'Kauffman Directs Farm Credit LANCASTER (Juniata Co) Jonas B. Kauffman, 111 has been hired as executive director of Pen nsylvania Farm Credit Financial Management Services (FMS). The announcement was made by Phil ip Kimmel. on behalf of the Key stone, Northeastern and York Farm Credit Associations. As executive directbr, Kauffman will be responsible for the daily opera tion of the FMS programs throughout the state. Farm Cre dit’s Financial Management Ser vice offers a variety of record keeping and tax preparation plans designed especially for farmers through knowledgeable and spe cially trained FMS Specialists. The hiring of an executive director is the first step in an effort to con solidate these services throughout Pennsylvania. Customers will continue to receive the same ser vice as they have in the past form their current FMS specialist. It is anticipated that this restructuring will be an enhancement to overall operations by allowing one indivi dual to focus management efforts entirely on the needs of FMS. This should enable the department to position itself to take advantage of future opportunities for service expansion and operational efficiencies. Kauffman comes to Pennsylvania from New York where he worked for Farm Credit of Western New York. Prior to joining Farm Credit, he worked for the Extension Service of Cornell University. As an extension associ ate with the New York State Dairy Profitability & Productivity Project (“PRO-DAIRY”), Kauffman provided leadership in develop ing and delivering a financial management curriculum to farm managers across New York state. Kauffman also has direct experi ence in managing a farm business. He is a native of Lewistown, and received his under graduate degree from Penn State and a mas ters degree from Cornell. Farm Credit in Pen nsylvania serves approximately 15,000 fanners and rural resi dents with loans total ing nearly $950 million. WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Landis Bros., Evergreen Have Sales Agreemenmt LANCASTER/LEBANON - Landis Bros. Inc., the John Deere dealership in Lancaster is expand ing this week with the acquisition of the John Deere division of Evergreen Tractor Co., Inc., Lebanon. Herb Noll, partner/general man ager, said the expanded territory will double the business potential with the new service area of Dau phin, Lebanon, Berks, and Schuy kill Counties added to the present W.Va. Holstein Association Seeks Consignments MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. The West Virginia Holstein Asso ciation is hunting cattle! The cow hunt is taking place as they pre pare for their annual state Holstein sale scheduled for August 27 in Moundsville, W.Va. at the Mar shall County Fairgrounds. This is the third year for the state sale to be located in the northern panhandle of the state. Last year’s sale average was just over $1,500, according to the auc tioneer Denny Remsburg. This year the sale committee has established a major change in the type of animals they want for consignment to the sale. Regis tered Holsteins of any age can be considered few the sale and this is the first year that they will take animals that are ID Grades. Each of the animals being con sidered for the sale should at least meet the herd average where they Survivng this hard winter hasn't been easy. Collapsed buildings, caved-m roofs and water leakage problems are a few of the results of the unusual amounts of snow, ice and ram. Are you 100% certain that your current policy provides coverage for this type of catastrophe? Ours does. Don't take a chance on getting snowed under next winter. Call the Securus Group today and create value for your future. York, Lancaster, and Chester Counties. They plan to continue their new Lebanon branch at what has been the Evergreen site. Dennis Grumbine, owner of Evergreen, has moved the used equipment business and the Bob cat dealership under the Evergreen name to Myerstown. Noll said the move fits into the industry trend of fewer dealers that are better equipped to handle lar ger areas of service. ‘Today’s bus- are presently located. The sale is under the manage ment of Denny Remsburg with Dick Chichester from Select Sires being on hand to read the pedi grees of each of the animals being paraded in the show ring. The ring men are auctioneers themselves, so those people con signing animals know that there are professionals trying to get the best bid possible. Hauling is also being provided by the Northern Panhandle Holstein group that is & Securus Group, Inc Agricultural, Business Insurance and Employee Benefits IMI Charter Lane Suite 214, P.O. Box 10241 Lancaster, PA I7MS-0241 (717) 207-2222 • (717) 307-SIIO FAX (000) 502-0100 WATTS iness goes to the farm.” Noll said. To service the additional far mers, Landis Bros. Inc., has fully equipped trucks for on-the-farm service in all areas of their business territory. The Lebanon branch will concentrate on service and parts. Used equipemnt and new equip ment sales will be handled from Lancaster. New equipment will be on display in the Lebanon branch. The new Lebanon branch of hosting the sale. The sale committee will be vis iting farms and selecting animals for the sale in mid-May. If anyone has an animal that f^o""9 LAND PRIDE Quality equipment from 3-Spindle, 48”, 60”. 72” & 90” V REAR BLADES 48” Through 120” 48” Through 120” LANDSCAPE RAKES 48” Through 96” Wa Ship Paris i jpe | TRACTOWt * IQUIPMBfr | ICOIM/M* S»rvlnß Cmrtrrt.PA 8lne» IKI LANCASTER *fcUWB» " LOTml *!sSis? ■"**■ 1 Will MM I m'mmSWWlm**, »j TlTflfllßl Landis Bros. Inc., will have six employees. Co-managers are Phil Wimer, parts, and Parke Sollen berger, service. Ken Nolt and Ray Peters are the sales representatives. The Lebanon branch will be open for business Monday, May 2 under Landis Bros. Inc., manage ment The Evergreen business will continue in Myerstown at the same time. they would like to have consid ered, please call Ivan McCombs at 304-2324543 or Merle Chaplain at 304-845-3167. 42” Through 96” PULVERIZERS 48” Through 84” OVER SEEDERS & PRIMARY SEEDERS 34” Through 76” MONDAY FRIDAY 7:30-5:00 SATURDAY 7:30-12:00
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