VV-wwW PUBLIC AUCTION MARTIN BROS. Bth ANNUAL HEIFER DISPERSAL 200 " HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE ' 200 Located on the Carson Martin Farm, 4 miles SW ofKantz, PA, 4 miles S. of Selinsgrove. Watch for auction arrows off RT 35 (first road W of Kantz) a Martin’s Farm Market or off RTS. 11 & 15 bypass. Friday, April 8, 1994 Sale Starts At 11:00 A.M. 200 ★ HOLSTEIN DAIRY HEIFERS ★ 200 Consists of 50 from Shortbreds to Springers. 100 from 500-800 lbs. and 50 from 300-500 lbs. 30 Day Health Charts • Interstate Shipment 95% Calfhood Vacc. Preg. Checked • Shipping Fever Shots Dairy Sale Under Cover Three month old bull calf toy Choice from a Bel with over 30,000. The Martin Boys have put together an exceptional group of cattle for this year’s sale. If you need replacements, don’t miss this sale. Also big strong heifers, just ready for pasture. Still accepting a few choice acclimated consignments. TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale. Out of state buyers must have current bank letter of credit guaran teeing funds. TERMS BY: Ethan & Carson Martin RR 3, Selinsgrove, PA Licensed & Bonded - Lie. 4RY-71L RR 4, Box 328, Muncy, PA 17756 COMPLETE HERDS FOR SALE We Have Over 15 Herds Listed For Sale At Private Treaty At Any One Time! Low Somatic Cell Counts! Herd Averages Between 18,000 Lbs. To 23,000 Lbs. Milk! Registered And Grades! Both Tie Stall And Freestall Herds Are Available. Herd Sizes Range From 25 To 200 Cows! If You Need A Quality Herd, Give Us A Call Immediately. We Have Already Inspected The Cattle And Eliminated The Goose Chases For You. We Would Be Happy To Bring You To The Herds To Inspect Or Ship Upon Approval! YOU CAN’T BEAT OUR PRICES! ♦♦HAPPY CUSTOMERS ARE OUR TRADEMARK** The >1 Tfrpfciin, Dm MUh Tl7/W7 Hfl MEAT PROCESSING PLANT Rising Sun, Maryland * After 75 years the Shallcross & Son Meat Processing Plant has closed their doors and will sell the entire contents of the plant on: FRIDAY ; APRIL 15th M At 10 A.M. Inspection: April 10th 1 to 3 P.M. ON THE PREMISES: 305 WEST MAIN STREET, RISING SUN, MD. All Equipment Including: Black Cast Iron Kettles w/mixers,- S/S Cookers w/ baskets, Meat/Product Chipper, Pump with S/S pipes-3 hp. motor, Elgin Filler, 'A ton electric hoist, scrapple racks, Buffalo Grinder-Model 638-20 hp motor, frozen meat slicer, S/S buckets with 500 lb. dump, dip bucket, floor fan, Multi Vac 70, molds, cutters, stainless steel cutting table, stainless steel tables, #5OO S/S Stuffer w/Rockford fillers (small & large, foot operated), #2OO Stuffers (valves & horns), Butcher Boy Grinders, Butcher Boy Mjpcer (lift type), Holleymate 500 with 6 plate, conveyor, Farmce Linker, S/S Stuf fing Table, Scales, Sterilizer racks, hand carts, rolling skids, large carts w/tongues, platform scale (200 lb. capacity, Bird Mod el 33 Saw, Bird Model 34 Saw, cutting table, Bird Grinder Model 34750, Berlez Digital Scales, tables, cooler, large scale, storage racks, sterilizer, paper holders (freezer paper), galvanized rack, label racks, pallets, large rack & legs, S/S tubs (with wheels), 2 industrial tub boilers, 3 hp., 5 hp., and 25 hp. air compressors, personal lockers, table & brushes, port able refrigerated display case, security camera & recorder, desks & chairs, desk cabinet, calculators, filing cabinets, print er, cash register, time clock, large chair, coffee table, chairs, book shelf, refrigera- table, floor lamp, desk lamps, hose reel, lamps. Real Property: Prime high traffic, Main Street location with frontage, town water and sewer. Masonry building consisting of 10,000 square feet more or les,s, refrigerator/freezer rooms, loading docks, office space. TERMS: Cash, certified funds on equipment & furniture, Immediate removal requested. Real Estate $20,000.00 at time of Sale, settlement within 60 days. Immediate possession available to qualified purchaser. Real Estate subject to prior sale. The information contained herein was obtained from reliable sources and are for advertising purposes only. Accuracy can not be guaranteed. R.C. BURKHEIMER & ASSOC. AUCTIONEERS-APPRAISERS “TRI-STATE'S FOREMOST AUCTION FIRM” (410) 287-5588 * FAX (410) 287-2029 l-800-233-4169 ATTLE Dave Roma RD 2 Box 79 Delhi. NY 13753 Ph. 607/746-2226 Fax. 607/746-29) 1 AV-tnm-L XCHANGE ry and Livestock Sales 4 -10 AM, Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land. Go South On Brim mer Av' Go 2 Miles South •wrAve. V .des South On New Holland Road To HHI Rd. ( Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left. From Rt 340 East Of Intercourse Take New'Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. SAT. JUNE 4-10 AM, Reg. Heifer Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. SAT. JUNE 11 - 9AM, 4th Annual Central Berks Co. TUES. JUNE 7 - 7PM HaT ffthoTloSLf I 1 If 9W* ABSOLUTE AUCTION “WAGNER FARM” DAIRY DISPERSAL ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO 110 HEAD QUALITY HOLSTEINS Successful operation. Home raised and bred for 40 years. Owners changing operations, all sells at the farm; 6672 - ST. RT. 322, WIL LIAMSHELD, OH. Directions: Take St. Rt. 7 north of Kinsman or south of Andover to Williamsfield and Rt. 322 then east 1 mile to farm. Watch for KIKO signs..... TUESDAY - APRIL 5, 1994 • 11:30 A.M. Good young herd consisting of 75 adult cows of which 25 were recently fresh the past 60 days, 26 are dry and springing. Mostly Ist, 2nd. and 3rd lactation. 