MAIL BOX MAHKFI FOR SALE 5 pane, wooden, low win dow 125" W 55“ H, torsion spring, fiberglass door, 12 ft. H, 16 Ft W, Berks Co. 610-562-7667 evenings. For sale and service on sewing machines, see Earl or Jan at Green Dragon every Friday or call 717-666-5555. New Ford BSD444T diesel turbo engine 268 cu. in. with radiator and all con trols $3250. Lane. Co. 717-569-3359. Pinto mare 16H smooth gait, bomb proof 12 yrs. old, exc. trail horse $l2OO. Call Trina 717-624-3258. Generator 4000 watt 8 HP Briggs I.C. engine, ex. cond. $450. Lane. Co. 717-786-1646. 14-10,000 GVW Hurst trail er, needs minor work, $lOOO or best offer. Black & gray fiberglass truck cap & extended racks. Lane. Co. 610-286-5407. 4 mute swans, yearlings Franklin Co. 717-532-3055. Steel wheels for skid load er, 27 inches high, 10 Inches wide, 4 rubber blocks, like new Cumb. Co. 717-776-3917. Comic books (150) $95, box full Bmm famous films $95, electric sewing machine $65, spinning wheel $275. Mont. Co. 215-287-9897. Belt pulley and gear box for Oliver 70 $75 5590 Potters Ln, Pipersville, Pa. 18947. 4508 JD Dozer parts or hole- roll bar for 1066 IH Garrett Co. Md. 301-689-8245. 314 International rollover plow 3 bottom $l2OO or best offer. Lane. Co 717-445-5924. Paint black enamel ex. quality, 55 gallon drums $5O drum. Harford Co. 410-692-2324 7-8 p.m. 13' IH 2 boar chisel plow with Midwest rake $lOOO. Bnllion 6 row 30" cultivator $BOO. Kent Co. Md 410-778-2577. Baled hay square, round, Patz barn cleaner 16" clockwise rotation, com plete. also rubber mats, steel gutter grates, semen tank with semen from Sire Power. Juniata Co. 717-694-3684. MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale IH 720 plow 3-16 semi , mount auto reset $l6OO or best offer, purebred Boston Terrier puppies $75. Lane. Co. 717-445-4231. Case 6x16, A/Reset, Hill side hitche, N/parts, good $1100; Oliver 4-5x16 good $350; JD 24T kickbaler, good $375. Jefferson Co. 814-856-2685. Complete gang press wheel assembly for 8000 series Deere drills 18x7 condition 90% new 1500. sacrafice 650. Berks Co. 215-944-9276. Charolais & Holstein crossed steer, 90c lb. 2 bottle fed buck kids. Montg. Co. 610-367-8024. SAtarrett dial calipers No «120 $9O. Schuylkill Co. 717-345-8536. NH 130 bu. 327 spreader, good, SM Farmall PS LH good, Farmall H, loader, 2 way plows, cultivator. Col. Co. 717-889-3314. Farmall B/N New tire on rear repainted trans, good JD No. 9 sickle bar mower, JD 3 bottom plow. Berks Co. 610-369-5883. AKC breeders Huskys, chows, also NN manure spreader #679 double bea ter, tandem $l5OO or best offer. 717-354-5360 Lane. Co. New Idea 702 with 710 combine 713 grain head 725 3rn corn head, ex. cond. Lane. Co 717-872-5514. New Oilier bale wagon 9xlB ft. steel constructed racks, treated wood floor, mounted on new Wenger 10T gear, field ready $2200. 717-345-4489. Two 15"x38" rims off JD G $lBO pr. cylinder head for JDGFSSIR $250. Warren Co. NJ 908-689-9548. Clipper No. 27 seed clean er twin brushes roll feed hopper, clover seed screens, small grain screens $350. Lane. Co. 717-354-8606. Deutz 6206 4x4 with Great Bend 886 loader, 2000 hrs, good cond. 410-775-7324. JD 1209 mower cond. $ll5O 080. Morridge grain dryer, 285 bu. batch, good cond. Lane. Co. 717-733-6996. 1979 llOcc Honda 3 wheeler, needs work or good for parts $lOO. GM 350 auto trans. longtail $75. Berks Co. 215-589-2449. mailbox markets. Please NO PHONE CALLS Check One: Notice 9 yr. old work horse, good worker, also used Sputnick good cond. Daniel Lapp, 473 Centerville Rd„ Gor donville, Pa. 17529. 1991 Greenhouse 17’x96', ex cond, fans, heater, alarm system, Deutz weights, fifty lbs. each, also bracket. Schuylkill Co. Kings 717-345-2390. Poultry litter tiller, 5' wide, 3 pt. hitch, brown BLC 60 Lane. Co. 717-653-5337. Irish English setters pup pies, shot and wormed parents, good hunters $5O. Lane. Co. 717-665-6647. Army surplus 10 wheeler, multi fuel engine, good rub ber, new brakes. Evenings 814-764-3316 $l5OO. Baler twine $18.60, calf hitches, calf kennels, ply wood feed bins, stock panels, blower pipe. Lane. Co. 717-442-8972. Pair 3 yr. old black swans Skylark refrig, unit, fits 8’ $450,4 yr. old female who- pickup box, less than 1000 oper swan $3OO can deliver hours, running time 75' to N.H. sales CT. cord. $5500. Sch. Co, 203-564-2579. 717-622-3125 402 NH hay crimper. Jonas E. Esh, 534 Willow Rd„ Lane. Pa. 17601. Reading work cap for pick up $5OO 080, new storm windows call for sizes 28' elevator/motor $125 080. York Co. 717-382-4485. Oats 1200-1500 bushels 400-500 partially cleaned. Somerset Co. 814-926-3253 Conklin horse drawn wagon all orig. usable or easy restoration for show $l,OOO OBF Wash Co 412-348-7765. Easter Bunnies pedigreed dwarf hotots, mini-rex & netherland dwards, show or petl Many colors, very small. Leave message Lane. Co. 717-665-2534. White Mute swans, 1 yr. old, Embden geese. Wanted- peafowl hens. York Co. 717-755-1745. Cashmere buck from Lis more & Capricorn lines, 15 mths. old, excel, stud, great temperament $4OO, fleece avail, for inspection. Ches. Co. 610-458-8458. 258 NH rake $lB5O, Oliver plow 3 pt 3 btm. 16", Surge pipeline, 2 sec. spike har row. Bucks Co 610-346-7709. Plastic feed bags, used Four complete used once 15® @ 16-9-30 'A engines for parts or rebuild tread tractor tires $25 ® ing, Chevy 250, Olds 350 18.4-38 VS tread tires, diesel, Int.l 345 and Int. $lOO. Berks Co 610-589-2881 Wanted 20 5 DeLaval autooord milkers complete with electric pul satore and super-flow claws, good oond. $175 ea. Adams Co. 717-356-9792. Small male pygmy goat $3O. six passenger surrey with fringe top and lights, good cond. $2lOO. York Co. 717-757-5315. Large gas driven tow behind cement Mixer $5OO. 35 ton fixed neck-lOwboy trailer $2500. 555 Cum mins heads $2OO. 610-377-0372. International 4 row mechanical lift corn planter, disk openers $2OO. Seivel propane refrigerator, works good, needs door gasket $l5O. Lane. Co. 717-354-6629. NH 352 grinder mixer 2,000. Also wanted used stainless steel finishing hog feeders. Lane. Co. 717-445-4464. JD 1209 mower conditioner late, ex. $2350. NH 275 baler 700.00. shop gate from 790 NH spreader $325. Berks Co. 610-683-5970. 1983 F-250 pickup auto, 351 $lBOO. two western saddles $6OO both. 11 year old pony, show prospect $650., 717-875-4616. Southdown ram 3 yr. old registered $75 Polypay ewe 3 year old registered $5O. both nice Lane. Co. 717-665-3448. Horse drawn New Idea tobacco planter $l5O. Flex ville flyer shed like new $l5. 717-354-0616. Australian cattle dog pups NSDR registered, loiya companion, good with livestock $lOO. 841 Kirk wood Pike, Quarryville Pa. 17566. Lane. Co. 770 W NH hay head, ex. cond. fits NH 782 Union Co. 717-966-9893. Lincoln welder 225 amp G 7 used 2 yr., high freq. wel der, three point scraper blade $2OO. Dauphin Co. 717-365-3109 8 to 8:30 am. NH 469 haybine, good cond. Juniata Co. 717-527-2667. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMI Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed "one" free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. " The Lancaster Farming staff has Ihs right to re|acl any Mailbox Mark ats that do not moot theaa requlromsnls." Mall To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets P.O. Bex 609 1 E. Main St Ephrata. PA 17622 No Phono Call Plea sal NH 658 269 271 balers new & used baler engines, engine mounts John Belter, 41 Slaymaker Hill Rd„ Kin zer, Pa. 17535. Lane. Co. Small Warm Morning 5 yr. ok) $250. Amos G. Beiler, 55510 Street Rd., Oxford, Pa. 16363. #245 New Idea manure spreader, 10 ton tandem reconditioned new T-Bar chainf ield ready 2600. 080. Franklin Co. 717-532-2599. IV4 yr. old yellow tab female, AKC, needs good home. Lane. Co. 717-629-6744. Nl 705 uni tractor, 717 combine, 740 throat, 713 flex head, 838 husker, 744 W com head $lO,OOO. Adams Co. 717-677-8789. Electric stove 6 mo. old col or $175. 717-684-8816. Alcoa 10x20 Goodyear bias ply 50% tread $l5O ea. Fruehauf no slack air slide Sth wheel ex. $BOO. Cedi Co. 410-398-8535. Good mixed grass hay, disc mower, good cond. 3NH 2 tow com heads, 1 working 2 for parts. Cecil Co. 410-658-6447. White Horse 2 bottom 12" plow, auto turn forecart. Forecart with scraper. Elmer Lantz 85 E. Strack Dr., Myerstown, Pa. 17067. 45 acre farmette with barn, implement shed, 4 bed room house in very good pond. Huntingdon Co 814-542-4721. 1984 G 250 GVW 8600 6.9 diesel 4x2 $3500. 717-278-2071. Generator 10KW 671 Detroit 3 ph. only 950 hrs. ex. shape, best offer. Augusta Co. Va. 703-350-2404 Rick. Combination mower & crimper, Smucker rolls, to be sold Mar. 12 Gordonville Fire Co. Lancaster Farming Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $19.75 per year or $37.50 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $30.00 per year, $58.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m,; Thurs day 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ——————— When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancas- j ter Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form tor | LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING □ $19.75- 1 YEAR O $37.50- 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAME ADDRESS ZIP + 4 Uncntor Firming. Saturday, March 5, 1994-E7 One rear tractor tire 65% tread, size 18.4x28, $125. Lane. Co. 717-464-1829. Int. 700 6xlB ASR plow $l2OO, Pollard wheel rake $350,1968 Int. dump truck, 16,000 GVW $6OO. Dau Co. 717-469-2307. Honda ATV 250 4 trax new tires, nice cond. Cumb. Co. 717-423-5987. 20' Jamesway silo unload er ring drive tripod & 5 HP GE motor $B5O, 205 Int. combine cab 10' hume reed, $lBOO. Cumb. Co. 717-776-4261. 3 DeLaval Waikato milk meters 65 lb. flasks w/rapid release clamps $l5O ea. Col. Co. 717-925-2284. Computer 286/12 w/hard drive s'/«" floppy drive w/ color monitor mouse printer 3 yrs. old, excel, cond. 610-268-2098. Full wave bridge rectifier with reactor coil convert AC «tick welder to smooth DC $95. 610-367-7210 after 12:00. Boyertown, Berks Co. Feed bin 6.2 ton with auger. Cumb. Co. 717-776-4737. Parting some old balloon bikes, Elgin Roadmaster, Schwinn, And other Lane Co. 717-733-3148 F6OO cab, frame, axles, heavy duty 84" B C A 1948 GMC antique 84“ B.C A York Co 717-292-2588 1616 C Skidsteer and 3000 lb. round bale fork. Wanted good pull-type spinner spreader for poultry man ure and damp lime. Perry Co. 717-582-8986. 2 acre home w/27x84 gar age, pond, playhouse, 2 streams, beautiful wood land setting, 130 pieces JD toy collection. Pine Grove Area. Schuylkill Co. 717-345-6178. * RENEWALS (Check Appropriate Boxes) STATE COUNTY NON-REFUNDABLE Bolens 1050 tractor 10 HP engine 48* mower 42* blade 36* snow bloer, chains, good cond. $BOO 080. Lane. Co. 717-626-5034. Shenandoah 30* round brooder stoves with hang ing chains 7300 Choretime variable speed fan control used 1 yr. Lane. Co. 717-733-3350. Duroc & Chester white boars 250 lbs., good bone from tested herd, will deliv er 5' wide peg harrow $5O. 717-632-4722. Woods 80* pull-type mower $395, JD 10' 3 pt. disc $395, Cub Cult's like new, $350, Ford 3000 gas P/S LPTO Irish Fordson $350. Bucks Co. 215-847-5907. Int. Cub 125 hydro. 60* deck fair shape, 12 HP, $495. Chester Co. 215-942-3199. Barn sell out hitch wagon w/sth wheel, buck board both on rubber, brakes/ lights Haflinger draft ponies. Susq Co. 717-465-3669 8112 AC garden tractor, rotary mower, sickle bar, rototiller, snow blower & blade, $lBOO or B O Queen Annes Co 410-556-6116 IH 14' cutting transport disc w/cyl. York Co 717-244-3974. Ear corn & mixed hay Somerset Co 814-267-3506 Ml 17 manure spreader very good cond , $950, 16 9x34 tires, 25% on good rims, $175. Lyc Co 717-745-3305 eves MF super 90 tractor needs work engine good Lyc. Co. 717-634-2149. Muscovy ducks 9 hens, 1 drake. Lane. Co 717-656-2993. o $30.00-1 YEAR □ $58.00- 2 YEARS
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