E4-LancMter Farming, Saturday, April 2,1994 16" belt conveyor- elevator $2500, 10‘ plastic layer $750, 25 gal. steam kettle $350, 3-HD sash sticker $B5O. North'd. Co. 717-286-5306. Kohler generator set, multi fuel Waukesha motor, 15KW 18.75 KVA 120-208 volts 3 phase w/automatic transfer panel, $lOOO or best offer. Balto. Co. 410-335-6225. 1971 Int. pickup 4x4 40,000 miles, $3500. Lacka. Co. 717-262-5080. Purebred female & neu tered mule pygmy goats very reasonable to good home. Chester Co. 610-269-5128' leave message. 1961 Int. tandem dump truck 13VJ' body 84,000 miles fair good rubber $4OOO. Lacka. Co. 717-282-5080. Cub Cadet tractor mod. 12912 HP hydrostatic drive w/44” mower deck. Chester Co. 610-932-2944. Four place Kodiak snow mobile trailer very good oond., asking $lBOO neg. Lane. Co. 717-665-4900. Ken mo re elec, range 30' self cleaning exc. cond., 4 yrs. old white w/black $335 080. Lehigh Co. 610-298-2596. BV92T Detroit diesel engine complete or parts. Lane. Co. 717-653-6515. Vicon #602 3 pt. fert. spreader very good cond., 3 pt. 200 gal. field sprayer fair cond. needs work. Mont. Co. 1610-489-6740. 1 antique round gas pump $75, 2 antique fireplace cranes $lOO ea., cast iron jack stove $4O. 215-767-4735. Lambs Suffolk $55, custom built trailer 6000 lb. G like new $750. Wanted PVC pipe 8*- 10' or 12', also large safe. Berks Co. 610-582-3066. Jenny donkey 3 yr. small beautiful, pony harness, pony cart both show qual ity, antique peddlars push carts, hay elevator. Schuyl. Co. 717-345-3984. Int. 4x4 pickup good mechanical cond., power angle plow $l5OO, 4 whl. elect, golf cart, charger, new tires $4OO. Leb. Co. 610-589-2274. White horse 2 way plow used less than 75 acres in very good shape $2700. Lane. Co. PO Box 26, Bart. Pa. 17503. Good dean ear com $95 ton, at farm, delivery avail. Mifflin Co. 717-248-8177. Oxy-Acetylene outfit, tanks, torch, gauges & cart, large set suitable for farm use $375. Bucks Co. 215-536-9672. 30 head of holstein steers, approx. 300 lbs Juniata Co. 717-463-9289. Hunter wheel balancer 5 HP 3 phase motor used very little. Lyc. Co 717-435-0260. JD 1240 plateless corn planter fert. & insect, hop pers, good cond., 4-30" rows $l,OOO best offer. Lane. Co. 717-445-6402, call 4-8 p.m. JD 7000 com planter 4R w/ monitor $3500, Farmall 560 gas w/new TA $2BOO. Car roll Co. Md. 410-848-5560. Farmall M diesel very good cond., good rubber spring ready only needs paint, $2,000 8.0.. Ulster Co. N.Y. 914-895-2118. Case 310 crawler loader good UC engine froze. Sch. Co. 717-366-0222 after 5 p.m. Kemin liq. preserver appli cator used for only 20 gal. 12Y you remove from bal er, $l5O. Lane. Co. 717-665-2561, NH 488 haybine, good rolls & paint, field ready, excel, cond., $2BOO. Franklin Co. 717-530-1004. 8' 3 pt. blade, WD Adis w/WF & NF, JD 440 wheel tractor w/loader, Allis 3 pt adapter hitch, 38* duals, backhoe attachment. Adams Co. 717-528-4014. Honda 3 wheeler 200 ES asking $3OO. Call Leb. Co. 610-589-4641. No Sunday calls. JO wheel type hay rake, $250. Hunt. Co. 717-483-6904. Int 800 cydo 6RN liq. fert. insect 1000 pump monitor, no till planter. Franklin Co. 717-352-8866. 3 pt. 2x16 bottom JO plow Cat II $250. Heavy loader for JD 40-430 crawler with front pump 350.00. Dau. Co. 717-692-3827. Mala Rheas, breeders, multi colored ducks, year ling peacocks, golden pheasants, 2 yr. fallow buck, white, 534 Ford engine, radiator. Snyder Co. 717-837-0323. 