MAH RUX MARKI r F R SALE m 41 JD-H, 39 JD-A both have good tin mech. good $2500 ft $l5OO. Bradford Co. 717-746-3224 after 6 p.m. Ford air com planter w/ monitor dry feri adjustable 4 row same as white used 7 yrs. Dau. Co. 717-533-7485. Koi for alge control finger lings ft adults. For info, also decorative, Box 77, Milford So , Pa. 18935. Bucks Co. 215-536-6076. 4“x24" hyd. cyl. $95, Lin coln carbon arc torch $5O, NH 404 hay crusher for - parts or fix, $5O. York Co. 717-266-1468. 124” Toledo meat saw, ty holdog sausage linker, hill 6 door freezer, 5 HP com pressor, 6' half moon con denser. Bradford Co. 717-596-4230. IH 966 tractor, year around cab, heat. 75% radial rub ber, good shape $10,500, sign with 6’ changable tet ters. Lane. Co. 717-653-0687. Good used not gas water heater 40 gal. York Co. 717-244-6389. 100 gal. gas tank an high legs, T weeder SO- 4x12 wood slats 3 Big Dutchman chain feeders metal gates. York Co. 717-252-2666. Red Australian shepherd male 10 wks. old $5O, 12 ton Chore Time feed bin $550. Lane. Co. 717-872-7969. Oliver RC 77 live hyd. all side curtains $l5OO 080. York Co. 717-927-9533. Locust posts $3 @ Mo-two horse culls., rebuilt $3OO or will rebuild yours. Lane. Co. Benjamin Allgyer, 6222 Plank Rd„ Narvon, Pa. Flooring, ash, oak, new rx6*xB*xl2’ rd, T»G 3000 sq. ft. avail. Del. Co. 610-565-6038. JD 3 btm. 14’ plow w/3 pt. hitch $350, crop sprayer 2 T booms, 400 gat. tank centrifugal pump, $650. Bucks Co. 215-257-2377. Kalamanzo coal & wood stove copper hot water tank attached 3.75 cash. Allen J. Hamm, 8157 Holben Valley Rd., New Tripoli, Pa. 18066. Automatic reset 2 btm. plow same as white horse good oond., also old wood shutters 48' & up. Lane. Co. 717-354-4374. Model 21 -E Green Viking all metal, good cond., can be changed for treadle. Call Mary Lee at 717-866-5555 9 to 5 daily. Problem Water? Odor? Bad Taste? Stains? Iron? Manganese? Mineral Buildup? Color? Bacteria? Virus? Harmful Micro-organisms? Hydrogen Sulfide? THM Precursors? Other Contaminants? Do You Have Any Problems With: * Small Litter Size * Too Much Medication W JJ J? * Milk Production 7 ' * Poor Feed Efficiency * Algae in Drinking Cups Ml * Bad Conception Rate « * Could Water Be Your Problem? Complete Farm Water Treating System A Farm Water System that is designed to clean the water on your farm with one of natures most powerful purifying agents Condensed Oxygen (Ozone). 338 Quarry Hd., Ltd*. Pa. 17540 IVIIVE/UUil 717-656-8380 WATER CONDITIONING INC. Harvester 20x60 Hurdese unioader sMo needs chain excel, cond., $7,000, good ahr bags. 906-537-2085. MF 165 tractor w/loader, excel, cond. new tires, etc. 717-334-4619. MF 2775 160 HP MF trac tor, Zimmerman forage wagon ft 500 gal. 40' boom PB Zimmerman field spray er, all excel, cond. Lane. Co. 717-733-7839. Portable firing hut for sow's. Leb. Co. leave mes sage at 717-866-6535, 9 a.m. New set of 12 NH under beveled tungsten carbide hardened knives for 1890-1895 chopper, JD grass pickup attachment 717-665-4743. Vioon KM24O disc mower conditioner $1995. Clear field Co. 814-765-3044. 1934 F-30, round spoke wheels, duck bill steering, runs good, F-30 parts trac tor, mtsc. F-30 parts. Ches ter Co. 610-458-8969 eves. 65 HP Wise, engine, over hauled, also reg. hoi. bull dam 30,000 m good pedi gree, good breeder. Lane. Co. 717-354-8327. 1980 27' Prowler travel trailer in Poconos needs some roof work otherwise in good cond., $2400. Pas saic Co. N.J. 201-942-6311. 25 ton hi-moister ear com in Ag bag must move by 4/29/94. Samuel Peter sheim, 117 Christiana Pike, Christiana, Pa. Lane. Co. 610-593-2242 leave message. Int. 856 like new. North ampton Co. 610-599-1112. Mobile home 12'x60‘ has new furnace $lOOO/080, must move ASAP. Fred. Co. Md. 410-635-6740. 