ElO-Lancwter Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994 Sale Reports KAUFFMAN SALE A Public Sale of real estate and farm machin ery and cattle was held April 2 by John and Ella Mae Kauffman, 2 miles west of McAlevys Fort, Huntingdon Co., Pa. The 36 acre farmette with a house, bam, pole shed and com crib was sold for $85,000. The Holstein heifers ranged from $470 to $7OO and the young steers brought $420 to $535 each. Other prices were: Gurney wooden ice box $460, pig farrowing crates $240 per unit, J.D. 720 tractor $3lOO, gravity bin wagon $575, N.H. mixer grinder $llOO, bale ele vator $6OO, J.D. sickle mower $525, Oliver 2-B plow $360, bale stacker $3OO and post hole digger $375. Mark Click and Dale Gibboney were the auctioneers. FUNK SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held April 1 by Elwood “Woody” Funk and Marlene Funk. 563 Hiview Drive, between Lititz and Manheim, Penn Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. The 1.7 acres with a brick and aluminum sided dwelling, and a 2 car garage was sold for $125,000. T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst were the auctioneers. RYAN CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery was held April 2 at J.R. Meats, 1509 Ryan Road, Fallston, Harford Co.. Maryland. A large crowd attended the sale with 396 registered bidders. Some prices were: J.D. 3010 tractor $4750, Ford 8N tractors (rough) $1350 & $l3OO, M.F. tractor w/ Sauder loader (rough) $1450, J.D. 318 w/46” mower, power steering and hyd. lift $4200, straps of sleigh and sled bells $35 to $llO ea., and train bell $155. Ryan auctioneers managed the sale. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Auction of horse-drawn farm machinery was held March 29 by Samuel L. and Annie Stoltzfus, 1 A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTSI mile east of Intercourse along Rt. 340, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices received were; N.I. 12A manure spreader $4lO, N.H, 200 manure spreader $575, corn binder $llOO, 2-way plow $245, White Horse plow $2300, Fox harvester $1950, culti packer $l3O, tobacco planter $4OO and pair of mules $1450. Steve and Steve Jr. Petersheim were the auctioneers. HILL ESTATES SALE A Public Auction of farm equipment was held April 2 for the estates of Pauline and Francis Hill, at Spring Meadow Farm on Rt. 97, 1 mile south of Rt. 70 in Howard Co., Maryland. Some prices included: J.D. 2640 tractor $12,900, J.D. 3010 tractor G $5250, Int. grain drill #5lOO $1350, N.H. 273 baler $2600, J.D. 40 manure spreader $2675, Gehl skid loader $4700, Ford 3000 tractor $3375, A.C. WD4S tractor $l4OO, J.D. 430 tractor $3600, J.D. 830 D trac tor $4350, J.D. L tractor $2600, J.D. 630 tractor $4600, J.D. 520 tractor $3250 and N.I. com picker #223 $2350. Ridgely’s Auction Service conducted the sale. MYERS FAMILY SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery was held March 29 by Donegal Manor Farms, The Elmer S. Myers Family, 731 Marietta Ave., Mt. Joy, Lane. Co., Pa. Some Prices included: Woods 7 ft. rotary mower $650, Rissler 90 ft. bunk feed er $l4OO, J.D, rotary hoe $lOOO, Brillion 6 row cultivator $B5O, E-Z flow gravity wagon $llOO, 2 McCurdy grain bin wagons $l9OO each, Gehl hi-throw blower $4lO, Farm-Hilt rack wagon $l5OO, N.H. 489 haybine $2400, N.H. 258 rake $2550, N.H. 278 baler w/thrower $2600, I.H. grain drill $l6OO, I.H. 800 6-row com planter $4OOO, Century field sprayer $1025, M.F. 65 tractor w/loader $4OOO, Gehl 4500 gas skid loader $5500, Int. 574 tractors $6200 & $7lOO, Int. 1466 tractor $7700, Case 2670 4-wheel drive tractor $20,000 Laridoll land soil finisher $B7OO, Landoll wing disc $4OOO, Krause