EB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994 zb plow tractor, 3 pt. hitch, ■ pto hydraulics. Northum- Al holstein heifei's open, berland co. 717-758-3024. Lane. Co. 717-445-5526 MAIL OX MARKET "1 ; WANTED j E Snow plow assembly to fit 1972 Dodge stake body, snow tire chains to fit 7.50-16 LT tire. York Co. 717-993-3350 after 7 pm. Surge infarmation compu ter neck tags, in good used cond. Franklin Co. 717-328-5289 after 6 p.m. Milk cans alum, or SS, also #3O Jonnie stove, doverseed $65, potatoes $5.00 @ 50. Snyder Co Luke Martin, RD#l Box 738, Port Trevorton, Pa 17864. 250 CC & Honda 4 wheel er, good cond. Lane. Co 717-569-2076? Elbows tees endcaps for 4" irrigation pipe, also have 400 amp square D panel box & breakers for sale. Franklin Co. 717-762-1262. Need wheel drive ratchet for MF 36 hay rake. Leb. Co. 717-865-5340. Martin side discharge slurry spreader, NH manure spreader w/tandems & tail gate. 717-524-9968. Forearm for Remington, mod. 1894. Adams Co 717-677-7775 eves. Kinze 4 row com planter, also IH horse drawn cult RR 3 Box 87, Honey Brook, Pa. 19344. Underdrive for GMC overd rive trans., also 373 rear for GMC V 4 ton. Mercer Co 609-452-9579. “I" beams, 4"x6" or close match, 12' to 14’ long. Dan Bucks Co. Call with details 215-639-6331. 2350 IH loader & loader to fit Ford 6610. Salem Co NJ 609-769-4159 Magnatrac 2000 or 3000 w/ hyd. loader. 717-265-6465 Steel wheels 21” & manual for old Hardie sprayer also Hit & Miss & B&S gas engines. Warren Co NJ. 1-800-564-6879. Farmall H that is all done in, I need to part out to keep my two running. Miff. Co 717-899-6716 eves. Nat'l steel guitar 410-877-9767. 1 good used rear tractor tire-size 13 6-38, must be long bar tread. Juniata Co. 717-535-5655 4 used wheelbarrow tires fair cond. w/bearings. New Holland, Lane. Co. 717-354-0175. Will trade restored JD H for good AC Dl2 or Dl4 Salem Co 609-455-5342 1956 Ford FIDO or 250 for parts cab mainly Orange Co 914-361-2901 after 6 p m leave message. Fert hoppers for IHC 456- good metal or fiberglass hoppers, JD M7OD or 720-730 D, IHC 450 D or SMTA 315-786-0817 eves Hundreds of 5 gal buckets w/covers, 6’ high chain link fence, 6" or 8” slide valve off liq spreader Lane Co 717-354-5697. Chevy C-10 truck '67-'72 6 cyl, excel, body, need not have good motor, reason a b I e - . S E Pa. 215-469-9094. Front end loader for JD 755 tractor. Clinton Co 717-962-2969 leave message. 3 pt hitch assembly for Int hydro 84 also easy attach, coupler for 2250 Int loader Franklin Co. 717-597-7743 Antique motorcycles, bicy cles & related Items, child ren's wagons pedal cars, dolls. Camden Co. N.J. 609-767-5994. Orig. topllnk fits MH 33,44 - open in center, any loca tion. Frame wghts. for 333-444, or parts tractor. Howard Co. 410-489-4993. Patz or fits, cleaner chain, counter clockwise, will take out. Lane. Co. Cult, for JD 50 & Allis “G", small skid loader, 1 large cast fry pan, 8* disk. Dau. Co. 717-838-4776. AC WC rear rims to be widened or 14x28 rims to fit AC WC. Adams Co. 717-632-5937. Skil chain saw model 947 for parts, also VAC Case tractor for parts, must have good motor. York Co. 717-292-3172. Gauges for 1934-35 Dodge pickup, tail light buckets for 1939 Plymouth, 1934 Chevy Coupe decklid, 1934-1940 Willy's coupe. Berks Co. 215-670-9544. Farm manures & old straw for compost. Lane. Co. 717-354-3105. Used snow blower for JD 110 reasonable price for sale, one school desk, good shape, $25. Berks Co. 610-926-4436. 580 Case backhoe low hours diesel. 814-495-9736 eve. 2 or 3 bdrm. double wide trailer, will move. Bucks Co. 215-538-3887. 1000 RPM gear box from 9 NH 770 harvester at the blower. Lane. Co. 717-445-6720. Myers power angle snow plow for parts. Adams Co. 717-528-8038. 1922 Fordson tractor float chamber & mixing (jhamber w/intake & exhaust main fold in serviceable cond Berks Co. 610-562-7466. Redfield 3x9 accu-trac w/ center dot Remington 700 BDLs any caliber Leopold Vari-XII 2x7 scope other guns, rifles. 717-921-3810. B-81 or B-61 tandem w/55,000 lb. rears good metal, cab, motor good sheet metal. Monmouth Co. 908-946-7515. PUBLIC SALE OF CONTRACTORS POWER & HAND TOOLS, SHOP EQUIPMENT Due to the death of my husband I will sell on my Shop premises along Barkhill Road, between Union Bridge & Uniontown, Car roll County, Maryland, on: SATURDAY, MARCH 12,1994 Beginning At 9:30 A.M., The Following: 30 Ton Hyd. press, 3 ton engine hoist, drill press & stand, portable Stihl cut off saw, Pack ard carbondum cut off saw, Kellog-American air compressor complete w/5 H.P. single phase Mtr., Electro-Magic Model 740 space heater, Chicago drill press, Electro-Magic 1000 - 2 steam cleaner. Craftsman stack on tool cabinet, Lincoln 250 A.C. - D.C. welder, transmission jack, dump hoist, Hyd. blade for truck w/pump & lights, chain hoist, Craftsman bench grinder, Dayton H.D. battery charger, anvil, Elect, saws & drills, air impact socket set, seven sets of sockets, vise, 2 ton floor jack, Sev. chain saws, pressure grease gun, chain hoist, weed wacker, JOHN DEERE 112 RIDING MOWER, 2 pickup fuel tanks, lad ders, truck tires, flexible pipe, P.C.P., steel cable, H.D. Elect, cords, 50 Gal. drum of motor oil, work bench, welding rods, oil fil ters, hose clamps, steel bits, load binders, log & tow chains, hand tools, parts & bolt bins, metal shelves, metal lockers, two 4 Drw. file cabinets, desk & swivel chair, P.U. tool box, antique bob sled, many unlisted articles. TERMS - Cash or approved check on day of sale. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for any accidents on the premises. Owner, JOANNE C. ROWE AUSTIN BOHN, AUCTIONEER PH 775-7607 CHARLES FUNKHOUSER, AUCTIONEER SIDNEY LEASE & JACOB ALTVATER, CLERKS Small round baler, make 400 lb. bales, operating cond Call 610-562-8766 or Write Harold Stoudt, R 1 Box 1245 Hamburg, Pa 19526. N. Berks Co. Hood and rock guards for JD 450 C dozer. Bucks Co. 215-322-7612 after 5 p.m. Steel wheels open center approx. 18" w, 68" h. Union Co. 717-966-2507. Kubota 87100 snow blade must in good cond. Lyc. Co. HC 64, Box 630, Trout Run, Pa. 17771. Driving horse must be safe for anyone to drive. For Sale 420 gal. milk tank, free rat terrier. 717-354-7869, 3 pt. sprayer- field- cult, 4 wheel drive, JD tractor. Samuel J. Stoltzfus. 717-768-8359. Stock trailer 12' bumper type any cond. Cumb. Co. For Sale: bale thrower 14-T, $lOO. 717-776-6690. Oliver OC3 for pads. Lee Douglas. York Co. 717-927-9533. Used tent in good cond. at last 30'xSO' w/side curtains & poles. Northampton Co. 610-691-3382. Snow plow for JD 3020 #B2 or equivalent. Mercer Co. N.J. 609-737-0334. Used calf castle or equiva lent. 717-438-3205. H ' or 54 " screen for Gehl 21” hammermill, will trade for ’/*" or ’/• ”. Perry Co. 717-444-3466. Planed 2x4, 2x6, 2xB new or used to use as crating any length. Lane. Co 717-445-7101. 3 pt. hitch 2 row corn plant er field ready fair price. Passaic Co., N.J. 201-633-0401. A big chest type freezer doesn’t have to work. Lane. Co. 717-738-2985. Ashland naw dacade coal wood stove w/or without hot water front. Garrett'Co 301 -334-8117. Cropland to rent in Lane. Co. & western Chester Co. Lane. Co. 717-687-7868 Farmall 400 w/factory wide front wanted, any cond. Cecil Co. 410-658-6486 after 5 p.m. House, barn 25-50 acres to rent by April Ist. Bernville area. Berks Co. 610-488-0447 call anytime. Int. truck or bus for parts, to fit my 1981 30,000 GVW truck. 717-458-5959. Int. 350 or 450 utility gas tractor w/fast hitch 4 power steering, good working cond. 908-782-3989. Old spark plugs, Model A Ford parts send list 4 price to David Frazier, 2207 Timothy Drive, Westmin ster, Md. 21157. Carroll Co 1-410-635-6723. Calf puller 4 cow lift Kent Co. Andy A. Mast, Route #l, Box 201-E Hartly, Dela 19953. Plywood skide kit 4' high for 18' flatbed. For Sale 35” high clearance farm tractor, good cond. Lane. Co 717-738-2675. Loader for AC 1-400 will consider others for around 40 HP must have down pressure & hyd. bucket after 5. 717-664-4075. Heavy steel roller to pack down stones m alfalfa fields. Lane Co 717-768-8586. 2 conveyors approx. 12' and 22' also guage wheel for JD baler pickup. For Sale Prizer cook stove Bedford Co. 814-793-9634 AC D-14 in good condition around $lOOO Would con sider trading Oliver 60 with cultivators in good shape. Leb. Co 717-866-6485. FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION MARCH 11, 1994 9:00 A.M. TRACTORS- ACXT 190 w/Cab; JD 2520; Ford 7600; AC Gleaner F w/Grain Head; 1981 Ford F 350 Dual P.U. 58,000 Mi.; 1976 Ford F7OO 21,000 GVW w/17’ Dump Body; JD Crawler Loader w/Bucket & Manure Fork; 2 Horse, Horse Trailer; 930 Case, Comfort King- Nice. FARM EQUIPMENT- NH 456 & 455 Mowers; Krause 12’ Disc; Mow Hawk 12’ Shank Chisel PL; JD 7000 Planter, Glencoe 6R Cult.; IH 6R Cult. w/Rolling Shields; Gehl 600 Harvester; NI 279 Cutditioner; NH 283 - Baler; JD 400 Rotary Hoe; Noble 4R Cult, w/ Danish Tines; NI 323 Picker; IH 55 Chisel PL; IH 510 Drill; JD 14x78 Drill; JD 790 Tank Spreader: Martin 51263 Spreader, JD KB A 24 Disc; JD 3800 Harvester; NH 679 Spreader; JD 602 Ground Dr. Fert Sprdr. Case 9 Shank | . Soil Controller; Grove 8 Ton Forage Wagon; NH 853 Baler; JD 602 Fert Spreader Ground Drive; NH 466 Haybine on Steel; JD 3800 Harvester; WFE 13’ Disc; IH 470 Disc; NH 311 Baler, 2000 Tobacco Lathe; 2 Tobacco Presses. SELLING FOR ELAM STOLTZFUS- 12 Quincey Air Compressors 3 Hp to 25 Hp; 5000 Lb. Mitsubishi Forklift LP 3 Stage Solid Tires: 4000 Lb. Clark 2 Stage; 4000 Lb. Tow molor Lpg; Joy 100 CFM Jack Hammer Unit; Welders; Pallet Jacks; Misc. Tools & Hardware. EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PDTOB GAT V RECEIVING DAYS- MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, MARCH 7 THRU MARCH 10 - 7 A.M. TO 5 P.M. SALE ORDER: 9:00 A.M.