32 head pasture bred heifers. Very close up with several fresh by sale day. Currently averaging over 50 lbs. in the tank. 3.64 fat, 3.28 P. All home raised, real good feet, legs and udders. Cows milked.in stanchions but turned out daily to loafing shed and feed lot They will adapt to any type setup. They’re in good flesh and lode real Owner sampler records. Monthly herd check. Health papers furnished. They all had Horizon 9 way shots. Real good commercial herd that paid the bills! Also selling (2) 2 1/2 year old herd bulls. If your looking for spring milk, bet ter plan to attend. Lunch by the Wagon Wheel. TERMS ON CHATTELS: Cash or check w/proper I.D. auction day. AUCTIONEER/REALTOR: Rusty Kiko, C.AJ. (216) 525-7420 - Merle Coy, Pedi grees (216) 863-0086. AUCTION BY ORDER OF: WAGNER FARMS - Butch, Sharon & Bob Young, Owners RUM KIKO ASSOC. INC. AUCTIONEERS 455-9357 2SOS FULTON OR. N.W. CANTON. OHIO 4471 ■ | I! d yuHt TO ••• wmm April 14, 1994 7:30 p.m. TO Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Lebanon, PA 28 Registered Calves and Heifers Selected Especially for 4-H & FFA Projects TO 8 Mar. ‘94 calves 3 Dec. ‘93 calves 2 Born Sept. ‘93 TOl TO Aryshlre Holstein Brown Swiss TO TO Sires: Polo 2, Tesk, Bova Glow, Jess, Blackstar, Belltone, TO TO Jed > Cleitus 2, Mark Horace, Broker TO Sponsored by Lebanon Area Fair Dairy “TO TO Committee, Lebanon Co. Holstein Club 'TO "TO Auctioneer: Pedigrees: TO TO Harry H. Bachman Dale L. Hoover TOl TOi 138 H. College Ave. 517 Horseshoe Pike J!,’ Annville, PA Lebanon, PA 717*867-1809 717*867*2489 TOS TO' "VNS A T7W Lweast* FtnWng, Stuntoy, OpiM 2.1W4-E3> old Writs Auction Of Dairy port Market & Auction, Herd, Silos, Bulk Tank, Leesport, Pa. (Rt. 61, Pipeline, Bam And General Approx. 10 Mi. N. Of Read- Equipment Located Tyr- ing). Contact Glenn D. one, N.Y. Pirrung Aucts., Jacoby, 610-488-6162 Inc. Eve.. 610-562-3747 Days. FRI. JUNE 10 - I:3OPM. SAT. JUNE 11 - 9AM Far- State Graded Feeder Pig metto. Farm Eqpt., Anti- Sale. Located At Carlisle ques and Furnishings, 114 Livestock Market, Inc. Exit Race St, Lititz (Lexington) 12SouthOffl-81.LeftOnto Pa. Ike Blender owner. Alexander Spring Road. E.M. Murry Assoc., Aucts. (717) 249-4511 FRI. JUNE 10-7 PM. Horse Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. RICHARD T. KIKO AQENCV REALTORS (216) 453-9187 SINCE 1945 ra u-L—ll-, SAT. JUNE 11 - 2PM, Real Estate, 13 Acre Farmette With 2 Bay Truck Garage. Parcel #1 Buildings With 2 Acres. Parcel #2 11 Acre tot. Located 2 Miles From Ephrata At 660 Schoeneck Rd., W. Cocalico Twp. Auc tion By Melvin & Laura Weaver. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 11 - 6PM Arnold Hog Production Sale, Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Lob,, Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. MON. JUNE 13 -10 AM Clarks Summit, Penna. Vegetable Farming Equip. Auction, Pirrung Aucts, Inc. WED. JUNE 15 & THURS. JUNE 16 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc., At Our Place Of Busi ness Six Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. And One Mile East Of Marion, Pa. Owners And Mana gers, Marion Auction Ser vice, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambersburg, Pa. 17201. FRI. & SAT. JUNE 17 & 18 - 3-D Picture, Quilts, Crafts, Furniture, Tools. Located At Ephrata Mennonite School, 598 Stevens Rd., Ephrata. Proceeds To Ben efit The School. Local Aucts. FRI. JUNE 17 - I:3OPM, State Graded Pig Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction, West minster, Md. ■SAT,, JUNE 18 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 634 Wallace Rd„ New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. SAT. JUNE 18 -10 AM, Public Auction Of Driving Horses, Antiques, HH Goods, Blacksmith Tools, Carriage. Located Along Rt. 897 In The Village Of Springville, Lane. Co. Pa. For Jonas & Elizabeth Boil er. Snyder's Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 18- 11AM Tim Cantwell's Complete Line Of Like New Potato Farm Equipment. Located Rich field Springs, N.Y. Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc. ' y ■ i r ' j i ! i M 1 ■ ■■
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