BETH MILLER Cumberland Co. Correspondent SHIPPENSBURG (Franklin Co.) Melissa L. Brantner of Lurgan really had a good day dur ing the Southcentral District FFA Dairy Show held at the Shippens burg Fairgrounds. Brantner’s showing was im pressive because she took home the top honors in the competitions for both Guernseys and Milking Shorthorns. The member of the Chambers burg FFA in Franklin County won the grand champion spot in the Guernsey event with her fall year ling Branay-0 Franks Di Victoria. She capped that by taking the senior and reserve grand cham pion honors with her four-year-old Guernsey Franks Princess Di. Brantner also was named cham pion owner breeder in the Guern sey event In the Milking Shorthorn com petition Brantner captured the junior and grand champion titles with her winter yearling Walnut Hollows Cathy. Other two-breed winners were Brian and Chris Reichard, who both are from Chambersburg and are members of the Blue Ridge FFA in Franklin County. . , , The 1994 FFA Champion Fitter award went to Matthew Guise of York Springs. Jeff Reasner is the judge. FARMER BOY AG. lumber & Bummo materials Call or Stop in & See Our Complete Line of Products (ftPeachtree tamkoih DOORS & WINDOWS ROOFING PRODUCTS \\"o/i vrinc 410 Lincoln Ave. Myerstown (Lebanon Co.) PA 17067 717-866-7565 Southcentral District FFA Dairy Show Held Brian Reichard started his string by taking the senior and grand champion awards for Jer seys with his four-year-old Reich- Dale Sargent Ann. Chris Reichard took the reserve senior and reserve grand champion positions in the Jersey contest with his Lorivale Star Brandy, an animal in the six years old and over class. The champion owner-breeder title for the Jerseys went to Curtis Reichard, also a Blue Ridge FFA member from Chambersbuig, and his junior two-year-old Reich- Dale Brigadier Sandra Dee. Chris and Brian Reichard re versed their placings in the Hol stein contest. This time, Chris Reichard cap tured the senior and grand cham pion awards with his junior three year-old C Greenbyway Counsel or-ET. Brian Reichard won the re serve senior and reserve grand champion honors with his senior two-year-old Reich-Dale Beau Martha. Brian Reichard also won the champion owner-breeder title for Holsteins with that same animal. Larissa Mellott of St. Thomas, a member of the Conococheague FFA in Franklin County, was the big winner in the Brown Swiss VINYL SIDING - *4 , jf- ' * * INC. H PHILIPS PRODUCTS VINYL WINDOWS ft REPLACEMENT WINDOWS contest She won the senior and grand champion posts wity her four year-old Indian Acres Hildegard. Mellott was also named champion owner-breeder for her junior three-year-old La-Mel-Lo Mar lene Matilda. Joy Hess, Gettysburg, a mem ber of the New Oxford FFA in Adams County, won the reserve senior and reserve grand cham pion awards for Brown Swiss with her senior two-year-old Wind Mill Prophet Jamie. The junior champion and re serve junior champion awards for Guernseys both went to Melissa Brantner. She won the champion title with Brandy-0 Franks Di Victoria and the reserve champion honor with her winter calf Bran dy-O Victory Priscilla. The junior champion award for Jerseys went to Emily Dietrich of Newburg, a member of the Ship pensburg FFA in Cumberland County. She won with her fall calf Carrock Carmel Izzie. Cory Mellott of Mercersburg, a member of the Conococheague FFA, took the reserve junior champion honor for Jerseys with his winter yearling Mel-O-Dawn Lester Alicia. In the Holstein event, the junior champion spot was captured by Matt Guise of York Springs, a member of the Bermudian FFA in Adams County, and his winter calf