PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, 2.2 ACRES PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES, FARMALL WO TRACTOR SAT., APRIL 30. 1994 Auction Tim* 9 A.M. Real Estate 1 P.M. Locallon- 520 W. Mapla Grova Rd. (Fivepolntvll le), From Rt. 597 In Flvapolntvlllo Taka Waat Mapla Grova Rd. To Property On Laft Or From Rt. 625 In Bowmanavllla Taka Waat Mapla Grova Approx. 2 Ml. To Property On Right, Brecknock Townahlp, Lancaster County. Real Estate Consists Of I’/i Story, 3 Bedim, 114 Bath Home (One Bedrm. On Ist Floor) EaMn Kitch en, Dining & Living Rm., Full Basement w/Oulside Entrance, Enclosed Sun Porch, Oil Hot Air Heat, Exterior Maintenance Free Siding, Soffit & Facia, Frame 1 Car Garage w/Shop Area & 3 Car Masonry Garage/Shpp 24’x44' w/10x10 Overhead Door, Full Second Floor Storage All On Tract Of Land 2Vi Acre w/Approx. 520' Road Frontage Along Maple Grove Rd. For Terms & Details Call Auctioneers At 717-445-4309 Or 717-733-1006, Zoned Agriculture. Inspection By Open House On Sat's April 16 & 23 From 1-4 P.M. Or By Appointment Call Auctioneers. Terms By ' BERTHA L. WEAVER Marvin L Weaver, POA 717-354-2826 Raymond Weaver, 717-464-4536 Auction Conducted By: Randal Klina, Lloyd Kraidar Roy Good Jr., Auctlonaara AU-2116-L 717-445-4309 KUNE, KREIDER,* GOOD AUCTIONEERS PUBLIC SALE Lot, Riding Mower, Wood Working Equip., Tools, Antiques Sat., April 16, 1994 9:30 A.M. Sale to be held at Rear of 29 E. Main St., Relnholds, Pa. Lane. Co., Pa. Lot approx. 'A acre located in rear of 29 E. Main St Reinholds to be sold at 11:00 A.M. lot adjoining Keystone night wear. Solo Electric Riding Cart 1 Tr. Old 11 hp. 1 Tr. Old Yardman LT 11-36 Riding Mower w/Bagger 18” electric B&D mower, chipmate shred der new, new portable air tank, Belsaw 'A hp grinder on stand. Craftsman jig saw. Crafts man grinder, Rockwell sander grinder. Crafts man V* hp table saw. Craftsman circular saw, Delta jig saw, Dormeyer radial arm saw 6'A ”, Craftsman sabre saw 3 speed. Craftsman plan er. B&D 3 A ” hand drill, B&D '/. ” drill stand. Sunbeam gas grill like new, 2 Strieker axes, Kelly Hatchet, craft Idts, woodworking pat terns. hand saws, levels, c-clamps, files, exten sion cords, block & tackle, vise, tool boxes, drop light, hand drills, variety of nails & screws, lumber, work benches, saw horses, chisels, Toro electric weed eater, paneling, hand truck, wooden plane, dollie casters, bat tery charger, old implement wrenches, New Perfection kerosene stove, door knobs, 20” 3 speed window fan, padlocks, gas heater, sm. cheese boxes, meat grinders & parts, shoe lathes, MB Holstein Richland brass hand pump, lanterns, New Holland feed mill wrench, wooden boxes. AW Eberly Store sign Reinholds and oil can & other pcs., iron hough, cigar cutter, sm. iron kettle, wooden butchering canning case, skillets, flat irons, crow nuts show case, showcase, cast iron waffle irons, adv. signs, marbles, depression glass, hallware, drop leaf table, hunting knives, cedar wardrobe, 2 Ig. polar bear ice chests, 1 sm. cooler and many more articles, Mowers & Electric riding cart sold at 12:00 p.m. Terms by. RUTH FASNACHT Snyders Auction Service Paul (717) 