Wm Sollenberger Silos Corp. S- Sollenberger Silos Corp. Box N Chambersburg PA 17201 (7 1 !) 264-9SBB Poured Concrete Silos Since 1908 Office Number - 717-264-9588 For Upright Silos Call For Bunker Silos & Manure Systems Bob Francis 717-532-6848 Evenings Tab Justus 717-762-8663 I Sollenberger Silos Corp. - Box N, Chambersburg, PA 17201 "* | Name. I . Address | City/State/Zip i Phone County . I Please Send Info. On; □ 1. Manure Pits |□ 2. Bottom Unloading Silos n 5. Feed Bunks | □ 3. Top Unloading Silos □ 6. Cattleguards I □ 4. Precast Bunker Silos O 7. Industrial | Big-Jim Unloader... The Unloader of the Future'...Available Today. For 20' - 24' and 30' Silos, With the Possibility of 40' diameter Silos: Think of Storing 5,000 Tons in One Tower Silo! Drive your truck or mixer-wagon *T **/?.' *■** “ ni MEMBER; Inteniatloiial Silo Assn. ■ Am. Social; of Agric. Engrs. - efficient debvery n{,our wUtedhny PA. Forage & Grassland Council or silage. Eliminate conveyors from B sites to mixer. Sollenberger Silos Corp. TTS A VDLE NEV VORLD OUT THERE!’’ Tower silos that can hold 4,000 tons of forage!!! This is one of the first major changes in the silo industry since the 1950’s when farmers went from 12’ and 14’ diameter silos to 20’ and 24’ diameter silos. The industry met the challenge. And Now, Sollenberger Silos Corp. is stepping up to meet the challenges of the ‘9o’s and beyond. The larger dairies need storage units that will hold 2,000 tons and more, and be able to deliver the feed without spending “Hours Per Day.” The poured concrete tower silo is the silo to store the feed, and the Big-Jim Distributor/Unloader is the system to deliver the feed. Today’s business-oriented dairymen realize that “Forage Quality is often the single most important factor affecting their profit,” and as a result they are searching for ways to store the feed, and deliver it to the cow in the best condition possible. “The tower silo may very well be the best investment that a dairy farmer can make!!” Store your feed in a poured concrete silo, let gravity do the packing, and deliver the feed directly into your truck or mixer. “Save $20,000 or more per year on machinery and labor costs to store and deliver your feed, compared to bunker silos.” The tower silo may cost more, but labor, machinery, and feed quality savings will pay the difference in 3 years or less. “The Blizzard of ‘93 and the severe winter of ‘94 greatly increases your appreciation of the concrete tower silo.” It is time once again to get serious about storing your valuable feed. Mfp&MfwS; STO'SISS'SI! L *" c * M * f inning. Smutty. July 9,1WW11 aw 1 ™ o*"'* 0 *"'* ssja&sg 4 ®*"’ UNADILLA WOOD SILOS Sales fit Service Leasing Available BSIIo Roofing Wooden Silo Liners Distributors and Pipes Wood Feed Carts Hay Racks Silo Homes Used Silos When Available 12” Goosenecks Installed On Sealed Silos DANIEL S. STOLTZFUS R.D. 2, Narvon, PA 17555 717-354-4374 JUNE DAIRY MONTH USED EQUIPMENT SALE s IUUNf- OADERS 16’ 16’ Unloader 20’ 20’ SilomarlrDTTOader 20’ Jamesway VII Unloader (2) 16’Jamesway VIII Unloader 18’ Jamesway VII Unloader Jamesway VII Unloader (Any Size) BARNCLEANERS Jamesway DrEaHw/140’ Chain Jamesway DfMgßßßfw/185’ Chain Farmway Driv^TffW - FEED MIXERS 115 Oswalt Stationary Mixer 180 Oswalt Stationary Mixer 180 Oswalt Trailer Mixer (Coming In) 120 JamesßSSfflygon Mixer 230 Oswalt Trailer Mixer 230 Oswalt Trailer Mixer (Coming In) 250 Oswalt Trailer Mixer (Demo Unit) LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT 5935 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE, GAP. PA 17527 aWßap PHONE: 717-442-8134 m TSRrSi. nrf= SALES & SERVICE TO CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO DISCUSS YOUR STORAGE NEEDS AND ASSISTANCE IN COMPLETING THE “COST ANALYSIS WORKSHEET” DEVELOPED BY THE CROP STORAGE INSTITUTE Bob Francis (717) 264-9588 SCALE SYSTEMS 40,0001bs Scale System 6,0001bs Animal Scale System 72,000 lb. Scale System (new) Scale system for Gehl Grinder/Mixer (new) FEEDERS & CONVEYORS 50’ 35’ JameswayConveyor MANURE EQUIPMENT 3300 Gal. N-Teck Tanker 3200 Gal. Badger Tanker 28’ N-Teck Lagoon Pump 8’ Jamesway Pit Pump 12’ Jamesway Pit Pump (elec) VENTILATION 8-24" Circulating Fans (Coming In) 48” Ex«SBBBln JUST COMPLETED...Thia 30’xlOO’ pound concrete silo with drive-thru for loading dlnctly Into your mlxar wagon or truck-mounted mlxar. The Big-Jlm Syatam will dallvar ovar 1000 Iba. par mlnuta of com allaga. Juat think...you don’t need 6 alloa and 6 unloadan to atom thla much faad...and batter yat, you do not have to atom your valuable feed on the ground and try to protect It with plaatlc and uaad tlraalil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers