i* t-v.v i’JV v:t, f.Voj E34-Lancait«r Fanning, Saturday, Saptambar 10,1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week’s publication FRI OCT. 21 - Annual con signment gun auction, held at the Port Royal Commun ity Bldg 4th st Port Royal, Pa Bryan D. Imes, auct. FRI. OCT. 21 - SAM, Farm Machinery, Tools, Crops, Butcher Equipment Located At 1453 Bedford Rd., Shippensburg, Frank lin Co., Pa. Directions: From Shippqnsburg, Take Rt. 11 South, 1/2 Mi., Turn Right Onto Rowe Rd., Pro ceed 2 Miles To RR Track, Farm On Right. Watch For Yellow Sale Signs. Sale For, James A. & Kathrine M. Seibert. Nevln & Andrew Martin Aucts. FRI OCT. 21 & SAT. OCT. 22 - SAM- Sat. Annual Sup port For Prison Ministry Auction To Be Held At The Farmersvllle Auction Grounds. Local Aucts public Auction VALUABLE 30 ACRE M/L FARMETTE WITH 2 DWELLINGS ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, TOOLS, GLASSWARE, CAR, TRACTORS & H.H. GOODS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1994 Located At: R.D. #2, Box 368, Lincoln Highway, Parkesburg, Cheater County, PA. From Route 30 & Route 41 In Gap take Route 30 Eaat 2% milee to property on the left. Watch for eigne. * REAL ESTATE* (TO BE OFFERED AT NOON) Real estate consists of 30 acres more or less with approximately 8 acres tillable, and the balance pasture and woodland with a small stream. The main dwelling is a 1700 sq. ft. stucco rancher containing 3 large bedrooms, I'/2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen & front foyer. Features hardwood floors, a brick fireplace in the living room and oil hot water heat. A breezeway leads to the 2 car garage and ample parking area. Also located on this property is a one bedroom cottage with its own 2 car garage for a caretaker or rental. The frontage along Route 30 is 300’ deep and zoned commercial with the balance being zoned residential. Street lights accent the long driveway and the buildings have a security system in place. Horses ok! This rare find deserves your attention. CALL AUCTIONEERS FOR COMPLETE BROCHURE OR PRIVATE SHOWING. (717)442-9221 AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This real estate is seriously for sale and deserves your attention. Large tract with lots of possibilities. Lots of clean personal property with some unusual items. Don’t be late! PAYMENT TERMS: Real Estate - 10% down payment day of auction. Balance due by November 8, 1994. Buyer pays all real estate transfer taxes. Personal property -to be paid in full day of auction with cash, PA or approved check. BROKER PARTICIPATION; 1% fee available for successful registered buyer prior to September 22, 1994. Registration letter must include prospective buyer's signature. Brokers call Auctioneers for details. AUCTION CONDUCTED FOR: EDUA U UVFR4 WENTZ. WEAVER & KLING. ATTORNEYS . _ Stephan J. Barr RAPP AU-002422-L J*mea S. Davla, Jr. AU-002421-L UtV IJ Gap, PA 17526 f/tT) 442-9221 FRI. OCT. 21 - SPM, Annu al Fall Gun, Hunting & Sporting Equip. Sale, Con signment. Located At Miller Auct. Center, Bethel, Pa Call To Consign. Dwight D. Miller, Auct. SAT. OCT. 22 - Sauder's Nursery. Nursery Stock. Located Along East Earl Road, 1 Mile Southeast Of Blue Ball. Nevln Martin & Sons Aucts. SAT. OCT. 22 - SAM Sell out of Lawn Mower Busi ness, Pino Grove. Pa. For Mr. John Brown. Dwight D. Miller, auct. SAT. OCT. 22 - SAM Real estate, antique furniture & collectibles, household goods, 8N tractor, riding mower, gun, yard, garden & hand tools. Located at 866 Small Valley Rd., Way ne Twp., Halifax, Pa. From Halifax take Rt. 225 approx. 8 miles to Mountain House Rd., South on Mountain House Rd., approx. 354 miles to Small Valley Rd. Turn right, go approx. '/< mile to sale. Esther Snyder, Hilda Shert zer, Lee Warfel, Margie Warfel, owners. David Deiber, Ed Shoop, aucts. OF 9:00 A.M SAT. OCT. 22 - SAM Gas engines, antiques, collecti bles, butcher equip, tools of the late Merle Dellinger. Early Amer. Steam Eng. Soc. Showgrounds, S. York Co., near Windsor, Pa. From 1-83 exit 7 take Rt. 124 E (E. Prospect Rd.) 7.5 mi. Turn right onto Manor Rd. for 1.3 mi. to show grounds. Lucille Dellinger, owner. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman, Russell Wright, aucts. SAT. OCT. 22 - SAM, Household Goods, Anti ques & Coins. Located In The Village Of Intercourse At 6 Queen Road, Just Off Rt. 340, Across From Best Western Motel, Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By, Mary Z. Stoltzfus. Robert E. & Jef frey R. Martin, Aucts. SAT. OCT. 22 -10 AM Calves. Shenandoah Val ley of Va. & Potomac High lands of WV. South Branch Stockyards, Moorefield, WV. SAT., OCT. 22 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd, Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. SAT. OCT. 22 -11 AM 72 acre limestone dairy farm. 531 Springville Rd., Ephra ta, take Rt. 272 N. from Ephrata to Schoeneck Rd. turn left to Springville Rd. At Mennonite Church turn left to farm on left. Ellen M. Fox, owner. Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts SAT. OCT. 22 -11 AM Hegins Valley Faqrm, 43 acre farm, Parcel No. 2 20 acres open & wooded land, r* — * ■ Pared! No. 3 100 acres Co., Pa. 8 mflas West ot woodland. Farm Equip. |-81,exit34.S. Marie Ment- Along Gap School Road in zer and Fred E. Shadle, the village of Valley View, oW ners. Mike & George Hegins Twp., Schuylkill Delbert, aucts. “HORST AUCTION CENTER" PUBLIC SALE RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, HAND GUNS, AMMUNITION & HUNTING SUP PLIES TUES., SEPT. 20,1994 AT 4 P.M. Sal* to b* hold at Ih* Horat Auction Cantor, located at th* corner of Rt. 322 S Ourlach Rd. (approx. 2-1/2 mile* waat of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaalar County, PA RIFLES WINCHESTER: Modal 94.32 WS (Pr* WWII); Modal 94 30-30 (Pro 1904); (2) Modal 94 30-30w/Scopa; Modal 190 22 w/Scopa; Modal 67.22; Modal 1902.22; REMINGTON; Modal 12 22 Pump (Octagon Brt.); Modal 760 Gama master 30-06; Modal 722 .222; Modal 511 Scoramaatar .22; Modal 572 .22; Modal 6 22; MAR LIN: Modal 336 30-30 w/Scopa; Modal 336-A .32 Spcl.; (2) Modal 336 30-30; .22 w/Scopa; Savage Modal 170 30-30 w/Scopa. Huger Modal 10.22; Mauaar Modal 96 6mm; Mauaar Modal 1916.306; Mauaar 6.5 w/Scopa; Stavan* Modal 1915.32 (Octagon Barrel); Stavan* .32 (Rolling Block); Cult* M 27; Western Field* Modal 31.22; U.S. Springfield Modal 1698; (2) Brlliah .303; J.C. Higgins Modal 103-16.22; Glanliald Modal 25.22; Saar* Modal 25.22. SHOTGUNS WINCHESTER; (3) Modal 12 12 g*.; Modal 12 16 ga.; Modal 1607 12 ga. Pump; Modal 37012 ga.; Remington Modal 07012 ga.; Browning Light 512 ga.; Ithaca Modal 3712 ga. Feather!!!