Farming, Saturday, April 2,1994 Public Auction Register Ctodni Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 23 • 9AM At Millar** Auct. Canter, Bethel, Pa. Liquidation of Local contractor equip. Dwight Miller, auct SAT. APR. 23 • 9AM Farm equip., shop equip. & anti ques. RD Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Luella Smith ft the late J. Brooks Smith. > Hassinger/Courtney, aucts. SAT. APR. 23 - 9AM Anti que tools, antiques, per sonal property. At Liberty Fire Halt, 339 E. Main St, New Holland, Pa. By Ruth M. Buckwalter. Leary, aucts. SAT. APR. 23 - 9AM Trac tors, combines, farm equip, riding mowers, car, misc. Southern York Co., Pa. From 1-33 exit #2 (Glen Rock) follow Rt. 216 W ±3.2 mi to sale on left. Owner: Delores (Debbie) Dehoff. Melvin Haines, Ralph Bren neman, Russell Wright, auct. SAT. APR. 23 - 9AM. Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques & Avon Items. Located Along Rt. 322, 5 Miles East Of Honey Brook, N. Brandywine Twp., Ches ter Co. Open House April 9th From 1-3 P.M. Terms By, Estate Of Ruth N. Lapp. SAT. APR. 23-9 AM, (Nice 12-Acre Farmette), Farm & Lawn Equip., Power & Hand Toon, Housegoods & Fum. Located 1680 Robert Fulton Hwy' East Drumore Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (Approx. 5 Mi. S. Of Quar ryville Along Rte. 222). Sale By, Joseph H. & Roberta L. Schneider. Roy & Eric Probst, Aucts. SAT. APR. 23 - 9:3OAM Real estate, car, riding mower, household goods, antiques, tools Located at 30 Qraybill Rd., Bareville, Pa. dose to Harry's Furni ture store, 3 blocks off of Rt. 23 Lane. Co. By Susie K. Ressler. Snyders Auc tion Co. SAT. APR. 23 - 9:3OAM Real estate, antiques, HH goods, tool and lawn equip., furniture, appliances and more. 1717 Bannister St., York. Pa. From York take Carlisle Ave. West (Rt. 74) past York fairgrounds turn left snto Bannister St, go approx. 3 blocks, look for signs. All American Auction Service. REAL ESTATE and CONTENTS SAT., APRIL 9th at 9:00 AM Real Estate Sold at 12 Noon Salting tor the estate of Vernon Snyder. LOCATION: Tulpehocken Twp. Berks Co., PA Prom 1-78, take exit #6, go south on Rt 419 about 2 miles. To crossroad, turn loft to sals on right. Half way between Strausstown and Rshrsrsburg. Watch for aucli9.ll arrgyyy. REAL ESTATE IV4 story house, with kit L. R.m, office, laundry On lit floor. Upstairs hat two bedimi. & full bathf, oil hot water heat, own well & septic system. Property also has a bank bam, 3 car garage, two story summer house, other buildings on property. Never failing spring. For appointment, call Mrs. Snyder at (717) 933-8519 or auctioneer at (717) 933-5736. NOTE; Property will be offered at 8 acre tract & then 20 acre tract, then property will be offered at one parcel. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, bal. in 45 days or less. 10" Craftsman table taw, bench vise, bench grinder, storage bin, c-dampt, forks & shovels, butcher top bench, SS table, mite, nuts A bolts, brats fittings, 25 cu’ chest freezer, pipe wrenches, like new wheelbarrow, matonary tools, weedwacker, elect chain saw. Craftsman drill, tander, jig taw, hand taws, hatchet, tin snips, levels, window fans, log chains, chicken catchers, chicken crates, cast iron water