824-LancMter Firmlnfl, Saturday, September 24, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M of each week’s publication SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM, Farm Machinery, Antiques, H H. Items. Located 104 Cowpath Rd., Telford, Montg. Co., Pa. Directions: From Rte. 113, VJ Mile South Of Souderton, Take Cowpath Rd , West 2 Miles To Auction Site. Ralph D. Freed, Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24 -9AM Farm machinery, antiques & col lectibles. Franklin Co 2 mi. S. of Upton, Pa. at 9841 Letzburd Rd. L.T. Cobb, owner. Edgar Stull, Lynn Dietrich, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24-9 AM, Real Estate, Antiques, House hold, Garden Equipment & Hand Tools Located In The Village Of Richfield, Pa. (Juniata Co.), Turn South Off Routs 35 At The County Line Restaurant And Go 3 Miles To The Vil lage Of Fogle Hill In Fogle Hill, Make A Left On Road To Oriental And Go 2 1/2 Miles To Auction Site 't » COMPLETE LIQUIDATION AT PUBLIC AUCTION of the RETAIL OPERATIONS and CUSTOM MILLWORK SHOP 2J2AXS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1994 at 5 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1,1994 at 9 a.m. 301 NORTH RALEIGH STREET • MARTINSBURG • WEST VIRGINIA (Exit Either Exit 12 or 13 off Interstate 81 and Watch for Signs) NOTICE: Having discontinued operations in their retail business as well as their custom millwork shop, THORN LUMBER COMPANY will sell the following: H} ' **S mm »■’ ' m in ■ • ■***■ : Assorted lumber including hardwoods, poplars; oak; maple and birch; various pressure treated lumber; framing lumber; 1 and 2 inch rough lumber; 1 inch boards; fence posts; risers; approximately 10,000 feet of assorted pine and oak molding; door and window extension molding; assorted plywood, Masonite and Homasote; over 5,000 feet of old style moldings; porch rails and post; (300) 8 foot wooden fence panels; (70) assorted Peach tree windows; window and door grilles; window screens; louvers and vents shutters; roof molding; shingles; rolls of plastic; felt paper; ceiling tile; interior and exterior prehung doors; assorted bi-fold and passage doors; garage doors; brass hinges and other related hardware. / / '*/ TERMS include cash or approved check with positive identification required for registration. Not responsible for accidents. 0 Cochran ThomME ffi James G. Cochran Auctioneer/WV 423 Watch For Auction Signs Day Of Auction. Owners, Charles C. Knouse. Roger A. Lauver, Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Cavey's Annual Consign ment Auction, Held on the Cavey Farm located at 3410 Old Hanover Rd., Union Mills Md., S miles S. of LiWestown, PA and 6 miles N. of Westminster, Md. off Rt. 97. Jijn Beaver, auct. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Estate of Melvin E. Bing man, Tools, Guns, House hold. Located VA miles N: of Reedsville, Pa. at the intersection of Overhill Road and Church Lane. Guns & Train, household & furniture, lawn & tool items. Mark Glick, auct. SAT. SEPT. 24- 9AM 829 Disston View Dr., Lititz (N of Airport) For Mr. & Mrs Paul Snyder, Furniture, antique dishes, toys, & appliances Keller & Keller aucts. < ■ i . m&. »r p* : v COMPLETE INVENTORY OF RETAIL HARDWARE STORE Assorted paint and finishes; door and knob sets; Stanley hand tools; electrical parts; sealers and caulks; weather striping; Minwax finishes; door track and rolls; steel shelving; wheelbarrows; plumbing supplies; storm door hardware; cabinet jewelry; boxed nails; bolts; nuts; screws and lags; joist hangers; post rests; paint brushes and rollers; dowel pins; paint mixer; paint shaker; flashing; spouting parts; staples and staplers; key machine and blanks plus many other items found in the retail hardware operations. CUSTOM MILLWORK MACHINERY AND TOOLS Tos Kurim 4 head molding machine, s/n 225 203 (1976); Truswall floor truss machine; Northfield 3/4 inch shaft shaper with 36 by 32 inch table; Wysong | mortising machine with 42 inch table; Shop Smith wood lathe/saw; Powcrmatic wood molder/trimmer; Rockwell 5-63 24 inch wood planer; Crescent/Rockwell 12 in. jointer with 7 foot table; Burlington 24 inch drum sander; Delta 6 inch