\ r V *3O-Lancaat>f Farming, "Saturday, June Ili *1994' / Farm Calendar (Continued from Page A 10) Gram Crop Field Day, Landisvillc Research Center, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Lancaster County Honey Produc ers meeting, Rainbow Apiaries, Hughes Farm, East Earl, 6:30 Crop Residue Management Prog ram, Hoss’ Steak and Seafood Butler County Holstein twilight meeting, 7 p.m. Crop Residue Management Prog ram, York extension office, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Pesticide container recycling. Mountain View Reclamation, Grecncastle, repeats July 28, Pa. Junior Holstein Association Convention, Pittsburgh, thru June 28. Bcaver-Lawrence Dairy Princess Pageant and Ice Cream Social, Westfield Grange, 7:30 p.m. 14th annual Hickory Ridge Anti que Farm Show, Horace Poller Residence, Milford, Del., thru June 26. Benefit Auction, Solanco Fair grounds, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. "A Celebration of Quilts,’ York College of Pa., 10 a.m.-5 p.m., thru June 26. Pa. Junior Judging Schools, Butler and Franklin counties, thru June 30. On-Farm Composting Field Day, SPECIAL SPRING PRICES ON TRAVELERS AND PUMPS 10% discount on all pumps and travelers Kifco and Aaßain Travelers from 4” ID 1250’ Lengths, down to 1.3 1Dx330 Lengths All sizes in between in stock over 15 Travelers in stock now. Caorari Pumps. Bauer Pumps Monarch Pumps PTO and Direct mount pumps from 1200 9PM to 100 9PM. Large Direct mount pumps have new John Deere engine. Over 50 pumps in stock. WE MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FITTINGS FOR ANY TYPE OF PIPE. Call Us, there is nothing we can’t make on Irrigation Fittings Rainbird Sprinklers, Nelson Guns PVC Underground Mains, Riser, Valves All In Stock • 6” High Pressure Ringlock • 6” High Pressure Hook & Latch • 4” High Pressure Hook & Latch • 3” Watergate Pipe ZIMMERMAN IRRIGATION RD# 3. Mifflinburg, PA 17844 717-966-9706 800-452-5699 Robert and Lois Keller Farm, Implementing On-Farm Compost ing Interagency Conference and Tour, Penn State Harris burg, Middletown, thru June 29. Pesticide recycling program, Oyl cr’s Orchard, Gettysburg, also Junior Judging School, Franklin 5-Acrc Corn Club contest deadline. Lancaster County pesticide con tainer recycling, Landis Spray ing Service, Strasburg, repeats Aug. 3 and Sept. 2. Field Day To Feature Practices For Reducing Herbicide Use In Com, Steve Groff Farm, Buck, 9:30 a.m.-noon. Kutzlown Folk Festival, Folk Fes tiva^Jrounds^lhnWul^O. HHtMSBBSHHI National Holstein Convention, Lancaster County pesticide con tainer recycling, G'deon King, Kinzcrs, also Aug. 5 and Sept. Penn Slate Weed Science Field Day, Landisville, 9 a.m.-noon. Rockspring Research Farm Tour m Irri min >w Al Editor: Throughout the past months, a controversial issue has arisen re garding milk and dairy products. Bovihe somatotropin, or BST, has been made available to dairy farmers across the United States. This has caused many consumers to become concerned regarding the healthfulness of milk and dairy products. Serving as Maryland Dainy Princess 1 have encounter ed many concerned consumers and questions they have regarding the use of BST. Recently, at the college 1 attend. Western Mary land College, SEAC our en vironmental group has taken action to inform the student popu lation of some information it has obtained regarding BST. Most no- Weed Science Field Day, Penn Slate Rockspring, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Keystone Stud Ram and Ewe Show and Sale, State College Ag Arena, thru July 9. Fawn Grove Fair, Fawn Grove, thru July 10. n Pipe „.$3.25/ft. Specializing in drip and overhead Irrigation, Design & Engineering Farm Forum and Barbecue, Penn State Ag Progress Days site. Rockspring, 5:30-dark. tably is the Consumer Warning flyer which states what you should know before you buy milk and dairy products. After reading the flyer, 1 became even more con cerned; not because of the use of BST but because of the inaccuracy of the information presented. One of the most important facts that consumers should be aware of is BST is a naturally produced hormone in cows. In a report re leased by Dr. David Barano, Pro fessor, Department of Food Sci ence, Cornell University, it states that milk from cows given supple mental BST contains no more BST than milk from cows not giv en the supplement. There are no differences in nutrict content (fat, protein, calcium, vitamins) or sen sory characteristics (flavor, color) of milk from treated cows. The level of BST in milk remains the same. The extra BST is used by the cow. Another issue of concern is the claim that BST can make you sick due to the increased amounts of bacteria in milk. Consumers need to realize that in American we have the highest standards for food products. Milk undergoes one of the highest and strictest processing procedures. The tests and processes that milk undergoes will not change. Farmers will still QUALITY TOP TO BOTTOM Whether they're designed fc - ..ome g; - .argt commercial farms, Kubota diesel tractors vary in size but not in quality. Each Kubota tractor is designed to run a long time with minimal maintenance. ■ From the smallest 10 HP models to turbocharged specialty tractors which deliver 91 HP at PTO, Kubota tractors are dependable. Sturdy. Fuel-efficient. Comfortable. Stop In ft See The New Grand H L M Series Kubota Tractors Dairy Month is a natural iDA'IRP time for a real “Thank you." tWQ|W WE SHIP PARTS UPS DAILY LEBANON to n, m m, Umm. mw** to «i» i urn wmi « mmrntmm 717-94»2000 " have milk inspections, milk will still be tested, and will still under go pasteurization all processes that eliminate any harmful bacter ia that may be present in milk. Finally, the use of BST will not cause any environmental harm. Dr. Barbano states that the use of BST will reduce the amount of animal waste per unit of milk pro duced and will reduce the amount of feed required to produce a unit of milk. This is because the cow will more efficiently produce milk, thus leading to an environ mental benefit. Again, consumers should re alize that the milk and dairy pro ducts they will be buying in the grocery will be safe and just as nu tritious for them to drink. Regula tory and scientific bodies in at least twenty countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Germany have authorized milk and meal from cows supplement ed with BST as safe for people of all ages. The dairy cow has been a source of nutrition for over 11,000 years. Her wholesome and nutri tious product have, nourished and sustained life for millions of hu mans. The cow is the greatest pro ducer of calcium and phosphorus, elements so essential for our exist ence. She is the producer of na ture’s most perfect food. Dawn M. Downey Maryland Dairy Princess Kubota ( TRACTORS * EQUIPMENT | call FOR DOTAILS “—' —- - J ON LKASINC LANCASTER Saturday 7iM.i2.-oo | ■» LptMtont~~\ J riTiOBMWtIJ Strvlng Central PA Snot IRI
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