77 King 4 horse trailer, 8' dressing room new brakes, tires, floor paint, good cond. Berks Co. 215-488-7940. Wheat straw, 100 bale $95 per ton/1.75 per state. York Co. 717-432-4228 after 6 p.m. York Co. NH 275 baler w/thrower $2500, NH 467 T haybine $l9OO, Nl 217 manure spreader, PTO $650. Perry Co. 717-834-4017 Flatbed trailer TCxI? on 4 wheels $2OO, maternal robot calf nursar $2OO, one microwave oven $5O. Leb. Co. 717-274-0717. Nl 323 1 row com picker, 1 owner very good $lBOO. Dau. Co. 717-367-2052. Polled hereford bull 5 yrs. old good background. Mon tour Co. 717-437-2884. JDF AR $2300 530 WF 730-Q WF $4200 ea., 720-G std. $4OOO. 830-D elec. PTO, hyd. $5BOO, W-111 engine $3OOO. 717-507-4296 7-10 PM. McD. 2 horse cults., JD 2 horse cult, w/spring teeth. Elam S. Better, 12 South Ronks Rd., Ronks, Pa. 17572. Old water pumps, pitcher ft piston also pump jacks, cheap. Bryon Please respond. Aaron S. King, 1426 Noble Rd., Kirkwood, Pa. 17536. White 5100 4RN corn planter, dry fert., insect boxes, monitor $2BOO, NH 25 blower good cond., $7BO. Lane. Co. 717-336-6858. JD 404-A com planter diy fert., $250 080, also Enterprise kitchen range black w/pipe shelf. Lane. Co. 717-445-9625. Walking horse mare very gentle child safe $6OO, anti que wooden road cart, pipe pony cart, full harness, pranklin Co. 717-597-3680. Trac Vac 5 HP fits on back, Troy Bilt rototiller 7 HP rear tongs fair. Berks Co. 610-286-9280. JD 1440 no-till com planter, 12* Brady field cult., 930 Case tractor, 7 tooth chisel plow, all working cond. Lane. Co. 717-285-2670. Parts from NH model M-7 forage wagon, also parts from JD hyd. drive forage wagon, parts good cond. Lane. Co. 717-442-9489 8:30-9:30. 8300 JD grain drill Gleaner F combine 13' Oliver 33 combine, Hesston 30 stacker, good cond. India na Co. 412-479-2762. 1982 Ford 9000 six wheel dump truck, Detroit motor, 10 spd. road ranger trans mission trailer hitch runs excel. $10,500. 269 Ebenezer Church Rd., Ris ing Sun, Md. 21911. NH super 23 blower $450, 300 gal. fuel tank w/hand pump $lOO. Brenneman Farm, Lane. Co. 717-872-5516. NH 489 mower oond., 489 (good), $3900,315 Woods batwing $3,000, JD 709 rot ary mower T $750. Wash. Co. 301-432-2974. Model 907 Bobcat backhoe in good oond. was on a 743 Bobcat skid loader. Blair Co. 814-793-4199. Allis model B tractor excel, cond. w/3 pt. hitch wide front elect, start w/lights 3 pt. 7' blade included, $1395. 717-569-9654 after 6 p.m. Smucker combination mower crusher 5000 gal. water tank. Isaac S. Stolt zlus, 5606 Meadvllle Rd., Gap, Pa. 17527. Lane. Co. Pony cart like new with lights. John Esh, Box 308 R#l lykens, Pa. 17048-9731 Dauphin Co. Rear mount quick hitch IH 600 blower also JO 210 mower for Cub, Mott belly rock flex disk, both in good mower for Cub $3OO ea. cond. Leb. Co. Kent Co. Del. 422-8877 717-933-4577. after 6 p.m. Wisconsin 9 Hp engine, Model E eight ft. grain bin nsw oversize rings $250. der, good cond. Titus Mar can ship UPS, I.S Hostet- tin, Rd 2 Box 1 72 A Watson ler, 23021 Gibbons Rd., town, Pa. 17777. Northum- Doylesburg, Pa. 17219. beiiand Co. Franklin Co. Bulk tank Jamesway 400 New Idea manure spreader gal. 195.00 10 HP Wise. #l7 ground driven ready to engine, flail chains for tank work $875. Townsend Del. spreader, make offer. Lane. 302-653-8743. Co. 717-445-5994. Starline conveyor-elevator 24 ft e)ngle chain with 1 HP elec, motor, ex. cond. $350. Cambria Co. 814-472-8068. Riding mower. 11 HP, White 30* stove, 18* Sears jigsaw, boys and girls 26’ bicycles. Lane. Co. 717-392-5329. Mixed blue heeler pups bom 2-27-94 good disposi tion excel, form dog. Perry Co. call between 3 p.m. A 8 p.m. 717-438-3174. IHC com planter 3 pt. hitch new furrow opener fert. attachment, $lOO. J. Baud ot, 717-944-3049. Ml 708 uni 4WD 3600 hrs., 868 chopper very good 3 row corn head hayhead. Lane. Co. 717-336-7883. Goats one adult billy & one 2 mth. old billy kid. Lane. Co. 717-664-2807. 8' chicken waters, feedline & pans, prower heads & flex auger, 3 push blade for JO Winco generator. Adams Co. 717-359-4975. Reg. holstein service age bulls ex. dam, 30,000 milk. 717-656-6648. Amos B. Lentz, 427 Hess Rd., Leo la. Pa. 17540. Sweepers, several types, 1 fits front loader, 10 hoe grain drill, $9O. York Co. 717-757-1960. 9 yr. old chestnut sad dlebred mare holds hard safe & sound $l2OO. Elam M. Ebersol, 558 Gibbons Rd., Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505. 10A Nl manure spreader $215, fuel tank 275 gal. $5O. Lane. Co. Elam L. Stoltzfus, 389 Haiti Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Storm front carriage good cond. Lane. Co. 248 Blank Rd., Narvon, Pa 17555. Fresh pullet eggs 35c doz., 3 doz. for/$l.OO, heavy duty hack saw. John R. Fisher, Hollander Rd., Gor donville near Intercourse. Simmental-Hereford cross yearling bulis/heifers, farm raised, wormed, 450 JD spreader, 10' transport disk. Carroll Co 410-795-9338 after 7 p.m. Barley straw no rain. Lane. Co. 717-665-6094. Dispersing barn tabacco rails, gates, heat gate. 16x16 asbestos shingles avail. 717-626-8257 Lane. Co. Case IH round baler, used 2 years $5500. Phone 301-733-6661 or 301-797-3921 Washington Co. Md, 21742 George M. Priest Jr. 500 lb. & 1000 lb. platform scales, reconditioned, locust posts, JD FBB grain drill lor parts 10‘ Bearcat hammer m i I I . 717-354-7151. Gehl mix wagon with scales, good oond. 6 carry ing canes for milkers in stanchion barn. Washing ton Co. Md. 301-834-9424. JD 424 A 4 row planter $250 16.9-38 on 15* rim, calcium filled 25% tread $lOO-set 080. Lane. Co. 717-445-9267. John Deere 40 ft. hay ele vator on wheels, John Deere 4 row cultivator, good oond. Somerset Co. 814-634-0504. Arab mare 18 yrs. safe & sound, good family horse, Carbon Co. 717-386-3335. Two Richie hog fountains $7O. two 16.9x34 six ply rear tractor tires, like new cond. $2OO each. Frederick Co. Md. 301-898-7321. Holstein heifer hand raised 4 months old dehorned very gentle $3OO. Angus Holstein cross heifer started well $2OO. York Co. 717-428-3124. 3 yr. old registered Morgan mare 14V4 hands. David K. Esh, 244 Lynwood Rd., Ronks, Lane. Co. $ll5O. green broke. 1845 Case skid loader hydro gas $2995. IH 24 drag disc harrow $175.4 in. axle 9 ft. packer $575.3 pt. Pitman NH mower $275. IH 1150 grinder mixer $lO5O. 717-354-9144. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 9, 1994-E3 AKC German shepherd puppies, pure black $275 & black a tan $225. Shot* & wormed, parents on pre mises Adams Co. 717-677-6122. JD A 1946 serial #560277 good rubber, ex. paint, runs well, ready lor your collec tion $l7OO. Lane. Co. 717-442-4596. 250 year old stair railing and spindles, beautiful heavy turned newel). All parts walnut Somerset Co. 908-766-4038 $BOO. IH com shelter $l5O. 4 ft Midland zip seeder 3 pt. hitch $l5O. Berks Co. 717-933-8549. Magic Chef commercial range, six burner giddle two ovens, needs cleaning $350. Sussex Co. NJ 201-948-6296 after 6 p.m. Bridion 3 pt 9 tooth chisel gauge wheels, IH 4 row cul tivators, JD 12 ft. disc, Ontario 16 hoe IH & Pitts burg drag harrows. Lyc. Co. 717-547-2113. BlackhawK 30 ton bottle jack $35. Wright 2 7/8’ impact socket, 1’ drive $lO.OO Tilting drill press table for 2’/«' column, $l5. Leb. Co. 717-866-4203. General motors factory ser vice and overhaul manuals for 1974-1976 Chevrolet cars nice shape $35. Bloomsburg, Columbia Co. 717-784-5769. Weathered