FORRESTER FARE EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard' Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 Phona; 717-263-0705 fipl w NEW FORD TRACTORS Ford 3230 Ford 4630 Ford 5030 Ford 6640, 16x8 Ford 7840, 2WD, 24x24 Ford 8970, 2WD, 210 H.P. Ford 8970, 4WD, 210 H.P. NH EQUIP. NH 640 Auto Wrap (1) NH 650 Auto Wrap NH 411 Discbine NH 492 Haybine NH 499 Haybine NH 185 Manure Spdr. Located; 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Houra: 8:30-5:00 Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00 Saturdaya »We Accept MeM We Ship Parte VISA A MaalerCard UaiU UPS Dally SPECIAL OF THE WEEK * I ■■iii git JD 3150 4x4 Hl-Lo 1540 Hrs. $21,500.00 IH 1586, cab, air, duals. IH 1086, cab, air, duals. ' IH 1066, black stripe, cab, air, 2,400 hrs IH 685 w/loader, shuttle shift... M 574, diesel w/TA IH 186 hydro, cab & air , MF 3680, 4x4, low hrs §MF 3S4S, cab & air, 4x4 SMF 2745, 24 spd., cab, air, duals ~MF 2705, 24 spd., cab, air MF 360, 4x4 w/loader MF 270, 1,100 hrs MF 255, diesel, low hfwiiil.. MF 245 w/loader, shuttle shift.. MF 165, 8 spd. w/loader MF SOC w/loader, shuttle shift, Ford 7600, 4x4, fenders, DP AC 200, new motor & tires Oliver. 1755, 1,900 hrsBSBS. White 2-60, 4x4 JD 3150, 4x4, hi-lo ID 2520. diesel, WF. SR ID 2510, gas, 2 remotes ID 1250 w/loader, 4x4 ID 420 w/loader ID 3SOB loader ID 4010 diesel tricycle Btiliil. ID 60, tricycle Deutz Allis 6260 Deutz DXI6O, 4x4, 4 post ID AW 12’ Disc ID 111 10’ disc Taylorway 7* Soil Saver $ 3,900 21’ White Field Cultivator, Hyd. Fold $ 1,750 AC 1300 25’ Folding Field Cultivator $ 2,500 (3) 12’ Cultipackers $ 700 to $ 1,000 Woods 10’ Offset Mower $ 2,500 MF 880 4 & 5 btm. reset plow* KMC Hilßhisel plow IH 4SO auto plow, 3X.... Oliver 348 3x auto plow MF 13* Flex Head UH MP IS’ Flex Head MF 20’ Flex Head IH 7 Shank Auto Reset V Ripper 18.4x38 & 20.8x38 duals 14’ Transport Packer Better Bilt 1500 Gallon Top Fill Spreaders 2,200 IH S7S spreaderfißllH $ 1,500 NI 214 Spreader w/Endgate $ 600 Financing Available L&M BURKHOLDER Between Brownstown & Rothsvllle Ephreta, PA 717-859-2960 717-859-2712 Shop 717-859-6616 NH 190 Manure Spdr. NH 824 Com Head NH 790 Chopper NH 900 Chopper (2) NH 553 Skid Loaders NH 2450 Self- Propelled Haybine NH 2550 Self- Propelled Haybine NH 258 Rake NH 256 Rake NH 415 Discbine NH 28 Blower FORD LAWN A GARDEN GT 65 w/48" Deck GT 85 w/60” Deck QT 95 w/60" Deck LT 12A $12,000 .$11,900 .$lO,OOO .$14,250 . $‘7,200 $13,500 $38,000 Coming In Coming In Coming In $14,000 .$ 8,900 .$ 7,500 ,$ 8,900 .$ 7,500 .$ 8,000 .$ 9,500 .$ 6,500 $ 5,200 Coming In 521,500 $ 8,000 $ 4,500 sll,ooo $ 3,200 $ 8,500 $ 4,800 $ 1,500 .$ 8,800 .$10,200 $ 650 ~..$ 1,500 $ 1,000 & $ 1,200 $ 850 $ 1,750 $ 1,250 .$ 2,800 ~$ 1,900 .$ 1,900 .$ 4,900 .$ 1,000 .$ 1,800 Btsl CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT JD 350 Crawler Loader. Only $6,900 1988 Vermeer 1200 Wood Chipper, 1661 Hours, Ford Tow Behind Cinder Spread- Gas, Runs Good. er, I Have 2. $6,900 Bach $l,OOO WANTED: Good Late Model Construction Equipment Need S/N And Price When You Call TRUCKS/CARS 1977 Ford F3SO 28' Bucket Truck $3,500 1986 Chevy Silverado Pickup $3,700 1972 Ford F6OO Dump - Gas $3,900 1988 Honda Civic LX - 4 Dr $5,450 (2) 1988 Honda Accord - 4 Dr - 5 Spd Ea $5,450 1977 Ford F7OO Bucket Truck $5,950 1089 Acura Legend L Sedan-Auto $13,900 1970 Vette Conv. • Low Miles - Red.. $18,500 BACKHOES Hoe Attachments Ford 1801 - Gas JD 3008 - Diesel - 1974 Ford 4500 - Cab - 1974 Case SSOB - Cab - 1974. JD 310 A - Cab - 1979. JD 310 A - ROPS - 1978 JD 3108 - Cab - 1984. JD 310 C • Cab - 1986 (2) JD 5108 - Cab - Ext - 1984.. Case 680 K - Cab - 1987 - 4 In 1 Case 580 K • 4x4 - Cab - 1988.... JD 