Consuming Thoughts Fay Strickler Penn State Extension Home Economist For Berks Co. There’s something about sum mer harvest of fruits and vegeta bles that brings out the wonderful creative urge to “put foods by,” or “put up some foods,” as the old fashioned expressions go. The exciting produce available today, including new and exotic fare from around the world, is fur ther incentive to preserve, can and freeze. Stirring up a batch or two of conserves, relishes and sauces is fun, a welcome change of-pace from everyday meal pre paration. In fact, it’s an art form for those who like to cook the way last year more people bought / the Western World than any u straight year. This year Massey Ferguson and its dealers are out to get even more people to buy MF machines. We’re offering a broader selection of quality tractors, combines and implements ~ from price leaders to nology leaders, and everything We’re providing enhanced owner support and service, exciting promotions \»« 17 i 5 bp MF 1200 Compait traetors and implements lead the way hkli lomfort. quality and features And the best deals around. If you haven’t looked at a Massey Ferguson lately, you haven’t seen the best values to be found. See us today. WfeVe not content being # L SEE YOUR NEAREST DEALER FOR DETAILS mmnomm mu Ha ga ri«mm l M(> «t7M WC. {30t)7m515 ■ 'VS*SS£ m ww m &»**•* a. «ct*w(,w vmt pm mm* I, WIAVOUBOH *&•«*«»& (7in«*.m7 quilting is for those who like to sew. Along with the satisfaction and pride that come from making your own pickles and relishes, you reap the rewards of having something very special to serve friends and family in other less bountiful sea sons. And certainly not to be over looked is that homemade pre serves make thoughtful gifts for the holidays, for hosts or hostess es, teachers gifts and for other oc casions. Dressing up the contain ers with ribbons, calico or lace, at and low-rate MF financing. * MASSEY FERGUSON M i *r\ h fj.u nprJut< nr Ji mhulrJ thi UKh ui Snh Amrr i« In >tl> It \IUU iprin »S r r I A n.yicf » Mmmm/, PA 18M* Tht same quality and nhabilm that made the Fergu>on TO 20 a slassu makes 34 VS hp MF 200 and JOO Series traitors toda\ s salue leaders MF 3100 and 3600 traitor* dehur up to 170 hp and the teihnolog) to make »ou a superior farmer Sec The»c “fS" Details! PEOarS SALES * SERVICE ptf} MJ-2735 mt taching original labels and packaging the jars in baskets makes them picture-pretty and even more of a treat to receive. And while you’re making pre serves or relishes, etc., why not make several extra jars and enter them in your local county or state fair. Fair entries must meet all the criteror or guideline's for a top quality product such as using the boiling-water-bath method of pro cessing, using a two piece lid and screwband and also use the stand ard canning jars which are avail able in pints and half pints. Re quest a premium book from your local fair and carefully read entry information and eligibility re quirements. Here are the general canning procedures for making jelly, jams and spreads. All products should be filled hot into sterile half-pint or pint canning jars, leaving /* -inch headspace. To sterilize empty jars, put them open side up on a rack in a boiling-water canner. Fill the canner and jars with hot (not boil ing) water to 1 inch above lop of jars. Boil jars 10 minutes. Remove •actors in r the 30th mmmm AJBm9p> DRIVE mm TODAY! w*»««yi**oo»o* and drain hot sterilized jars one at a time and fill with food. Food re sidue should be removed from the jar sealing edge with a clean, damp paper towel. New two-piece canning lids prepared according to manufacturer’s directions should be added. After screwbands are tightened, jars should be process ed in a boiling water canner. Penn State Cooperative Exten sion has a pamphlet on “Let’s Pre serve Jelly, Jam, Spreads.” It has a variety of recipes including Peach-Pineapple Spread, Pear ap’ple Jam and Grape-Plum Jelly. happenings Equestrians 4-H The 4-H Equestrians met on June 15 at the Lebanon Ag Center, with 12 people attending. At the meeting, conducted by Jenny Hain, 4-H camp for the end of the month, in addition to the Equestrian Horse Show at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, were discussed. CLEAN UP STIHL TERRITORY. The RE 1 02 K Pressure Washer is great for cleaning any territory It can clean your car, boat, deck or driveway RE 102 K PRESSURE WASHER STIHL Available at these servicing dealers Bechtelsville PASSMORE SERVICE CENTER, INC. 110* Rout* 100 610-367-9084 Dallastown TRI-BORO CONCRETE, INC. 435 Locuat St 717-246-3096 1-800-632-9018 East Earl GOODS LAWN & GARDEN CENTER Route 23 717-354-4026 Ext. 34 Elizabethtown MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. Rheema Exit-Rt 283 Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-1319, 717-653-8867 Elm/Lebanon BOMBERGER’S LAWN & GARDEN Elm: 717-664-4663 Lebanon: 717-272-4155 Eohrata WES STAUFFER ENGINES & EQUIPMENT 23 Plaaaant Valley Rd. 717-738-4215 . BOLLINGER’S LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. Ephratt, PA 717-738-1131 717-656-2710 Harahey, PA 717-533-4060 DISTRIBUTED BY KEYSTONE STIHL Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994-B3 In addition most Penn State Co operative Extension Offices will have a flyer on Low Calorie Jams & Jellies. The recipes are equally tempting and include Peach-Plum Jam, Blackberry Jam and assorted recipes for grape and apple jelly. Contact your local county Penn State Cooperative Extension Of fice or request these from my of fice by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope with 520 affix ed to: Jelly, Jam, Spreads, Berks County Cooperative Extension, Berks County Ag Center, PO Box 520, Leespoit, PA 19533-0520. The members were reminded that all horses must have their rabies shots by August 1. The commiti 'c listed those who will help out for work detail and the people helping at the horse show. • 7 200 PSI Working Pressure • Adjustable Wafer Pressure Control • Lightweight and Portable Number One Worldwide Gap GAP POWER EQUIPMENT Corner of Rt 30 4 Rt. M 7 717*442-8970 Hamburg SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE RD 1, Box 1302 610-468-1025 Jonestown BLUE MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES, INC, Rt 72 South 717-865-2994 Lovsvllle/Carllsle GUTSHALL’S INC. Loyavllla, PA - Carlisle 717-789-4343 717-249-2313 Mverstown EBLING LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE 898 E. Lincoln Ave. 717-866-6720 Oxford ENFIELD EQUIPMENT •600 Limestone Rd. 610-932-6858 Whlteford MD Palmyra enfield HERR’S REPAIR EQUIPMENT INC. SHOP 720 Wheeler School Rd. RD 2, Box 118 A 301-879-5090 717-838-1549 Palmyra WEAVER’S LAWN & GARDEN 740 W. Main SL 717-838-5999 Ronks A & B SALES & SERVICE 370 Newport Road 2 Milaa South of Rt. 23 Along 772 Thru Montarty Shlppensburo LEINBACH FARM EQUIP. 1120 RilnerTtwy. 717-532-5511 Tamaoua CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. RD 3 717-366.5945 Hancock. MD HANCOCK BLOCK TRUE VALUE 220 Fulton St. 301-678-7242
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