C42-Lancastsr Farming, Saflirday, August 27, 1994 Bm TRUCKS & TRAILERS f Owner Operator ) j Wanted | | Tri-Axle Dump J ) Trucks or ) I Dump Trailers i j PA to DE Route, J I Steady Work, I I Good I V Hauling Rate \ |J6IO) 383-7042 J ICia REAL ESTATE Country home, 2000 sq. ft., 2-story home on 2 acres minutes from Ricketts Glen State Park and Game Lands. Luzerne Co. (717)864-2489. Dairy Farm; SO acres in op eration now. Milking parlor, 4 individual units, 2 silos w/unloaders, (18x65, 14x40) 35 free stalls, shaker feeder, large shed, garage, good water supply, 3BR home. Owner retiring. Newark, NY. Possible Owner Financing (315)331-5628 after 7pm. Dairy for RENT/LEASE/ SALE 102 free stall, dou ble 6, auto takeoff, 2000 gallon bulk tank, manure lagoon, silage in silos, corn in field. Monroe County. (215)681-4134. Dairy/Poultry Farm, 116 acres m/l, 62A tillable, pas ture w/creek. Juniata Co. 717/694-3275. Wisconsin Farm for Sale: 168 acres, 62 tie stall dairy barn, 3 silos, large house, new machine shed. In the heart of the Horning and Old Order Mennonite com munity. (715^3-4213. Farm (or Sale: DeKalb Junction, NY, ready to op erate, dairy or beef, 145 acres, more available. Only $llO,OOO w/liberal owner financing. Other farms from $61,000 up. Lois Lang, Broker. (315)649-2774. Farmhouse and bam dat ing back to 1830's, suitable for restortation, approx. 35 acres, Montgomery Co., PA. For information call 610-326-0214. Farmland Wanted To Rent: In Lancaster or York County. 717/872-9152. 717/872-4058. FOR RENT; 80 Stall Dairy w/Box Stalls, Manure Stor age, Pipeline, (3)20X70 Si los, Calf Hutches, Heifer and Dry Cow Facilities, Owner will Supply Top Quality Feeds and Empty Pit Manure (717)836-3902, FOR RENT: 95A produc tive dairy farm w/modern facilities, 60 cow tie stall, heifer facilities w/head jacks, harvesters, feed lot, manure storage, 3BR house w/modern kitchen. East of Lancaster. Spring 1995. Write: R-SS, %Lan caster Farming, FOB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. FOR SALE: 144 acres. deer and turkey hunting. Call 610-562-6505 or 717-769-6322. FOR SALE: 55 acre dairy and poultry farm, 26 stall barn, 44x500 curtain house. Between Bricker ville and Ephrata, Lancas ter County. (717)733-3350. For Sale by Owner: 312 Acres in Southwest Wis consin, Tama Soil, 100 Cow Parlor, Dairy Unit, Complete Heifer and Calf Facilities, Feed and Man ure Storage, Would Con sider Contract to Accept able Party. (608)762-5377. For sale by owner, 123 acre limestone farm be tween Shippensburg and Chambersburg, Franklin Co., $250,000. Interested callers only, (717)532-8601. FRANKLIN CO.. PA. 109 A livestock farm, 65A tillable, 8 room house, barn fixed for livestock 717-532-7905. 220 Acre Working Dairy Farm. Somerset County. William Gindlesperger, RD 1, Box 217, Rockwood, PA 15557. (814)926-2176. 22SA farm, York Co., PA. w/very good soils, 11SA till able, buildings fair condi tion. (9) building rights available, good opportunity for the right person. Cal Tom Stein for details. 717-840-4538; 717-757-6676. CENTURY 21-AMERICAN DREAM. 243 acre MD farm, fertile irrigated crop land, w/dairy buildings to house 200+ head, $750,000. (301)582-0264. 370 tillable acres dairy farm, nice house, double 4 milking parlor, 120 free stalls, 4 silos, heifer and dry cow bams, large equip ment building w/concrete and grain liner. Facilities well maintained. (607)387-9575. 3 poultry houses on 18 acres productive Lancaster Co. land. Many possible uses. Owner financing for responsible party. Priced at $239,000. Call for details. 717-436-8431 50 COW DAIRY FARM., GOUVERNEUR, NY. 110 A, lovely rolling fields. Excellent barn. Good solid house... $69,900. $25,000 down. 615-858-4082. 628 A farm for sale, near Bowling Green, Ohio. Pro ductive soils, tiled, $2OOO/per acre. 419-458-2107. All kinds of farms for sale in MD and PA. Smith and As sociates Real Estate, Jackie Nichols, (717)762-8449, (717)597-8161. A very productive (arm 3 miles east of Penn Yan, Yates County, NY. 64 acres w/S5 tillable. Large bank barn w/33' lean-to. Large frame dwelling w/SBR and 2 full baths, kitchen, laundry, DR, FR and LR. Downstairs is cen tral hot air and upstairs central hot water. House recently painted and re modeled. (315)536-2705. Bradford County, PA- Mod em Dairy Farm, 96 acres, 59 stall bam with 2 inch stainless steel pipeline. At tached 120x40 heifer bam accommodates 60 head. Alfalaval automatic feeder, 4 silos, liquid manure sys tem (new 1993). 100x40 machine shed, out buildings. Nice 4-bedroom house. For details call 717/297-2919. Brownville, NY, 60 cow dairy farm, large farm- house, 30 excellent cows, 10 heifers, basic farm equipment, $155,000 stocked and equipped; $115,000 bare. Owner (315)649-2774. Clearfield County, Boggs Township, 100 acres, ex cellent hunting land, near State Game Lands, paved road frontage, timber re serve, $30,000. (814)944-4364. Rt. 44 Near State Run, PA. Split Log, Two Bedroom, Bath, W/W Carpet, Gas Floor Furnace, Wood stove, Oak Cabinets. Two Car Garage, Breezeway, Hunting, Fishing, Snowmo biling. (717)769-7193. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. 9.6 acre farm. 5 acres farmable. Four bedroom house, coal stoker, new septic system. Working hy droponic greenhouse ready for January planting. Horse pasture. $115,000. 717-648-2748. SOMERSET PA: 250 A working dairy farm, 80 tie stalls, 2 homes, 5 stall horse barn and tack room, riding ring, 40x20 run in shed, large machine and storage buildings, pond. 814-352-7297. Star Une 14' silo untoader, winch tripod, shp motor, good condition, $675, WANT: 16' silo unloadar, Vandale. (717)866-2091. FULTON CO.. PA: 382+ Acre farm; 220 A tillable, plus pasture and mountain ground. 3 homes and many outbuildings, all excellent condition. Ideal for daily (Double 3 parlor), beef, swine operations. KELSEY REAL ESTATE/Dave McLu c a s 717-328-9494/5629. FULTON COUNTY, near Exit 13, PA TPK, Burnt Ca bins area. 844 A woodland, stream through property, borders State Gamelands, $6OO/per acre. Please call for a FREE list of other available properties. KEEFER REAL ESTATE. 717-349-2262. GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Delin quent tax property. Repos sessions. Your area (1) 805 962-8000 Ext. GH-4156 for current repo list HUNTINGDON CO. Cabin 20x28, 173 A, electric and well. 9 miles from Ray stown... $28,500. 717-733-6618. Juniata County, PA; 10Aw/ septic permit 3 mites south of East Waterford, along RT 75. Great fishing on Tuscarora Creek running thru property, and State Game lands only minutes away. $24,900. 717-582-2115; 717-567-7341. LEBANON COUNTY. PA. 7 year old brick house, very unique, w/brick and stone inside on 3A w/3 stall barn. Must see. $175,000. 717-949-2208 after SPM. Lewis County, NY: Excep tionally beautiful operating Dairy of Distinction, Super Milk farm, this 287 acre dairy farm comes w/90 Holstein milkers producing 1,500,000Lb5./Year, full line of machinery, bountiful crops, 2 or 3 lovely homes, excellent productive soils, 2 abundant water supplies, Located in Mennonite Area w/Transportation to and from Mennonite Schools, Owner Selling due to poor health. Asking $495,000. Call owner 315-688-4477. MONTOUR CO. FARM. John Zook, Jr., Box 316, Turbotville, PA 17772. 140 A, 100 T, 50 cow stalls, 15 box stalls, 3 silos, equip, storage, double house. Make offer. Don’t sell for development! Make your life easier and add some joy. We will rent your pasture, bam and living quarters or house. You can stay on the farm, we are a non-profit People Helping People business to combat stress. Let’s talkl Upper Lancaster County preferred. R. Foreman 717-382-4145 105 Acres in nice location on side road. 90 level tillable acres w/stream. Older 4 BR home in good condition, no other buildings. Would make nice Amish Farm. 20 Acres - For Commercial or Agriculture use, or home sites. Road frontage on main highway. - J. Paul Zeisloft RD 3, Box 212, Danville. PA Phone 717-437-2305 Evenings TIOGA COUNTY, •PA:' #550... I+A building lot,, commercial or residentail, RT 15 road frontage, in come from bill board signs, #552... Licensed personal I care home, 8 residents, ] nice location. #555... Oper ating dairy, home, 2 bams, outbuildings, 2 silos w I unloaders, IS4A, fields in top condition. ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ES TATE CO. 717-659-5684. VIRGINIA; 140 acres, 90 opened, IV4A pond, fenced and crossed fenced, $145,000. 804-248-6645. WANTED: 40-60 acrs FARM. Part tillage, pas ture, woodland w/barn, stream and/or pond. Ac cess road, some frontage, near dty of 50,000 or more, Call Ken Power, (215)382-7634. WANTED; Dairy or general farm to lease purchase or possible purchase. 100 to 125 tillable acres for Spring 1995. South Central, PA. Until 10pm, (717)359-9667. WANTED: Farm to rent for raising cattle and sheep. Lease or option to buy. 717-277-6878. WANTED TO SELL: 2 story remodeled home, Belleville, PA. WANTED TO BUY farm and ARIS rifle. 717-935-5785 evenings. WANT farm to rent in Penns Valley area, Centre County. Room for 40 cows, 70+ acres tillable. Lancas ter Farming (Q 146) PO Box, 609 Ephrata, , PA, 17522. Wellsville Area, York County, 45 acre farm 2-story home, barn, out buildings, pond. Bermu dian Creek frontage,; $265,000. Call Fred Via sek, RE/MAX Realty, 1(800)659-6301. Western New York. Skat ing rink, 1.3 A w/apartmenl, adaptable to other uses. 717-473-7233. WISCONSIN DAIRY FARMS, 30 cow to 150 cow, Up, Excellent Prices & Terms (or Spring Pos session. Call now I L.L. STEWART. Realtors. 2007 Hogeboom, Eau Claire, Wl 54701, 715/834-6664.
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