812-Lancaster Finning, Saturday, July 16, 1994 Senior winners, from left, are Cara Regitz, Julie Zepp, Maggie Strausbaugh, Lee Brandt, Erin Frey, and Kristin Johnston. Capitol Region Chooses Fashion Revue Winners LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Seven gold winners emerged from stiff competition at the Capi tol Region 4-H Fashion Revue on July 11. These winners were chosen from 74 contestants from seven counties, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Cumberland, York, Adams, and Franklin. The contes tants had competed at their respec tive county levels before being chosen to compete at the regional level. The seven winners will advance to state competition held at State 4-H Achievement Days, Universi ty Park, on August 2-4. Senior gold ribbon winners are Lee Brandt, Lebanon Co.; Erin Frey, Lebanon; Charity Irvine, Lancaster Co.; Kristin Johnston, Adams Co.; Cara Ann Regitz, Lan caster Co.; Maggie Strausbaugh, Lancaster Co.; and Julie Zepp, Adams County. Senior blue ribbon winners who serve as alternates are Elizabeth Klassen, Lancaster Co.; Kelly Rockafeller, Adams Co.; Carrie Singleton, Lancaster Co.; Tami Dice, York Co.; Jennifer Beaslon, Cumberland Co.; Amy Strickler, Lancaster Co.; and Sarah Blauch, Lebanon Co. In the junior division, gold rib bon winners are Karen Stump, S®' '[ b,ue r,bbon w,nners ' from 'eft. are Amy Strlckler, Sarah Blauch, Tammy Dlse, Elizabeth Klassen, and Carrie Singleton. Junior gold ribbon winners, from left, are Tara Hoober, Jenny Hoover, Tamml Weaver, Karen Stump, and Kara Johnston. Lebanon Co.; Tami Weaver, Lan caster Co.; Tara Hoober, Lancaster Co.; Kara Johnson, Adams Co.; and Jenny Hoover, Lancaster Co. Blue ribbon winners in the junior division are Heather Frost, Cumberland Co.; Jamie Barnhart, York Co.; Nicole Platt, Lebanon Co.; Erica Joline, Lancaster Co.; and Evelyn Light, Lebanon Co. Descriptions of the winning out fits arc as follows: • Lee Brandi wore a buttoned vest in a Navajo print made of acrylic. The lining and belt are made of silk essence. The button front tuxedo shirt features six tucks on each side, a wing collar, and long sleeves pleated to the cuffs. The poly rayon pants have pleats on the front, side pockets, a back well pocket and belt loops. A pleated western tie complete the outfit. • Erin Frey stitched a fully-lined cherry red halter top dress with princess seaming. The double breasted jacket is also fully lined and silver buttons help to coordi nate the outfit. • Kristin Johnston was inspired (Turn to Rags BIS) See your nearest Dealer for Dependable Equipment and Dependable Service! PENNSYLVANIA Annvllte. PA Hughesvllle. PA BHM Farm Farnsworth Farm Equipment, Inc. Supplies, Inc. RDI, Rte. 934 103 Cemetery Street 717-867-2211 717-584-2106 Carlisle. PA R&W Equipment Co. New Holland. PA 35 East Willow Street A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 717-243-2686 110 South Railroad 717-354-4191 F&S Supply Co. Enterprise St. 717-489-3642 Elizabethtown. PA Messick Farm Equipment, Inc. Rt. 283 • Rheem’s Exit 717-367-1319 Halifax. PA Sweigard Bios. R.D. 3, Box 13 717-896-3414 Honey Brook, PA Dependable Motor Co. East Main Street 215-273-3131 215-273-3737 Honev Grove. PA Norman D. Clark & Son, Inc. Honey Grove, PA 717-734-3682 Loysville, PA 717-789-3117 MARYLAND Frederick. MD Ceresville Ford New Holland, Inc. Rt. 26 East 301-662-4197 Outside MO, 800-331-9122 NEW JERSEY Bridgeton, NJ Leslie G. Fogg, Inc. Canton & Stow Creek Landing Rd. 609-451-2727 609-935-5145 Olev. PA CJ. Wonsidler Bros. R.O. 2 215-987-6257 Pitman. PA Schreffler Equipment Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 Quakertown. Pi C.J. Wonsidler Bros. R.D. 1 215-536-1935 Timegua. PA Charles S. Snyder, Inc, R.D. 3 717-386-5945 West Grove. PA S.G. Lewis & Son, Inc. R.D. 2, Box 66 215-869-2214 Washington. NJ Smith Tractor & Equip., Inc. 15 Hillcrest Ave. 201-689-7900 Woodstown. N, Owen Supply Co. Broad Street & East Avenue 609-769-0308
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