i r.iAii [u » fiA'ii ( i i F R SALE International 2 row 2 HP New Holland restored, painted and striped on orig. truck s3s ° $2250. Leb. Co. 717*334-4883. 717-273-9554. . Handy 1000 PSI pressure 2horse trailers, shoop, ex. j'n eond. 3,000. Hartman 00 .A D .° c y d °™ > PlSC needs paint and body work 100 -. 00 j 5 500 080. Howard Co. ? 17 Lf^ er 85 00 - 410-489-5337. 717-464-5896. SPECIAL FALL FEEDER SALE FRIDAY NITE, SEPT. 30, 7:00 P.M. 500-600 HEAD All Weights and Breeds, W , Steers-Heifers-Bulls Several local consignments and cattle from N.Y. state restoring - 1 load of cattle from Virginia most all black or cross ' bred; - 1 load of Blacks & Black White from W.Va. - wt. 700-900 lbs. Your consignments are welcome) All animals will have shipping and inoculation shots, at N.H.S.S. For More Info. Contact: NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Located 12 Miles Bast of Lancaster Off Rte. 23 Norm and David Kolb #6IL Sale Barn Home 717-354-4341 717-397-5538 ' NEXT FEEDER SALE OCt. 14 71 ' snoosir stothcs HMLDC MOM (35) GUNS. (5) HORSE SADDLES & TACK. 1988 GMC SL SIERRA 5 SR 6 CYL. PICK UP TRUCK, (1 Owner - 50,000 Orig. Miles - Nice) CONTRACTOR’S EQUIPMENT & TOOLS SAT., OCT. 1, 1994 At 9:30 AM Located: At the Leeeport Farmere’ Market Grounde (under large roof) Just off Rt. 61 at the North end of Leeeport, Berks Co., PA. Craftsman 12” table saw, Dewalt 10” radial arm saw, Craftsman 4” jointer. Delta drill press (like new), radial arm saw on rails, 7-sections of scaffolding, (3) file cabinets, office desk, Homelite 16” chain saw (like new), Agway space heater, bolt cutters, Sawzall B&D router, approx. 12 small power tools, ladder jacks, chains, rubber tire wheelbarrow, copper pipe, boxes of nails & hardware, hammers, cement tools, saws, tool boxes, milk can, tile cutter, (2) power nailers, vise & many misc. carpenter tools not mentioned on ad. SADDLES & TACK: (5) Horse saddles, collars, bridles, bits, feed troughs, assorted horse gear & supplies. GUNS: L.C. Smith Olmypic Trap 12 ga. single shot w/vent. rib (nice), Win. #94 30-30 new in box, Win. #54 30 WCF (no bolt), Rem. #l4 35 cal. pump, Win. #97 12 ga. pump, Win. #1906 22 cal. pump (rare), Win. #l2 12 ga. pump. Win. 32-40 cal. pre ‘64 lever action (rare), Win. #53 lever action 25-20 cal. (rare), L.S.A. 1914 military w/clip & sling - England, Stevens 22 cal. hammer Favorite w/oct. barrel, FF Joslyn’s 1884 12 ga. single shot hammer (rare), 32 cal. oct. band hammer gun, H&R 16 ga. bolt w/poly choke (new). Revelation 12 ga. 3” cham. pump, Mossberg #1730 410 ga. bolt act., Marlin 22 cal. lever action, Stevens #B7 22 cal. aut °, (2) Mossberg #340 22 cal. w/scopes, (2) dbl. barrel 12 ga. shotguns, British 303 cal., 20 ga ; single barrel BBL, Mauser mod. 98 308 ”* n> cal., Marlin 30-30 lever action, Rossi 22 magnum pump, British Enfield #4 customized w/scope, Stevens 12 ga. single shot. TCRMS: Cash or PA Check day of Auction. iIKDF.H *• Contractor Equipment - 9:30 AM, Pick-up Truck -11:30 AM. GUNS: Approx. 12:00 Noon. 3-3'/i HOUR AUCTION - BE PROMPT!! Sale For: The Late FRANK HARDEE 2 AUCTIONEER: Ui /T s KENNETH P. LEIBY * LEIBY 610-562-3929 PA L# AU00541-L Used poultiy equip, Dutch man auto, feeders, mix mill, Egomatic grader, slatted floor panels, best offer. Carbon Co. Evenings 610-377-1189. Myers snow plow frame for XJ series jeep Wagoneer mid-size cost $3OO. Make offer. York Co. 717-927-6564. Used 7 1 /, ton round gal vanized feed bin $5OO. 080. Lane. Co. ’146. Hireman 12 ft. cultimulcher $575. Large single stage air compressor $2OO. York Co. 717-292-1802. CUSTOM PRE-CAST WORK Silo Staves a Door Frames • 3 Populsr Styles • Patio Blocks • Landscspe Edgars • Walk Blocks • Splash Blocks • Lawn Steps • Tree Rings BRICK-TILE PAVER BRICKB~~^ vi "ipy. "xt% " W* Dee Fiber Shell Colo red Concrete In Our Concrete Available On Order Nickel Mine Brick Works Elmer F. Stoltzfus 406 E. White