barn boards from large barn, make offer, Badger bedding chopper, engine blown $lOO. Schuylkill Co. 717-345-3383. IH 13' transport disk, good shape, Smoker gravity bin, good shape $5OO, Smoker gravity bin needs work $250. Berks Co. 610-488-1607. Wilmer 5T fen spreader, good working oond. $450. Waltco hyd. lift gate 2500 lb. cap, good cond. $3OO. Berks Co. 610-756-6486. Good quality dry ear com, fast easy loading. Sch. Co. 717-345-4489. AKC St. Bernard pups, nice markings shots and wormed, Lane. Co. 717-445-5265. Mixed hereford & Angus feeders 300-500 lb. Balt. Co. Md. 410-357-5421. 105 Cub Cadet 42’ cut, $lO5O, 12.5 hp. Sears 40- cut $650 6 HP Ariens rider 26’ cut $450. 717-865-3319 after 5 p.m. Leb. Co. Several John Deere *GP" tractor parts. Call for rea sonable prices. 717-653-6708 eves. 1984 Skeeter Bass boat 40 HP Yamaha trolling motor, plus much more $4,000, log splitter 10 HF like new $llOO. Perry Co. 717-582-7725. 1973 Chev. convertible PS. PB air, new paint, top, tires rebuilt motor, owned 1< yrs., always garaged beau tiful, $5500. Bucks Co 215-536-0598. JD 401 OD, 1100, rebuilt hrs., 18.4x34 tires, 80% rubber, dual outlets, ex. cond., $6900, 100' nice walnut boards. Lane. Co. 717-665-3229. Buy one, get one free, Plasson waterers $2 ea„ also 20 locust posts $5O. Lane. Co. 717-786-9070. New Homelite 140 GPM 2"-3HP pump, hoses stran ger fittings $175, 4' pull behind disc 2 gangs, 4 wheels ea. side $35. Lane. Co. 717-484-2531. White 5100 seed boss no till corn planter, frame mounted coulters, 4 row wide or narrow, monitor, $2250. Col. Co. 717-437-2315. B size Katahain & Norwis potatoes for seed or eating from certified seed last year. Lane. Co. 717-656-6647. 5’ super mulch layer 10 acres life use, $7OO. Snyd er Co. 717-539-2272. Alfalfa hay & mixed hay no rain. Adams Co. 717-677-8981. Air operated press brake incubator hatcher new, col lect lathe, linde stick wel der, custom emu, rhea, ostrich hatching. Lane. Co. 717-355-9437. 784 International tractor with TA and cab, and 10 ft. Brillion cultimulcher, all in good cond. Carrett Md. 301-334-8658. Wheel Horse garden trac tor 10 HP Kohler eng, 44’ mower, 42’ snow blower, wheel weights A chains (manuals included) good cond. Asking $BOO. 215-358-5839. Sawmill, tumor (Pony) steel carriage and husk frame 48’ saw $l,BOO. 301-475-5814 evenings. St, Mary’s Co Krause 2867 coulter chisel, K-tine leveler, 7 shank, $5750. Woods HD3IS rot ary mower 15’ $4OOO. Kuk er trailer sprayer, $2,000. Used disk blades $lOO for 50. Fred Co. 301-845-8894. 1974 GMC 6500 series grain dump truck 30,000 GVW V 8 gas. call after 6 p.m. Mont. Co. also wheat straw. 146 S. Limerick Rd , Royersford, Pa. 19468. JOM w/cults 1700 Farmall SA w/cults 2400 Super AV w/cults 2400 Farmall 100 w/cults. 2400 5 ft. 3 pt. Bril lion seeder $450. Bucks Co. 215-598-7546. Cultivators, plow, sicklebar, blade, side dresser, 1R planter, pullys, drawbar, 4 Cub, Super A, spinner, platform scale, S-Dresser 4 ■H" JD 430 wagon trans planter. Salem Co. 609-358-8625. Angora goats mother and newborn baby - both regis tered animals, produce mohair. Call 609-259-1102 leave message. Monmouth Co. NJ. Jersey bull born 9-2-93 sired by Duncan Duke of Glenwood, healthy and wormed, make an offer. Cumb. Co. 717-249-8694. Holstein feeder steers approx. 500 Ib.s and under. Rally wheels, 88 Chevy V 4 ton pickup, Chester Co. 610-593-6484 after 6 pm. 1992 Sundowner 2 horse gooseneck trailer with tack oomp./dressing room, ex. cona, hardly used. $5,400. Fred. Co. 301-663-3610. 1970 Buick Skylark 350 positraction air pw ex. $3500. 1957 Chevy hard top 327 4 speed positrac tion $BOOO. 814-364-1904 Centre Co.
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