41 Limo & angus #550 feeders half steers will divide, 469 haybine, 320 NH baler, Perry Co. 717-834-9795. Meyers tandem axle silage wagon, 618 4 beaters, 5100 IH grain drill 6x20, T 2-auger snow blower, Franklin Co. 717-532-2693. 100 year old bam siding, large amount 555 Int. harvester direct cut head and oomAwide. Perry Co. 717-834-9795. JD 1941 Mod B Serial 88072 runs good easy restore $l6OO. Westmd. Co. 412-423-5925 p.m. please no Sun. calls. Snap no duals 18.4x34 $4OO. Gehl 65 grinder mix er $6OO. 215-967-3878 Lehigh Co. 7:30-9 a.m. 15.3, 7 yr. chestnut 18, gelding, super quiet, hon est, sound, jumping small fences, nice bodied $2OOO. 215-869-8998. 2 10 ft. cultipackers, 1 dou ble, 1 single, 300 gal. pull type Century sprayer, no pump. Dauphin Co. 717-469-2983. Owatonna self propelled haybine, Chrysler 6 cyl. power, sound and field ready, 250 gal. bulk tank system, sound. Union Co. 717-742-8632. 1 black faced ram $5O 080. Ivan H. Zimmerman, 72 Hahnstown Rd„ Ephra ta, Pa. 17522. Lane. Co. 15' Baja boat 115 HP Johnston motor, 50+ mph SST propeller skies and jackets included $2500 080. Lane. Co 717-684-4447. IH one bottom trailer plow, ex. with two new paints, also David Bradley garden tractor. Ontario Co. 315-462-6903. John Deere 140 tractor with 36' mower, fair to good $B5O. Lane. Co. 717-872-7055. 3 pt. 2 row cultivator, field ready $165. York Co. 717-235-2032. Home grown clover seed $55 a bushel. York Co. 717-428-1112. 6 year old standardbred carriage horse, 16 hands, family broke, traffic safe, sound, trotter, ready for trips. Lane. Co 717-656-9565. New Idea tob. transplanter, good cond. 200. Ephraim Stoltzfoos, 869 New Hol land Rd.. Now Holland, PA 17557. Int. 3-14" plows, cylinder lift, Oaffin 7' offset disc, double cultipacker B’, plow packer 2 bottom. Cecil Co. 410-398-7680. 3 NH 880 R 2 com heads, NH 463 disc mower, IH 350 tractor, mixed hay and grass hay. Cecil Co. Md. 410-658-6447. Case 6x16 autoreset, hill side hitch, n/parts, good $lOOO. JD 24T kickbaler, good $4OO. Equip, shed ded, field ready, Jefferson Co. 814-856-2685. 10 ton hoist complete, dou ble cylinders, Berks Co. 717-866-4286. Riding mower Simplicity eleven HP. Whirlpool 30* white stove, Sears big jig saw. Huffy 26* boys/girls bicycles. Lane. Co. 717-392-5329. NH 775 skid loader, 7 ft bucket $5900. NH Super 69 baler $6751H 5 bar trail er hay rake $595. Ford 9N tractor $1575. NH3pt.4so mower $875. Flat bed wagon $475. 717-445-4348. New Holland #3O Blower 1000 RPM, good condition. 717-442-9055. International diesel S-1700 with 17 ft. Eby cattle body, good cond. New inspec tion. 717-933-8044 after 7 p.m. JO 450 track laoder w/ backhoe 1200 Hr. engine, final drives, rebuilt net paint, consider trade for JD farm tractor $9500. Bucks Co. 215-536-3649. Glencoe seven shank soil saver, Patz 3200 gal. liquid manure spreader for truck mounting. Orange Co. NY 914-651-4983 or 651-7382. Losch stoker app. 200,000 BTU/Hr. good cond. Montg. Co. 215-723-2905. ATC 1984 Honda 200 S, very low miles, 5 spd., auto clutch, Chester Co. $6OO. 610-696-3838. 12 Hereford Angus Charo lais bulls 900 lbs. $BOO each. Perry Co. 717-444-3968. 1969 Chevy dump truck, lowboy trailer, 450 Case crawler loader, good under carriage, good cond. $19,800. Lane. Co. 717-336-6815. Parts for sale, Ford & Inter national truck, 1968 to 1979, also Lincoln 1961T0 1968. Dau. Co. 717-545-2086. Tires 231-34 rims hubs, 20.8-33 twelve Percheron horses AC-CA 2 bottom plow, cultivators, sickle bar mower. 