■ssarjiS'Ss; Ogtooata grown from csrti- jftSf $6OO. Wanted old baft tub ssr'bSa bS 1 ?; "«»"«• 215-926-5056. CONCRETE I. PUMPING SERVICE • SMtwtadar 41 Concrete 4O Cubic Yarda Par Hour • Pump Up To ISO Ft. Vertical And 800 Ft. Horizontal CONCRETE SPRAYING SERVICE ' • Repair Retaining Walls • Manure Pit Contraction • Strengthen Existing Masonry • Trend! SUoConatructton Walla ‘Silo Repair • Raaaal Manure Pita KEYSTONE GUN-KRETE II Poplar Street GordonvOle, PA 17121 ' C 717) 768-3641 Easiest Way To Find Polled Hereford Bulls To Build Better Baldies. s' Polled Herefords build profitable Baldy herds. You get those important money-making traits, such as superior feed efficiency, optimum growth, superior reproductive performance and gentle disposition. Call for breeders near you. CaSnow—tobuf/orstSßaldm. Cob com can deliver Far maH Super M PS LH ready for work 6 HP BftS cast iron block from baler. Sch. Co. 717-889-3314. 11 HP Snapper riding mow er elect start, 28* mower deck, good cond., $6OO or best offer. Leb. Co. 610-589-4593. '79 Ford dump 27,500 lbs., good strong truck, asking $4,200. Berks Co. 610-856-1738. JD 4020 runs okay, good rubber, sync, range, loose steering on WFE, fair oond., $5500. Chester Co. 610-286-6920. Qehl 350 '*>readr > manure spreader tandem axle two beaters tailgate $2500. Berks Co. 610-693-6158. NH 275 baler w/chute $7OO, 348- 3x16 white spring reset plow $l2OO, endgate from 790, NH spreader complete $275. Berks Co. 215-683-5970. Boxer AKC female pupe $3OO reedy April 16. Benudl S. King K 212 Forest Hid Rd.. Bird In Hand, Pa. 17506. NH 271,273,275,310 bal ere, etael wheels, bale chutes, etc. John J. Boiler, 41 Slaymaker Hill Rd.. Kin zer, Pa. 17535. 2b. trailer plowsr spring harrows, used furniture, Maytag washers, tubs, dro pleaf tables. York Co. Jacob Stohzfus, RD 2, Air ville, Pa. 17302. Reg. pygmy goat, buck w/ papers. Adams Co. 717-677-4622. NH 402 crusher & 455 mower, IHC 2 horse cult. Lane. Co. Elam S. Boiler, 12 South Ronks Rd., Ronks, Pa. 17572. Blond Belgian mare, 15.2 h, 10 yre., works anywhere, good lead horse, rides quiet, traffic safe $l4OO. Lane. Co. 717-665-6263. MF 750 combine w/13' rigid heed, good cond., asking $7BOO 080, 13' flex head excel, cond., $3BOO. Berks Co. 610-683-7515. Ford backhoe unit w/pump, model 731 for industrial Ford tractor. Adams Co. 717-526-4223. 1983 Subaru parts good automatic transmission & engine furniture' lumber birch cherry & walnut. Berks Co. 610-777-4579. 999 com planter, Dd open ers, tort plateless, 12 A. since overhaul, $llOO. Lane. Co. 740 Spring Val ley Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Hipolito lantern sales & ser vice peerless storage bat teries 4 yr. guarantee very reasonable. Sharpening & Engine Service, Hidden Acres, Old Rt 41, Atglen, Pa. 19310. Nylon horse halters, diffe rent colors & sizes. Also cow bands. John K. Stolt zfus, 277 Maple Shade Rd., Christiana. PA 17509. Registered miniature horses starting at $6OO. Miniature potbellied pigs 200-50. 