jointer; Rockwell 12 inch disc sander; Rockwell 6 inch belt sander; Thor double end grinder; Delta 10 and 12 inch arbor saws; Dewalt 14 inch radial arm saw; Delta 14 inch bandsaw; CM. Diehl No. 75 power rip saw, dust collector tank and blower; Chicago pedestal drill press with morse taper spindle; Belsaw saw sharpener; Fletcher glass cutter; assortment of wooden work tables and other millwork equipment and tools. LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES TRUCKS 1988 GMC 7000 with 16 foot flatbed body 1986 GMC BRIGADIER with 24 foot box body Selling FRIDAY EVENING: Inventory of Retell Hardware Store Selling SATURDAY: Custom MlllworK Machinery & Tools, Lumber and Building Supplies and Trucks AHCnWMM A MNCMm m. PTVfnMitl CflMtiwttii (MhMtrisl fapl|HMot tocttoMifß I 7704 MipMNt M, P.S. ta Bt, iMatam, M fITtMSa (901) 7NOOSI • THmCK(Mi) l-NI-51i'2044 MX: (9011499-9*44 With Offlcat In Boonaboro and Hagaratown, Maryland I PLEASE CUP THIS AD FOR IT WIU- APPEAR ONLY ONCE . 9’ -*»s «»t - SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Fur niture, antiques & collecti bles, pottery, glassware & china. Located 2 miles W. of Middletown, Md at 2650 Old National Pike (Alt. Rt. 40), Frederick Co., Md. James G Cochran, auct. SAT. SEPT 24 - 9AM Paintings, antiques, toys, personal property. 140 Murry Hill Drive, Lane. Pa For Mae B Denlinger Penny packer-Andrews Auction Centre, Inc. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Spring consignment auc tion of farm equip. Located 12 miles N. of Lewistown, Pa (Mifflin Co.) along Rt. 522 at village of Wagner. Blaine N. Rentzel & Assoc., aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM, Farm Equipment, Antiques & Law Books. Located N From The Fogelsville Traff ic Light On Rt. 100 For 1 Mi. To The Next Traffic Light, Turn W Toward Apple Wood Onto Mohr Lane, Travel 2.2 Mi. To Farm, Weisenberg Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa. Owner, Mrs. Har old (Arlene) Kuhns. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co Inc. SAT. SEPT. 24-9 AM Train collection of Gary Gill. 4 miles N. of Lewisburg, Pa. Turn off Rt. 15 at West Mil ton Exit (Rt. 642) turn W. continue 1 mile, turn onto Milroy Rd., Vi mile to sale site. 19 miles S. of Wil liamsport, Pa. Gary Gill, owner. Mark J. Jones Auct. Service. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Tools, antiques, watches, household goods, mowers. Next to Pottslown Honda Autos., 3387 W. Ridge Pike, Limerick Twp„ Mont gomery Co. For Dorothy Ewing. Nelson C. Weiden baugh, auct. SAT. SEPT 24-9 AM Anna M Smith Estate, Real estate, JD “M" JD “B" trac tors, farm equip, bel-saw machines, antique, house hold. In Hamilton Twp., Adams Co. at 760 Berlin Rd„ New Oxford, Pa. From Rt. 30 at Cross Keys, take Rt. 94 N 1 mile, turn left onto Berlin Rd., 2 mile to sale site. Dennis J. Plunk ert, auct. SAT SEPT. 24 - 9AM, Val uable 30 Acre m/l Farmette With 2 Dwellings, Antiques, Furniture, Tools, Glass ware, Car, Tractors & H.H. Goods. Located At RD#2, Box 368, Lincoln Highway, Parkesburg, Chester Co. Pa. From Route 30 & Route 41 In Gap Take Route 30 ) East 2Vt Miles To Property On The Left. Watch For Signs. Auction Conducted For. Erma M. Myers. Barr 4 Davis Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Real Estate, Shop Equip , Glas 4 Related. 31 N Center St., Gratz, Pa. Of the late Marlin Heim. Traveling N. from Harrisburg on Rt. 225 to Millersburg turn E. on Rt. 25 to village of Gratz From Rt. 81 exit 34 West on Rt. 25 to Gratz. June I. Heim, owner. M.O. Wirt, K.L. Erd man, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Household goods 4 anti ques, tools 4 woodworking machinery. Located along Lancaster Ave. in Martin dale. Terms by Noah N. Zimmerman. Paul W. 4 Leroy S. Horst, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24-9 AM 1954 Ford FI Pickup, antiques, HH goods, tools. From PA Rte. 443 take PA Rte. 163 S. 2V4 miles to Lutz Valley Rd. (at Car Wash) turn right, and proceed miles to auction on right. For Martha Fessler, estate. Robert W. Derfler, auct. SAT. SEPT. 24-9 AM, Uni versal Surplus Equipt. Co. Auction. Chambersburg, Pa. Call For List. Keny Pae Aucts., Harrisburg, Pa. 717-236-3752. v*' ' * dtht d ■ Lr^g SAT. SEPT. 24 - SAM Fine antiques, household goods, antique signs, guns. Held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the cor ner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd. (approx. 