IIINIfellllMBIMlII&lilfinQnffifllLAIBOIllBIt Auction held at Leo’s Dairy Farm - Located one mile South of Carlisle on Route 34 - off Route 81 at Exit 14. Selling the complete Dispersal of H& W Farms 1801 Pine Run Road - East Berlin, Penna. Approximately 60 Mature Holsteins - 9 Bred Heifers - and 12 Open Heifers. Herd consists of - 5 Fresh in July - 9 to Freshen in August - S Due in September - 12 Due Oct. - November and December. - ' This is 100% Home-Raised Herd - Calfhood Vaccinated - Owner supplied Milk Weights. A few registered animals - the balance Sire Identified - Milked in tie stalls and Housed in Free Stalls. A-I Breeding for over 25 Years - Astronaut - Elevation • Wayne Springs and Jet Stream were used heavily in the past • Today: Sires from Atlantic and Select Sires such as: Trendy - Bellboy - Potential - Successor - Valiant Elmer-Mister Bova and others being used. Also Selling: 1000 Gal. Mueller Bulk Tank (only three years old). Tank can be seen at the H&W and selling at the same time JfK m 100 HEAD ■ FROM THE HEART OF LEO’S MILKING HERIP Leo’s again find themselves overstocked and have allowed me to select their most saleable animals for this Auction. Selling are approx. 25 Close Springing and Fall Freshening First Calf Heifers - 30 First Calf Heifers Milking now, and 20 Head of Young Cows - Fresh in May, June and July. 25 Head Selling are Red & White Approx. 1/3 are Registered - Others are Sire Identified. Sired by Such Top Sires as: Stratos Red- Crescendo Red, Trifecta-Neutron Red - Promise- Ever-ready and others carry Service to: Cubby - Imprint - Cleitus - Fancy Paul - Delight and others. Plus; 2 Service Age Red and White Bulls; 1 Registered- 1 Top Grade. DHIA RECORDS - HEALTH CHARTS - EVERY ANIMAL SELLING HAS BEEN VACCINATED FOR BVD AND IBR. OWNERS: H&W FARMS HARVEY & WAYNE STOVER 1801 Pine Run Road, East Berlin, PA (259-0457) Two Horse Bams to be moved, Two International Tractors - Riding Mower, Horse Jumps - Gates- English Saddles - Tack 3 Stallion Paddocks • Vet Supplies Saturday, September 17,1994 9:30 A.M. Wonderland Farms From Jet. Route 1 and Route 202, go North on 202 at second light. Turn left onto Oak land Road, one mile to farm on left. Horse Barns to be moved with riding arena Barn #1 is 160 ft. long x 106 ft. wide, square post pole barn, double trusses, 24 box stalls, tongue and groove planks, large riding arena, baked enamel sides and roof, tack rooms, sells complete with lunch room, ringside rooms with large windows. Auctioneer's Note - This barn is in excellent condition. Barn #2- Pot-U-Stall L shaped all steel structure, 18 stalls, wood and metal stall dividers; baked enamel sides and roof, tons of steel in this building. Tractors - Loader International 84 hydro diesel tractor, wide front, dual hydraulic outlets: International 454 gas tractor, wide front, std. shift, hi-lo range, sells with H.D. Great Bend loader, fully hydraulic control: both tractors in excellent running condition and good rubber. Farm Equipment - Post Hole Digger Littleton 6 ft. pull type rotary mower; 3 pt. Danuer post hole digger; wagon gear; 3 pt. scraper blade; utility cart. Approx. 30 horse jumps; 2 vacuum horse vacs; approx. 30 gates, metal & wood; approx. 15 saddles: approx. 40 blankets; 70 bridles; approx. 110 saddle pads, new and used; 40 metal saddle racks; approx. 