Page 6—Poultry Notes Supplement to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept. 24,1994 (Contlnutd from Pago 1) ABC news correspondent. She will provide up-to-the-minute business and economic news. Also included will be infor mation on total quality manage ment for meat birds, environ mental regulation news, fly control information, a critical examination of Salmonella enteritidis, and a humorous pre GOLF COURSE GOLF PRO MAIN ENTRANCE BALCONY Golf Lunch and Tburnament Welcoming Reception H/1/s.clneicLiy Buffet Breakfast 1994 Northeast Poultry Show Exhibitors “ Z ,M7 Booths #lo* #124 Ntnu Manufacturing A Vmutation Co Booth #l6 Verolech Booth #64 Agwas Inc Booths #6B #B7 American Coolair Corp Booth #IU American C\ anamid Company Booth #44 Eastern Ag Services Booth #Bl American Egg Board Booths #133. #134 American Selected Products Booth #63 Egg Clearinghouse, Inc Booth #lO2 Anitox Corp Booth #lO4 Atlas Paper Company Booth #52 Biomune Co. Booth #126 Bonar Plastics, Inc. Booth #67 Cascades Agri'Pak, Inc. Booth #lO7 CEI Pacer Booth #lO6 Centurion Poultry Inc, Booth #54 Continental Grain/Wayne Feeds Division Booths #6s* #66 DeKalb Poultry Research, Inc. Booths #4, #5 FPS Food Packaging Systems, Inc. Booths #6l, #BO Diamond Automation Northeast Poultry Show Sept. 28-29 sentation on maintaining fami ly relationships while building a business or career. Golf enthusiasts can come out a day early (Tuesday, Sept. 27) and enjoy a luncheon and tournament that benefits the Northeast Egg Promotion Coalition. The annual poultry show fea tures an exhibit hall open free to Northeast Poultry Show 116 117 115 134 133 132 131 27 z 8 Booth #) 38 Discrsifiid Imports DIN Co inc Booth #l3O Do It 3 our Self Pest Control, Inc Booth #137 Dominion Poultn Sen ices/Vallej Builders Booth #135 Egg Association or America Booth #79 EMM Sales & Sen ices, Inc. Booth #BB Euribrid Inc. Booth #ll Farm Building Sanitations Inc. Booth #6O Farm Credit in Pennsylvania Booths #75 #94 Farmer Automatic of America. In?. Booths #6, #7 Farmer Boy Ag, Inc Booth #47 Farmers Mutual Hafl Insurance Co. Booth #4B Fenner Manhelm 1994 EXHIBIT HALL 101 100 118 120 119 136 137 135 Commodity Price Outlook John Pederson, Poultry and Egg Fax 12:00 PM Biosecurity—lt’s Not Just a Word Dr. Ed Mallinson, U. of Maryland 6:00 PM Break. SheilahKast ABC News Correspondent Exhibit Hall Opens 7:00 AM Booth #29 Heritage PMS Inc Booths #96-99. #ll5-118 Hcrshn Equipment Co , Inc Booth #3 THE FOX COMPANY Booths #3O. #49 H\ Line International Booth #62 Insect Guard. Inc Booth #3l Interval Inc Booth #l2 IPM Laboratories, Inc Booths #ll2, #ll3 Ja>*Dee Agn Systems, Inc. Booth #77 Kemin Industries Booth #l4O Lancaster County Poultry Assn. Wood«m-Tennent Lab Lubing Systems Corporation d ,l «tii Booth #26 wi. JW . Zlggity Systems Martin Water Conditioning Booth #7l Merck AGVET b<xxi> *» Modern Poultry Supplies lUvental. Milb Corporsllon Booth #123 Booth #142 S*"! - Old Guard Insmnce Group Service (NASS)-USDA r Booth #136 Bootta# #3M3 j„ rt Washcsip Northeast Agri Systems, Inc Booth #27 Oakitc Products Inc. interested poultry producers or related industries. The show attracts thousands from the Northeast. The show combines both the Northeast Poultry Conference and Egg Show into one show lasting two days. The exhibit hall is open free of charge, both afternoons. 6 i 7 1 8 AISLE AISLE AISLE 104 103 102 123 122 AISLE 139 138 Booth #1? Star-Labs Booth #5O Stem in Laboratories Booth #125 Tn Bio Laboratories, Inc Hoolb #9O DSDA'AMS Poultry Dmsion Booths #l3l. #132 VAL Products, Inc. Booth #lOl Venture Packaging, Inc. Booth #lOO Vineland Laboratories Booths #5B, #59 Wenger’s Feed Mill, Inc. Booths #B3, #B4 Whcclock Hatchery, Inc. Booth #145 Packaging Corporation of America Booth #3S from noon to 5 p.m. More than 100 exhibitors and educators will provide information about the latest in poultry technology, products, and services. Conference fee is $9O and includes meal functions, two morning conferences, and social activities. n J_ 12 J_ 13 106 105 125 124 142 141 140 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM Booth #ll9 Muf'Can Division Booth # 34 Organon liknika Booths #45. #46 Papcth's H\grade tgg Products Inc Booths #32, #33 PcnnHcld Corporation Booth #122 PENIS STATE Booth #2 Poulin & Egg News Booth #139 Poultry Water Quality Consortium Booth #9 Prevent Distributors Inc. Booth #5l Pullets Unlimited Booth #B2 Purina Mills, Inc. Booth #B5 Salmet Poultry Systems Booth #7B Sanofl Animal Health, Inc. Booth #l9 Schering-Plough Animal Health Booth #25 Select Laboratories, Inc. Booth «3t SOL Chemical ft Equipment Company Booth «tft Solvay Animal Health, Inc. 14 J_ i 5 J_ I 6 J_ 17 J_ 18 109 108 110 107 126 128 127 129 144 146 143 145 Dinner-Theater (optional) < Cole Porter's Musical “Anything Goes" Effective Rodent Control (Pesticide recertification credit given) Dr. Dave Henzler. U.S.D.A. cSzfitEniljsx 2g Buffet Breakfast Broiler/TUrkey Conference Ibtal Quality Management Dr. Dave Fernandez. N.C. State University Environmental Proposals—Cause for Concern Jack L. Cooper. NTF/NBC Consultant Egg Conference Flies, How Much Control Do We Have? Dr. Jim Arends, N.C. State University A Critical Examination of Salmonella Enterltldls Dr. Wayne Schlosser, U.S.D.A. Break Dr. Charles V. Petty 11:00 AM A Humorous Look At Family Businesses Exhibit Hall Opens Controlling Darkling Beetles (Pesticide recertification credit given) Dr. Jim Arends. N.C. State University <zf^£.c£,fition A gourmet feast of unusual and traditional foods with amplMeating for business and casual conversations. 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM CASH BARS A gala harvest reception fea turing an abundance and varie ty of foods will be the grand finale on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. For more information, con tact the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation at (717) 652-7530. For exhibit space information, contact “Mac” McLaurin at (202) 296-8248. i ,9 J I LOADING ENTRANCE 12 113 112 111 130 FOOD COURT 147 x 12' 6:00 PM 2:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
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