7108 - Cab - 1984 JD 4108 - 4x4 - Cab - 1985 $27,600 JD 410 C - 4x4 - Cab - 1987 - Ext $29,500 JD SIOB - 4x4 - Cab - 1985 - Ext $29,500 JD SIOB - Cab - 1984 Coming In SKID LOADERS NH L 35 - Diesel - 1972 NH 555 - Diesel - 1984 TRACTORS WITH LOADERS Ford 600 - Gas - 3 Pt. - PTO $3,900 Advanca 5600 D Sweaper- Diaaal, HI Dump, Cab, Hydroatatle, Puna Good. $5,900 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION (50) New & Used Hoe Buckets (50) Loader Buckets (50) Set Forklift Forks Tree Planter - 3 Point (2) Cinder Spreader - Each Ripper For Crawler (2) Essick 1 Ton Roller Sweeper - Pull Type - Gas Schramm 160 Air Comp Vermeer Stump Grinder IH 140 w/Power Broom- 1972 Miller 14' Offset Disc (5) Sheeps Foot 2 Drum From $2,000 $5,900 $7,900 $8,900 $9,800 $11,750 $12,000 Roller $2,900/54,500 Vermeer T2lB Tree Spade w/Trailer.... $4,900 Advance Retreiver 5600 D Sweeper $5,900 Sicard Snowblower - V 8 Gas $5,900 Vermeer 12* Brush Chipper - Gas $6,900 IR 160 Diesel Compressor • 1990 $8,500 JD 760 Scraper $9,900 Tampo RS2BB 84* Vib. Roller $17,500 Tampo RS2BD 84’ Vib. Roller - 1982 $24,500 $14,750 $19,500 $22,500 $24,500 $24,500 $20,500 $5,900 $9,500 IH TDS - Winch - No Blade MF 200 - 6 Way IH TDBE - 6 Way - 1979 .... JD 4SOD - 6 Way - 1964.... umeoitsmicnoN ■■ kQUfPHENT 1200 CFM Ingersole Rand air compressor W/12V71 GM portable, ready for work, $ 1 1,500. 717/354-3105. 555 Ford tractor backhoe w/cab & heater, good con dition, 3100 hours 717/354-9969. 78 Case 580 CK backhoe, runs good, $6500 215/346-8588. Air compressor 120 hrs on rebuilt engine, runs excel lent. 150 CFM, $2,200 080 (717)539-8508 Transport 35 Ton Detach able Trailer, Pony Motor, 15” Tlrea, Good Condition, Non- Hough 80 Diesel Loader, Ground Bearing. Runs But Heads Some Jt 3458 Wheal Load er . Ith Forks, Dlssal, Miller 14' Offset Disc, Good Artleulatsd. Condition. $9,600 $3,900 H' 1988 Honda Accord 4 Dr., 5 BVAHHfi Spd., Air, AM-FM Casa., 79K Milas, Runs Good, Choice Of 2 DOZERS 10 HP Industrial Cardner-Dehver Air Compressor, 0 Phase, In Excellent Condition $1,500 (717) 345-4362 FORKLIFTS 2,000 to 15,000 Lb. $l,OOO to $12,000 Gas /LP-Diesel-Electric Cushion-Pneumatic-Rough Terrain New Komatsu Forklifts Available PA INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (215) 326-7090 9,900 Cat 977 H - As Is - 1962 IH SOOC - 1969 - 4 In 1 JD 450 - 1966 - Diesel JD 350 Diesel - ROPS - 1969... Case 450 - 4NI - Ripper - 1969 Cat 941 • Diesel - 1968 Case 1155 D - 4NI - 1983 CAT 983-Cab - 1969 COME SEE COME SEE COME SEE ...$795 $l,OOO $l,OOO $1,450 $1,500 $3,000 $3,500 $3,900 $3,900 TRAILERS 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6.5x14., 1978 3 Axle 9 Ton Tag-A-Long 1978 3 Axle 11 Ton Tag-A-Long - Each BxlB 2 Axle 12 Ton Tag-A-Long - Bxl7 (2) 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6.5x16 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 6 sxlB ... (3) 1994 5 Ton Tag-A-Long - 8x18... 1979 Warren 12 Ton Tag-A-Long 1986 13 Ton w/Air Brakes 1992 10 Ton Tag-A-Long - 8x24 1973 General 20 Ton Air Brakes.. . 1973 Transport 35 Ton Detachable - 8x25 RUBBER TIRE LOADERS Hough 90 Diesel - 1959 - 2.5 Yd $3,500 Fiat 3458 - Cab - Forks - 1977 $9,500 JD S44A - Cab - 2 Yd. - 1971 $16,500 JD 6448 - Cab - 1974 $21,500 IH 340 - Gas - Air Tires $ 6,900 Case 585 E - 21' - 1988 - 850 Hours.slB,soo ..$2,700 ..$8,900 $19,500 $21,500 Clark 6668 - Diesel - 1977 JD 440 C - Diesel - 1980.... r, January $3,500 Work. W/ CRAWLER LOADERS FORKLIFTS LOG SKIDDERS ..$3,900 ..$4,800 ..$5,000 ..$6,500 ..$7,900 ..$9,500 $24,500 $28,500 $1,495 $1,750 $1,900 $1,900 $2,095 $2,195 $3,350 $3,500 $4,900 $6,450 $6,900 $9,900 $12,500 $18,500
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