Take An Education COLLEGE PARK, Md. The Cooperative Extension Service. University of Maryland at College Park, is offering interested Mary land residents an opportunity to take an “education break” during College Days 1994. A four-day learning experience designed for adult students. Col lege Days will be held June 27 - 30 at the Sandy Cove Conference Center near North East (Cecil County). It will feature classes, tours, leisure activities and enter tainment in a relaxing environ ment, off Highway 272, overlook ing the Northeast River near the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay. More than 70 classes taught by extension faculty and outside ex perts will be grouped in four focus areas: • “Focus on Your Finances” will include classes on the Mary land economy, funeral costs, in surance, health policies, invest ment options and more. SCLL PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon.. Tues., Wed., Fxi. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM If*] CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 855 John Deere 4X4 Loader and Woods 750 Backhoe $ll,OOO 080. (717)966-4332. WANT TO BUY all makes and models of construction equipment. (301)694-6148. (301)371-9299 fax. Yamaha industrial genera tor. excellent condition, 19AMP, 240. 37AMP, 120. $lOOO Herndon, PA 717-425-3364. 'B9 Bobcat 743 3000 Hrs., Ex Cond $9,800 'BB Bobcat 853 3000 Hrs., Ex Cond $ll,BOO 'B4 Cat 943 LGP Crawler Ldr., EROPS, 4 in 1 Bucket, Exc. Cond $38,000 'B7 JCB 14008 backhoe loader CROPS, extra hoe, VG Cond 'B6 TCM 820 Wheel Ldr. w/Forks, Exc. Pettibone Super 6 forklift VG condition (301)694-6148 Case 1845 C Skid Loader, Only 1500 Hours, New Rubber, Good Condition Kenneth Weaver RD 3, Milton, PA 17847 717/742-27 li*. No Sunday Calls □nnnnnnr nnnng Cfc\ i n ‘ -4 □ AllfiS □ 1000 Gallon □ Q Stainless Steel Tank □ Q Good Condition n □ $1,500 p □ (717)683-5411 □ □□□□□□□□□□□□a • “Food, Health and You” will offer information on exercise, healthy eating, weight loss, how to read food labels and food drying. • “Life Along the Bay” will fea ture classes on oyster and fish farming, saving the bay and weather watching. It also will in clude treks around Sandy Cove and Turkey Point Lighthouse. • “Celebrate the Family” will focus on heritage, diversity, rela tionships, expression, religion and self-nurturing. Other sessions, available as part of “Classes pn the Move,” will give participants an opportunity to explore Chesapeake horse coun try, Plumpton Zoological Park, Sinking Springs Herb Farm, and Longwood Gardens. Golf at Brantwood Golf Course, a bed and breakfast tour and a schooner cruise also will be offered. After selecting a focus area, participants will choose specific classes that best suit their needs and interests. Towmotor 4+o 60001 b. ca pacity pneumatic tire fork lift, works, $1500; AC craw ler forklift with bucket, runs, make offer, Clark 20001 b. solid tire propane forklift, runs, $1200; Clark 40001 b. gas forklift, hydrotorque trans., solid tire, runs, $l9OO. Spring Garden Plumbing, 339 Spring Gar den Rd., Kinzer, PA, 717/442-9622. ,$14,750 .$14,500 ~.$7,000 1982 JLG Manlift, 60’ Working Height, w/Extend able Axles, Rebuilt Ford Gas Engine, Good Condition $lB,OOO Break: Si * i < i \i Prk i s On Skid Sii i r 1,0 \di rs JD 570 skid steer Call 1988 JD 555 G crawler loader Call JD 3IOC loader backhqe w/cab Call JD 410 C loader backhoe Call JD 450 Dozer $6,000 JD Construction Equipment Thomas Skid Steer Loaders, Sales and Service J D EQUIPMENT Pennsburg, PA 18073 2IS-679-S9SB PVS ■ ''v iJ, - _ *' '"' -m*. ■ *s*” n ~ r 4 * V, W ■?* International 3444 Diesel Wheel Loader, 3 Pt. PTO $5,500 Also Available: 3 Pt. Backhoe $2,000 Heavy Equipment Eoader P arts, Inc. RD 2, Bo* 2230, Route 22, Grantville, PA 17028 (717) 469-0039 (800) 446-0505 Register For College .Days Baby-sitting and child-care ser vices will be available for infants, preschoolers, and elementary-age children. A program of games, crafts, stories and other activities will be conducted for various age groups. Family suites are avail able for overnight accommoda- Top-Notch Young Farmers ALBANY, N.Y. Last De cember, Jim and Deanne Gilligan of Jefferson County were chosen as state winners for New York Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer Achievement Award. Winning the state competition earned the Gilligan’s a trip to the national convention. The Gilli gans are a regular farm family who run a top-notch operation and participate in. agricultural activi ties. Once again. New York Farm tions. Preregistration by June 1 is necessary to ensure lodging, meals, and a place in the chosen focus area. The fee will vary de pending on the classes, lodging, and meals selected. College Days brochures and re- Farm Bureau Seeks Bureau is looking for young far mers single farmers and mar ried couples to vie for one of this state’s most prestigious agri cultural honors. Young farmers with a successful farm operation and a record of involvement in Farm Bureau and the agricultural industry can and should apply. Later this year, three finalists will be chosen. The finalists will receive an expense-paid trip to the N YFB state convention in Decem ber, as well as being featured in a slide show to be premiered at the convention. The three finalists also receive a cash award and a video version of the slide show. 1986 Case 450 C Crawler, w/6 way Blade, 1280 Hr., U/C Excellent $19,800 1986 580 Super E Tractor, Loader, Backhoe With Extendahoe With Cab & Air, Nice $lB,OOO Mustang 342 Diesel, GP Bucket $B,BOO Sprocket & Roller & Pins & Bushings, In Excellent Condition 532,500 We Buy & Sell Financing Or Lease Purchase Available Unctttr Farming, Saturday. May 21, 1994-Cll AA Equipment 1797 Robert Fulton Hwy., Quarryvllle, PA 17566 717/529-2512 No Sunday Calls gistration forms are available from local cooperative extension ser vice-offices throughout Maryland. Phone numbers are included in county (and Baltimore City) list ings in the blue pages of the tele phone directory. The winner travels to the national meeting in St. Louis, in January, to compete for countrywide hon ors. The national winner receives a $5OO cash award from Dodge Truck and a 486 computer system. If you’d like a chance to high light your farm and your achieve ments, plan to compete in this year’s Young Farmer Award com petition. For an application, write to Organization Dept., New York Farm Bureau, Inc., P.O. Box 992, Glenmont, NY 12077-0992, or call Pam Rafferty at (318) 436-8495 or Fred Perrin at (315) 393-7407. The application dead line is July 25. 15 KW 3 Ph. Generator With Deutz Diesel JD 544 B, Nice w/Falr Rubber $19,500 1987 Kawasaki 3800 Hr. in Excellent Condition $49,900 843 Bobcat Diesel, GP Bucket, Nice Condition $11,500 JD 3130, New Rubber On Front, New 18” Rubber On Rear, Nice Condition
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