717-538-1513 or 1929. Noble be used foi wble oats can. .. ust >r seed or feed 38# test wt. approx. 3000 bu. Lycoming Co. 717-458-4460. 15KW PTO Generator with trailer, checks out A OK. $5OO. Call early AM 302-492-3451 Kent Co Del. JD A 1948 new tires and paint engine rebuilt many new parts, very good cond. $2500. Lehigh Co. 610-298-2701. Alfalfa and mixed hay Lycoming Co Cook stove copper dad w/ water tank + 60 years col lection of household goods & tools to be sold public sale. 4-9-94. York Co. 717-244-1130. 22 wk. old brown egg pul lets laying 3.90 AKC yellow lab pups $2OO. Nathan Weaver 734 Glenwood Dr., Ephrata, Pa 17522 Lane. Co. CUSHION Hitches 750 SR * EZ Hookup Receiver Hitch * Will Accommodate 340-740 Cushion Or 2" Ball ML ★ Many Other Models * Cushioned Bumpers ★ Receiver Hitches ★ Ship UPS Dally it Free Catalog I (800) 932-8373 Weaver Distributing SO 02 Ml 470 Fndorldwburf, PA 170 M 2 8 ply tint, 225 Rl6 tor wagon or traitor, good Iraad $lO «a. Lane. Co. 717-284-4566. Wise, angina* VH4D 30 hp VF4D 25 hp. bpth with dutch reduction and starter TJD and THD two cyl. engines, ex. cond. Lane. Co. John M. Fisher, 4082 Ashville Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. New Idea #l5 manure spreader PTO three bea ters $925. JD side delivery rake on steel $3OO. Adams Co. 717-334-4284. Rabbits, Rex breed, w/ plush velvet coated fur, high quality w/pedigree. For show or pet. Other small breeds available. Dau. Co. 717-469-7248. Perfection Model WH4SOJ kerosene room space hea ter vented tub* connection 26V4 "x24V4 x36* Leb. Co. 717-272-8559 after 5 p.m. 30 ft. Pacemaker boat fly bridge sleeps-6 twin 316 Chrysler* navigation gauges, head galley must see in water Tilghman Island, Maryland $8995. 717-684-6561. 1 male mute swan 2 year old $l5O. York Co. 717-741-0657. 1970 Int. (or parts, good 345 engine 15 ton hoist 18' dump, 671 Detroit two 10 speed Road Ranger trams. Lane. Co. 717-626-4358. Noble seed oats, cleaned, certified last year $3.00 bu. Fulton Co. 717-294-3407. Mechanical transplanter, ex. cond. Best offer. Lane. Co. 717-665-3109. Farm wagon, new wheels, 88'x16' bed, Wanted, pole shed to tear down. Aaron Smucker, 101 Strubel Rd., Strasburg, Pa. 17579. JD 2010 diesel track loader bucket BO over $5OOO. Ready to work V.G. shape. Lane. Co. 717-445-6674. Need Your Farm Buildings Painted? Let us give you a price! Write: Daniel’s Painting 637-A Georgetown Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 (or leave message) (717) 687-8262 Spray on and Brush in Painting ,^is£ USA 3/6”x25’ 300 PSI Air Hom 9.78 USA 3/6"xso' 300 PSI Air Hoaa $14.95 Sioux 000 Air Sandor $149.00 10% Off All Olhor Sioux Air Toola Boach Sabra 5aw5......................... $285.00 BP-210 Routar $189,00 BP-1954 Sioux Routar $249.00 Prof. Vi ” Ravaralbla Air Drill $89.98 All Bill* Muat Bo Paid Sama Day To Oat Tha Sala Prleaa. No Mall Ordara Aooaptod At Thaaa Prioaa ft bed, good hay hauler, dry tort boxes, grew plant er, good cond. Leb. Co. 717-274-5575. 2 bottom 3 pt 16' plow har row, disk harrow, plastic layer drip line attachment tractor chains, Solo air sprayer with motor. North’d Co. 717-758-2289. Enclosed Amish buggy with top for display must be In good cond. Not for road use. Monmouth Co. 609-446-0748. 