Dl4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994 Nl Uni equipment; 737 hu- sker; 844 N cornhead; 740 'feeder housing 717-682-3245. OA Smith Recutter, 318 Chrysler V-8 Industrial; Little Auger Mixer Wagon. $2500 Each. (717)243-5768. Oliver 1850 gas tractor, very good condition, tires 90%, paint good, engine completely rebuilt. 814/445-7309. Orcard Disc 5' $3OO. JD494A corn planter $l5O. 45JD combine, no engine, make offer. 2R corn head and grain head each $l5O. Pair of 16.9-34 tires new, $3OO. PTO shaft and slip clutch off 269 NH baler $l5O. After 6pm, (610)486-0*46. POWER UNIT: New 57hp Belarus air cooled diesel w/ Rockford clutch, $4500. 410/648-5105. FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambereburg, PA 17201 Phone: 717-263-0705 Opl ■SQH Sales - Parts - Service Lua NEW FORD TRACTORS" Ford 1520, 4WD Ford 3930, 2WD Ford 7610, 2WD w/DP Ford 8970, 2WD, 210 H P, NEW NH EQUIP. NH 650 Baler NH 640 Silage Special NH 452 Disc Mower NH 155 Manure Spdr. NH 185 Manure Spdr. NH 190 Manure Spdr. NH 195 Manure Spdr. NH 890 W Hay Head NH 824 Corn Head NH 790 Chopper w/Met-Alert NH 900 Chopper Located: 1 Mite OH Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hour*: 8:30*5:00 Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00 Salurdaya MSP) Wa Accept Wa Ship Parte ■■■t VISA & Master Card BP UPS Dally r’/‘l | (Sluqston SSSSSi Ag & Turf,,.. IKwhmhiwmmimhmhimiv***' JOHN DEERE NEW EQUIPMENT New Tractors 7200 Open, 2WD 7400 MFWD, CG 6200 MFWD, CG 6400 CG Forage JO 3970 JD 3950 Harvester JD 2RN JD 3RN Head Compact Tractors 970 MFWD 1070 MFWD 755 2WD Planters 7200 6RN Dry 7200 6RN Dry Balers JD 385 JD 435 fctilia Tillage JO 550 Mulch Master ■i (2) JD 635 Disc I JD 714 Mulch Tiller JD 915 V Ripper Spreader JD 785 M 2 Hydro, low hrs., A-630 header, super condition. Trade, Finance, $20,900. Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 MANURE SPREADER NH 516 w/upper beater, works well, $1,200. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Hawk-Bilt, side throw, works daily, $6OO. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER JD 450, hydro-push, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER JD 54, 2 beater, shed kept, must see, $1,850. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 203, 3 beater, PTO drive, 95 bu.. $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER MF 130,2 beater w/pan, excel lent, $1,400.410-833-9091 NH 2450 Self- Propelled Haybine NH 258 Rake NH 256 Rake NH 28 Blower NH 40 Blower NH 60 Blower (2) NH 166 Windrow Inverters NH 360 N 3 Row Head FORD LAWN t GARDEN QT 65 w/48" Deck GT 85 w/48" Deck LT 12A IS 25 LS 45 LS 55 | USED I JD 6400 CG, 2WD I JD 950 IH 784 w/2250 Loader ■ J MF 550, Coming In I I JD 1440 w/Dry Fert. | I NH 565 Baler w/Thrower i | Baled Less Than 800 ! ■ IH Forage Wagon 120 ' JD KBA Disc I 1 JD 7000 4RN, Liquid | I White 5100 6RN, Air I | NH 409 Hayblne | 920 Gehl Forage Wagon • Badger Forage Wagon ' JNH #8 Forage Wagon I I White 5400 6R w/Monltor j I JD 175 Loader j | Hanland Fodder Chopper, I ■ Fits On A4’ Round J I Baler I J Landpride Flail Mower | I Artsway Mixer Wagon I | JD FBB Drill Oliver 4 Bottom Hyd. Reset | I JD 3960 Harvester I | MF 1144 Com Head I I NH #8 Forage Box, 3 Bea- j I tar Roof • | NH «8 Forage Box, 3 Bea- J I ter. No Roof • ggJJQlower I Rotary Cuttara JD 603, 616, 403, 503 JD 1018 Mower Condlllonera JD 1460 JD 1600, 14' .. — -2 —.m"ui 300, diesel w/reverter. Manure spreader. 1989, Nl weight box> n ew rubber. ninS excellent. $5,300 $3,000. (410)636-1795. Also available gas model. Metal side for 20' hay wa- 9° • IL® ® 0 08 ° Kingwise com drag. NEW. 410/833-1847. Little Giant corn drag. used. (610)868-5781. 3213 Black Gap Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17201 FORAGE BOXES Dion 1060 SE Miller Pro 5100 Miller Pro 5012 Dump Box (3) Dion Mammoth Forage Blowers All In Stock Ready To Go USED FORAGE BOXES (3) Badger 1050 (2) NH 8, Roof, No Roof (1) NH (Badger) Like New 920 Gehl IH 120 Used Boxes Field Ready, Ready For Delivery LOADER TRACTOR JD $4,800. 410-833-9091 OUM J John Deere A Cyclone, good condition; New Idea 323 picker, good condition. Schuylkill CO. 717-754-4101. Kemiflo HS Foam Marker Modiel FM3B7, dual oonv. kit model DCKB7. 610/847-5423. Killbros 375 bin. JD 1065 JD N 9 Sickle Bar, B'. $475. Deere disc, T, pull gear, 14 ply tires. Call Tom (717)862-3967. after type, good condition, 717-665-4743. 5150. 215-723-9388. You’re In Control The Model 900 forage harvester puts you in control of your harvest: • Rugged 21-inch, 12-knife cutterhead for a uniform chop. * Exclusive flip-up feedrolls provide convenient access to the shearbar and smooth {oil scraper. * Electromagnetic clutches provide instant response in controlling feedroll and attachment drives. * Optional Metalert* 11 metal detector protects cutterhead and your valuable animals. Let us show you how the Model 900 puts you in ICWHOLLAN) control. Comfortable And Convenient The Model 2450 windrower provides legendary Speedrower* performance and it’s extra comfortable and easy to operate. You’ll like the: • Unmatched header visibility • Fuel-efficeint 87-hp Genesis™ diesel engine • Wide 102-inch chevron-design rolls • Easy acces to service points See the Model 2450 Speedrower today. QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • JD 950 Tractor • David Brown 885 Tractor • NH 1495 Haybine, Diesel Engine, Hydro, cab, Air Cond. • NH 358 Grinder Mixer w/Hydraulic Drive & Scale JD F 1250, 4x16 plow; Qtenoo 7 hook wheel carry chisle plow; JD 110,3ph 9' blade; JD TH33612* spring tooth harrow; JD 8250, 14x7 drill w/grass; Dunham 11'6' crowfoot cultipacker; JD BWA IV6- disc. Cedl ton, MD. 410-889-1861. • NH 311 Baler w/75 Kicker • IH 700 Plow Auto Reset Semi-Mount • NH 488 Haybine • NI7 Ft. Cut-Ditioner • NH 315 Baler w/Thrower 5 IT, wed. JD tractors: , a spt..,, live PTO, 3pt, good rubber. 530 good rubber, straight tractor. 60 w/powar steer ing, good tin, new engine. 630, 3ptr nice tractor. 730 diesel,ectric start, 3pt, nice. Also factory round tube WFE. (304)736-5710. John Deere di' 7’ Si & ICWHOLUUD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers