TRIPLE-M-FARMS k " HIGH ] I OoNvorod Qn,. i- VBr 1525 King Str., Lebanon, PA 17042 ; MOISTURE ] I Bulk skiing , v Shelled corn XI on?!^ & Buying Soybeans , Delivery Available tf&SMSm call Glenn @ , Jo*" T - w, 1 * 6 ' \ ion* Trn 322 Biver HIII Rd. \ Door 717-272-3225 Conestoga, pa ] I Rr •< Grain* 1 * Cuotom Sproodli lonlad CUSTOMER FORMULA FEED MFG. A MIRACLE - McNESS PREIHZ feeds TOUR ALTERNATIVE FEED SUPPLIER • Brewers Wet Grain • Malt Sprouts • Distillers Grain • Vitamin/Mineral Premixes MIRACLE FEEDS, INC. ▼ Div. of Funt-Mclfets Co. 1-800-888-0230 150 Washington, Atc. Batrla, NT 14020 DDED NEWSPAPER ANIMAL BEDDING sim V FOl NOW AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA. PA NY. NJ, DE, MD. OH Cut your straw bedding costs In ' Call for delivery 60% More absoibant than straw - for gravity ft manure systems Lower cell counts - All products are hani ft nuupieUzed and put through ■ dust collecting system. «T TffiBM ATWlf DVrtrrT TWfl vwri A3LI rIvKJNA 1* V Hi IWv* 127 liyiwwt SI. LanoMtar, PA 17*03 717-893-2777 717-898*2874 BUYING SHELLED" CORN ' Pick>Up On Your Farm Call 717-653-8783 or 1-800-544-4574 Usl FERTILIZER LIME • Dump Truck Loads • Spreaders Available Rohrer's Quality Hi-Cal Damp Lime CCE Calcium Oxide 43% 69 Magnesium Oxide 6% 55% passing 100 mesh 65% passing 60 mesh 98% passing 20 mesh 92% ENP NOW ONLY ♦5“ Per Ton (Picked Up) Lititz, PA • (717) 626-9760 Registered with PA Department Qf Agriculture • Corn Gluten Feed • Whole Cottonseed • Corn Screenings • Free Ration Balancing fertilizer 717/872-4209 I* co: - . - In ? Per Ton N P K Spreader Rental Available 50 B 0 «. 717-654-SM9O Fresh Layer Manure Delivered by the dump trailer » right to your field $3/ton, 10 mile radius of Fredericksburg, Pa., Plus 100 for each additional mile Call 1(800) 331-3811 ask for Dale or Dave liquid Fish Products pann • Home • Gardens " ar *' l Custom Spraying • 100% Organic ALL YOUR FERTILIZER NEEDS Ernest S. Sluttcr Enterprises P.O. Box 341 Nazareth, PA 18064 (215) 759-7732 Stainless Steel Double Conical fertilizer tank, 2600 gallon, w/Sparge tube, sight guage on both ends, quick open hatch, and 4 inch suction fitting in sump. $5,900 080 (410) 928-3009 Em fruits & VEGETABLES (3) sliding door True ref. case, like new, $1295 080, (4) mirror backed produce display stands, BVea, (6) 8' dry produce tables 215-363-7726 Apple crop in return for care of 50 market variety trees. (717)285-4643. ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®SJ ® S ® ® m ® S| Are you thinking of growing carrots, beets Q JS or Other root crops? Owner retiring has a ® Troyer Built complete wash line for root « 2 crops. Includes unloading conveyor, ® rotary cleaner, large rotary washer, w {inspection belt, reject belts and loading W belt conveyor, 10 ton per capacity. ® Excellent condition. Readvtoeo. Q ® Ueg-Acre* farm and Greenhouse* ® | Jamestown, PA (g VEGETABLE GROWERS ATTENTION 412-932-3776 or WANTED: Supply of »WMt corn lint two wooks of July* 10,000 oora par day. Growara only. Raply: Box J-87, Lancaster Farming POB 609 Bphrata. PA 17822 FE) Greenhouse Lettuce Grow- ing System: 570 PVC Gro mg Channels With TOP Covers, Return Gutter, Support Rack Assembly, Pump & Plumbing to Chan nels 10,500 Lettuce or Herb Growing System $7OOO. (2) 48" Greenhouse Exhaust Fans, $3OO Each (717)529-6551 Uy NURSERY Bark mulch and mushroom sotl, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail" able Carman's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. LancMtw Farming, Saturday, March s, IW4-C27 Burlap bags used one time, $ 10/each Schuylkill Co 717/682-3709. nito 717/682-9304 Evergreen seedlings, Pine, Spruce, Fir. 2,3,4 year olds Write for price list. HABE NURSERY, RD4, Box 468, Leechburg, PA 15656 412-842-4397 Shade and ornimental trees - Place orders now for bareroot and B&B Sugar Maples, Sweetgums, Flow ering Plum and Pears. Pin Oaks, Weeping Willows, Mountain Ash. BERMU DIAN VALLEY NURSERY. 717-292-6697 NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE Azaleas, Rhodes, Flowering Trees, Junipers, Arborvitaes. Call For Price Lists MASKELLS MILL NURSERIES Salem, NJ 609-935-4675 AUSTRIAN PINES 8-10’ Approximately 1000, $35 you dig. Also have White Pine, Blue Spruce, White Spruce. Barchik Tree Farm Box 110. RR 1 Bonton, PA 17814 Luzern* County (717) 864-2527 1. EVERGREEN JL SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS jßeautiful fir, hemlock, pine & spruce transplants are now available for Spring ’94 TWIN BROOK PLANTATIONS RR 2, Box 2070 Shickshinny, PA 18655 1-800-595-GROW 717-256-3440 FAX Order Now 'For Best Selection “Proudly Serving The Fussiest Boys In The Business " CREEPING PHLOX (Mt. Pinks) Four colors, seven varieties 2 quart basket $1.30 each. Wholesale only. Also Candy Tuft, Perennials and Ground Covers Send For List Or Call 609/767-1690 or 609/767-2363 Bridge View Farms & Nursery Waterford, NJ 08089-0540 mm CROSHAW&m mlr NURSERY Wk EVERGREEN Seedlings & Transplants P.O. Box 339 ■ Mill Lane Columbus, NJ. 080£E Call or Write for Price List (609) 298-0477 We Care About Our Trees & Customers ELLIOTT’S NURSERY: Seedlings transplants 2-0 Douglas Fir $95 per 1000; 3-0 Concotor Fir $220 per 1000; 20% discount on or ders of 5000 or more. Shrubbery, BAB trees, fruit and shade trees. Call for FREE price list. 717-349-9916, 717-349-7319. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list Croshaw Nursery, P.O Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477
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