04-lancaster Farming, Saturday, Saplamber 24, 1994 GAIL STROCK Mifflin Co. Correspondent REEDSVILLE, (Mifflin Co.) —“These cows will go on to take a lot of competition at the State Show,” predicted Steve Shaw, Williamsburg, type show judge at the Susquehanna District 4-H Dairy Show. In a slight change from last year’s selection of a supreme champion animal. Judge Shaw was asked to instead select grand and reserve champion Best Bred and Owned animals. Dianne Clock of Mifflin, Juniata County, took grand champion Best Bred and Owned top honor with her five-year-old Holstein, Walnut- Hills Astro Brigette, sired by Bridon Astro Jet-ET. A Junior 2- year-old Jersey owned by Lisa Heimbach of Snyder County Denae Johnson had the junior and grand champion Guernsey. QK jpiv Daubert, left, and Charles Liner has the reserve champion. right, and Lisa Haimbach had the reserve grand champion. Susquehanna 4-H Show Held At Reedsville earned the reserve champion Best Bred and Owned award. Over 159 dairy animals were exhibited by youth from ten cen tral Pennsylvania counties, including Centre, Clinton, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, and Union. The show was sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service in each of the 10 counties along with volunteer help from 4-H club leaders and county agents. Dave Lentz of Lebanon judged for showmanship and Craig Williams of Wellsboro was the fitting judge. Perry County Extension Agent Dave Swartz announced that blue ribbon winners at today’s show qualify to compete in the Pennsylvania Junior Dairy Show to be held Monday, September 26 at the Farm Show Building in Harrisburg. Grand champion in the 102 animal Holstein show went to Rachel Tanis of Centre Hall, Centre County, with her Senior 3- year-old, a cow that judge Shaw said puts it all together. “She’s a solid cow all the way through,” Shaw said after selecting the champion animals. Ryan Connelly of Pennsylvania Furnace, Centre County, took reserve champion of the show with his four-year-old, Fairbrook Farms Mark Pat, sired by Waldo Omen Olga Chiefmark-ET. Dianne Clock’s five-year-old Walnut Hills Astro Brigette received honorable mention in the line-up. In the Guernsey show, the only entry took junior and grand champion. Denae Johnson of Lewisburg, Union County, showed her Winter Calf, Cloverdale Orange Supreme, sired by Nells Glow Admiral Magic. Earning a blue ribbon as well, it qualifies for the state show. Melissa Wolfe of Riverside, Northumberland County, entered the only two Milking Shorthorn and received grand champion honors with her summer yearling, Whites Laura Sue Bth, sired by Whites Big Time Ridgeway. Her other summer yearling earned reserve grand champion, qualify ing both for the state show. Fifteen dairy animals compet ed in the Brown Swiss show. Lauren Daubert of McElhattan, Clinton County, won grand champion with her Senior 2-year old, Victory Acres Even Trisha. Her cow was also named Best Bred and Owned animal. A Senior 3-year-old took the reserve grand champion position. It is owned by Charles Liner of Port Matilda, Centre County. Junior champion honors went to Tammi Deibler of Boalsburg, Centre County, with her Winter Calf Victory Acres Prest Lace. Reserve junior champion honors went to a summer yearling owned by Jeremy Daubert of McElhattan, Clinton County. Averin Donough of Port Royal, Juniata County, competed against 28 other Jerseys to win grand champion with his for year-old, Lu-Eve Top Notch Babes Milestone. A Junior 2- year-old took reserve grand champion honors. It is owned by Lisa Heimbach of Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder County. Her cow, Dare-E-Land Brass T Linda, was also selected as the Best Bred and Owned Jersey animal Junior champion of the Jersey show went to Jennifer Kellerman of Centre Hall, Centre County, and her spring calf. Four Spring Prosper Prill. Kellermen also exhibited the reserve junior champion animal, a spring year ling named Four Springs Admiral Abby. Eleven Ayrshires competed at this district show. Rae Ann Fogleman of Muncy, Lycoming County, won grand champion with her Aged Cow, Ardrossan Rebel Rose Lot while Roberta Fogleman won reserve grand champion with her Aged Cow, HK Farms M.B. Tina. Rae Ann Fogleman's Winter yearling won Best Bred and Owned award. Jana Sandel of Montandon, Northumberland County, won junior champion of the Ayrshire Show with her Spring Calf. Charles Liner of Port Matilda, Centre County, won reserve junior champion with his Fall Calf. The show results are as fol lows with blue ribbon winners qualifying for the state show; GUERNSEY Winter CaH:l-Denae Johnson, Union MILKING SHORTHORN Summer Yearling: 1-Melissa Wolfe, Northumberland County; 2-Melissa Wolfe, Northumber-land County BROWN SWISS Spring Calf: 1-Jed Lynn Ris-ser, Snyder; 2-Bethany Wlngert, Mifflin; 3- Lauran Daubed, Clln-ton Winter Calf: 1-Tamml Delbler, Centre; 2-Jetsica Risser, Sny-der; 3-Almee Utchard, Montour Fall Calf: 1-Jeremy Daubed; 2-Jared Daubed, Clinton Summer Yearling: 1-Jeremy Daubed, Clinton Winter Yearling: 1-Lauren Daubert, Clinton; 2-Jed Risaer, Snyder Senior 2-yaar-oM: 1-Lauren Daubert, Clinton; 2-Jeremy Dau-bert, Clinton Junior 3-yaar-old: 1-Almee Lltchard, Montour Senior 3-yoar-old: 1-Charles Liner, Centre JERSEY Spring Calf: 1-Jennifer Kellerman, Centre; 2-Jonathan Dietrich, Union; 3- Phillip Cline, Lycoming; 3-Llsa Heimbach, Snyder Fall Calf: 1-Melissa McWilliams, Snyder; 2-Averin Oonough, Juniata; 3-Julla Groff, Lycoming Summer Yearling; 1-Kelly Roush, Union; 2-Seth Dorr, Lycoming; Spring Yearling: 1-Jannlfor Kellerman, dantra i Winter Yearling; 1-Jonathan Dietrich, Union; 2-Arfelle Hunter, Lycoming Junior 2-yeardd: i-usa Halmbaoh, Snyder; 2-Rabaeea Dugan, Northumberland; 3-Bath Derr, Lycoming The Fogleman family took the top Ayrshire honors with Rae Ann, right, showing her aged cow for grand champion and Roberta with also an aged cow for the reserve champion. Melissa Wolfe had both the grand and reserve champion Milking Shorthorn. Rachel Tanis, left, showed the grand champion Holstein, and Ryan Connelly had the reserve grand champion. Junior 3-yaar-old: 1-Usa Helmbach, Kellerman, Centre Snyder Summer Yearling: 1-Tara Kocher, Senior 3-yaar-old: 1-Oameln Juniata; 2-Davld Kocher, Contra; 3-EmHy Donough, Juniata Clonlnger, Centre Four-yoar-old: 1-Avenn Donough, Spring Yearling; 1-Adam Fraley, Juniata Lycoming; 2-Tamml Doibler, Centre: 3- Flva-year-old: 1 -Jeffrey Sanders, Unton; 2-Samantha Troxel, Snyder Six year* and older: 1-Maty Ann Cline, Lycoming; 2-Rabacca Dugan, Northumberland AYRSHIRE Spring Calf: 1-Jana Sandal, Northumberland Winter CaH: 1-Eric Sandal, Northumberland Fall Calf: 1-Chattea Liner, Centro Summer Yearling; 1-Danielle Swisher, Lycoming; 2-Cassandta Houser, Mifflin; 3- Randl Fogleman, Lycoming Winter Yearling: 1-RaeAnn Fogleman, Lycoming Dry Cow: 1-Randi Fogleman, Lycoming Six yaara and older: 1-RaeAnn Fogleman, Lycoming; 2-Robe rt* Fogleman, Lycoming HOLBTEINB Spring calf: 1-David Qlock, Juniata; 2- Ben Cloninger, Centra; 3-Jasslca Newman, Centre Winter Calf: 1-Adam Fraley, Lycoming; 2-Emily Cloninger, Centre; 3-Jennifer Toms, Juniata Fall Calf: 1-Tara Kocher, Juniata; 2- Davld Kocher, Centre; 3-Jennller Rhonda Mummah, Juniata Winlar Yearling: 1-Adam Fraley, Lycoming; 2-Kerl Connally, Cantre; 3- Rachel Tania, Centra Fall YaarUng; 1-David Kochar, Centra; 2-Suaan Waltz, Lycoming; 3-Uza Haaa, Perry Dry Cow: 1-Dianna Clock, Juniata; 2- David Clock, Juniata; 3-Ronda Mummah, Juniata Junior 2-yaar-old: 1-MaNtta Hostlar. Juniata: 2-Daniel Kanamond, Union; 3- Geoffrey Fredd, Centre Senior 2-year-old: i-Ronda Mummah. Juniata; 2-Allssa Myers, Centra; 3-Geoflisy Fredd, Centre Junior 3-year-old: 1-Susan Waltz. Lycoming; 2-David Clock, Juniata; 3-Lort Connelly, Centre Senior 3-year-old: Rachel Tanlt, Centre; 2-Dawn Snyder, Lycoming: 3- Angela Stackhouse, Lycoming Four-year-olde: 1-Ryan Connelly, Centre; 2-Troy Zimmerman, Union; 3- Melissa Kay Hostler, Juniata Flve-yaar-olda: 1-Dianne CkKW, Juniata; 2-Andraw Read, Mifflin Six years and older 1-Rachel Tanw, Centre
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