r Cs&ljniCMter tornnlnS, &Way,'ftarch' S,’f9&4 §r ' Douglas Fir • Blue Spruce Seedlings and Semi-transplants Our beds are sown thin and undercut to insure quality plants and root systems. We are located in South East, PA. This allows us to lift beds early. Please call for prices. Offering large selection of yews and arborvl tae up to 9’ at reasonable prices. K P. O. Box 839 • Leesport, PA 10833 A,, (610) 026-4264 • Fax (610) 026-1274 (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave LOOK nKRE We have flowering and shade trees. Call for appointment to tag your trees for spring digging. Our spring special is Silver Maple trees. Buy I get 1 free. All tree prices are $25.00 an inch of trunk caliper plus $25.00. Bradford Pear, Radiant Flowering Crab, Snow Drift Crab, Honey Locust, American Red Bud, Clump Birch, Kwanzan Cherry, Weeping Peach, Purple Leaf Plum, 4-S-6-7 FeefDouglas Fir and 3-4 Feet Blue Spruce (and Silver Maple) 3054 Shumaker Road Manheim, PA 17545 717-665-3478 j By LAWNS, GARDEN Howard Price Walk Behinds fiMWDr^CE] iiurmpMDQj 48” Cut 12HPBelt Drive W.. 48” Cut 14HP Hydro Drive 52” Cut 17HP Elec Start Hydro Drive 52” Cut 14HP Belt Drive 52” Cut MHPEIec Start Hydro Drive.... 53400 Ringo Hill Farms Equipment Co. 1624 Route 212 • Quakertown, PA 18951 (610) 346-7340 • (610) 346-8041 fax NURSERY TREE TRANSPLANTERS: 3 models, plants trees from 3’ seedlings to 10' shade trees Rentals also avail able TREE PLANT DE SIGN INC. RD 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 POLLINATION 717-386-3515. Tony B __ HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST Wasps & Au/ki m. Hornets Venomous L.MWn at Insects Honey and Bees- GARDEN wax 1-800-47-STING 155 Yanmar diesel tractor, 15 hp w/48" Woods belly mower, 52' hyd. angling blade, ag tires, 3pt hitch, PTO, $3200 Lancaster Go 717/484-2233 1993 Model Kubota Gl9OO 4 wheel steer, 60' deck w/ grass catcher, 300 hrs Washington Co 301/824-2787 BCS Rototiller, Rear Tine 20", Model 715, 6 HP, Demo $1275. Martin Hard ware & Equip Co Schaef ferstown, Lebanon, PA 717/949-6817 Cub Cadet Lawn Tractor, 1320, Used, 36" Mower w/ Bagger $1625 Martin Hardware & Equip Co Schaefferstown, Lebanon, PA 717/949-6817 Demo Woods F-35 60" belly mower for Yanmar 187, 18hp tractor Jay 717-445-4541 Grass Hopper 614, 14 HP, 48" Mower, Used-Like New Martin Hardware & Equip Co , Schaeffer stown, Lebanon, PA 717/949-6817 JD 49 Snowthrower $950, 54" front blade $650, fit 140 & 300 series, new condi tion 301/845-6180 Myers 300 gallon high pressure sprayer w/6125 Myers pump on turf tires PTO driven, $550 (814)255-2189 New 48" Snowthrower for MF1650 or Snapper 1650 tractor Jay 717-445-4541 Organic Herb Plants, Loc ally Grown w/TLC for Spring Planting, Large Selection, Very Reason able, Free Catalogue. Bnghid's Smile Herbs (610)777-5258. TROYBILTS. 20% dis counts Stamp for parts ca talog Replacement tines $59 KELLEY'S- Manilla, Ind 46150- 317-398-9042 Trailer, 16' Tandemaxle, Loading Gates, 7000 GVW, $1560 Martin Hard ware & Equip Co Schaef ferstown, Lebanon, PA 717/949-6817 .and HI SERVICES OFFERED ANIMAL CLIPPER SER VICE Sales, Oster/ Sunbeam Wahl, Heninger. Aesculop distributor parts. Specialize, repairs brown Stewart/Sunbeam Refurb ished units for sale, guar anteed Send UPS, Parcel Post HEMP'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE. Dept LF, 3546 Olive School Road, Knoxville, MO 21 758-8915, 301-695-0043 Backhoe & Dump truck ser vice Wmgenroth Brothers, 717/392-4996. Clipper Blade Sharpening - Cattle Blades $2.50/set, sheep blades $3.50/set. Please add return postage. Aaron E Beiler, 915 W. Main St, New Holland, PA 17557 Concrete Work, all types, free estimates Wmgenroth Brothers, 717/392-4996 $2400 $3200 ,$3600 Hauling, rigging, machin ery, equipment, moving, rollback service, light, heavy, hauling, local, long distance, small buildings moved or demolished Call us (or your needs (215)541-0400 $2650 Looking to manage/ operate one of the follow ing Broilers, breeders, lay ers Have knowledge and experience. Can be big plus (or you!) Write. Dr. John. %Poullry Unlimited, General Delivery, Scherr, WV 26726 Willing to relocate Soybean roasting on your (arm Dale L Schnupp, RD 6, Lebanon, PA 17042 717-865-6611 575-5035 HENRY'S WELDING CO. PORTABLE WELDING CERTIFIED FIFE WELDING REPAIRS ON HEAVY EQUIPMENT 520 Galen Hall Rd. Telephone Cash Buyer of Standing Timber Se *t Q/1 Logging O and Timber Management 1149 Pilgrims Pathway R.O. n Peach Bottom, PA 17563 (717) 548 3422 or 17171 548-3428 ATTENTION FARMERS Would you like your lagoons pumped and irrigated on your fields? Now is a good time to put on manure. EASY as 1-2-3 * Drive system & gun on separate unit * Eliminates compaction problems * Less labor compared to hauling * Requires smaller tractors vs. tankers * Can be used on soft ground Call: 301-334-3069 I „.OOW 0 0 Pratastlonally tralnatf • Rataranca* ivailabla Tim Fuller 800 Cratk Rtf • Carlisle. PA 17013 717-249-3174 All Tools Sanitlzod Botwoon Cows | r LLOYD Z. NOLT I (717) 733-7226 AGRCUUUaAL l\ NDUSIHA. j COMMERCIAL (3*B©^®®^ awaaiaaauiiaauimaiaiaiaiaaßL I CATTLE I j f HOOP I I TRIMMING J | (215) 345-0897 j Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience Equipment disinfected between farms References Available (717) 927-9775 (800) 770-TRIM 8746 ' ' I'' t 1 - ” Farmers, Going away?? Will house sit and milk cows for the weekend. Trustworthy, non-drinkers, non-smoking couple. 610-657-3346. DAIRY CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING Foot Problems Treated Father & Son Team No Help Necessary NELSON NOLT (717) 866-6045 1301 LINCOLH ROAD UTITZ, PA 17543 Custom Fabricating of Round Bale Graple or Bale Claws made to your spec to mount on front end loaders or skid loaders. Will customize 700 and 800 series IH tractors w/new Cummins diesel We repair and customize any farm or construction equipment “For’Sale’" 1 Bale Graple IH 966 Cab, Air, Heat 112 HP Craftsman 1C 60 Chevy Truck Riding Mower, Frame Rebuilt Motor Miller's Welding and Repair 54 Christiana Pike, Christiana, PA 17509 (610) 893-6112 Call 8:00 to 9:00 AM PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING: Over 20 years experience. Fast and accurate work. 70-100 cows per day. Increases milk production. Easy and gentle on the cows and farmer. No farmer's help needed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 717-755-0770 410-484-6191 Vj*4 CUSTOM WORK SEED CLEANING on your farm- soybeans & small gram Newcomer Seed Cleaning, (717)653-4123. NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Gooseneck Trailer w/Wlnch Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 OBERHOLTZER’S GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Valley View Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (215) 286-2062 MiMnrs sawLy P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA 17S08 tVe Deliver 717556-6 SOS For Your Best PRICE, QUALITY & SERVICE • BALE WRAPPERS • BALE WRAP • SILAGE BAGS • BAGGING MACHINES CUSTOM -GRINDING PORTABLE TUBGRDNDBR Turn Wood Waste into Valuable Mulch Warner Liquid Transport Liquid Manure Spreading Septic, Water' (717)464-0841 after 5.00 LIQUID MANURE HAULING LIQUID MANURE PUMP FOR RENT 215/386-0188 218/286-0706 Soybean Roasting On Your Farm Horst Grain Roast ing Oxford PA 215-869-8834 BulkyS Material BO to 75% for hanllna^'
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