CIO-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 9, 1994 k 1 silos and H mJNLOADERS Buying used stave silos, especially Fickes and Lan caster Fair price paid Af ter 6pm. (717)786-2103 FOR SALE Motor and parts for Silomatic 66 tube feeder 97'x12" Beit feeder 6 ton feed bin Dauphin County, (717)533-7051 Replacement silo staves and door frames, Lancas ter, Fickes and Ribstone styles available (610)593-1172 Ribstone Silo, 22x70, com plete w/roof, tripod, filler pipe, ladder & doors, $4200 Lackawanna Co 717-587-1725 40" o o Bllo<Matle’a t GEMINI r /D Silo Unloadar «*» " :>i^h^jfc> •Adjustable Tri- Mount Single Suspension Ring Drive •26-Inch Stainless Steel Rotor Housing With 4 Stainless Pawls •Front and Roar Augsrs ars different sizes, Each operates at a different speed for excellent performance. •Superior Torque Arm with Rollers •New Clean Design with Flow-Through Safety Grids • Fiberglass Gooseneck with Stainless Stool Liner USED ROLLER MILLS. 9x12 Roskamp roller mill, automatic 200 bu roller mill 717/866-5708 ZOOK’S SILO REPAIR Buy And Sell Silos General Repair Work Extensions, Roof Repair, Chute Repair, Tear Down & Rebuild. Reline With Shotcrete Distributors, Fill Pipe RD 2, Box 90 Honey Brook, PA 19344 610/273-9211 RICKEE NEWVILLE, PE •r“ d d o •New Silo-Matic Equipment will be shown and Demonstrated. COME BRING YOUR FRIENDS & ENJOY THE DAY! •This is our way of saying “Thanks to you-our Valued Customer- For your confidence in us over the Past 40 Years that We have served Your Silo and Feed System Requirements. * DOOR PRIZES * REFRESHMENTS * DOOR PRIZES SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL SALES MADE DURING OPEN HOUSE StoJfast. s® MARTIN'S SILO REPAIR Moving Concrete Stavs Silos • Gunits Rsllnlng - Fill Pipes - Distributors - Roofs - Replscsment Doors - General Rspalr 907 Centerville Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 445-9834 :OM PANY, in<=. & cfyui&ieU' UNLOAOCR^^V OaMfcsn VffCOINO SrSTCMS^/ • 717-776-3129 1 -800-224-SI LO ° o D o “TOTAL MIXED RATION” with TUMBLE MIX ROTATION •Low maintenance •7 Different Sizes •Low Power Requirements •Long-Lasting Stainless Steel Barrel •Beam Scale System MAY-CO PLASTIC SILO LINERS To have mold free haylage, corn silage & hi-moisture grains, install a May-Co liner in silos with or without unloaders. Easy to install. SHOP (717) 399-8232 OFFICE (717) 768-3269 MAY-CO SUPPLY CO., INC. Wed, July 13 9AM TO Thurs, July 14 5 o □ CHECK YOUR SILOS FOR DETERIORATION AND REPAIR NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR SANDBLASTING & GUNITING
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