wing disc $B2OO and Brillion 23 ft. cultipacker $4150. The auction was con ducted by Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider and Roy Good, Jr. LEBANON VALLEY CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Sale of farm machinery was held March 26 by the Leba non Valley Auction Co. Spring Consignment Auction at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Pa. There were 515 registered bid ders and 102 consignees at the sale. Lenox Farm I Ist Annual Sprin Susquehanna County’s Largest Farm Machinery Auction Located: From Exit 64 1-81 (Lenox Exit) West On Rt. 106 2 Ml. To Ist Left At Acre Lake 3 Ml. To Sale Site, From Hop Bottom, Pa. US Rt. 11 2 Mi. East To Sale Site. Watch For Signs. TRACTORS DRILLS IH 1086 IH 1066 w/Cab IH 1206 D IH 6560 IH 560 IHf-Wia IH 230 IH 1066 Farmall A Farmall H (Sharpest One In The County) Farmall Cub w/Family MgSTgS MPT6SG MF 50 MH Mustang Oliver 1955 w/Cab Oliver 1755 Oliver 1650 Oliver 770 Oliver 77 Oliver 1650 Oliver 1950 w/cab Case 300 Case DC Case SC Belarus 611 w/Cab Deutz OXI6O w/Cab AC 200 w/cab, sharp AC 190 XT, series 3 Ford 4000 Ford 6000 w/turbo JO 3020, nice Same 60 4WD David Brown 990 Case 530 Industrial David Brown 1200 MF 165 IH 340 Ford 600 MF 150 AC 5040 Ford 1710, 281 orig. hrs. PLANTERS FORKUFTS JD ljgSS!»Row Ford 4000 Industrial 5000 lb. Capacity w/side shift Oliver 543 COMBINES LAWN TRACTORS 48' Walk Behind Commercial Mower W/Bfiggor 1993 1325 Cub Cadet 13 HP w/5 hours ■ ed« (5) 1992 to 1993 Cub Cadet 12 to Nua 20 HP . New 52' 3 Pt. Rototiller, More Expected MF #l2 ' IH 85 Hydro Gilson 11 HP 10-20 More Expected trucks 1972 IH 26' Tandem rollback 1979 Ford 350 Flat Dump 1979 Chevy C3O Flatbed NH 411 Discbine Several More Expected Gehl 217° MISC. V® 8 18.4x34 Snap On Duals "" 8' Front Mount Snowblower ™ ZH Loader To Fit Farmalls Z PATZ Model 400 Heavy Duty Bam iu oeu? Cleaner Drive Unit w/Chain 400', u . Clockwise Rotation u , A . „ kl 4 CLAY Bam Cleaner Model B Drive 3 12 SP Wmdrower Cab w/Air (Like New) H P Motor 16' Chute Now Idea 5209 Discmower (Mowed 300 gy chain> Wheels, Etc. Acres ) Large Quantities Of New DeLaval 14x2' Glass Pipeline Patz 988 16'-20’ Silo Unloader New Jamasway Silo Unloader Parts (Complete Drive Rings For 16'-30') Brand new hydraulic loader to fit 3020 JD Too Many To Ust Leo's Deep Well Order of Sale: 9:00 AM Small tools, 10:00 AM Lawn & Garden; 11:00 AM Farm Machinery. MF 300 10 Ft. Grain Head 2 Row Com Head 5540 Hesston 330 JD 2-NH 315 #7O Thrower JD 336 w/#3O Ejector IH 440 JD 14T IH 27 MOWER COND TEDDERS A RAKES 2-Kuhn 4 Star Tedders NH 258 w/Dolly's & Rubber Teeth New Idea (Cream & Orange) JD Side Rake Much more arriving daily NOTE: Como Early, Bring Your Boota And Lot'a Have A Fun Day. TERMS; Caah Or Good PA Chock w/Propar I.D. Out of atata chock w/curront bank lattar. Not Raaponalbla For Leaaaa, Thaft, Damage* Or Accidents. Kurt Kullck, Auction Manager RR 1, Hop Bottom, Pa. 18824 717-289-4349 Auctioneers: Ed Goodrich Jr., James MacFadden Jr. SALE LISTING SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS & DELETIONS Some prices included: N.H. 489 mower conditioner $lB5O, N.I. rakeSlOOO, McCormick potato dig ger $520. Int. 5100 grain drill $2900, Gehl' 2170 haybine $2500, J.D. 2010 tractor w/ loader $3600, I.H. 554 tractor $3850, M.F. 1035 tractor w/loader $B5OO, Deutz-Allis com planter $3400, J.D. 210 pm k 9 A.M. JD 15 Hole IH 510 IH 410 SPREADERS JD 780 Hydro Push NH 304 Side Throw Hawk Barrel 2195 Case #95 Ground Drive BLOWERS NH 28 Farmhand Burr Mill Ford Blower PLOWS IH 10 Tooth Chisel MF 880 Reset 4 Bottom MF 680 Reset 5 Bottom Pittsburgh 5 Bottom White 548 5 Or 4 Bottom DISKS IH 9 shank Chisel Disk IH 35 12' Athens Offset 16' Kewanee Rock Flex 10' Krause Offset Oliver 4 Row IH 4 Row CHOPPERS 700 Qehl w/Grass & 1 Row Corn Heads NH 717 S w/2 Row Corn IH 350 w/1 Row Com Papec 35A 1 Row Com NH 718 w/Grass Head LOADERS WAGONS New Steer Pipe Wagons New & Used Wood Wagons NH #8 Forage Papec Forage Grove Forage rnni disc $lBOO, new hay wagon $llOO and Shav er post driver $l7OO. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. MKK. IT DOES A BODY good; upply 3 Auction CONSIGNMEN TRACTOR AUCTION SAT., APRIL 23, 1994 lO A.M. Call the auction center with your tractors to advertise!! Also selling the same day absolute auction of farm machinery for A.B.C. Groff, Inc. • 11:30 A.M. Alan Dlffenbach, Auct. AU22SBL A O <3*='® OC P Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100 W. Jackson St. • Box 186 • New Holland, PA 17557 Office (717) 355-7253 » Fax #355-9547 PUBLIC AUCTION OF ANTIQUES - COLLECTABLES - 75+ HUMMELS - FIGURINES PLATES - BELLS - GUNS TOYS - GLASSWARE MONDAY , APRIL 25 At 5:30 P.M. Willow Street, PA Loc: Al Starr Community Building in the Village of Willow Street, Pa. Take Rt. 222-272 three miles south of Lancaster to Willow St., Pa. Items consist of GUNS: Winchester: Mod. 61-22 SL - Left Hand, Mod. 12-16 Ga. Nickel Steel Barrel; Remington; Mod. 12C-22 rifle, Mod. 10A-12 ga.; Ithaca 20 ga. Dbl. Barrel; HUMMELS: School Boys 170, School Girls 177 -3 Line: 2 Little Fiddlers 2/11 One Line; Follow Leader 369; Forest Shrime 183; Happy Traveler 190/11 One Line; Cross Roads 331; Barnyard Hero 195/1 Three Line; Eventide 99 One Line; Wayside Devotion 28/1; Latest News 184; Coquettes 179; Bird Watcher 300; Chicken Licken 385; In Tune 414; Mischief Maker 342; Chick Girl 57/1; Going to Grand ma 52/0; Signs of Spring 203/1; Visiting on Invalid 382; Serenade 85/11 and 85/0; On Holiday 350; and 32 more Full Bee, Crown, 1 & 3 Line Marks. HUMMEL Plates from 1971 to ’B3; Annivers. Plates 1975 & 1980; Bridge Plate w/Box; BELLS: 1978 to 1982; Candy Boxes; Lets Sing One Line. Chick Girl One Line; PLAQUES: Swaying Lullaby 165, Little Fiddler, Ash Trays One Line; Goebel Christ mas Ornaments; Rockwell Figurines; TOYS: Amer. Flyer Train in Box, Lionel Coca Cola Train & Other Sets; Texaco Boat Tanker Box; Lionel US Steel Indust. Switches; The Steel Hauler, HESS: Car, Trucks, Posters; Winross Trucks; New Holland: Set of Glasses, His & Hers Watches; BicenL Bell Banks, Hamilton Wheelbarrow in Box; Numer. MATCHBOX Vehicles: 25+ new in Boxes by Lesney Md. in England; RARE Elephant Bank; TIN Windup & Battery Opp. Toys: MARX and Green Acres Tractors; Old Fordson; Tonka Crane & Grader; Penn State Watch; Pencil Holder; Kerosene Lights; Old School Desk; Cow Bell; Wicker Planter; Copper Fire Exting; Coins; Advert. Signs; Beer Trays; Lunch Kettle: Milk Bottles; Cream Top Rohrer; Mcd-o-Farm; Strasburg Wenger Dairy; Art Wenger & Wm. Pontz; Landis Valley Bottles; Oak Wall Tele phone; Avon Collection; Carnival Glass; Cast Iron Amish; Ash Tray; Fireman’s Hat; Majoli ca Com Creamer, Seven Occupied Ja’ '•» Miniature and Four Tiny Occupied Jr Toby Mugs & Pitchers; Blk. Amer. Ceramic Salt & Pepper, Green Depress; McCoy Pitch er; FOSTORIA; Sugar, Creamer, Mayon. Set, Pickle Dish, Vase, Covered Butter Dish, Juices, Sherbets, Goblets, Salt & Pepper Shak ers, Heart Shaped Nut Dish w/Ladle; and much more. TERMS: Cash or Approved Check. Clean Lot of goods from couple moving into retirement cottage. Few household items sell Ist Hummels at 6:30 P.M. Guns at 7:30 P.M. Auction by: AGENT FOR OWNER 569-2409 Auction Conducted by: Relet Auctioneers AU-1637-L Al Relst, Richard Murry Lane. Pa. 560-9902 jf“l p
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