2'/> miles W. of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. Horst Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9:3OAM, Farm Equipment, 7 HP Troy Built Rototiller, Tools & Misc. Items. Located Turn Off Rt. 183, I'/. Mi. South Of Strausstown PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY & PERSONAL PROPERTY FRI., OCT. 7, 1994 10 A.M. Loc.: 381 Bethesda Church Rd., West, Holtwood, Pa. Take Rt. 372 West of Buck app. 5 mi. turn right on River Rd. to first lane left. TERMS BY* BENJAMIN H. & RUTH METZLER Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts. #SI3L, 717-786-3394 j|^^KREIDERJ<UN^J3OOJ^^J^ AUCTIONEERS pivblic micnoni REAL ESTATE • RADIOS & EQUIPMENT - HOUSEHOLD GOODS - ANTIQUES MONDAY, OCTOBER 17,1994 9:00 AM LOCATED: Taka Rt 24 south from Rod Lion, PA to south and of Wlntaratown, turn laft on Church Road, come to Croaa Road A turn right on Main Street to let Street on right • Logan Lane or from Stewartetown north on Rt. 24 to Rlnley Roadr turn right on Main Street and go to Logan Lane, turn left, come to top of hill - Watch for Slgna. 12:00 Noon REAL ESTATE 12:00 Noon PARCEL #1: 43.7 Acre farm In Cross Road Boro, York Co., PA. Improved with a frame & log house, frame bam & implement shed. Land is mostly all open & tillable, great view of countryside, registered in Clean & Green, Southeastern School District. PARCEL #2: 1 Acre lot improved with a 1 story frosted brick house with large garage attached, having kitchen, living room w/fireplace, family room, 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, hardwood flooring, oil hot air furnace, cement basement w/4 rooms & garage - 1 room has stone fireplace, Great Viewl Cross Road Boro, Southeastern School District. PARCEL #3: IV4 Acre lot with well & septic system ■ No other improvements. All Real Estate Is located on Logan Lane & all jolna each other. TERMS: 10% DOWN DAY OF AUCTION, BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. ALL SOLD IN THEIR AS IS CONDITION. 9:00 AM HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES 9:00 AM Treadle Sewing Machine, Baughman Pretzel Can, Wooden Coffee Grinder Light, Thimble Collection - China, Wood, & Tin, Etc., Completely Restored Weaver Pump Organ - Was on Display in York Museum, Knee Hole Desk & Chair, Swivel Rockers, Craft Items, Chest of Drawers, Needlepoint Items, Wooden Breakfast Table, Ceramic Items, Kerosene Lights, 2 Cedar Chests, Kerosene Heaters, Blonde Bedroom Suite, Christmas Decorations, nativity Scene, Baskets, puzzles, State 7 Decorated Plates, Globe, Food Dehydrator, Maytag Wringer Washer, Cane Chairs, Admiral Refrigerator, Breakfast Set Pots & Pans, Oak Bed, Aluminum Ladders, #22 Chunk Stove, Household furnishings, Marbles, Radios of All Descriptions & Conditions - 50+, Radio Equipment, Testing Equipment, 1000 Tubes, Speakers, Books on Radio's & TV's, Knobs, Rider TV manuals - 23 volumes, Thompson Tractor Engine Books, Foreign Car Books, Hipro Flash Light, RCA Victor Sign, Stiffel & Co. Safe, Edison Phonograph Cylinder w/20 Cylinders - Working Condition, Small Platform Scales - Made in York, Weight Scales, Army Telephones, Paper Cutter, 50's Magazines, Scales w/Brass Scoop, Philco Books, & Many Boxes Not Unpacked. TERMS: Cash Or Good Check SELLER: Howard & Sara Hyson P.0.A.; Richard & Donald Hyaon Jean Down* Diane McCleary ATTORNEY: Mark Roberta AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emigsville, PA 764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Blinking Light Onto Spring Rd. For 1 Mi. To Auction, Upper Tulpehocken Twp„ Berks Co., Pa. Sale For, Catherine Wolf Estate. Kenneth P. Leiby, Auct. SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9;3OAM - 3000 sq. ft. garage & office bldg., trucks & tools. Located along Church St., Quarryville, Lane. Co. Open House Sat. 9/3 from 3-3 PM. Terms by: Homing Farm Agency,lnc., agent for seller.
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