302-653-5305. Single trees 1-8 hitches, yokes, pokers, cup and pot hangers, weaner roasters, ice scrapers, shoe scrap ers. Chester Co. 215-273-2112. Lots of Antiques and Col lectibles, will sell one or all. 1-703-636-6285 call after 7 p.m. 6-89 orwrite^_ American Ftafled Hereford Association f 11020 NW Ambassador Drive Kansas City, MO 64153-2034 019*13 AFHA Marvel hack saw No. heavy duly $3OO, high speed 3 Iffxl3 roller con veyor, 1 yr. old $l5O. 215-285-6313. IV truck camper sleeps 6 stove oven heater toilet shower 340 Farmall engine overhauled tricycle fast hitch fenders. Berks Co. 610-670-1260. Surge Equalizer II vacuum controller in working cond., $75. Wyoming Co. 717-378-2470. Reg. Morgan mare, 10 yrs. okTroest offer. Hunt Co. 614-669-4634, Skylark refrig, unit fits 6' pickup box, less than 1000 hrs., running time, 75' cord, $5500. Sch. Co. 717-622-3125. 256 acres upstate NY 75A hay, 50A pasture, barn, also Frystown, Pa. 6 yr. old 2V4 storyhome.2loosq.ft, 2 acre garage $137,900. Leb. Co. 717-933-5648. Rabbits, Californians & Champagne's for meat or show. Ed Hildebrand 985 Flohr’s Ch. Rd.. Biglerville, Pa. 17307. Adams Co. 717-334-3984. Two 1953 Dodge 'A ton pick-ups, comer glass, run ning .cond. $l5OO or make offer. Montg. Co. 215-933-2469. Calf hutches, David B. Stoitzfus, Lane. Co. Brown Road at Little Bration sec ond road right, second lane left. 57 Griest Rd., Notting ham, Pa. 19362. Baler twine quantity dis counts, calf hutches, calf kennels, plywood feed bins. Lane. Co. 717-442-8972. Slate roofs repaired, also general repairs dealer for Fiberdome products, fiberglass feed bins, calf hutches, feed carts, etc. 717-687-8069 after 6. Lots of farm sales litera ture. All makes, very good selection. Call 717-666-7147 eves. Parting out JO model 30 combine 1968 Buick Riveri a, 1975 Olds Cutlass. 1978 Cadillac. Mont. Ct. 215-287-6473 eve. Plow shares IH plow chief 3 h ole 14r & 16’ $2.50 ea„ MF 16’ 4 hole $3 ea. Ches ter Co. 215-032-6081 leave message. 16.4x38 tractor tires about Vt tread $3OO. Centre Co. 814-340-0864 7-7:30 a.m. Polled Hereford— The Cost-Cutting Beef Breed. iMMUr ftnmng, aaurctay, April 2,1M4-E3 Top Quality Hay. Straw, Oats, Slaar nay 140 par ton and up, mulch hay. Call before 7 AM or after 7 PM. 201-735-8380 or 201-735-8865. Casa 800 loader In running condition, $2500, Oliver 62-T baler w/motor works 0.K., $750. Ben L Sloltzfus, 5395 James Rd., Mecha nicsville, MD 20659. Specializing in pleasure Tennessee walkers. Always a good selection of trail & show horses. Year lings, broodmares. Stud Service. Lester Weber Stables. 215-267-7311. Reg. Angus bulls and heif ers. Orange Gate Angus Farm, Maurertown, Va. 22644. 703-450-3414. Used Bee Equipment. Inverbrook Apiaries, RD2, Box 230, West Grove, Pa. 19390. 215-869-3353 MINI LOP RABBITS with papers, $25. Very loveable pets. NZW Rabbits with papers, $lO. Cecil Co., McT, 301-885-2134. Calf Hutches $9O, David B. Stoitzfus, 57 Griest Road, Nottingham, Pa. Lane. Co. Brown Rd. at Little Bra ton Second Road Right. Rock Oak, 1" to IV. Also, Cherry and Poplar. After 5 p.m.. 717-776-3239, AKC female yellow lab I V* yr. very friendly loves atten tion $75 080. Also wanted female AKC Chow. Lane Co. 717-626-0948. Club lambs & breeding stock for Info. 717-757-6062 York Co. 12 yr. OH, Bay trail horse. 12 yr. fl Arab, sharp, endur ance, competitive trail horse. Have shots, new shoes. 