100 Fotex water buckets: 10 large mirrors; 200x100 post and rail out side riding ring, sells to be moved; 3 square post and board stallion paddocks, sell to be moved; lot of post and rail fence; 5 Nelson auto heated horse waterers; approx. 40 horse blankets: 100 halters, nylon and leather; wheelbarrows; 2 portable feed carts; 6 ton Schuld steel feed bin with unloading auger; 40 ft. ext. ladder; hand tools; air floor model grease gun; lot of vet supplies; forks; rakes; lot of curry combs; trunks: fly zappers; 2 large water troughs; heating unit; 3 electric fencers; 3 weed eaters; approx. 50 rubber stall mats; more items not listed. Auctioneer: Steve Jr. Petersheim 610-593-AUCT AU 001349 L Sale Managed By: Kling’s Auctions, Inc. R.D. 1, Box 66 Landisburg, Pa. 17040 • Pa. Lie. # 0500 Office Phone * 717 789*3883 PUBLIC AUCTION 16 H.P. Yazoo riding mower, front cut. English Saddles - Blankets - Tack - Etc. And: LEO'S DAIRY CARLISLE, PA BARty #(243-7944) DAVE RINKER # (486-3977) All Day Sale! Sale By: Wonderland Farms a \CTA * ■V j a k *> c <»i *» i ' Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 10, IM4-E35 Dairy and Livestock Sales Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each wcek'i publication MON. OCT. 24 - 6:3OPM 3 SAT. OCT. 22 - 2PM Valu- unit apartment, Located at able real estate. Located 205 Maple St, Gordonvllle, from intersections of Rt. 23 Pa. Owner Levi A. Esh, Jr. & 322 in Blue Ball take Rt. Ron Funk, Gordon Ressler, 322 Eto Beartown turn aucts. Red Hn| to ßd. a °turn toft to TUES - OCT - 25 ’ 730 PM ■ Mast Rd. Turn left to prop- qßl'I ' OC I- 28 rnmnlote arty on left 5855 Mast Rd.. Up Sales Westminster Rumsey Farm Complete Salisbury Twp., Lane. Co Livestock Auction. Dispersal, Complete Hols- A. Lavern & Sharon Long, TUES. OCT. 25 - BPM, *® in Herd, owner. Kline, Kreider & Special Feeder Cattle Sale Loca '® d , Sj™ Y i p s °°4 e— I*-*-* Aucts., Inc 716-728-2520. Hilßlil IMhI K THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1994 [{ 12 South Off 1-81.'Left Onto \\ _ \\ Alexander Spring Road 2) AT 7:30 p.m. $ (717) 249-4511 to 1. 29 Head Entire Daily from Bradford fy fri oct 28 - spm two (4 Co., 12 Holsteins, 9 REG. Jersey, 4 U Real Estates to be sold as V A Jersey Cross. 4 Bred Heifers. Good V| one in Village of Frystown. S udd recently fresh & milking Q F D or ££ good. Had all shots. (* Auct \\ 2. 62 Head Dairy, 43 Mature Holstein \A sat oct 29 - For Elmer 4) Cows, 19 R &W. Hoi. 8 REG., 15 Fresh U) & Esther Nolt 1257 Wood- Kt in last 60 Days, 5 Due in Oct. & Nov. to land Drive, 2 miles N of U Balance various lactations. 10 Short U Fivepointviiie. Real Estate, V| Bred Htre.. 8 Open Hire 1 R & W y Service Bull. Low somatic cell count, jv Sons aucts i 3.tX°?,esn & Spr, Cows ft Hells,s, % NOVEMBER 4 4. 14 Holstein Hellers, Spr. S Breeding Q 'cbKS' Age. Mostly all vac. n Located Carlisle Livestock Market, in'- ‘ Y\ 5.7 Spr. Holstein Heifers. \\ Market, inc Exit 12 off S\ r _ 71 1-81. 249-4511. v VALLEY STOCKYARDS INC. jv vved nov 2 - ssopm Athens, Pa. 717-888-9333 K Winross Trucks & Toys (I Restaurant willbe open New Holland, Pa n 4th Annual Benefit Auction to support HI HH the clinic for special children HU September 17,1994 9:00 A.M. Till ? TO BE HELD AT Leola Produce Auction Brethren Church Road, Leola, PA Directions: From Pennsylvania Turnpike 76: Exit 21 Rt. #222 South, Exit to Rl. #772 South east, turn Left on Peace Rd,, 2nd Right to Brethren Church Rd. From Lancaster: Rt. #23 East, turn Left (North) on Brethren Church Rd. between Leola and Bareville. From Rt. 30 East: Right to Rt. 8772 North (Newport Rd.) West to Rt.#23, Right on #23 (New Holland Pike), Left on Brethren Church Rd. Auction is approximately I mile North. Quilts * Wall Hangings * Winross Trucks * Model Steam Engine * Toys & Collectibles * Crafts * Lawn Furniture Gift Certificates * Farm & Home Supplies Dried Flower Arrangements QUILTS Center Diamond, Miniature Stripes, Lone Star, Country Love (Appliqued) Alaskan Star, All White, He. rt of Roses, Unique Log Cabin, Broken Star, Sunshine Diamond and Many more. Also lots of Wall Hangings! TOYS, TRUCKS & COLLECTABLES Winross trucks, Handpainted Milk Can, Parakeets, Handmade Wooden Dump Truck, Express Wagon, Wooden Backhoe, Sand Digger, Handmade Ragedy Ann, and Amish Dolls and others. Case No.) Steam Engine, 1/16th Scale Farm Tractor w/ loader. Farm Country Cattle Shed, Pedal Tractor and Lots Morel CRAFTS, HOUSEHOLD & LAWN FURNITURE New S. S. Vitacraft Cookware Set, New Pine Furniture Including Bedroom Suite and Comer Cupboard Chest, Cedar Chests, New Bermina 1000 Electric Sewing machine. Glider Rocker, PVC Picnic Table, PVC Hot Bed, New Porch Chairs, Treated Lawn Furniture Pillows, Quilt Rack, Brooms, Dried Flower Arrangements, Mums and much morel FARM SUPPLIES, TOOLS, HARDWARE & MISC. New Burkholder Trailer 4'A' X B’, Load of Wood Shavings, Load of Straw, Certificate for Load of Ag. Lime, Pickup Load of Mixed Clover Hay, New Chain Link Dog Kennel, Fiberglass buggy shafts, Baler Twine, Giant (2) Wheel Wheelbarrow, Horse and Dog Food, Motor Oil, Pony for Driving and Riding, Garden and Farm Tools, Gift Certificates for Lancaster Farming Newspaper,, and others, Handyman Jack! All Kinds of Baked Goods; Chicken BaKB-Q, Subs and Lunch Stands, Fresh Strawberry Pies, Soft Ice Cream, Soft Pretzels, Sticky Buns made on site - and lots More! Quilts will be sold starting approx. 12-12:30pm Come and enjoy the day with us. Here is an opportunity to help support this vital service for many special needs children in the area. For donors bringing items directly to auction, the receiving hours are as follows: Friday, Sept. 16th 2:OOPM till ? & Saturday till sale time. For more information call: (717) 354-5415 or 626-4863 (717) 656-9694 or 733-2645 The clinic for Special Children in Strasburg, PA is a non-profit medical Research, and diagnostic sefvice for Amish, Mennonile and other children with inherited disorders. In accordance with Pennsylvania law we are required to advise you that a copy of our official registration and financial information may be obtained from the PA Dept, of Slate by calling toll free: 1800-732-0999 within PA. Registration does not imply endorsement. FOOD Terms by: Clinic For Special Children Paul W. Horst AU-001122-L and local Auctioneers Market, tnc. Exit 12 OW (-81. 249-4511. WED. OCT. 26 -11 AM, Sale. Judging 9AM. Annual Dairy Show & Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. WED. OCT. 26 - 7:45PM Feeder Cattle Sale. Four States Livestock Sales, Hagerstown, Md.
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