Junior Sheep Show Posts Results HONESDALE (Wayne Co.) The results of the 1994 Junior Sheep Show at the Wayne County Fair are as follows: Grind Champion Showman waa Joahua Quatock ol Laka Aiial. Reserve Grand Champion Showman waa Miriam Rybak e( Damascus. Beginner Division Showmanship - Be glnner Division was Charity Rybak, Damas cus. Reserve Bsglnnsr Division Champion was Jody Rickert, Honssdala. Ths following 4-H'srs racaivad blus awards; Jocolyn Grossman, Honasdale, Eileen Keating, Lake Ariel, Janella Curtis, Honesdala, Matthew Williams, Honesdala, Megan Schwelgholer, Tyler Hill. Junior Division Showmanship • Junior Division Champion was Mike Korb, Hones dale. Reserve Junior Division Champion was Joseph Rybak, Damascus. The following 4-H’ers received blue awards: Darryl Mar shall, Honesdale, Abigail Yerkes, Milanville, Jason Williams, Honesdale, Jamie Rickert, Honesdale, Matt Rutledge, Honesdale, Ellen Salak, Waymart. Intermediate Division Showmanship - Intermediate Division Champion was Miriam Rybak, Damascus. Reserve Intermediate Di vision Champion was Chadd Tyler, Way mart. The following 4-H'ers received blue awards: Valerie Ebert, Lakewood, Jessica Schwelghoter, Tyler Hill. Red Awards: Melis sa Minor, Honesdale, Charlene Keating, Lake Ariel, Paul Rosengrant, Lake Ariel. Senior Division Showmanship - Senior Division Champion was Joshua Gustock, Lake Ariel. Reserve Division Champion was Tnsh Tyler, Waymart The following 4-H'ers received red awards: Jennifer Rickert, Honesdale, Tom Ebert, Lakewood, Earl Mar shall, Honesdala. White award; Doug Rut ledge, Honesdale. Breading The Champion and Reserve Champion 22wunu& OTEgli SUSPENDED COMFORT STALLS For Modem Tie Barns Coated With Baked On Top Grade Powder After Fabrication SS-45 SS-45G SS-25 PAUL B. 295 Woodoornar Rd. r\g Lllllz, PA 17543 B 1 Mil* Wnl of Ephrala B 717-738-7365 | 9?iaaiiinatiia 9?naaagn»iy 9PißaaggMi IPtamamv m Hour* Call or Write For Mon. Thru Frl, Additional Information 7 to S And Your Naaraal Ooalar Sat. 7 to it Hampshire Ewe was exhibited by Jennifer Rickert ol Honesdale. Market Lamba Grand Champion Larhb was shown by Miriam Rybak ol Damascus. The Reserve Grand Champion Lamb was shown by Mi chael Korb of Honesdale. In The Lightweight Division the Champion and Reserve Champion Lightweight Lambs were shown by Charlene Keating, Lake Ariel. The Champion Lightweight Home Grown Lamb was shown by Tom Ebert, Lakewood. Lightweight Class: first place - Charlene Keating, Lake Ariel, second place - Jartelle Curtis, Honesdale, third place • Doug Rut ledge, Honesdale. Medium Lightweight Claes; first place - Tom Ebert, Lakewood, second place - Tom Ebert. Lakewood, third place - Ellen Salak, Waymart. Heavy Lightweight Class: first place - Charlene Keating, Lake Ariel, second place - Jason Williams, Honesdale, third place - Doug Rutledge, Honesdale. In the Middleweight Division the Cham pion Middleweight Lamb was shown by Mir iam Rybak, Damascus. The Reserve Cham pion Middleweight Lamb was shown by Mika Korb, Honesdale. The Champion Middle weight Home Grown Lamb was shown by Miriam Rybak, Damascus. Light Middleweight Class: first placa - Eileen Keating. Laka Ariel, second place - Valeria Ebert, Lakewood, third place - Joshu a Gustock. Medium Middleweight Class • first place - Mika Korb, Honesdale. second place - Trish Tyler, Waymart, third place - Abigail Yerkes, Milanville. Heavy MlddlawalgM CUse: lint place - Miriam Rybak, Damascus, second place - Mike Korb, Honesdale. third place • Melissa Minor, Honesdale. In the Heavyweight Division the Champion Heavyweight Lamb was shown by Chadd T yler, Waymart. Reserve Champion Heavy- TGIC Polyester Urethane • All welded construction to give many years of trouble free service • Stall constructed with 1.9 0.C.. .133 wall, high strength tube and 2" square tube post with 'A ” wall CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES OF SUSPENDED COMFORT STALLS • Mae comfort for cows • Easy cleaning, bedding & milking with no rear stall post • No rust problem • Adjustable tie rail • Trough