717-432-8282. BOOKS in all fields bought, sold, and appraised. Exp. Pennsylvania/Qerman. Call Ron. York. 717-235-2134 Fickes Silo, 26x70, con crete unloader, completely rebuilt, never used, electric wench. 609-235-3610. Purebred Yorkshire & White Crossbred boars, gilts, bred gilts w/ performance data, local delivery available. Cumber. Co. 717-732-5223. ' Old farm toys, pedal trac tors, misc. advertising, very large selection, shown by appointment prices negoti able. 717-866-4327 eves. rifOMira and canopy for MFI6S, 175, 275 ate. $350. Franklin Co. 717-749-3265. Twenty-two Zimmerman tans, 36' with motors, belt driven, antique butcher table 9x22*. Three 11.R20 tires new cap. Leb. Co. 717-867-4860. 1946 Chevy cab chassis pickup 1975 Ford F7OO cab chassis, New Holland 477 7 ft. haybine. Dauphin Co. 717-362-8188. Portable welder, DC, 135 amp, Wisconsin Robin gas power, Scott welder, leads and helmet included, good shape $325. 717-789-4748. Registered St. Bernard puppies, ready to go April 11 325. Dynavent bedding chopper 11 HP Honda 400. Lane. Co. 717-665-7392. JO 210 disk block gang 14' $l9OO. NH 849 round baler $4600. Lane. Co. 717-664-4235. 250 Amp AC Lincoln Wel der, electric 500. 080. Lane. Co. 2674 Bachman town Rd., Ronks, Pa. 17572. Farmall Cub, sickle bar mower $2OOO. 18* Crafts man chain saw 3.7 HP like new X-chain $3OO. 12* Craftsman bandsaw $75. Lane. Co. 717-442-8535. 4' JD roller harrow $lB5, Nl side delivery rake w/big wheels $275. Levi F. Stoit zfus, 79 Ridge Rd., Christ iana, Pa. SW of Bartville. Border collie pups ABCA reg. vet checked, shots & wormed blue merle males, 8 wks., $3OO. Salem Co. N.J. 609-769-3717. Gehl 100 hammermill A-1 cond., $3995. Amos G. Fisher, Box 419, Myer stown, Pa. 17067. Flock of suffolks, 7 ewes, 1 ram, 6 lambs so far, will keep until pasture time. Juniata Co. 717-527-4782. JD 620 gas, 3 pt. new motor $3200, GMC model 5500, 16' flat bed 24,000 GVW $750. Warren Co. N.J. 908-496-4623. JD 125 plateless corn planter w/disk openers, good cond., $450. Frys town, Berks Co. 71709-8764. Better Bill 1500 gal. liq vacuum tank w/injectors. 717-733-8011. Bou-Matic pipeline milking system w/2" stainless line, Patz 18" right hand bam cleaner w/chute. Lane. Co 717-656-9632. JD 210 lawn tractor 38’ deck $1095. Wanted 44' Cub Cadet mower deck. Lane. Co. 717-733-0223. 2- 300 lb. steers charolais & angus cross, five 8 lug 16.5 dual wheels etc., Ford Dodge Jeep Int. 717-665-5727. 21’ self-propelled Lawnboy mower, 4-15’ GM wheels, 1 only P-205-TOR 14" white sidewall cooper tires, never used. Lane. Co. 717-665-5848. JDIOI semi-mounted com picker, nice paint $l5O, Ml bale loader $lOO. Leb. Co. 717-866-9133 after 6 p.m. .Parting out IH 706 diesel, parts of every description, call if your in need, also 10 IH suitcase weights. Berks Co. 610-926-6567 or 3379. 2 Reg. Holstein bulls 2 yr red w/27,000m lOOOfat dam, other 16 mth. old w/24,000m lOOOfat dam, good pedigrees. Berks Co. 610-926-6567 or 3379. Myers plow, elect, lift pump, manual awning, 78’ fits Chevy, new style lites pump, needs work $5OO. E-Z dump insert $875. 610*582=2625. Garage Sale: Fri. & Sat April 8 & 9, 1959 Karen Circle, Lancaster, Highland Acres. Lawn Boy, wood
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