02frLancastar Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994 World Class Tractors for Today’s American Farms FJMI Belarus World's Largtst Producsr ol Trr Sensible Down to Earth Tractors Diesel Diesel 2WD Model 250 w/Rollbar Diesel 4WD 310 w/Rolibar.... $9,785 Diesel 4WD I w/Rollbar .$12,985 Diesel 4WD 420 572 w/Cab... $16,150 Diesel 4WD w/Cab... $17,800 Diesel 4WD w/Cab... $20,700 825 100 925 Prieee Plus Freight 1 Dealer Prep 1 Year Manufacturers Warn Financing Available Standard Tires Are 15.5R38 Optional Tires Available 18.4R34 at $350.00 Ask About The New HUSCO HYDRAULIC VALVE OPTIONS All Cabs have Fresh Air Vents, Heaters and Wipers Included. Side and Back Windows Open Call Us For Your BIG to Small Tractor Needs SPRING TILLER SALE SAVE VP TO $ 250 The Best Tiller On Earth PLUS • Handle Swings 180° To Reverse Direction of Tractor. Just Pull The Pin To Change Attachments In Seconds w/Quick-Hitch Option V|pl*> 1 Power Sweeper 2 30--50' Cutter Bar 3 Chipper/Shredder 4 Snowblower 5 38’ Lawn Mower 6 30' Brush Mower 7 Sprayer Other Attachments Available $7. $2,900 to $5,200 Loaders w/Buckets Available Priced From NTHS!* Compare! Beats The mpetition! le-Umit Warranty Gear-Drive fission jels From 5 to 14 •power ' or Electric Start lek-Change idle Positions jher Tine Speed roy-Bllt ible Tiller Width • - 30” p_ « Madey Farms Windber, PA (814)467-8839 Case 380 dsl.,cab, Idr., 3 pt & PTO, 48 hp IH 5488 C/A 2800 hre,; $23,800 Case 2590 w/Cab & rebuilt Engine .. $16,500 Case 1070 fender tractor $6,800 Case 2290 Cab. Air. $12,900 Case 1030 diesel $4,800 MF 2775 Cab & Air. Coming In IH 1486 Cab/Alr, Rebuilt Eng. IH 806 diesel, cab.% IH 1586 w/Cab Ford TWIS, cab, air, 1885 modal, 4x4, triple outlets, radial tires, weights all around, excellent . Ford 6610 Series 11, cab & air, 2WD, late model, low hours Ford 5000 dsl, 8 speed w/duai remotes, 38” tires & weights JD 4440, cab, air, quad, 20.8x38 radlals, triple outlets, vary nice JD 4430, cab, air, power shift, 2 remotes, 18x38 tires, 3600 hours JD 4020 dsl., power shift, side consols, 1971 model JD 4020 dlsasl, syncro range, side console, no cab, 4700 original hours, excellent JD 3020 side console, dsl, power shift, dual ramotss, new paint, vary nice Case IH 885 4x4, no cab, 1 remote, 2 PTO's, TA, QT, self leveling loader w/ind. valve, nice Case IH 685, dsl, 4WD w/IH 2250 loader, 1200 hours, like new Casa IH 485 dsl, 4 WD, w/IH 2255 loader, roll bar & canopy, low hours, very nice NH 36 Flail Chopper NH 782, electric controls, heavy duty 540 PTO, new paint, ready to go Gehl 1260, fully equipped with all the options, choice of heads, very nice Gehl 970, 3 beater, no roof, w/JD 12-ton tandem Gahl 970, 3 beater w/roof A JD 12-ton tandem Gahl 060, 3 baatar w/roof, ataal sides A Gahl 12-ton tandem IH 510 18x7 doubla disc w/aeed A grass saed, vary nice IH *lO 16x7 alngla disc drill w/all 3 boxes, nice clean unit Brllllon SSIO Sure seeder w/transport wheels & acre meter JD 7000 6RN conservation, dry fart., monitor, good condition JD 7000 4R conservation, monitor, dryfsrt. & Insecticide boxes JD 1240, 4R plateless, disc openers, monitor, must be seen to be appreciated JD 7000, 4RW planter, insecticide boxes and monitor, vary nice JD 7000 4RN, dry, platelass, Insecticide boxes USED PLOWS AND CHISELS IH 720 4xlB auto reset w/coulters & gauge wheal White 508 4xlB, auto reset w/couiters & sldehlll hitch Oliver 588 4xlB, auto reset w/eoulters & gauge wheel JD 1710 0-tooth mulch tiller w/walklng tandems, very nice IH 720, sxlB, auto reset, coulters, gauge wheel, side hill hitch, very nice Oliver 4x16 hyd. reset, semi mount, $550 White 508 4xlB cushion trip w/spring loaded coulters Case IH 720 5 or 6xlB spring auto, excellent Pittsburgh 20* transport spring tooth harrow, used vary Itttls Ollvsr 252 10’ finishing disc, dual whssls, vary nice Brilllon 10* doubls packsr JD 16’ transport type spring tooth harrow, good condition IH 133 4R cultivator w/rolllng shields, excellent McConnell 16' transport spring tooth harrow Kewanss 12’ rock flex finishing disc, vary nlcs White 253 12' finishing disc w/tandsm wheels, very nice Brilllon 12’ roller harrow, excellent Brilllon 10’ packer w/4” axle, very nice White 265 11’ heavy frame cutting dlac w/tandem wheels & 24” blades NH 316 w/#7O thrower, excellent NH 847 round baler NH 276 baler w/thrower, electric controls, cyllndsrs & hoses, vary nlcs NH 489 hayblne, stub guards, excsllent, 2 to choose from USED HARVESTER HEADS JD 2RW w/elutch NH 824 2R corn Qehl 6' pickup w/dolly wheels FNH 790 hay haad, Ilka naw FNH 000 hay haad. Ilka naw NH 3 RN Augar baaa paokaga w/8’ pickup MISCELLANEOUS Ford 727 loadar, fits 4000-7000 aarlaa traetora JD 300 plekar/huakar W/2RN haad Uaad 18.4x34 snap-on duala Coming In Coming In Coming In D TRACTORS USED FORAGE EQUIPMENT PLANT FOR SALE 6R 30”, Ml Klnza htavy duty, double (ram* no-till corn planter w/S Inter plant unite for planting 15” row aoybeana O.J. 3000 radar monitor w/ or w/out liquid fartlllxar, vary good condition 717-367-9208 717-361-7846 IH 1486. cab. air, dual PTOa, dual ramotaa, 20x38 radlala IH 1066,1081, cab, air, fully walghtad, dual ramotaa, digital, waatarn Intarior, axtra elaan IH 786 D 1980 w/358 Qarman angina, dual ramotaa, fandar tractor, good condition IH Hydro 70 dal, 18x38 tires, dual ramotaa, w/IH loadar w/lnd. valva, local trade, vary nlea Caaa 870 dal, powar shift w/2 ramotaa, front waighta, 18.4x34 tlraa, good eendttlon AC 7040, cab, air, waighta, 20.8x38 tlraa, 20 apd. powar director, vary nice White 2-105, cab ft air, 2700 hours, vary nice White 2-135, 4WD, cab, air, digital, deluxe intarior, 2 PTO’s, 2800 hra. MF 285, multlpowar, dual ramotaa, dual PTO’a, wat brakes, axcaltant cond. Kubota 8580, 4WD, roll bar ft canopy ft Kubota QT loadar, All options, 900 hours, excellent Gehl CBBOO, electric controls, 2 RN, hay pickup ' FNH 790, slsctrle controls, lata modal heads, vary nics JD 3950, slsctrle controls, hyd. tongue, 2RN com, 5* dolly wheal pickup head, excellent Gehl 1250, tandem axle, electric controls, 2 or 3 RN, T pickup, nice condition Rex 3 beater w/roof tandem axle wagon, steel sides, very nice condition (Lamco) 5 AND DRILLS ND HARROW! Agrimetal Round Bale Chopper in excellent condition, Great for Newspaper, New in Fall ‘92 Call for more Info: 1-800-222-2948
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