* Pump; Stavan* Modal 31112 ga.; H6RI2 ga.; Ivar* Johnson 12 ga.; Springfield 12 ga. Obi. Brl.; (2) Moasbarg 410 Pump; Stavan* .410 ga.; (2) Savage Modal 220 12 ga.; Connecticut Vollay Arm* 12 ga.; Stavanson Modal 621 12 ga Pump; J C. Higgins 12 ga.; T. Barker Dbl Brl Hammer; J. Stevens 12 ga. Dbl. Brl.; Springfield Modal 670 12 ga.; Percussion 12 g* Obi. Brl.; Stevens Model S9A .410 ga., NE Arms 20 ga . Glanliald Modal SO 20 ga. HAND GUNS HtR ARMS: "Young America" .32; “Bulldog" 32, "Sports man" .22; "Young America" .22; Model 1906 22; Smith 6 Wesson .32; Baby Hammerless Model 1910 .22, U S Revolver .32; Smoker *2.32; Hopkins A Allan "Dictator" .32, Weblay Mark VI .455 Military Revolver; Spanish Copy of Smith 6 Wasson 32 AMMUNITION: GUN CABINET; NED SMITH SIGNED GAME PRINT; HUNTING « POCKET KNIVES; ft many other hunting Items to b* soldi No Out Of Stato Chock* Unto** Accompanied By A Cur rant Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Sarvtea. Horst AUCTSaU43BL T. Glenn (717) 859-1331 • (717) 738-3080 Timothy G. FAX 738-2132 Thornes A "VOICES OF FXPFRIFNCE" * » FEEDER CATTLE SALE Thursday Sept. 15 Following Weekly Sale Jersey Shore Livestock Auction South of Jersey Shore - RT-44 Phone 814-349-8760 717-398-0111 (Two) paint dacor. bdrm suite, OAK • parlor organ by Farrand Co, wathstands, chain, tingle pedestal roll top desk, treadle sewing machines, butler's desk with 1/2 columns, WALNUT • dining room ext. table w/4 leaves, Victorian marble top table, games table; Hootier kitchen cabinet by Sellam, 2 dr. blanket chest, bow top trunk, wood box, bucket-a-day stove, clothes tree, child's rocker, conv. high chair, hobby horse, coach, deacon's bench, 6 pc. chamber set, brass parlor lamp, Gone With The Wind lamp, oil lamps, lanterns, Ansonia china mantle dock, quilts, coverlets, homespun, toleware tea caddy, wooden butter moulds, crocks, 3 gal. water crock, redware - oollnder, pots; majolica, agate-gray a green swirl; pitcher pump, candlestick phone, tombstone radio, coffee mill, butter chum, milk cans and bottles, baskets, iron dog door stops; (arm toys t trucks, doll hutch, mint sadirons, school beH, license plate collection beginning at 1912. Paper - local post cards - Tylersporl, Green Lane, Ouakertown, etc, valentine-3 dimensional, photo albums, aerial photo ot Woxall, Fracktur-1859 Abraham Schurman, Taufschem 1848; Guns -12 ga. dbl. Fox Sterlingworlh, 22 cal. s.s. Winchester M 67. GLASS A CHINA: Carnival glass - bowls, vases, dishes and compotes; Depression glass - pink water set, shell & jewel water set, wine set, dresser set, pattern glass compotes, paperweights, cruets. TOOLS: Stanley No SS plane w/cutters & manuals, block 1 moulding planes, variety of carpenter tools, slattern tools, garden tools, step & ext. ladders, 2 wooden wheel barrows, Oder press, chain saw, gnnd stone, hoist, chains EQUIPMENT: Gilson G-10 lawn tractor w/plow, Gilson compact rototiller, push mowers, compressor, Schwm tandem bike, scooter APPLIANCES: Maytag washer & dryer, wnnger washer, Hctpoml retngerator. VAN - 1979 DODGE SPORTSMAN PANEL VAN, 68,800+ miles, 6 cyl., 3 sp, P.S., P. 8., w/tool bins, current inspection, garage kept, dean. DIRECTIONS: Sumneytown Pike (Rt. 63) to Old Skippack Road (1 mile East of Sumneytown) to Perktomenville Rdad. Terms: Caeh/Aeoeptable Check. 2990Hik<.ia Ro\i), llaii n 11), I’A 19440 ( all (215) W 7-5 100
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