- SALE STARTS 9:30 A.M.- LARGE EQUIPMENT 12 NOON- FARM TRACTORS 12 NOON- SHRUBBERY 2:00 P.M.- LAWN FURNITURE A & C DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. 100 W. JACKSON ST., PO BOX 186 NEW HOLLAND, PA. 17557 (717) 355-7253 FAX# 355-9547 ALAN DIFI Rear tine garden tiller in good cond. Medium to large size. Franklin Co 717-532-3278. Baltmatic fertilizer spreader gearbox IHC 58 or 68 series tractor 4 IHC 2250 loader, low hrs. prefer gas, good cond. Berks Co. 215-286-5434 after 6 pm. Salvage to old factories, warehouses, old farm houses, mills. Need trailer load 3"x 10” or wider of floor joists. Eve. only at 7 pm 717-334-6223. 20 gauge Single shot shot gun. Does not need to be in good cond. Northampton Co. 610-262-2679. Cider press, apple grinder and washer, new or used, mechanical or hydraulic. Lehigh Co. 610-767-8304. Used dry fertilizer units for cornplanter, prefer JD. 717-483-6605. Pixall even feeder for pixall vibratory sorting table, Bill Hanna, Harford Co., Md. 410-836-1053. Dutch-Belted dairy cattle prefer open heifers, consid er milking cows. Eves. 717-278-2972 Heavy duty disk 12 ft. wide, good cond. prefer John Deere 315 but will consider others. 717-637-4887. Good used barn to tear down and rebuild. Lane Co. 717-768-8657. Someone to fix slate roof in Oxford, Pa Used brooder for quail. Montg. Co. Md. 301-622-1354. Man to paint trim on farm house, also need 8 ft. disc and cultipacker. Lane. Co 717-872-2596. Jeeps wanted, dead or alive, 1941 to 85 whole or parts. Burlingotn Co 609-261-2179. Free good home wanted for mature male yellow lab, good with children. 610-932-5025 or 610-932-8072. Bulk tank 650-700 gal also 5 HP compressor, Sput nicks for sale. Daniel Beil er, 78 S. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. Lane Co. 17540 Black and white or red and white AKC Cocker Spaniel female. Reasonable Price. Lane. Co. 717-484-4623. Attic Flooring and Log Houses. 717-626-4520. Old Maryland milk bottles by serious collector. Cash paid or will trade. Call ool lect after 6 p.m. 301-721-0473. Crownsvil le, Maryland. Will trade duplicate Win ross literature for same, also willing to purchase. Want to buy Jevic, Tootise Roll trucks, Mike 717-737-4386 Cumb. Co. Propane refrigerators & freezers in good cond., also want 1961 Lincoln Conti nentals in any cond. Ocean Co. N.J. 201-929-4358. Tnue am, We adopt and/or buy exotic mjeks >f nin y n« d hnafe’ animals: Deer, Pygmy Sts «oirff o ; e bo JJl 8, Goa,s - Elk - Bu « a| o. Leo -1960-s 8 Oldi sh pLd! 374 e |1 ,0 14’ York Co. 717-292-5573. etc. Berks, 215-374-2114. One 2,3,4 & 5 burner new perfection ft Ivanhoe ker osene cooks to ves. Gideon Stoltzfus, Blain, Pa. 17006-9714. Peny Co. rCOMPLE'i LAN BU TR BAN A Robert J. In 17A Casei Absolute