733-7052 AU-873-L Michael (717) 291-5749 Richard Funk Atty. Out of state buyers need current bank letter of credit or cash. Refreshments J). Public Auction Register Closlni Date Monday 5:00 P.M. o t each week’s publication New Danville Mennonite School Country Auction (717) 872-2506 Localtd On Lon, Lam (11741 Juit WOf tL 272 A South Of Lmcular Cltj- Acrore The Strctl Frm Chany Hill Orchard,). Friday, April 15, 1994 630-9:00 P.M. “All-You Can-Eat” Ice Cream Sundae Bar Adultt $3.50 Agea 3-10 $2.50 2 And Under Free Single Serving $2.00 Pina And Hot Sandwkhaat Craft, Food, And Boko Standi Salt Pit flaw , Auction! Starting At 7:00 PM. CERTIFICATES AND WINROSS Certificates Include! Admission to the Tabernacle for 10; Chicken Barbecue Dimer, Christmas Cookies; Deluxe take-out orders for 39 people; Dry (leaning; Dutch Won derland VIP Peas; Family Photo sitting and portrait: fruit; Hair Care; Ice Cream; limouaine Ride; Local Pood Markets; Lodging at Willow Valley Family Resort; Meat; Mote; boat fide on the Chseapeake; Mulch; Pst Sup plies; Plano Tuning; Produce; Restemauti; Sawdust; Swimming and Dessert Party at Rotner’s frmd; Tickets far the "Ettmml FUmu" Show; Tram Ridas; Vacuum Servioa/SuppUes Wlnross Trucks Include: Andaman Windows; CB. Hoobar A Son, Inc.; Cii Thomas Sons, Inc.; Cherry HU Orchards; Dutch Cold Honey, Inc.; Engle Businas Equipment, he. 60tfa Anniversary; Herr's Chips; Hess's Barbecue Catering; High Steel; Huber Nwseriaa; bmntate Betteriae of 1 minster; Kumler, L.H. Brubaker Appliances, he.; Mate-A-Wish Foundation; Manor Township; Martm Wa ter Condltiong Co.; PJ. Rofarar Anniversary; Philadelphia Electric Co.; Pins View Dairy; R.S. Hollhger and Son, he.; Torbay Hill Dairy, he.; Black Bear Structures, Bnp. Edition; Cap Hie Co. Saturday, April 16, 1994 BREAKFAST 7:00-9:00 A.M. Pancakes (aH-yau-ceii-«et!) msege or hem, scrambled eggs, juice, A coffee MAIN AUCTION: 9:00 a.m. Items Include: Banker's lamp, dock, T-shirt, caps, Zend ice cream scoop*, decorated cake, strawberry pie*, cheese, bolognas, fruit basket, eggs. ImsUigsncer Journal book "Tkt Pint 200 Kseri”, farm toys, A.L. Harr A Bros. Bid truck, Pfaltzgreff "Ptnnniar service for 4 including dinnarwtre, flatware, A glassware, oak coffee table, oak dry sink, unfinished deacon's bench, 20 gal. aquarium wnfa stand, plants, geraniums, bedding plants, balled evergreens, shrubs, ground shovel, barn diovel, long handled ice scraper, grease car tridges, auto supplies, ml sc. hardware, firewood, locust poets, lumber, mulch, misc. animal feeds, 9 units bull 529H9562, 19 mo. old Registered La adman 1 heifer, feed to Mascot, due in August. Dam of heifer it a Milnor daughter, 7 records over 20,000 lbs. of milk. 2 units IH2OBS Mascot. SPECIALTY AUCTION: 12:00 P.M. Itcim Include: Baakata; ■•it Bnibikar Dell Houaa; Flora Anangafnaota; Man m Hm in Biming"; "Gtuml HOW QaiM Pmd lij; Hand-painnd Country Vil- U(i Kaapaaka Box; -John W. EMtmm" Quillad Pud 1m; Lidy'i Quilwd Van; UncuMc Grand Hoapital Cat'a Manor Homo; Oak (Mar Chut by Gant POny; Oak Shall! Original Oil Ibintlng- "Whutr Crorrmg" by Dab Groff; P. luckily Mom farad print 'Camay Start’; Fanny; Small Sanitary