dividers • Less trampled teat problems than with conventional stalls ZIMMERMAN, weight Lamb was shown by Trish Tyler, Way mart Champion Heavywaight Horn# Grown Lamb was shown by Jessica Schwaighofar, Tylar Hill. Light Haavywalght Class - first placa - Chadd Tylar, Waymart, sacond placa - Jassi ca Schwaighofar, Tylar Hill, third placa - Earl Marshall, Honasdala. Msdlum HaavywalgM Class: first placa - Trish Tylar, Waymart, second place - Paul (Continued from Pago C 2) Counselor. The FFA junior champion hon or went to Chad Potteiger of Carl isle with his fall yearling, Geor daue yalue Brandi. Guy and Sharon K. Hammond of Carlisle captured the open junior qhampion award with their fall calf, Ivy-League Vintage Jin gle. The FFA reserve junior cham pion award was won by Melissa L. Branter of Lurgan with her fall calf, Brandy-0 Ring le Gold Tops. Scott M. Walton of Carlisle and his summer yearling. Tower Vue Raider Darcy, came away with the 4-H reserve junior champion award. The Le-Ida Farm, owned by Le roy Showaker of Newville, was « COCALICO EQUIP. CO, Drainage - Excavating - Ponds 323 Reinholds Rd., Denver PA 17517 \LICA / <717) 33&3808 (717) 738-3794 \/ INC. Shippensburg Grand B&B SPRAY PAINTING SANDBLASTING Quality Spray Affordable Brush Specializing In Farm Buildings, Feed Mills - Roofs - Tanks - Etc., Aerial Ladder Equip. Stone - Brick - Restoration Gibbon’s Rd. RD #1 Bird-in-Hand, Pa. Answering Service (717) 354-5561 r Lancaster farming, Saturday, August 27, tM4-C3 Rosangrant, Lake Ariel, third place - Megan Schwaighofar, Tylar Hill. Heavy Haavywalght Class: first place - chosen as the premier breeder and premier exhibitor. In the Holstein showing and fit ting ocntests, Craig Walton of Carlisle became a double winner by capturing the top honors in both the championship class and the senior division. Curtis Reichard of Chambers burg made his mark by winning the intermediate division. Spring Calf: 1. Matthew Day, 2. John Creek, 3. Aaron Common. Winter Calf: 1. Scott Walton, 2. Jeffrey A Michelle Reasnar, 3. Donald Harwood. Fall Call: 1. Guy A Sharon Hammond, 2. Guy A Sharon Hammond, 3. Jeffrey A Mi ch alls Reasnar. Summer Ysaiiilng: 1. Scott Walton, 2. Curtis A Ann Day, 3. Sarah Day. Spring Yearling: 1. Elizabeth Walton, 2. Scott Walton, 3. Sandra Anderson. Winter Yearling: 1. McCullough Farms, 2. McCullough Farms, 3. Aaron Common. Fall Yaarllng; McCullough Farms - 2. John Lelb, 3. Le Ida Farm. Dry Cows, 4 Years • Undsr: 1. Christo pher Reichard, 2. Sandra Anderson, 3. Cree din Cornman. FFA Junior Champion: Chad Potteiger. FFA Res. Junior Champion: Melissa Brantnor. 4-H Junior Champion: Elizabeth Walton. 4-H Reserve Junior Champion: Scott Walton. Darryl Marshal, Honesdale. Mcond plaea - Earl Marshall. Honaadala. third placa - Jo seph Rybak, Damascus. Holstein Open Show Reserve Junior Champion: Guy a Sharon Hammond. Open Shew Reserve Junior Champion; Elizabeth Walton. Dry Cows 5 Years And Over: 1. Harry Thompson, 2. Curtis Day, 3. Julia Dyarman. Junior 2-Yaar-Old: 1. Elizabeth Walton, 2. Jeffrey A Michelle Reasner, 3. Brian Var ner. Senior 2-Year-Old: 1. Guy t Sharon Hammond, 2. McCullough Farm, 3 - Brian Reichard. Junior 3-Yaar-Old: 1. Le Ida Farm, 2. Ke vin Horst. Senior 3-Year-old: 1. Kevin Horst, 2. Su san Thompson, 3. Christopher Reichard. 4-Year-Old: 1. Brad Varner, 2. Le Ida Farm. 5-Ysar-Old: 1. Creedln Comman, 2. Le Ida Farm, 3. Brad Varner. 100,000 Pound Clate: 1. Le Ida Farm. 6 Years, Over: 1. Harry Thompson, 2. Ke vin Horst, 3. Galen Smith. FFA Senior and Grand Champion: Crls tophar Reichard, Christopher Reichard. FFA Reserve Senior and Grand Cham pion: Christopher Reichard. 4-H Senior and Grand Champion: Brad Varner. 4-H Reserve Senior and Grand Cham pion: Elizabeth Walton. Open Shew Senior and Grand Cham pion: Brad Varner. Open Shwo Reserve Senior and Grand Champion: Kevin Horst. Baal Animal Bred and Ownad: Brad Var ner. Baal Udder Cow of Show; Brad Varner. Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibi tor: La-lda Farm.
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