Auction of Debtor’s Assets by Order of Bankruptcy Court Sat., March 19,1994 10:30AM Location: The Lionville Fire Company, Uwchland Township, Chester County, PA Directions; From Routes 100 & 113, Take Route 113 South To The 2nd Traffic Light. Turn Left On To Crump Road And Follow To The Stop Sign. Turn Left And Follow S. Village Ave. To Fire Co. On Left OR; From Routes 100 & 113, Take Route 100 South 1/5 of a Mile To Welsh Pool Road. Turn Right. Follow Welsh Pool Road To Stop Sign. Turn kight On To South Village Ave. And Follow to Firehouse On Right. (Look For Auction Signs) EQUIPMENT 1993 Zimmerman 18ft. Dual Axle Trailer (GVW - 7000 lbs.); Elkins 7Ft. Material Spreader; (2) 7.5 Ft. Meyers Snow Plows w/ Power Angling, B.sft. Meyers Snow Plow w/ Power Angling, Ransomes Jaguar 4000, 23 HP Diesel Mower w/ 72” Deep Draft Deck; Raven 300 Gallon Sprayer w/ 5 HP Gas Motor On Frame; (3) Ransomes Walk Behind Mowers w/ Kawasaki F8460V Engine & 48” Deck; New Snapper 1030 Snow Blower w/ Tecumseh Gas Engine; Little Wonder BHP Gas Engine Blower; (2) Briggs & Straiten BHP Blowers (One w/ Cast Iron Bore); (2) Snapper 3HP Push Mowers; New Echo Leaf Blower; (2) Snapper Leaf Blowers; (5) Green Machine Model 3000 M Weed Eaters; (2) Stihl FS76 Weed Eaters; Stihl 034 AV Super Chain Saw w/ Case; McCulloch Power Mach 310 Cham Saw w/ Case; Little Wonder Hedge Trimmer; (3) Metal Wheel Barrows; (2) Wilier 3 Ton Jack Stands; (4) New Seed Spreaders; (2) 3 Gallon Spray Bottles, Tree Climbing Harness & Rope. TOOLS & MISC. (12) New Distant Lawn Rakes; (8) Snow Shovels, (4) Hedge Trimmers; (4) Pitch Forks; (3) Rakes; (3) Push Brooms; (5) Tree Shovels; Hoe; Sledge Hammer; Tree Saw; Axe; Post Hole Digger; Vice; (5) Ball Hitches; (3) GE 2-Way Radios, Answering Machine; Bell Atlantic Cellular Phone; Hand Tools; (2) Water Coolers; (2) Coffee Makers. Many Items Too Numerous To Mention Inspection: 8:30 -10:30 A.M. Day of Auction Terms: Cash or Approved Check only. No Out of State Checks Accepted. Auctioneer’s Note: NO RESERVE, NO MINIMUM, NO BUYER’S PREMIUM! Auction Conducted By: rAnp PA License #AU-002947-L (215) 873-0901 A All information deemed to be accurate and _ reliable powever.,announcements py Auctioneer take precedence over printed matter. 15-hand Pinto stud avail for breeding sorrel & white Leb. Co. 717-865-3390 Standing Morgan quiet dis position, proven competi tor, also Bay/Tobiano paint stallion first five days care free $250. Live foal. Hunt 814-448-2821. Farmers' Market in South eastern Pa. now forming will be producers only mkt' Farmers needed for infor mation. Chester Co 215-869-2791. Looking for a farmer to accept a few grown farm cats. Lane. Co 717-653-5924. Make wine at home? Train ing course begins April 21., Write Zion Vineyard, Zion I Md. 21901. Cecil Co' 410-658-2706. To be sold at Elam B. Stolt zfus Auction, 3-8-94, JD 494-A com plantar, NH 404 crusher & app. 400 tomato baskets. RRI Box 107-E Mill Hall. Pa. 17751. Will lay over old concrete stave iH6s, for pirce con tact Levi Zook, 3452 Harvest Or., Gordonville, Pa. 17529. Lane. Co.
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