A36-LancaBttr Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994 Champion Breeding Sheep Honors Go To Twin Brothers, Market Sheep Championship To Donough At Ephrata Fair LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff EPHRATA (Lancaster Co.) The Ephrata Fair Sheep Show reached a climax on Wednesday night when twin brothers stood in the showring and vied for the grand champion breeding sheep trophy. In the end, Jeff Bollinger took the trophy with his Suffolk ewe and his brother Jerry’s Suffolk ram settled for the reserve rosette. Ear lier, Jerry had smoothly wielded his sheep incompetition to become the grand champion showman. The two 19-year-old brothers have waged friendly competition in the show ring for years. The sons of Ray and Sharon Bollinger have a flock of Suffolks and their younger brother Ryan has a flock of Cheviots on the family’s Ephra ta farm. Judge John Eaton Jr., Dorset breeder from York County, said the decision to choose the grand champion breeding sheep was a difficult one because the ram has tremendous meat and muscle in the leg and groin and stands correct on its legs, while the ewe is a great example of correctness that will continue to do well on the show road. The Bollingers weren’t the only ones in the spotlight. Ryan Donough of Manheim showed the champion market lamb. The 11-year-old is a consistent winner since he entered competition three years ago. His homebred Suffolk cross lamb Ginger was previously named grand champion non selling lamb at the E-town Fair. It was the same story last year when Ryan showed Ginger’s sister and won the reserve champion market lamb at Ephrata and E-town. Ryan, the son of Ed and Laßue have 20 ewes on their farm. Of their homebred sheep that always seem to be in the winning circle, the family said, “It’s genetics. She Champion showmanship honors goes to Jerry Bollinger, left, and Gerald Boyd receives the reserve champion show man title. Both exhibitors are Ephrata natives. Ifkim !mmu imcii ''We're Here To Serve" FARMERS tfgjf Tired Of Paying High Insurance Rates On Trucks You Seldom Use? We Offer Competatlve Prices On Trucks From Pickups to Tractor Trailers We Offer All Types Of Farm And Agribusiness Insurance Please Call For Quotations or Information Diane Church - Ray Keene - Roger Slusher 2488 Maple Ave., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-1711 (800) 882-1415 won’t be sold but be put in the fam ily’s breeding program.” Judge Eaton said the champion lamb is extremely heavy muscled and firm with a bit more express ion in leg muscling than the com petition. Ryan said that Ginger is walked about 1 / -mile and put through hur dles every day for conditioning. Ryan also was named reserve champion intermediate showman; Gerald Boyd was named champion in that class. Amy Bollinger took the reserve market lamb title with her champ ion lightweight Corey. The 15-year-old said the 134-pound lamb was also received the champ ionship in the open show at E town. The 15-year-old student at Manheim Central student will show and sell the 134-pound Corey at the Manheim Farm Show. Kendall Reiff’s 110-pound lamb was selected as the first place carcass lamb from 11 entries. He also had the reserve champion middleweight in the market lamb division where Jason Stolzfus claimed the middleweight champ ionship. Stoltzfus also was named reserve champion senior showman. In competition for first year of showmanship, brothers Jay and Jimmy Zimmerman took the champion and reserve respectively. Reserve champion ram of the show went to Radell Peters for his Dorset ram. Jennifer Zimmerman took the reserve champion ewe title with her Southdown ewe lamb. Partial show results follow for the 57 market, 11 carcass, and 26 breeding sheep entered in competition. JUNIOR MARKET LAMB Carcass Class 1. Kendall Reiff; 2. Sarah Boyd; 3 Gerald Boyd Marks! Lambs - Lightweights Class 1 1. Jimmy Zimmerman: 2. Jenny Hoover, Holly Hoover. 