Daak; Star lam Cat’a Maow Houaa; Swaabtaina; Tlnwam; Woodan Chacknboaid; Woodan Ra plica of 1930 Packard; Woodan Train (S piacaa) Remember to ilop by our Craft Table, Food A Bake Standi for additional Iraabl QUILT AUCTION: 1:00 P.M. Onyaalla; Oounay Lora; Doulda hiah Chain; Haad-piaaM Anigua 9iMch Variation; * Lamaaaar County Rnaa; Log CaUn Star; Lorn Star; * Sawtooth Diamond; Sauhlna And Sfaadowa; • Malchlnß Wnl|.Hnnclnß Alan ItKludlnti Afghan, Baby QuUla. Coanfcrtara, PUlowa, nod Wall-hangloga. THEME BASKETS will bn nucUtamd lbrau|ho«l thn ub Malhat'a Day; Rutaar'a Day; Iba Lovar'r, rbacnlala Lorar'a; Snack Pack; Hoaaawamilng ACnvmES FOR CHILDREN AU pnU* at -Oar BnaT adiaara la Bn achod caa*aa. VISA and Maaamaard acmpaad. No Md jbMR ituki ftmm. THIS ■ WOT A COMPUTE ÜBTIWO. APRIL Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994-Ell SAT. APR. 9 - Annual Spring Machinary Consign- SAT. APR. 9 - SAM Fina nwnt Auction held at the collection of antique*, 00l- Cowenesoue Valley Livee- (edibles, brass « cast iron took Market, Route 49, pieces, books, antique Knoxville, Pa. Tioga Co., tools, guns, toys. 247SOte- Clyde Beard, Knoxville, Pa. gon Pike, Lane. Pa. Lie. AU-000051-L. Phone Approx. 3 miles from Lane. and fax 814-326-4188. on Rt. 272 N. (Oregon PUBLIC AUCTION A P REAL ESTATE IT)/ 96.3 ACRE FARM RD 1 PALMYRA, PA SAT., APRIL 30,1994 /L TIME: 12 NOON DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg, PA, Rt 22 East (Allentown Blvd.) to the traffic light at Rt 743 (East Hanover Twp.). Go South on Rt 743 approx. 3 miles to the auction. Signs posted. The farm house has 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs. The Ist floor has a large kitchen, dining room, living room and sitting room. The house has oil hot water baseboard heat, basement, attic, well and spetic. There is a 3 bay garage, bam with pole building attached, wagon shed and chicken house. Shown by appointment only. Call McNeal’s Auctioneering at 717-545-5911. TERMS: Cash or Certified Check in the amount of $10,000.00 made payable to McNeal’s Auctioneering for the down payment. Settlement within 45 days. Other terms and conditions to be read the day of the auction. NOTE Farm equipment to be sold on April 30,1994 at 1:00 PM. Full sale bill to follow. The Estate of Henry (Junior) Turns Auctioneers: Richard and Rick McNaal Lie.#* AU-001380-L t All-002188*L k PHONE: 717-545-5911 A HILLSIDE FARMS - THE ROGERS FAMILY FARM MACHINERY AUCTION TUBS., APRIL 12 @ 10:00 A.M. Off Rt. 64, Bristol, N.Y. 4 TRACTORS, COMBINE, EQUIPMENT. GRAIN BINS LOCATION: 4V4 miles South of Rt. 5 & 20 on Rt. 64. Take Vincent Hill Rd. east 1 mile to the farm. Vincent Hill is % mile North of Rt. 20A, 15 miles West of Canandaigua. NOTICE: The Rogers family has managed this crop operation for many years and has taken good care of their equipment. SELLING; IH 3388 2+2 tractor w/2400 hrs.; IH 806 D w/3 pt. & 38” rubber, Farmall 400; IH 656 gas w/ldr.; IH 915 combine w/4R head & grain table; 77 F6OO farm truck; 73 F6OO farm truck; 82 Chevy % T P.U., 6.2 diesel; 10,000 bu. Storemore bin; 5000 bu. drying bin; IH 720 sxlB plow; IH 720 4xlB plow; 12’ Pittsbuig disc; Case 17’ offset Rock flex disc; 24’ transport drag; 24’ 3 pt. drag; 15’ Brillion cultimulcher; NH 851 rd. baler; Nl9’ haybine; NI 40’ hyd. drive elevator; NH 55 rake; (2) flat wagons; (2) gravity wagons - 1 w/auger; 110 side mtd. mower, 8R 400 plant er, 8x52 PTO auger, IH 510 21x7 drill w/seed (nice); Brillion 12’ packer, 6’ 3 pt. brush hog; IH 440 w/baler; tub type rock picker; approx. 