trough, elect, fence chargers, JD #l4O riding mower, JD snow blade for mower, JD #BO garden trailer, Parker lawn sweeper, mite, lumber, step ladder, turkey items, floor model safe, two hole com theller, Rem. 22 pump mod. 21, Rem. 410 mod. 11-18, Old wicker doll coach, child's wicker rocking chair, 2 cedar chests, wood chest drawers, old peanut dolls, old hand painted etched egg, 1883 & signed, file cabinet, oak office chair, old redware plate, few carnival pcs., green depression glut, old pictures & frames, wooden benches. Zenith floor model radio, oak flat top desk, oct shape cement flower stand w/tlain glass, assorted coins, davenport pcs. many other mite, items to be told, don't mitt this auction. « Note: If you are looking for a nice farmette, take a look at this one. Auction For MABEL SNYDER rii Auctioneer AU-2414-L ’‘"vJLit Dwiflhl D. Miller AU002414L Call (717) 933-5736 TX, Terms; Cash or PA Check. 1 3AT. APR. 23 - 9:3OAM, Milk Bottles, Winross Trucks, Books, Dudly Watch, Antiques ft House told Goods. Selling From Manheim, E-Town ft Mt. Joy Households. Located = armersville Fire Hall. E.M. Murry, Assoc. Aucts. SAT. APR. 23 - 9:3OAM .andscape equip, ft tools. : rom Lane, take 340 E. to 3ird-in-Hand, turn left on Seechdate Rd. to auction SALE NUMBER ONE-Two day session of complete BREWERIANA dispersal of the large /-extensive collection of Statues, Trays, Tin Over Clocks, Tin and Cardboard Signs, Large and Small Animated items, Large Amount Various Sizes Domestic & Foreign Beer Cans, Large Amount Other Brewery Items owned by: KENNETH R. HOSTETTER 4855 Hanover Road 0 Hanovor, PA 17331 DUE TO FAILING HEALTH, THE FINE COLLECTION OF MR. HOSTETTER’S WILL BE SOLD AT REDDING AUCTION SERVICE lOB5 Table Rock Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 Telephone 717-334-6941 FAX 717-334-3525 AUCTION DATES FRI., APRIL 29,1994 4:OOPM o SAT., APRIL 30,1994 9KKIAM Sale Preview, Beginning Friday at 11:00 AM • Ron Klkta, Technical Advisor. Telephone Evenings 814-749-7183 OMember of NABA, ECBA, ABA, BCCA C. David Redding, Auctioneer PA License No. 742-L 1085 Table Rock Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325 FOR PARTIALLY ILLUSTRATED ITEMIZED SALE CATALOG OF OVER 700 LOTS, SEND $9.00 TO REDDING AUCTION SERVICE AT Q ABOVE ADDRESS Clip Ad for Reference AUCTION >n left. For Stoltzfus Land icape. Aaron E. Martin, IUCt SAT. APR. 23 - 9:3OAM, Jquidation of landscape MHiip, trucks, skid loader, .-785 NH, Hydraseeder ft land tools. Auction to be lokJ at 346 Beechdale Rd. 3ird-ln-Hand, Lane. Co., 3 a. Aaron E. Martin ft Richard L. Stauffer, aucts. SAT. APR. 23 -10 AM Valu able Real Estate. 545 San iy Hitt Rd., Stevens, W. Docalioo Two, PA. RL 272 M. from Epnrata turn left into ML Airy Rd. approx. 114 miles, turn right onto Sandy Hill Road. By Lydia 3. Eberiy Estate. Randal V. Oine, Lloyd Kreider, Roy E. Good, auct I SVi,i 2* 1 Ac« e PUBLIC AUCTION POND-DALE FARM TUBS., APRIL 12 At 10:00 A.M. Located In Centre County, 6 miles West of State College, Pa., turn South off Route 322, onto Route 550, travel 9 miles or 4 miles North of Warriors Mark, Pa.; on Route 550. FARM MACHINERY NH No. 1495 gas 12 ft haybine (good engine), Gehl No. 4600 dsl. skid loader, Far mall 400 gas tractor, LH. no. 856 dsl. tractor (crank shaft broken), I.H. no. 806 dsl. tractor (engine tight), I.H. no. 540-4-16 in. semi mount plow, Taylor Way 10 tooth (10 ft) chisel plow, I.H. 9 ft. disk, Hesston no. 1520 (2000 pis.) liquid manure spreader. N.H. no. 357 grinder-mixer w/21 in. hammermill, Gehl no. 1200 harvester w/pkkup and new 2 row com heads, Gehl no. 99 hi-throw blower, 2 Gehl No. 920 forap wagons w/roofs (1 tan dem axle), N.H. forage wagon, 2 gravity bin wagons, bale rack wagon, flat bed wagon, wagon chassis, N.H. no. 256 rake, N.I. no. 323 picker, A.C. 4 row no-till planter w/insecticide boxes. I.H. grain drill. Century 300 pis. field sprayer, Mayrath elevator, set of 34 in. snap on tractor duals, bedding chopper w/Honda 7 h.p. engine, Rissler 230 bu. stationary feed mixer, two 300 gals, fuel tanks, the usual wagon w/ misc. farm items. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK Food stand DENNIS AND MARY BURNS R.R. 1, Box 83 Warriors Mark, Pa. 814-692-8317 Mark Click- Auctioneer AU-349-L PUBLIC SALE Lot. Riding Mower, Wood Working Equip.. Tools. Antiques Sat., April 16, 1994 9:30 A.M. Sale to be held at Rear of 29 E. Main St., Reinholda, Pa. Lane. Co., Pa. Lot approx. 'A acre located in rear of 29 E. Main St. Reinholds to be sold at 11:00 A.M. lot adjoining Keystone night wear. Solo Electric Riding Cert 1 Tr. Old 11 hp. 1 Yr. Old Yardman LT 11-36 Riding Mower w/Bagger 18” electric B&D mower, chipmate shred der new, new portable air tank, Belsaw '/ hp grinder on stand. Craftsman jig saw, Crafts man grinder, Rockwell sander grinder. Crafts man ’A hp table saw, Craftsman circular saw, Delta jig saw, Dormeyer radial arm saw 614 ”, Craftsman sabre saw 3 speed. Craftsman plan er, B&D s /i " hand drill, B&D 'A ” drill stand. Sunbeam gas grill like new, 2 Strieker axes, Kelly Hatchet, craft kits, woodworking pat terns, hand saws, levels, c-clamps, files, exten sion cords, block & tackle, vise, tool boxes, drop light, hand drills, variety of nails & screws, lumber, work benches, saw horses, chisels. Toro electric weed eater, paneling, hand truck, wooden plane, dollie casters, bat tery charger, old implement wrenches. New Perfection kerosene stove, door knobs, 20” 3 speed window fan, padlocks, gas heater, sm. cheese boxes, meat grinders & parts, shoe lathes. MB Holstein Richland brass hand pump, lanterns, New Holland feed mill wrench, wooden boxes, AW Eberly Store sign Reinholds and oil can & other pcs., iron trough, cigar cutter, sm. iron kettle, wooden butchering canning case, skillets, flat irons, crow nuts show case, showcase, cast iron waffle irons, adv. signs, marbles, depression glass, hallware, drop leaf table, hunting knives, cedar wardrobe, 2 Ig. polar bear ice chests, 1 sm. cooler and many more articles. Mowers & Electric riding cart sold at 12:00 p.m. Terms by, RUTH FASNACHT Snyders Auction Service Paul (717) 733-7052 AU-873-L Michael (717) 291-5749 Richard Funk Atty. Out of state buyers need current bank letter of credit or cash. Refreshments PUBLIC AUCTION a $> REAL ESTATE w/ 96.3 ACRE FARM W RD 1 PALMYRA, PA V SAT., APRIL 30,1994 /U TIME: 12 NOON DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg, PA, Rt 22 East (Allentown BlvfL) to the traffic light at Rt 743 (East Hanover Twp.). Go South on Rt 743 approx. 3 miles to the auction. Signs posted. The farm house has 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs. The Ist floor has a large kitchen, dining room, living room and sitting room. The house has oil hot water baseboard heat, basement, attic, well and spetic. There is a 3 bay garage, bam with pole building attached, wagon shed and chicken house. Shown by appointment only. Call McNeal’s Auctioneering at 717-545*5911. TERMS: Cash or Certified Check in the amount of $10,000.00 made payable to McNeal’s Auctioneering for the down payment. Settlement within 45 days. Other terms and conditions to be read the day of the auction. NOTE Farm equipment to be sold on April 30,1994 at 1:00 PM. Full sale bill to follow. The Estate of Henry (Junior) TUrns Auctioneers: Richard and Rick McNaal Ue.*a AU-001380-L AU-002188-L PHONE: 717-545-5911 A “HORST AUCTION CENTER" PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUE GUNS & TOOLS WED., APRIL 6, 1994 AT 2:00 P.M. GUNS 7:30 P.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the comer of Rt 322 & Durlaeh Rd. (approx. 2Vi miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lan caster County, PA. FURNITURE Grained Wood Chest; Blanket Chest; Empire Bureau; OAK - Knockdown Wardrobe; Plant Stan*; Clothes Tree; Pressed Back Chairs; MAHOGANY - Gov. Winthrop Desk. Server, Double Bed, Chairs; Depression Bedroom Suite; Hutch; Bookcase; Maple Dinette Set; Cherry Desk; LANE SOFA w 7 RECLINER ENDS; Swivel Rockers; Wing Back Chair; Sofa Bed; Rediner; Living Room Suite; Patio Table A Chairs: Glider; Filing Cabinet APPLIANCES: Washer; Dryer; Upright Freezer; ELECTRIC ORGAN; Sewing Machine; Microwave; Sweeper; Air Conditioner; Kerosene & Electric Hea lers; Dehumidifior: Typewriter; Lamps; Mirror & Sconces; Antique Projector & Movies; Kitchen Appliances; Agate Kettles; Waffle Iron; Rat Irons; Bake Oven; Flatware; Sterling Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks; Column Mantel Clock. CHINA & GLASSWARE Transfer China: “Blossom" Plates, Cups & Sauc ers; Bavarian China; German China; Bone China Cups & Saucers; Hummel Plates; Pressed & Pattern Glassware; Pink Depression; Opalescent Vaseline: Carnival Glass; Collection of Bells; Crocks & Jugs; Dairy Bottles. LINENS: Doilies & Fancywork; Bedspreads; Blankets; Wool Shawl; Rag Carpet; Baskets: Records; Accordion; Hess Trucks. ANTIQUE GUNS RIFLES: U.S. Springfield Model 1873 .45 Cal.; U.S. Model 1873 .45 Cal.; Remington Arms Co. U.S.N. #2526.45 Cal.; J. Stevens .22; PA Rilieworks .35 Cal.; Flintlock - U.S.M.T. Wickham 1833 Phila. 70 Cal. SHOTGUNS: Winchester Repeating Arms Co. 12 Ga.; P. Simpson Double Barrel Hammer; V.J. Renkin Double Barrel Hammer. PISTOLS: Colt Cap & Ball Pistol; Smoker «1.22; U.B. ARM CO. .22 CAL. POCKETKNIFE PISTOL TOOLS: Hand Tools; Hardware; Rshing Rods & Reels; Lantern; Bow & Arrow Sat; Iron Kotdo; Can ning Jars. No out of state checks unless accompanied by a current bank letter or prior arrangement with auction service. Sale For MARGARET MARTIN, JOHN JACOB'HOOVER Horst T. Glenn (717) 15H3J1 -(717) 7JS-30M Timothy O. hrt (TiJ) tlmw Thomas A, -VOICES OF EXPERIENCE
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