PA-Buttonwood Ell Jacosa. The Holstein reserve junior champion was Larissa Mellott with her spring calf Mi-Rose Lin coln Trista. Larissa Mellott took yet another award when she won the junior champion honor for Brown Swiss with her winter calf We-Gotta En sign Fiette. The reserve junior champion for Brown Swiss was Joy Hess and her summer yearling Cham pion View Trad Pickle. The grand champion fitter award was won by Matt Guise. Chris Reichard was tapped as the grand champion showperson. The chapter Good Housekeep ing award went to Shippensburg and the county Good Housekeep ing award went to Cumberland. The judge for the show was Jeff Reasner. GUERNSEY Winter Call: 1. Melina Brantner, Lurgan. Fall Yearling; 1. Melina Brantner, Lur gan. Junior Champion; Melissa Brantner, Lur gan. Reserve Junior Champion: Melissa Brantner, Lurgan. Feur-Year-Old: 1 Melissa Brantner. Senior It Grand Champion; Melissa Brantner. Reserve Senior I Reserve Grand Champion; Melissa Brantner. Chris Reichard, 1994 FFA champion showman, with Jeff Reasner, judge. JERSEY Spring Calf; 1. Jack Rotz. Wlntar Calf; 1. Cory Mellon. Fall Call; 1. Emily Dietrich, 2. Cory Mellon. Summer Yearling: 1. Cum* Reichard. Winter Yearling: 1. Cory Mellon. Junior Champion: Emily Dietrich. Raearva Junior Champion: Cory Mellon. Junior 2-Yoar-Old; 1. Curtis Reichard, 2. Emily Dietrich. Threo-Year-Old; 1. Emily Dietrich, 2. Cory Mellott. Senior 3-Year-Old; 1. Bradley Reichard. Four-Yaar-Old: 1. Bradley Reichard, 2 Emily Dietrich. Six Year* Old I Over; 1. Christopher Reichard. Senior S Grand Champion: Brian Reich ard. Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion: Christopher Reichard. MILKING SHORTHORN Wlntar Yearling: 1. Melissa Brantner. Junior & Grand Champion; Melissa Brantner. HOLSTEINS Spring Calf: 1. Larissa Mellon, 2. Mat thew Guise, 3 Liza Haas. Winter Calf : 1. Matthew Guise, 2 Charles Thiemann, 3 Jed Smyser. Fall Calf: 1. Melissa Brantner. Spring Yearling; 1. Matthew Guise, 2. Liza Haas, 3. Tracey Sauder. Winter Yearling; 1. Christopher Reich ard. Junior Champion: Matthew Guise. Roaarva Junior Champion: Larissa Mel lon. Senior Dry 2 Yaara & Over: 1. Christo pher Relchard, 2. Meranda Jayne Dum, 3. Tracey Sauder. Junior 2-Yoar-Old; 1. Robert Holman. Senior 2-Year-Old: 1. Brian Relchard. Junior 3-Yaar-Old: 1 . Christopher Relch ard, 2. Liza Haas Senior 3-Yoar-Old: 1. Christopher Relch ard. Four-Yaar-Old: 1. Meranda Jayne Dum. Senior It Grand Champion: Christopher Relchard. Reserve Senior It Reeerve Grand Champion; Brian Relchard. BROWN SWISS Winter Call: 1. Larissa Mellon, 2. Melissa Brantner. Fall Cali; 1. Larissa Mellon Summer Yearling: 1. Joy Hess. Winter Yearling: 1. Larissa Mellon. Junior Champion; Larissa Mellon. Reserve Junior Champion; Joy Hess. Senior 2-Yeer-Old; 1. Joy Hess, 2. Melis sa Brantner. Junior 3-Yaar-Old: 1 . Larissa Mellon. Four-Yaar-Old: 1. Lanssa Mellon. Six-Year-Old & Over: 1. Larissa Mellon. Senior It Grand Champion: Lanssa Mel lon. Rtaarva Senior t Roaorvo Grand Champion: Joy Hess. V All-Plant LIQUID PLANT FOOD 9-18-9 PLUS OTHERS! 9 • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric 1 h acid. Made in USA. d • Non-corrosive. Won’t settle. \ • Top quality. Excellent service. | • Newest equipment. \ • Financially sound... and growing! || Wc BMMMi Rapiras f n i| ata j j 1 i MIRV UlwllNßillßwe f □ I sell to farmers. | How do I become your distributor? \ □ I'm a farmer. \ What’s the price? x Where do I get it? \ CALL or SEND FOR FACTS: i Phone: 814-364 1349 , I ALL-PLANT LIQUID PLANT FOOD, MC. \ 821 State Rd. 511 N.. RFD 3, | Ashland, Ohio 44805
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