1 Twin brothers Jerry and Jeff Bollinger swept the breeding sheep trophies with Jeff’s Suffolk ewe, light, prevailing as champion and Jerry’s Suffolk ram as reserve. Class 2: 1. Jay Zimmerman; 2. Ryan Donough; 3. Keith Bollinger. Claee 3: 1. Amy Bollinger; 2. Gerald Boyd; 3. Keith Bollinger. Claee 4; 1. Travis Donough; 2. Jason Stoltzfus; 3. Kendall Relff. Champion Lightweight Amy Bollinger. Raeerve Champion Llghtwalght Travis Donough. Mlddlowaights Class 51. Travis Donough: 2. Joleen Her bert: 3 Sarah Boyd. Class 6 1. Tracy Bollinger; 2. Travis Donough: 3. Gerald Boyd. Claes 7 1. Jason Stoltzfus: 2. Kendall Reift; 3. Renee’ Hoover. Champion Middleweight Jason Stolt zfus; Rssarvs Champion Middleweight Kendall Reiff. Heavyweight Class ■ 1. Ryan Donough; 2. Radell Peters, 3. Joleen Herbert. Class 9 1. Ryan Donough; 2. Radell Peters; 3. Derrick Bollinger. Class 101. Amy Bollinger; 2. Derrick Bol linger; 3. Jason Stoltzfus. Champion Heavy walght Ryan Donough; Rasarva Champion Heavyweight Amy Bollinger. Grand Champion Market Lamb Ryan Donough: EARLY AMERICAN STEAM ENGINE SOCIETY 37th ANNUAL STEAM-O-RAMA SEPT. 29 & 30 OCT. 1 & 2 1994 SHOWGROUNDS LOCATED NEAR WINDSOR, PA From 1-83, Exit 7 take Route 124 East for 7.5 miles to Manor Road turnright onto Manor Road for 1.3 miles to Show Grounds. EXHIBITORS WELCOME/FLEA MARKET SPACES AVAILABLE DRAWING FOR 5 FREE MEAL TICKETS EVERY DAY IMPROVED PARKING - 8 ACRES ADJOINING PARK ADMISSION $l.OO PER PERSON ADMISSION UNDER 12 FREE. FEATURING PENNSYLVANIA MANUFACTURED GAS ENGINES FRL, SEPTEMBER 30 - “FIDDLIN’ COUNTRY ”. 6 PM SAT. OCTOBER 1 -1:00-4:00 - COMPETITIVE HORSE PULLING. 6 PM-10 PM BILL RUNKLE’S “PIPE CREEK BLUEGRASB” 1952 ALLIS CHALMERS “CA” WFE DRAWING 4:00 P.M., SUNDAY OCT. 2, 1994 -STEAM ON PARADE DAILY- Steam Engines Calliope Antique Tractors Rumely Oil Pulls Baker Fan Thresher Baler Shingle Mill Rock Crusher Dynomometer Operating Saw Mill Black Smith Shop Petting Zoo • Antique Cars & Trucks • Flea Market Sausage Sandwiches Apple Butter Boil Pig Roast Fresh Ground Corn Meal Pan Haus Cooking Contest Reserve Champion Market Lamb Amy Bollinger. Class 1 1. Travis Donough; 2. Radell Peters: 3. Sarah Boyd. Class 2 1. Jolene Herbert: 2. Derick Bol linger; 3. Keith Bollinger. Class 31. Ryan Donough; 2. Tracy Bollin ger; 3. Gerald Boyd. Class 4 1. Amy Bollinger; 2. Kendall Reiff, 3. Jerry Bollinger. Showmanship Senior 1. Jerry Bollinger; 2. Jason Stolt zfus: 3. Kendall Reiff. Champion Senior Showman Jerry Bol linger; Reserve Champion Senior Jason Stoltzfus. Intermediate Showmanship 1. Gerald Boyd; 2. Ryan Donough; 3. Radell Peters. Champion Intarmsdiats Showman Ger ald Boyd; Reserve Champion Intarmsdiats Ryan Donough. Beginning 1. Jay Zimmerman; 2. Jimmy Zimmerman: 3. Jennifer Zimmerman. Champion First Yaar Showman Jay Zimmerman: Reserve Champion First Year Showman Jimmy Zimmerman. Grand Champion Showman Jerry Bollinger. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: Sue Knaub - 850 S. Pleasant Ave., Dallastown. PA 17313 Phone: (717) 244-2912 Pair of Market Lambs v * 9 Grand Champion Ram Jerry Bollinger; Raaorva Champion Ram Radell Peters All Bread Champion Ewea • Grand Champion Ewe Jeff Bollinger; Reserve Champion Ewe Jennifer Zimmerman. Grand Champion Breading Sheep Jerry Bollinger; Reserve Champion Breeding Sheep Jerry Bollinger. Cheviot Ram Lamb 1. Keith Bollinger; Yearling Ram 1. Keith Bollinger. Champion Cheviot Ram Keith Bollinger. Champln Cheviot Ewe Keith Bollinger. 1,2,3 Keith Bollinger. Dorsal Ram Lamb 1. Radell Peters; 2. Jessica Stoltzfus. Champion Dorset Ram Radell Peters Ewe Lamb 1. Jessica Stoltzfus; 2 Radell Peters. Yearling awa 1. Jessica Stoltzfus, 2 Radell Peters. Aged Ewa 1 . Jessica Stoltzfus: 2 Radell Peters Champion Dorsal Ewa Jessica Stoltzfus Dorsal Pair 1. Jessica Stoltzfus, 2. Radell (Turn to Paga AST)
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