75 fresh dug balled & burlapped evergreen trees & other misc. items. Owners STEVE, PETER & ROBERT ROGERS 716-657-7889 TERMS - Cash or good check, full settlement auction day. Call our office for financing information prior to sale. JtoyTeitsworth, Inc. Sales Managers A Auctioneers 6502 Barbar Hill Rd., Oeneaeo, N.Y. 14454 7l«-249-15«3 Pike). First farm on right past Landis Valley Rd. across from Landis Valley Museum. By Agent for Owner. Miller & Siegrist, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - BAM Key stone Chapter Consign ment Auction. Manchester, Pa. York Co. From Rt 30 in York, PA go N. on N. George St. (Rt. 1818) to signal light in Manchester, continue 1 1/10 mile to macadam road on right. By Rentzel’s Auction Service. SAT. APR. 9 - B:3OAM For the Howard & Effie Shaw Estate. Antiques, collecti bles, house items, gun, rid ing mower, tools, misc. York Co, Pa. from Rt. 74 (Main St.) In Dallastown turn west onto Rt. 214 (S. Pleasant Ave) for 1.0 mi. Turn L onto Blymire Rd. for 1.0 mi. turn R onto Aldinger Rd. & go short distance to sale on R @ 820 Aldinger Rd. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman, Russell Wright, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - B:3OAM Har bold’s Garage, 1817 Hum mel Ave., Camp Hill, Pa. Good quality tools and equip, of a 21 yr. estab lished auto/truck/mechanic repair business. Ziegler auction 00. Sale Reports GILBERT CONSIGNMENT SALE A Large Auction was held March 26 in the Springetts Fire Hall, 3013 East Market St, York, Pa. Buyers were in attendance from sev eral states. Items sold as follows: 3 pc. Victorian parlor suite $475, oak war drobe $5lO, piano $385, Weaver organ (as is) $l7O, oak rocker $330, round pie table $290, spinning wheel $2OO, 2 pier minors $440 & $560, Vanity $l7O, office chair $9O, Ladies & Gents chairs $340 each, small screen $475, chest of drawers $l5O, cedar chest $l4O, camel-back trunk $B5, Stanley #45 plane $l6O, daisy & button amber lamp $lOO, post card album $llO, box lots of post cards $32.50 & $35 each, quilt $l7O, and coins and collecti bles also sold well. A large collection of over 250 pieces of azalea dishes sold as follows: shell bowls $230 & $335 each, divided vegetable bowl $285, tea pot $4OO, can dy jar $650, tooth pick holders $6O to $lOO each, platters $45 each, dinner plates $ll to $17.50 each, soup plates $l6 each, oat meal dishes $23.50, bread & butter plates $lO each, salt & pepper shakers $25 per set, tea plates $l3 each, veget able bowl $7O, cups & saucers $lO to $l4 per set, condiment set $4O each, scalloped mayo $2OO, celery $42,50, gravy boat $35, dessert dishes $7 each and small antiques also went well. Brian L. Gilbert and Jacob A. Gilbert were the auctioneers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers