El4-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994 , , . , ai/ , M ' farm is located 3’/. miles N. of Manchester or I’/» miles S. of the Md. Pa. line on the west side of Md. Rt. 30. Webber & Maty Bell, own ers. Nevin E. Tasto, auct. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. MAR. 12 - SAM Real estate, antiques and household goods. 249 N. Pine St., Lane. Pa. Miriam E. Neff Estate. E.M. Murry, aucts. SAT. MAR. 12-SAMFarm, Farm Machinery, Personal Property. At RD #1 Wright sville, Pa. Located on Rt. 124 between E. Prospect & Craley, along Abel Rd. in Lower Windsor Twp. Ruth E. Kober, owner. Jacob A. Gilbert, Gilbert, aucts. SAT. MAR, 12 - SAM. Fra ley's Auction Spring Farm Machinery Consignment Sale. Located At Our Farm 3 Miles E. Of Muncy Along Kepner Hill Road. Con ducted By Fraley Auction Co. SAT. MAR. 12 - 9AM Farm machinery. Loc: App. 11 mi. So. of Lancaster off Rt. 272 right (West) on Truce Rd. app. 2V4 mi. to farm on left. Terms by Fred C. Handel. Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts. SAT. MAR. 12 - 9AM, Early Spring Consignment Auc tion. Located Your Auto Auction, 7 Miles North Of The City Of Lebanon On Rt. 72, Turn Right On Jonestown Road (Old Rt. 22) Go 1/2 Mile To Auction Site On Left. Auction Con ducted By: Your Auto Auc tion Aucts. & Nelson L. Ebersole & Roger Myers. SAT. MAR. 12-9 AM, Com plete Dispersal Sale Of 66 Head Holstein Dairy Cattle, Hay, Silage, Dairy Equip ment, 4 Tractors. Combine, Full Line Machinery. Located 7 Miles South Of Hagerstown, Md., On Route 65, 2 Miles West On Route 63. Owners, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Houser. Robert C. Multendore, Auct. SAT. MAR. 12 & SUN. MAR. 13-9 AM, Sun.-9:01 AM. Unreserved Public Antique Tool Auction & Tag Sale. Located Volunteer Fire Department Annex, 10211 Lewis Dr., Damas cus, Maryland. Exit 66 Off 1-70 South On Rt. 27 To Damascus 12 Ml. E. Of Frederick; 25 Mi. W. Of Bal timore. Sponsored By Potomac Antique Tools & Industries Association. Phil Gregory & Associates. SAT. MAR. 12 - 9:3OAM, Farm Machinery. Located 295 South Exit 40 To 38 East Approx. 3.8 Miles To Mt. Laurel Rd. From 206 Take 38 West Exit Rancocas/Mt. Laurel. Fol low Signs For Mt. Laurel. Elbow Lane Is Approx. 4 Miles-Turn Right. Sale Manager, Norman Parker. Lee Parker, Auct. SAT. MAR. 12 - 9:3OAM Contractors power & hand tools, shop equip. Along Barkhill Rd., between Union Bridge & Uniontown, Carroll Co., Maryland Joanne C. Rowe, owner. Austin Bohn, Charles Funk houser, aucts. SAT. MAR. 12 -930 AM Liquidation Of All Rolling Stock And Related Equip ment For Poloron Homes Of Pa. Located From Har risburg Travel North On Rts. 114 15 Just North Of Liverpool. Turn Left On Rt 104. Continue Into Middle burg. At Stop Sign Turn Left And Follow Mam Street To Square. Turn Right And Follow Signs Auction 1/4 Mile On Right. Owners, Poloron Homes Of Pa. Kenneth E. Hassinger & Neil A. Courtney, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 12 - 9:3OAM. Oak Bow Glass China Closet, Antiques, Furniture & Household Goods. Located Turn N Off Oley Turnpike Rd. (2’/. Mi. West Of Rt. 662- Midway Between Oley & Yellow House) Or 2V. East Of Rt. 562 At Jacksonwald, Onto Moyer Rd. For 1 Mi., Then W On Wegman Rd. For V 4 Mi. Exeter Twp., Berks Co. Watch For Signs. Sold For, Helen Howard. Frey Aucts SAT. MAR 12 -10 AM takoßt. - west, go 8 miles Farm Machinery & House- turns left at Craig Concrete hold. Held at 4900 Hanover onto Bemisderfer Rd„ first Pike, Manchester, Md The ,arm to left. Franklin Co., r NEXT REPOSSESSION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 12th, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. (SNOW DATE: MARCH 19th) Approximately 225 Repo’s & Off Lease Vehicles Will Be Offered 150 Dealer and Public Units 1111 HI 12 322 OjupWn, PenniyN*nl» 17010 717 Oil 2100 I i “HORST AUCTION CENTER” PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, HUMMEL FIGURINES & TOOLS WED., MARCH 9, 1994 AT 2 P.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd. (approx. 2Vi miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster Coun ty, PA. FURNITURE Pine Wood Chest; 6 Arrowback Chairs; Antique Dec. Settee; Grained Blanket Chest; Spinning Wheel; Wash Stand; Lad derback Chairs; Dough Tray; Fine 3 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Suite w/King Size Bed ding; Cedar Chest; Grained Child's Table & Chairs; Rocker; Waterfall Dresser; Bed room Suite; Maple Dresser & Chest of Drawers; Living Room Suite; Hide-A-Bed; Formica Breakfast Set; Hanging Cupboard. APPLIANCES: Freezer; Color TV; Lamps; Sm. Kitchen Appliances; Kettles & Cookware: ANTIQUE EDISON PHONO GRAPH W/HORN; Edison Phono Records; Cuckoo Clock; Coffee Grinder; Tinware; Sad & Flat Irons; Copper Tea Kettles; Agate Pail. CHINA & GLASSWARE Ironstone Royal Doulton “Bunnykin” Dish Sets; Parrot Pitcher; German & Oriental China; HUMMEL FIGURINES (Collection of Approx. 25 Figurines: Press ed & Pattern Glassware; Moravian Tiles; Green Glass Carboy; Stoneware Crocks; Jugs & Jars: Redware Pie Plate. LINENS: Log Cabin Quilt; Lap Robe; Hooked & Braided Rugs; Baskets: Framed Prints; N. Currier, Currier & Ives; Birth & Baptism Certificates; Books; Post Cards; Wood Decoy; Cat & Mouse Pull Toy; Games; Doll Chairs & Rockers. TOOLS: Ladder; Hand Tools; Wooden Planes; Hand Saws; Sled; Bee Smoker; Copper Apple Butter Kettle; Cabbage Cut ter; Wooden Rake & Fork; Canning Jars; 5 Gallon Glass Bottles; Fireplace Crane & Trammels; Miner’s Lamp; Feed Bags. No Out Of State Checks Unless Accom panied By A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Horst aucts. yf, 1 1 AU43BL T. Glenn (717) IH-1331 • (717) 735-3 MO Timothy G. Fu # (7if) 731-2132 Thomas A. "VOICES OF EXPERIENCE SAT. MAR. 12 -10 AM Tractors, modem machin ery, hay & shelled com. Located V 4 mile east of Exit 3 of Interstate 81, Green castle, onto Rt. 16, go V 4 mile turn right onto Bemis derfer Rd, first farm lane turn left. From Waynesboro *ko Rt. 16 ->Bm” KEYSTONE PUBLIC AUTO EXCHANGE AH-0000S7-L £?; Jane South Of Lancaster Turn Diller. Edgar J. Stull & Lynn West On Truce Rd. App. A. Dletnch, aucts. 2V4 Miles To Farm On Left. SAT. MAR. 12 -10 AM Terms By, Fred C. 4 Eye- Farm Machinery. Located 'V n * Handel. Uoyd Kreid- Take Rt. 272 App. 11 Miles' Good Aucte" 9 & R ° y •AnrTlONf^n /.M ■ J fll BANKRUPTCY FABRICATION A WELDING EQUIPMENT AMSRICAN COASTAL INDUSTRISS, INC. 1 N. ERIE AVE., RENOVO, PA (APPROX. 40 MILES WEST OF WILLIAMSPORT) TUKSDAY, MARCH 15 AT 10 AM 1963 VERSON 300 ton gap prasa brakt • 1969 ACCURPRESS 18’ 440 T hyd praaa braka a PEARSON 10' hyd. (hoar • STEELWELO 712 mach ahaar a (3) RANSOME *6,16,000 lb cap walding poaltionara a ARONSON G.E M walding manipulator a ARONSON 20,000 lb. powar turning roll aat a K.N. ARONSON plaama cutting ayatam a (6) BRIDGEPORT 6 CINCINNATI mllla • (6) tunbt 6 angina lathaa a MARVEL 81A auto, vart bandaaw a jet, ROCKWELL 6 DOALL bandaawa a radial arm drilla a 1991 i/r HGIOO compraaaad air dryar a KUBOTA *L26SO 4-whaal driva tractor (09 hit) a CLARK 8,000 lb. chp. 3-aUga forklift a CASE SBOC backhoa a ovarlSO AIRCO, MILLER, LINCOLN, LINDE 6 HOBART mlg waldara a approx 500 tona of acrap ataal a hand toola, offlca lurnitura and much moral Inspection: Monday. March 14 from 10 00 AM to 3.00 PM For larma of aala and llluatratad brochura contact Niehael Fox Auctioneers* la*. Executive Offices • 3835 Naylors Lane Baltimore, Maryland 21208 (410) 653-4000 • (600) 722-3334 • Fax (410) 653-4069 PUBLIC AUCTION MODERN FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS - TRUCKS - J.D. HARVESTOR, 1988 CHEVY CAPRICE STATION WAGON SAT., MARCH 19. 1994 11 A.M. LOCATION: Auction to be held on the grounds of Durlach-Mt. Airy Fire Hall & Clay Twp. Municipal grounds. Take Rt. 322 West of Ephrata turn right (West) onto Durlach Rd. continue to Mt. Airy. Auction on left behind fireball. JOHN DEERE #5820 Self-Prop. Harvester 4 wheel dr. w/2 screens, AM/FM radio, heater & air cond., T pick-up head & 3 NR com head. JOHN DEERE #2750 diesel Trac. 4 wheel dr. 75 hp. w/#245 loader w/7* bucket John Deere MT Trac. w/2 row cultivator. 3 Gehl #920 forage wagons on Gehl 12T gear, Ml tandem axle #3639 manure epreader w/hyd. tail gate and top beater, Ml #323 2 NR com picker w/12 roll husking bed, IH #56 blower, NH #276 Baldr w/ thrower, Pequeateddar, 3 wagons 16'-17’-18'w/high sides, 16' flat wagon, PBZ 2000 gal. tank manure spreader. 1988 CHEVY CAPRICE STATION WAGON w/55,000 original miles, (mint condition), to be sold approx. 1 P.M. 1974 I.H. #l6OO DUMP TRUCK w/12' dump bed (inspected). 1957 CHEVY FARM TRUCK w/12' dump bed. McCurdy Gravity Bin Wagon BT, 3 pt. round bale point, Tryco 200 gal. 8 row field sprayer, Win Power generator on cart, 36' King Wyse Elev., J.D. #1240 NR CORN PLANTER w/Fert. & Herb boxes, Brady #7OO 7-tooth chisel plow, 13' Case IH field cult., JD 12' AW trans disc, JD #2lO dual wheel 1 1V4 ' trans disc w/rock (lex, 3 pt. Brady 12' cult, w/rakes, Bear Cat 10' Cultipacker w/5' side ext., JD #950 12' Culti mulcher, Case IH #450 48. Auto reset plow, JD 4 Row rear mount cult, 12’ Nl fert drill, 12 1 spike har row, com drag elev., JD #ISA flail chopper, T 3 pt. scrapper blade, 3 pt. 9" posthole digger, 3' x 8' utility trailer. JOHN DEERE #216 LAWN TRACTOR w/36" mower deck JD #625 roto tiller, HONDA 125 4 Wheeler, Tanaka weed eater, Acytelene torch on cart. NOTE: No small items, Auction begins at 11 AM with farm machinery. Most all equipment was purchased new and is very clean. This is an excellent opportuni ty to purchase modem and sound equipment at Auc tion! Bollingers have discontinued farming and due to the farm being rented out, all equipment will be avail able for inspection prior to the Auction from March 16 until sals day on the premises of the Duiiach-Mt. Airy Fire Hall grounds. Any questions, Call #717-733-9504. Terms are cash or good PA check. All out of state buyers must have bank letter of credit addressed to this particular auction. Refreshments by Durlach-Mt Airy Fire Co. Auxiliary. TERMS BY: Ray P. & Geraldine G. Bollinger #717-738-9504 AUCTION BY: Randal V. Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr. Auctioneers Uc. #4991 #717-733-1006 AUCTH PA LIC HAU-002273-L IBERS PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE - CATTLE - MACHINERY - FURNITURE SATURDAY, APRIL 2, At 10:00 A.M. Located In Huntingdon County, 2 miles West of McAlevys Fort, PA., or 12 miles East of Petersburg, PA, aldng Route 305. REAL ESTATE AT 11:30 AM Thirty six acres farmette, approx. 10 acres cleared pasture w/water stream, balance woodland (good hunting), 28x40 ft. 2 story bam, attached 40x64 ft pole shed and com crib, 2 story frame house, w/3 B.R, and bath on 2nd floor, 4 rooms and bath on Ist floor, 4 yrs. old Peachey coal or wood furnace w/water jacket, and spring water supply. For more information or inspection, phone 717-483-6233 or 483-6657. TERMS - $10,000.00 down, balance upon final settlement within 30 days. Owner reserves the right to reject any bids! FARM MACHINERY - 14 HEAD STOCK CATTLE - SOME FURNITURE AND OLD ITEMS Sale Will Start W/Furnlture Terms - Cash or Good Check. Food Stand JOHN AND ELLA MAE KAUFFMAN 717-483-6657 Mark Click and Dale Glbboney Auctioneers AU-349-L AU-335-L PUBLIC AUCTION of 91 ACRE FARM To be offered in three parcels Saturday, March 19th at 11:00 A.M. Located 2 miles southeast of Com pass, West Cain Twp., Chester Co. From Rt. 340 take Old Wilmington Road south to Sandy Hill Road, turn left to farm. PARCEL#!: 22 acre tract, 12 tillable, with 2500 SF stucco over stone dwelling. Ist fir. includes modem kitchen w/cherry cabinets, sitting room w/hardwood floor & stone fire place, Ig. living room, laundry room & bath. Four bedrooms & bath on 2nd fir. OHW heat w/wood stove back-up. Also a 44x250 (2) story broiler house w/24,000 bird capacity, 50x70 bank bam used for heifers & hogs, 60’ tapered bunk feeder, 20x60 silo, 34x56 equip ment shed & 30x40 block garage. PARCEL #2:65 acres of farmland, approx. 50 tillable & 5 woodland. USDA SCS prime farmland, mostly Glenelg soils. PARCEL #3: 4 acre interior building lot off Sandy Hill Road. TERMS: 10% day of sale; settlement on or before April 30,1994. Possession of crop land April 1,1994. Up to 80 percent owner financing available to qualified buyers on parcels #1 & #2. Terms by: PAUL B. LAPP LENA S. LAPP Attorney Kenneth R. Covelens HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin Horning AU-0433-L P.O. Box 251 Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183
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