POTOMAC VALLEY ASSOC. HERD COWS IN BREED HERD T HERD NAME Brookedale Holstems Ron-EII Dairy Farm Cessna Bros. Farm Edward C Ott QUEEN ANNES COUNTY HERD COWS IN BREED HERD T HERD NAME Benjamin Stanton Pintail Point Farm Boone Bro'hers McFarland Donnie & Wayne Charles R Patterson L J & W E Palmatary HIGH AYRSHIRE HERDS (3.5% FCM) Herd Name David & James Patrick Howard Potomac St. College W. VA. Ralph W. Shank Washington Vales - Pride Frederick Edgcwood Farms Inc. Howard Con-Ayr Dairy Washington Seneca Ayr Farms Montgomery HIGH BROWN SWISS HERDS (3.5% FCM) Herd Name Tom and Joy Crothers Dublin Hills Swiss Fir-Thomc-B K. Scott & Judy Hood Dwayne & Miriam Bell Garstlyn Brown Swiss Robert A. Sigler, Jr. Rudell C. Beall & Sons Bells Delight Farm Fleming & Frey Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main SI. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-394-3047 or Utilz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tuss., Wed. & Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS; Mon. thru Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available for your classified advertising. In Section D. Deadline- Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq. Wanted The following categories are available In your calsslfied advertising. In Section C. Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication. la-Construction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq. & Supplies 14- & Supplies 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21 -Services Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities! 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate Maryland DHIA Report For April 1994 MILK AVG FCM T 738 691 65.6 65 5 MILK AVG FCM T 81 1 77 5 73 0 71 7 70 6 70 4 139 146 102 184 County Ass’n. County Ass’n. Frederick 31 70.0 PaT& nT* ' P h • !UToII 137 Frederick 10 68.7 ° arTCtt 33 Frederick 23 66.7 ck o _ . Garrett 28 Carroll 57 65.9 Barnett 36 Carroll 12 64.8 46 Fredenck 19 61 8 £ Tho „ mas Mason Kent 58 Montgomery 21 60.8 SaS ?* vid . Zimmcrman Carroll 15 Carroll 30 59.7 J " Washington 12 Washington 26 59.4 S nt w Montgomery 57 El-La Jerseys Frederick 20 CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, RA 17522 , NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mgil Box Market Ads, see Instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Address Please startin Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. SECTION C • WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION (Continued from Page C 9) Harry L. Schrader & Sons H ' 192 F. Reed Leaverton H , 92 F& J Moore H ’ 129 TALBOT COUNTY HERD COWS IN BREED HERO T H 56 H 177 H 46 WASHINGTON COUNTY HERD COWS IN BREED HERD T H 56 H 82 HERD ■ NAME Win. Bnnsfield R Stanley Collier & Sen Willis Snow HERD NAME Isaac And Diane Martin Timothy & Lavonda Martin Cows in Herd Total Cows in Herd Total PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY Phone (, üblish m .word ad times with the I enclose DEADLINES: Milk Avg. FCM Total Milk Avg. FCM Total PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. State issue. Classify under (Phone Numbers Count As One Word\ 69.8 69 2 69.1 MILK AVG FCM T 71.6 68.1 67.4 MILK AVG FCM T 76.7 76.3 HIGH GUERNSEY HERDS (3J% PCM) County Ass’n. Herd Name Clctus & Janice Frey Keith Dixon O. Clayton Smith John & Wm. Schnebly William B. Messix England Farms Inc. Dogwood Lane Farm Level Square Farm Anovadale Farm Sterling Frey HIGH JERSEY HERDS (3.5% FCM) Herd Name CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 380 per word per week - 1 or 2 times 320 per word per week - 3 or more times 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 4.18 8.36 4.56 9.12 4.94 9.88 5.32 10.64 5.70 11.40 6.08 12.16 6.46 12.92 6.84 13.68 7.22 14.44 7.60 15.20 Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Curtis W Ausherman Mervista Farm Lester Stnte Oetus & Janice Frey Creek Bound Farm Lynn Stnte Misty Lawn Farm Sunnse View Farms Magna-Visla Farm Dwight L Eby S J Winters & Family Thomas E Shaw Marvin R Martin Pryor Brothers Washington Kent Frederick Washington Queen Anne’s Cecil Kent Queen Anne’s Frederick Washington County Ass'n. Cows in Herd Total Milk FCM Cows in Herd Total Milk FCM 3 Times 10.56 11.52 12.48 13.44 14.40 15.36 16.32 17.28 18.24 19.20 20-
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