Oak Road • Christiana, PA 17509 Located one mile east of Nickel Mines 610-593-1172 Call Between 7 4 8 A.M. Cnstnction - Earth Moviig Eqiipneat AUCTION SALE Du* to 111 haalth all of th* following equipment from Jack Brlttlngham & Son’a, Inc. will b* told at Public Auction on: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1,1994 BEGINNING AT 11:00 AM SHEEPHOUBE RD - POCOMOKE CITY, MD (MO EASTERN SHORE) Pocomok* City, MD la 30 mllaa South of Sallabury, MD, approx 150 mllaa South Eaat of Baltimore, MD. 130 mllaa South of Wilmington, DE, 90 mil** North of Norfolk, VA. EXCAVATORS: Cat 213 BLC, Only 1296 Mrs. with quick attach. 3rd spool for Vibrator, 7' Bucket, 1990, Undercarriage excellent, real nice, ID 3ZC00048; Cat 215. 6700 hrs. very good condition; Bantam C-266 w/thumb, digging & cleanout bucket, FMC LS-2800A Hydro good, final drive on left side bad, LS 280-4136, w/371 Detroit No 350915671; Buckets - Hydro Tilt Grading Bucket and Narrow Bucket; HED Vibrator; DOZER’S - Cat D4HLGP. 6 way, SALT, ROPS, less than 500 hrs on undercarriage, (1989), excellent; Cat D7E ROPS, all new undercarriage except pads, direct start, (1968); CatD6C - ROPS, 12’ Dirt Blade, (1970); Cat D6D ROPS; Parts A Parts Machines: Cat D6C Engine & Trans OK, parts from final drive missing; Cat D7F. Frame, Track & Final Drive (fire damage), • Block from D7F total redone, transmission for D7F rebuilt by Cat Dealer; Blades - D7E straight; D4E straigth; 2 Rome K/G Blades; Several Root Rakes; SKIPPER - Cat 910 Rubber Tire Loader, 4 way bucket; enclosed cab, (1980); Case 680 G Loader Backhoe, cab, (1979), 2507 hrs; Franklin 142 Cable Skidder, 1090 Hrs; International ET 211 Scraper, 11 yard; International E-200,9 yard scraper; Gallon 118 A Grader w/Scarface, all hydro; Huber-Warco Motor Grader, all hydraulic, not pretty but works; Ford 801 Tractor, DUMP TRUCKS -1977 Chevy C-65, 366, 5x2 trans. 9’ Dump, air brakes, PS; 1976 GMC 6500 w/12' Dump, will take 16', 5x2 trans; 1972 Ford F-600, 5x2 trans, 330; Auto Car 12 yard Pit Truck w/220 Cummings; TRUCKS. TRACTORS. PICKUPS A CAMPER -1981 Inti S Model w/300 cummings, twin screw, 10 speed, recently rebuilt; 1981 Inti Twin Screw w/SST 6+l Trans; 1980 Ford F-350 Econo Van Service Truck; and More; 1976 Jamboree Dodge w/17' Camper; TRAILERS - 1965 Phalen 28' Tandem Axle Equipment Trailer w/Ramps; 22' Office Trailer and More; TOOLS A MISC ITEMS - Cat - final drive puller 10m PSI; Lincoln 250, 7KW Generator; Welder; Air compressor; Torches - Lincoln 250 & 225 Welders; and More; For complete Hot contect tho auetlonoor at (410) 544-2425. TERMS: Everything will salt to the highest bidder without minimum or reserve. All Items are to be paid for with US Funds the day of auction by cash, cashier's check or with a check when accompanied by a current bank letter of credit guaranteeing payment. P.O. Box 51 • Willards, MD 21874 (410) 546-2425 1/800-408-9384 1970 Chav Vi ton PU 3 spaed 307 475.00 1948 LJU Mack gas C&C 750.00. Mont. Co. 215-655-5204 Eves. One row Wood Bros, corn picker with AC engines, mount good cond. $350. R 1 Box 116, Mill Hall, Pa. 17751. 1991 Fleetwood mobile home 14x72 good shape, best offer. 717-597-8222. Honda 90 ST Cycle. Cider press and grinder $275. Stainless steel truck box $5OO. Jersey cow $6OO. Warm Morning coal stove $250. Lane. Co. 717-445-9158. Lancatlar Farming, Saturday, Saplambar 24, 1994-821 Black Walah mountain •hoop, adult swm. Cumb. Co. NJ 609-447-4847 IH 311 6 ft. rotary mower pull behind $3OO. Farmall H new paint, new battery, good tires $lOOO. Lane. Co. 717-285-2778. MH 30. 1010 Jr, Formal Fl 2 choice of tractor $475, MM BF with snow plow 1875 Oliver Super 77 with loader $1875. Union Co. 717-524-2410. 1991 D2SOLE 2WD Cum mins auto loaded, bedliner, new Jeraco cap Cl. 11l Hitch 67,000 miles, ex. cond. 20-25 mpg $14,900. Adams Co. 717-677-6721. Ford 8N tractor with loader asking $lB5O 080. Black Angus bull 2 yr., good dis position $lOOO. Call after 6 p.m. 717-949-2633. Standard barn cleaner drive unit, good cond. $lOO. York Co. 717-229-2616. Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Pressure Washer* A Hydraulic Hosss Mstal Fabricating Braka & Shear Work General Welding & Repair i 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Sen/ice Kirkwood, PA 17536 717-529-6553 ENGINES DIESEL PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS (717)354-4801 Specializing In Used Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines DIESEL POWER SUPPLY DIESEL ENGINES - POWER UNITS 415 PETERS RD. GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Misc, New-Used And Trade-In Diesel Engines C SPECIALIZING IN B&C SERIES WHITEWASHING with ADVANTAGE FARM WHITE • DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY CALL US ABOUT ON THE FARM FLY CONTROL Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Winner, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 32 Years Experience INSURED 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADIO DISPATCHED TRU( Barn Spraying is Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 Farmall Cub lowboy, Chevy engines 402,350,250 with 4 spd. trans., Dodge 318 with aut. trans. Perry Co. 717-438-3737. ' VW Vanagon 1980, 7 pass., 4 speed, good cond. $2OOO. with VW Vanagon manual and snow tires/ wheels. Berks Co. 610-944-0254. 1981 Chevy 20 % ton pick up, 350 engine PS & PB, AM & FM radio, 85,700 mi., fair shape $lOOO. call after 5:30 pm. Lane. Co. 717-367-3836. 1973 Ford pickup without bed $lOO. 1979 Chevy pickup bed. 8’ truck cap, flatbed wagoh without run ning gear. York Co. 717-292-5236. Tyler seed wheat, last year certified cleaned treated bagged 7.25 bushel. IH 1190 haybine hyd. tongue 3250. Lane. CoT 717-738-1041. SERVICE • PARTS BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR To have your bam cleaned with air it will dean off dust, cob webs & lots of the old lime. This will keep your bam looking cleaner & whiter longer. I r JBK. AKC Dalmatian stud ser vice, puppies black and white, liver and white 40 yrs. breeding. Lane. Co. 717-626-8084. 135 Massey Ferguson gas, new paint, good cond. $4250. Farmall Cub with hydraulic and cultivator, good cond. $lBOO. 301-464-5013. Pair small donkey male & female pretty & kind $lOOO. top pair, been guarding sheep. Susq. Co. 717-289-4663. Post driver, 3 pt. hookup, PTO belt driven, Danuser $950. Also 2 bottom plow, 3 pt. hookup, Massey, nice $250. 717-582-8602. Foxtrotter gelding 3 yrs. old, black, smooth gaits, good disposition. York Co 717-292-4644. Ontario 13 disc drill on stee> 4125. Cement mixer, elec motor $75. Balto. Co. Md. 410-666-1680. JD 16A flail chopper new $5OOO. 2 JD 125 silage wagons, 2,500 ea. Shed kept. Balto. Co. 410-357-4103. 1982 Chev Luv diesel truck, rusty with good engine, gear drive, not inspected $525. Evenings 412-238-5559. Westmore land Co. Seven 11245 truck tires three matched pairs 30 to 40 percent tread $4O ea Leb. Co. 717-838-5965. Motor home conv. bus, Cummins pusher self con tained, very nice, call for details, no reasonable offer refused. Cumb. Co 717-776-3305 or 776-7694. Backhoe attachment 18" bucket with rebuilt cylin ders, will fit 36" under frame $l5OO. Monroe Co. 717-992-4446. Guernsey heifer bred pet, reg. $l,OOO. Cecil Co. Md. TB filly $l,OOO no papers, started in training 2 yrs. 15.2 410-378-4037 S/> to 6 acres of standing com for silage, make offer, Comhead 2 row and grain head JD4S combine $l5O ea. Ches. Co. 610-486-0446. NH 77 baler w/eng. $250,3 pt. sicklebar mower $7OO ; 3 pt. 60" Bush Hog $7OO, 3 pt. 60" Woods finish mower for parts. Bucks Co 215-794-5650 Hunting camp special 6 ft. SS gas grill $l5O, Katahdin hair sheep $75-$lOO. Gloucester Co. NJ 609-467-1165. Lift kit 85 Toyota 4x4 sale or swap for ong parts Balt Co. Md 410-357-4444
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