SPRING CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT Saturday, April 16,1994 ■ 9:00 A.M. Located 12 mltoa north of Lawlstown, PA (Mifflin Co.) along Rt. 522 at vlllaga of Wagnar. Tractors & equipment Modem & horse-drawn equipment Implements of all types Trucks, cars, lumber Miscellaneous parts & Herns Loader tractor will be available. CASH OR GOOD CHECK FOR CONSIGNMENT CONTACT: IVAN MACKNAIR, Manager R.D. #5, BOX 2988 Lewlstown, PA 17044 Phone 717-543-5192 Auctioneer: Blaine N. Rentzel & Assoc. Pa. License 761 Food Stand PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES TUESDAY, MARCH 15 At 9:00 A.M. Located along Rt. 625,3 miles south of Bowmans ville or 3 miles north of Rt. 23, East Earl Twp., Lan caster County, Pa. 1835-C Case Uni Loader Gas John Deere 2440 Diesel Tractor on Steel*, 1050 John Deere Diesel on Steel 1,000 hrs., International 125-E Crawler with Bucket, New Idea 36 Manure Spreader, like new, John Deere 336 Baler, John Deere 7 ft Hay bine, John Deere 350 Grass Mower, John Deere 3 Bottom 16 in. Trip Plow, John Deere Disc, and Harrow, 256 New Holland Rake, Cultipack er, 2-Row 3 Pt. Cultivator, New Holland 451 Grass Mower, 3 Flatbed Wagons, 3 Pt. Barrel Sprayer with Hose, 8-Row Century Field Sprayer, 10 Row Zim merman Sprayer like new, Hay Tedder,J Row Potato Planter, 3 Pt Mulch Layer, Old Covered Spring Wagon with 1 or 2 Horse Hitch, 8 Ton Tractor Supply Running Gear, KBA-28 Disc, Me. No. 5 Ensilage Cut ter, Horse Drawn Oliver Grain Drill, and Me. Com Planter, and Cultivators. 2 Work Horses 10 Ini Craftsman Radial Arm Saw Lika New 2 Stihl Mist Blower Sprayers, Platform Scale, 1-Hole Qorp Shelter, Milk Cans, Weeder, Shovel Har rows, Wheelbarrow, Socket Set, Other Wrenches, Tobacco Bale Boxes, Shears, Tobacco Spears, Foot Com Cutter, Cow Clipper, Wooden Ladders, Handy man Jack, Work Harness and Collars, Single and Double Trees, Chicken Coops, Wooden Pulley, Draw Knives, Clover Seeders, Sprinkling Cans, Hand Saws, Grease Guns, Hoes, Bucksaws, 2-Man Saws, Wooden Planes, Meat Hooks, Hand Bores, Ice Tong, Hay Knives, Small Iron Trough, Grain Forks and Other, Digging Iron Shovels, Nail Kegs, Brass Hames, Battery Charger, Small Scale, Hammers, and Other Tools, 22 Rifle, 12 Ga. Single Shot, Ste vens 12 Qa. Pump Gun. Household Goods 2 Oak Dressers, and Washstand, Old Bureau, 2 Waterfall Dressers, Chest of Drawers, Nile Stand, Wood Chest, Sideboard, Buffet, Settee with 3 Draw ers, Nursery Rocker, Child's Chair and Rocker, 2 Old Trunks, 3 Piece Bedroom Suite, 4 Piece Bookcase Bedroom Suite, Single Bed Box Spring and Mattress, 3 Double Beds, Box Spring and Mattress, Sofa, Metal Wardrobe, Nelco Sewing Machine in Treadle Cabinet, Wall Mirror, Coffee Table and End Tables, Benches, Picnic Table, Surburban Wood and Coal Stove, New Cedar Chest. 5 Piece Pitcher and Bowl Set Glass Butter Chums, Agate Coffeepot, Old Agate, Lunch Box, Milk Kettle, Meat Saws, Butcher Ladles, Agate Dish Pans, Old Irons with Holder, Iron Skillets, Iran Kettle, Cheiny Seeder, Crocks 1-3-5 Gallon, Mantel Light with Glass Bottom, Bottle Gas Light, Kerosene Lantern, Express Wagon, Blue Canning Jars 1-2 Qts., and Other, Feather Pillows, Comforts and Bedding, Rolling Pins, Wentzel Milk Bottle, and Other, Cheese Boxes, Other Wooden Boxes, Wooden Slaw Cutlers, Old Gallon Jugs, Washboard, Tin Cracker Boxes, Other Tin Boxes, Cookie Cutters, aome Books, Small Toy Tractor, Ironing Boards, Coal Buckets, SS and Aluminum Cookware, Lots of Glass Dishes, many more items not listed. Toms by PAUL W. AND MABEL HORST 717-445-5119 Auctioneers Leroy S. Horst, AU-000436L Clarence Shirk Refreshments will be served. Not nißMiMi for oooidoolt f IWI IVOfIVSIVIWW fwl ■MwwwMWi Public Auction Register Closing Dale Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. MAR. 12 -10 AM Bankruptcy Auction, Bill Hess Country Market Land- SAT. MAR. 12 -10 AM Anti- scaping. S. of Dillsburg, Pa. ques, household goods, SAT. MAR. 12-10 AM Veg- Take Rt. 15 to Franklin mahg. & oak furniture, 20 etable farm auction, trac- Church Rd. Go 3.8 miles on HP Ferris Pro Cut #6l rid-, tors, trucks, farm and irriqa- 31st ANNUAL SPRING SALE Kempton Community Recreation Center Northern Berks County, 1 DAY ONLY SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1994 Located 3 miles N. of Rt. 78 - Exit 11 Lenhartsvllle. Take Rt. 143 N. Small Items , Farm Equipment Trucks (NO CARS) Lawn & Garden Equipment Tractors Case IH - 5130,1086, 1486,986, 1466,1066, 766, 856, 806, 706, 1456,656, 4166-4WD, 560, 460, 544, SM. H, WFE w/Loader, 686. J.D. - 2940, 4430. 4230, 2940, 2840, 2640 w/L, 2020, 4020, 3020, 3010. Case - 2290, 1690, 970, 1370. Ford - TWIS, 7700, 4000, BN, Jubilee. A.C. - 7040,. 7020, 200, XTI9O, 185, 5040, Dl7, 6080-FWD w/L, 210 Cab & Duals. White - 2-155, 2-105 MF - 2705, 1800-4WD, 1100, 235, 135 w/L, 85 w/L, 50 w/L. Deutz - DXI4. Antique Tractor - JD 730, 720, 520, 60, A, B Industrial - Case SBOC, L&B, AC 715 L&B, Ford 3400 w/L, Case 310 Crawler Loader. Compacts - JD 955, 855 w/L, 1050, 850, 750, 650, IH 234, 284, 185, 154, Cub Kubota L 175, 86000, Yanmar, Satoh D, JD AMT 622 & 600-5 wheelers. Lawn & Garden - JD 935 D, 4300.420,400,332 D, 318,317,316,300,216,214,212,210,185, 116, 112, 110, 68, 318-Snow Blower & Blades. Cadets -1872,1572,782,682,582,882 D, 1220,1450,1200,149,122 Aliens 16, New SEARS 18 HP, Simplicity, Wheelhorse. Bolens TlO Equip. - Loaders, Blades & Mowers, etc. Skid Loader - Case 1845 C, 1840, 18358, 1845, Bobcat 722. Trucks- Pickups & Flatbcds. Combines - JD 4400, MF 410. Haybines - NH 489. 499, 479, 477 - 7 ft, JD 1219, IH 1190, Hesston 1071-7 ft., Gehl 2350 Discbine, NI 272. Balers - JD 337, 327, 336, NH 316, 315, 320, 276, IH 425. Round Balers - JD 430, NH 847, 851, NI 456, Gehl 1400. Rakes - NH 258, 256, JD 660 Tedders - Kuhn 4 star, Pequea 710, M&W 3 pt, NH 144 Hayiriverter. Bale Wagons - NH 1012, 1010. Harvesters - NH 900, 892, 782, 770, S-717, JD 3460, 3800, IH 720. Blowers - NH 40, 28. Sickle Mower - NH 451, IH 1300, Ford, NI 9’ Flail Chopper - NH 38, 36. JD 16A, IH 10,8. Forage Wagons - JD 716 tandem w/roof, Hesston tandem w/roof. Cutters - Woods 15 ft. fold. Bush Hog 18 ft. fold, 7 ft., 6 ft, Woods 59, Grinder Mixers - NH 352, Gehl 95, Brady 950. Loaders - JD 148, IH 2000, Ford. Manure Spreaders & Tanks - NI 214, JD 4SO push, NI 17A & MF grand-drive both like new, Better Bill, NH 305 like new. NH 308, NI Tank, NH 520. Plows - IH 720-4 &5 xsp. resets, 710,4&5x, 700-6 x, JD 2800-6x&Sx, 2600-4 x, 2500-sx, Ford 3x sp. reset, 2x, White Sx reset Chisel Plows - Brillion & IH & JD 7-8-9-10-12 ft./3pt & pull type. Packers - Brillion 21 ft fold-14 ft, 12 ft Soil Savers - Brillion 12 ft, Glenco 10 ft., IH 12 ft, White 10 ft. T.W. 12 ft. Discs - IH 485 & 475 fold, JD 230 & 220 fold, 215,210, IH 470, Oliver fold-12 ft., Bush Hog 21 ft, New Taylorway 570-flex. Offset Discs - Miller 10 ft Cultimulchers - Brillion 10 & 14 ft, JD 12 ft., IH 12 ft. Harrow - Brillion Fold Transport. Field Cultivators - new Case IH 4500-18 ft. fold, JD, White. Rotary Hoe - JD 400-15 ft. Grain Drills - JD 8300, FBB, IH 5100, 510, JD Lime Drill. No Til Drills - Tye, Crustbuster. Seeder - Brillion 1042 tran. Com Planters - JD 7000 6 &4 Row consv., IH 800- 4 & 6 row, 56 4 row, Cultivators -4& 6 row S-Tine, JD 71H 4&6 row. Com Picker - NI 323. Stalk Shredder - IH 50-4 row, NI 4 row, AC 4 row. Hay Wagons ft Flat Wagons; Artsway Feed Wagon; Snow Blower - 8 ft. 3 pt. Misc. - Gossen Bale Chopper, Log Splitter, Snowmobile, Lely Fert. Wagon, Rock Picker, Cabs for JD& IH Tractors, Gravity bins. Running gears. 3 pt. blades. JD, IH, Ford-front & rear tractor weights. Cylinders, Tractor fenders, Rollguards, Loader buckets. ALL BUYERS MUST REGISTER FOR NUMBERS OR PAY CASH. ALL ITEMS MUST BE PAID BEFORE REMOVAL. RECEIPT REQUIRED. ALL OUT OF STATE BUYERS MUST HAVE REFERENCE OR CASH. This is only a partial listing. Many more items will be consigned by sale day. NO junk will be accepted. NO appliances. NO windows. NO household goods. Everything sold on commission basis. Some items Subject to prior sale. All items will be received March. 12 -17,8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day only. STRICTLY ENFORCED! Daily inspection 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. All items must be removed by March 23. Loader will be available daily 8:00 a.m. • 4:00 p.m. until March 23. All items not picked up by March 27 become property of K.C.R.C. For additional information, write: KEMPTON SALE, Box 42 • Kempton, PA 19529 or call: (610) 756-6973, 756-6206, 562-8377 Sale Office: 756-6444 Sale Week Only Not responsible for any accidents!! Damage ft Theft of Equipment, Etc!! Franklin Church Rd. to auc tion site. Kerry Pae, aucts. 14 Auctioneers ing mower, 16 HP Jacob sen riding mower, 5 HP Snow Bird snow blower, tools, 14' alum, boat & 6 HP Evinrude motor. Held at Al Starr Fireman's Building, Village of Willow Street, Lane. Co., .Pa. S. of Lane, along Rt. 272, behind fire ball. Howard E. Shaub, Inc., auct. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 5, 1994-El5 tlon equip. DNA plant tech nology Corp, 10 Woodlane Rd., Westhampton, NJ. Allens Auction Service. SAT. MAR. 12 -10 AM, Lykens Valley Farm. Located In Lykens Town ship, Dauphin County, Pa. Midway Between The Klingerstown Gap And The Pillow Gap Along Mountain Road On The South Side ... 9:00 a.m, ... 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m, 12:00 p.m, .. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m, Of Mahantbngo Mountain, 3 Miles NW Of Gratz And Route 25 Or 3 Miles East - Of Route 225, Turn East 1 Mile South Of Pillow. (Watch For Auction Signs The Day Of Sale). Owners, Herman L Snyder & Helen M. Snyder. Mike & George Delbert, Aucts SAT. MAR. 12 -11 AM Farm machinery, milk equip., holstein heifers, antiques, furniture and misc. Located 12 mi. E. of Rochester, Pa. of 2 mi. West of Zellenople, Pa. on St. Rt. 68 near St John's Burrys Church. MR. & Mrs. Art TeetS owners. Jim Baer, auct. SAT. MAR. 12 -11 AM, Farm Machinery Auction. Located At The Farm On Whites Corners Road, 1 Mile North Off State Route 49 At Harrison Valley, Pa., Or 9 Miles Southeast Of Whitesville, N.Y., Follow Arrows From N.Y. Rte. 248 In Whitesville. Owned By, Mr. and Mrs Elwin VanEt ten Pirrung Aucts. Inc SUN. MAR. 13 - IPM Jewelry, rare coins, vintage sportscards, comics. At Holiday Inn, Rt. 63 & Exit 31 Pa. Turnpike, Lansdale, Pa. Christian Hubscher, aucts. MON. MAR. 14 - 9AM Farming implements, shop equip, and tools for Larry Strayer and Leon Strayer, At RD #1 Shaw's School Rd.. Brogue. York Co., Pa. Rt. 1-83 north or s. to PA Exit #5. Rt. 74 (Queen St.) southeast approx. 12 mi. to left turn at Brogue General Store, onto Lucky Rd. From Bel Air/Jarrettsville area, MD RL 165 N. thru White ford signal light and onto PA Rt. 74 and continue approx. 7 mi. to right turn at Brogue General Store onto Lucky Rd. go approx. 3 mi. to right turn onto Shaw's School Rd. Bob & Tom Sechrist, aucts. MON. MAR. 14 - 9AM, Annual Spring Consign ment Auction Of Farm Equipment & Related Items. Located At The Auc tion Bam In American Cor ner, Md. On Auction Rd., Between Denton And Federalsburg, Md. A. Curtis Andrew Auction, Inc. MON. MAR. 14 • 10:30AM Located at Adamstown, Md., 7 miles S. of Freder ick, Md. on RL 15, East 2 6/10 mile on Mountodle Rd. Four Tractors, farm machinery. Mr. & Mrs. Har ry N. Knode. Robert C. Mul lendore, auct. MON. MAR. 14 - IPM 48 Acre Poultry & Vineyard Farm. South of Red Lion, PA on Rt. 74, approx. 2 mile to Burkholder Road, turn left, go approx. 4 mile to Snyder Corner Road, turn left, go approx. 1 mile to farm on left. Seller; Frank S & Teresa M. Cobb. Rentzel's Auction Service, aucts. MON. MAR. 14 - IPM, Absolute Real Estate Auc tion. Located Penrose & Glenwood Streets, Quaker town, Pa. Sanford Alderfer Auction Co. MON. MAR. 14 -3PM, Wal ter Steely Windsor Chair, Very Fine Hand Carved Masonic Cane. Located Brickeiville Fire Hall, West Of Ephrata, Pa., Just Off Rt. 322 W. Auction For, Arlene Erb & Betty Bender. E.M. Murry Associates. MON. MAR. 14 - 6PM, Complete Business Liqui dation Taylored Weddings Bridal & Wedding Store. Located At 1900 Industrial Drive, York, Pa. From Rt. 30 Turn South On North Hills Rd. To Industrial Rd. Turn Right On Industrial To Auction On Left Auction For, Alex Taylor. Kerry Pae Aucts. JUES. MAR. 15 - Farm Machinery. Located From Ephrata Route 272 North. Turn Right At Eckert Signs Onto Wabash Road To On Rloht. Owner, Ead Martin. Wine, Kreider * Good, Aucts.
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