20 .gauge Pittsburg machine, manual Ironwork er, 30 in. jump shear, stakes, stake plates & other tinsmith tools. York Co 717-7^2-9282. IH 706 D, 282, WF. 3 pt, dual PTO, good rubber, very nice $4BOO. Leb. Co. 717-469-0356 after 5 p.m. 14' dump bed 42* tides 54' end gate 58* overchute over cab front mounted telescopic cylinder. $l5OO. Perry Co. 717-834-3705. Chickens for sale, green and brown egg layers, also some roosters ‘over flocked* Glen Rock, York Co. 717-235-1696 anytime. Spring wagon with roller bearing and block brakes. Lane. Co. 717-354-9584 No Sunday Calls. 4‘ Mott flail mower, atta ches to F-cub tractor $4OO 080. 610-469-0157 after 6 p.m. ask for Jim. Chester Co. Lawn mower Yardman L 0 12 HP 38 in. cut, Hydrosta tic used a short time, like new. York Co. 717-235-1985. John Deere transport disc, 10 ft., 28 disc. Leb. Co. 717-665-7606. JO 630 no 3 pt. nice tin work. Montour Co. 717-437-3319 call after 6 p.m. OPEN HOUSE April 6th ft 7th 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM 30% OFF ALL FITTINGS CAST AIR MOTORS SALB PRICES ..... $89.00 IAMNRV39A.... ....$109.50 2AMFCC-1... ....$113.00 2AMFCW-13 4AMFRVI3C $llO.OO 6AMFRVSA $lOO.OO BAMFRV2B $238.00 AC 0-14 NF PS restored $3OOO, W 045 $l2OO, 2x * 3x SC plows, WD4S, WO, WC & B parts A equipment Lane. Co. 717-284-2640. Trailer storage- snack. Mif flin Co. 717-667-3530. AC M Crawler 1937 rune great good oond., $1475. Cumber. Co. 717-249-4367. Bush Hog O' semi-mount ex. oond., $2500 or best offer. Pend. Co. 304-249-5589 after 6 p.m. 1979 MF 510 combine com & grain head air straw chopper wide tires $5300. Northampton Co. 215-863-4019. 3 pt nine tooth chisel plow mo-hawk. Leb. Co. 717-933-9294. NH 1033 stack wagon vgc $4500, Int. 9-tooth chisel plow $9OO, JD 2500 7/B plow $1750, NH 55 rake $9OO. Bucks Co. 215-536-5182. Now cage wire * fencing for sale 100 ft rolls, din! sizes. Lane. Co. 717-898-7086. (J3tg^/vjc£ Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Pressure Washers & Hydraulic Hoses Metal Fabricating Brake ft Shear Work General Welding ft Repair 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Sennce Kirkwood. PA 17536 717-529-6553 RECON ENGINES * WJMWHRY OF OtEKL POWER tUWLY 141 N. SHIRK RD. - NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Specializing In Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines 'vrs Please Call For More Information (717) 354-4801 or 354-2185 Register For A Free Ryob Gas Powered Sawzall You Mutt Bo Pr—nt To ReqUf r • Vi " Air Impact Wraneh $32.80 • 100’ Rolla VI " Oast Plpa $.28 Ft. • K ” 160 PSI Black Coll Plpa ..$.lB ft. ktttm • 1" 160 PSI Black Coll Pipe $.28 ft. • Water Filtora $18.95 • Caaa of 25 Water Filter Cartrfdgao....... O $1.98 • Any Flow Morrill Hydrant'a 3 Bury $35.90 4* Bury $38.00 Team of Morgan twins traff ic safe 5 yrs. old used in horse & pony drives. Dau. Co. 717-362-9989 after 5 p.m. B'xl6' walk-in cooler/ freezer, works good, $lOOO, weather enclosure for JD 2355 $125, 200 qt. strawberry flats like new. North’d. Co. 717-548-4972. Lead ladle bottom pout new 35., snap-on sandblast 60., 1-R 1" impact 375., many air tools, Crosley engine. 216-733-7044. 2 1994 trailers 26' gooseneck 6 10’ utility $2900 & $7OO, 16’ hyd. dump wagon, Qrove gear $550. Franklin Co. 717-762-0616. Dwarf rabbits 6 wks. old April 4, $8 ea„ 3 black, 2 brown. 717-533-9008. 38x106 tobacco shed so me roof damage. Lane. Co. 717-367-5167 after 5 p.m. Wise. 2cyl.TßDsl2s, NH direct cut head for 717 $125, Nl 171 cutditioner working 400. Stueben C. N.Y. 607-527-8383. air >AME •SIGN AS lELTA lEN lASS .95
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