Bottom Rd., between Curryville and Woodbury, watch for signs off Rt. 866 in Curryville. Ralph R. Shdffy, auct. SAT. OCT. 8 - 9AM, Anti ques, HHG, Shop Items, Coins, Guns. Located 641 PUBLIC AUCTION COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF KSC (former JR Opp Co.) Machine Shop Equipment, Inventory, Tools, Heavy Equipment, Trucks, etc. (Owners sold property makes sale necessary). On premises 3 miles E. of Muncy, PA; 1 mile W. of Clarkstown, PA; along back road from Muncy to Clarkstown (Lycoming County). SAT., OCT. 15, 1994 STARTING 9:30 AM MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT, WOOD EQUIPMENT, WELDERS, ETC. Cincinnati #5 12’ x 1/4 brake; Cincinnati Bickford S’x3l” radial arm drill press; lots of mortised taper bits up to 2 1/2”; Lehman #25 24x144” engine lathe: Lehman #2O 20”x60” engine lathe; Reed-Prentice 16x48 & 16x60” engine lathes; Warner Swasey #5 turret lathe; Cincinnati #5 20”x80” vertical mill table; Van Norman #2 12”x4’ horizontal mill; Gray double housing planer; Niagara model KLB B’x3/8” sheer; Scotchman #6509-24 ironworker & dies; Racine hyd. reciprocating sheer cutter; power band hacksaw H”x20”; Ultra-Graphy copy torch; 2 Miller CP3OO mig welders both like new; 2 Hobart Beta Mig LF welders, 1 w/alum gun; Thermal Dynamics Pak SXR plasma cutter; Miller 200 amp AC/DC welder. Peer 92 spot welder. Miller MP 65 E 250 amp mig welder w/boom; 2 Miller arc welders; Union Carbide mig welder w/boom; Acetylene torch sets; hard facing torch set; extra tanks; 5 real heavy welding tables; 2 metal layout tables; 10 ton porta-power; 3 large pedestal grinders; large tool boxes; 4 wheel carts; ETC. Chicago 5/8” drill press; several drill vises; elec, wiring table; airless paint sprayer outfit; several 10’ sections roller tables; ETC., ETC. WOOD EQUIPMENT: Tannewitz, 16” table saw; Dewalt 14” radial arm saw; B&D 10” radial arm saw; Dewalt 8” radial arm saw; Crescent 8” jointer; dust blower; Boice Crane 8’ wood planer; Rockwell 24”x16” 1 side wood planer w/7 1/2 hp motor, set belt & disc sander; quantity of rough lumber; Milwaukee mag drill; 3/4 & 1/2” air guns; air grinder; air chisels; air drills; hyd hose crimper set; large vise; Nation air oil pump for SS gal barrels; lots of oils & greases; lots of parts inc. pto, air line, lights, etc.; elec, motors; quantity of steel racking; kero & LP heaters; large quantity of bolts, washers, parts, etc.; bar clamps, handyman jacks; lots of chains, binders, etc.; chain hoists; quantity of wrenches, tools, etc., elec, motors up to 10 hp; fuel tanks up to 1000 gal.; quantity of overhead bridge cranes; large quantity of metals inc. flat, channel, angle, sheet, bar, etc.; quantity of scrap; LOTS, LOTS MORE. Heil 14’ model RT-150 gas all terrain forklift, 15,000 lb. dual fronts; Clark #5 forklift, hard rubber, 12’ mast; TCB gas forklift, hard rubber, 12’ mast Hyster4ooo lb. 3 stage 16’ forklifts side shuttle, hard rubber doesn’t run; AC 12’ forklift, hard rubber; wagon chassis; several 8’ metal truck or trailer beds, new; new Rugby 9’ flat truck bed; 2 wheel elec, dump trailer; sth wheel plates; 6 cyl. gas engine w/trans; IH 1600 truck tractor; Ford truck frame, rears, sth wheel, fuel tanks; Wamer-Swasey lathe for parts; cutoff saw for parts; elec, bridge crane; utility body; quantity of office items, including desks, file cabinets, refrig., micro wave, table, blueprint cabinet, etc., etc. HEAVY EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS, TRAILERS 84 Cat D-4E crawler w/6 way blade, ripper, power shift, HOPS canopy, 50% btm; 79 JD 850 crawler w/angle blade, ROPS, 85% btm; only 400 hrs on major engine work; IH cab & chassis w/38’ double pivot extendable boom crane, winch, Lincoln 200 SA gas welder, torches, utility body; 74 Ford LN9OOO tractor-truck, twin screw, 350 cummins, 13 spd RR, 11:00-22.5 rubber, wetline, ready to go; 10’ low sides tandem axle trailer custom built, nice; 69 Miller 15 ton tag-along tilt trailer 10:00-15” rubber, pintal hitch, air brakes; 40’ flatbed trailer, sliding tandems. Auct. Note: Everything sells to the bare walls, many small shop tools & Inventory sell not listed; plan to be here. Terms: Cash or good PA check day of sale. Out of state check must have current letter of credit guaranteeing funds addresses to KSC. Owners KEPNER STEEL & CONSTRUCTION (717) 546-3397 Conducted By Aoetfon Cor RO#4 Muncy, Pa. • Lie. «RY7IL • (717) 546-6907 White Oak Rd., Strasburg, Pa. Take Rt. 222 So. Of Lancaster Turn East At Prange's Gas Station Go 1 Mi. To Sale On Left. Own ers, Prank & Susan Patter son. Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts. SAT. OCT. 8 - 9AM 629 N. Holly St. E-town Mt. Cal vary School, Cars, Baskets, Quilts, Winross, Keter & Shaffner aucts. SAT. OCT. 8 - 9AM Real estate, household goods, antiques, riding mower, tools & car. Located turn off Ofegon Pk. Rt. 272 at Landis Valley Mennonite Church on Valley Rd. turn FORKLIFTS, ETC. Lunch Available right on Kissel Hill Rd. go 1 mile N. to 190 E. Oregon Rd. (Rt. 722) Manheim Twp. Lane. Co, Pa. By John M. & Emma Landis. Robert E & Jeffrey R. Mar tin, aucts. SAT. OCT. 8 - 9AM, 2V4 Story Stucco Dwelling, Real Estate, Antiques & Household Goods. Located At 310 South Spruce St, Lititz. Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By, Margaret B. Workman. Horst Aucts. SAT. OCT. 8 - 9:3OAM, Dairy Cows, Heifers, Horses, Mules, Farm Machinery, Some House hold Goods. Located Along Homing Rd.. Off Hollander Rd., IVi Miles South Of New Holland, 3 Miles North Of Intercourse, From Inter course Take Hollander Rd. To Homing Rd. Turn Right First Farm, From New Hol land At Getty Station Take Diller Ave. Onto Hollander Rd. To Homing Rd. Turn Terms By, Paul & Kal Left First Farm, Lane. Co. Stoltzfus. Snyder's Auctii Watch For Sale Signs. Service. PUBLIC AUCTION Dundalk, MD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, AT 9:30 AM MACHINE SHOP Due to discontinuing business the following equipment will be offered: Includes: 4 lathes. Bridgeport mill, 2 moogs, bandsaw, air compressor, inspection equipment, drill press, bench mill, various stock and numerous tooling. Directions: Baltimore Beltway 695 to Dundalk ealt-41 Core Rd to first light Rt. 151 North Point Bird, make a left go to next light make a left (at McDonalds) onto Old Battle Grove Rd. to next left onto Old North Point Rd. to first right Into Monument Industrial park to 3982 old North Point Rd. (rear of building) Signs will be posted. MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT: Monarch 15"x30” Tool rm lathe. Clausing 12”x24” Engine lathe, Hardings Cataract Bench Lathe (2), Bridgeport 9"x36” Vert. Mill, Bench Model Vert. Mill. Craftsman Drill Press, Powermatlc Band Saw 14” Throat, Ingersoll 10 HP Air Compressor, 2 Bridgeport Moogs NC Mills, Granite Surface Plate. 24" Heigth Gauge. 12” Helgth Gauge. Gauge blocks, l’-6” Micrometer Sets, 5 Bridge Port 6” Vises, Hardings 5-C Collet Sets, Index Attachment, Carbide Insert Cutters, Various Boring Bars, Bridgeport Boring Head, Various large taper shank drills and, reamers, many box lots of: Lathe Tools, Endmllls Drills, Taps, and Reamers. Many machinist hand tools, starret indicators, C-Clamp assort. Air Hose. Tool Boxes, Cabinets, Shelves. Office Desk, Filing Cabinet, pedestal Fan, Drafting Table, 4" and 8” Lighting Fixtures, Various Sheet Metal, Stainless Round Stock, Various Angle, Alum, Round and Angle Stock. 1/2 Ton Chalnfall Hoist, Elect. Motors, Hand Power Tools, 4’ Kick Shear, Surface Grinding Wheel Assortments, and a lot more. NOTE: Sale starts 9:30 a.m. Machines will be offered at 11:00 a.m. All this equipment has been well maintained. TERMS: Caah/Approred Check Refreshments and Lunch will be served. 5% MD Sales Tax NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. JIM BEAVER, AUCTIONEER (410) BS7-9SSB PUBLIC AUCTION SALE 6.3 acres FARM 6.3 acres Auction Date - Thursday, September 29, 1994 6:00 p.m. at farm Open for inspection September 24, 1994 1:00-3:00 p.m. LOCATION Stone Quarry Road, Leola N.E. Lancaster Co., Penna. DIRECTIONS: From intersection of Rls. 772 4 272, Brownslown. travel one mile south on Rt. 272, turn left on Stone Quarry Rd. to farm ('/. mile). Seller: David M. Weaver encourages you to prepare to buy on sale date. The circum stances are in your favor. See your lender now. The farm was under lease lor several years and will be vacant (or inspection. Here's a comfortable brick and sided (arm home having a large Family size kitchen, dining room and parlor, 4 bedrooms and full bath. There is also a 14 x 18 arch cellar (or (ruit storage. A hand dug well, cesspool drainage, attached IV4 story summer kitchen (poor condition). There are 6.3 acres including a large 42 x 100 bank barn with room (or 5 acres ot tobacco, granary, hay and equipment storage, lower stables (sturdy built), 2 story chick en house (poor cond,), carriage shed-equipment garage. This property is just right (or raising cattle and horsesl With the large garden and fertile soil, your family could eat well and enjoy a little profit several ways, enjoying the outdoor Country Life and utilizing the land potential. Terms 10% of selling price deposit required, the balance on settlement on or before 1 -2-95, Our Auction Day prices, whether higher or lower than any appraisal, are the truest value. Auction conditions and agreement prepared and presented by Attorney Charles H. Benner 200 E. Main St., Leola, Pa. 656-4201 PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES & CAR 5 1 /* ACRES M/L w/STREAM ZONED R 2 & AGRICULTURAL SALE FRI., SEPT. 30. 1994 At 4:00 P.M. Real Estate at 6:00 P.M. Located 2 miles Southeast of Reamstown, turn off Hahnstown Rd. on Red Run Rd., left on Steffy Rd. to sale at 1120 Steffy Rd., East Cocalico & Brecknock Twp. Land in E. Cocalico Zoned R 2, land in Breck nock Zoned Agricultural. 2'A story dwelling, slate roof & siding, kitchen, laundry, dining room & living room, 2nd floor 4 rooms. Full basement, no central heat, well w/hand pump. Open for inspection Sats., Sept. 10 & 17 from 2:00 till 4:00 P.M. or for appointment call 768-8895 after 4:00 P.M. 10% down day of sale, balance on or before Nov. 30,1994. Property is handyman's dream. Come see for yourself. Household Goods- Round oak pedestal extension table w/2 boards, old kitchen cabinet, small oak table, 'A doz. plank bottom chairs, oak, & press back chairs, dresser, oak side board w/mirror, cedar chest, 3 metal wardrobe, roll-a-way bed, iron bed, 2 ker osene heaters, 3 chest of drawers, small Westing house refrigerator, agateware, some glassware, tin ware, com dryer, milk strainer, old hanging light, hanging scales, peach baskets, wire egg baskets. Hand Tools- Saw buck, table saw, small iron pump trough, iron hog trough, shovel harrow, single trees, harness, halter, check line. 19*4 Ford Escort Station Wagon, 4 cyl. auto, floor shift 53,600 miles. Terms by RUTH GREEN EXECUTRIX FOR RAYMOND L. KEIFER ESTATE Aucls. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Randall L. Ranck Linda Kling, Atty. for Wentz, Weaver & Kling No Out of State Checks Refreshments Available AU-001275-L PA. AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS Uctnttd ft Bondtd Sine* 1974 717-354-8453 PAUL K. LANDIS & FAMILY 49 N. Farmersvllle Rd. Ephrala, PA. 17522
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