• John Deere 2755 Tractor, MFWD Open Station, 75 Hp., Not A Demonstrator, Cash, No Trade $29,990 • JD 672 Hay Rake (Pull Type) $ 3,490 • JD/Pequea 2 Row, Pull Type Corn Planter Plateless...s 5,175 • Brillion 7 Shank Chisel Plow w/Gauge Wheels $ 1,890 • Brillion S-Tine, 12 Ft. Basket Harrow $ 3,298 • Tufline 3 Pt., 6’/* Ft. Disk Harrow $ 850 • Herd Broadcast Spreaders/Seeders $351 To $ 827 • Worksaver 6 Ft. & 8 Ft. Landscape Rakes • Arps 3R.7 Ft. Rear Blade • Meyers 90” Snow Plow w/Universal Mount For Front End Loaders $ 795 ' USED EQUIPMENT • JD 3020 Gas Tractor, Power Shift, Tricycle, Good Condition $ 4,900 • JD 755 Tractor w/New 60” Midmount Mower $ 9,570 • Allis Chalmers 16 Ft. Wingfold Disc w/Hyd. Cyls $ 1,875 • JD 1219 Mower Conditioner - Nice $ 6,390 •3,4 & 5 Bottom Plows From $475 To $ 875 • 7 Ft. Sickle Bar Mowers Mounted &3 Pt $485 To $ 600 • Ford 6 Ft., 3 Pt. Rear Blade $ 350 • McKissick 12 Hp. Trailer Mounted Chipper/Shredder Demo New John Deere Engines For Farm, Industrial & Construction Equipment. Consider Repowering With A Brand New John Deere Diesel Engine As A Cost Effective Alternative To Rebuilding n£p£ - X^XBMYER^ - SmkJ SERVICE INC. ttDj ™g™s hay equip. 6400 MFWD-CG 101 Q Ha . lr ,^ EW 5400, 2WD w/540 Loader 1219 Ha y bl ™ JD 640 Hay Rake 6400 CG 1209 Mower conditioner 1190 1H Mower conditioner 336 Baler w/30 Thrower USED JD 2950, 2WD, low hours Club 10-boy w/60" mower & blade JD 1050 MFWD w/Loader 1948 Farmall H w/Loader COMPACT UTILITIES NEW 670, 770, 970, 855, 1070 USED 600 & 622 AMT’s 1620 Grasshopper front mount mower PLANTING NEW 7200 6R dry fertilizer 750 No till drill, 10’ 450 17DD drill USED 494 JD Com Planter AC no till com/soybean planter, 6& 11 row, liquid fertilizer AC 4 Row No-Till Com Planter (Liquid) TIL! NEW 825 6RN 3 pt. cultivator 2000 4X spring reset semi mount plow Kvemland plows i 1 j AG WINTER SERVICE SPECIAL j I 10% off parts on jobs over $5OO done in our shop during | j thejnonth _of January J NEW UTILITY TRAILERS IN STOCK Route 24, 2 Miles South Of Red Lion 717-244-4168 NEW E IPMENT NEW 4435 Combine 444 Comhead JD 913 Flexhead JD 9400 Comb. USED MF 200 forage harvester w/2RN head. IH 303 Combine 10’ G.H. 2 RW C.H MISC. NEW Westfield tailgate auger 403 Rotaiy cutter 503 Rotaiy cutter 603 Rotaiy cutter 516 Rotary cutter 717 Rotary cutter 720 running gear 95 3 pt. scrapers 1008 rotary cutter Unverferth gravity bin Unverferth header wagon USED L 250 NH skid loader JD AT4O cult, for 3020 Meyer 360 Equalizer Spreader $614 To $ $ 2,390 HARVESTING FARM EQUIPMENT 782 549 Ford TWIS, cab, air, 1985 modal, 4x4, trlpla outlets, radial tiros, weights all around, excellent Ford TWIS, egfengfr, deluxe hydraulics, 20.8x38 tiralTvery nice Ford 7000 dleaal flat deck, w/roll bar & canopy, dual remotes, front weights, vary clean & nice Ford 5610 w/dualaaafer. dual remotes, Ford loader all weather cab Ford 5000 dal, 8 spaed w/dual remotes, 38” tires & weights JD 4620, factory cab, power shift, 20.8x38 tires w/dlrect axle duals, 2 valves, front weights, extra nice JD 4430, cab, air, power shift, 2 remotes, 18x38 tires, 3600 hours JD 4020 dsl., power shift, side console, 1971 modal JD 4020 side console synero rang*, 2 remotes, front weights, nice Hlnlker cab, cl«an & sharp JD 4020 dlaasl, synero rangs, aids consols, no cab, 4700 original hours, excellent NH 36 Flail Chopper NH 782, electric controls, heavy duty 540 PTO, new paint, ready to go Gehl 1260, fully equipped with all the options, choice of heads, vary nice Gehl 970, 3 beater w/roof, Gehl tandem, very nice Gehl 970 wagon, 3 beater tandsm, no roof, like new Gehl CBBOO, electric controls, 2 RN, hay pickup IH 510 18x7 DO, seed * grass sssd, vary nies Brllllon SSIO Sura sssdsr w/transport whssls 8 aera mstar JD 7000 4R eonaarvatlon, monitor, dry fart, ft Insaetlcida boxas JD 1240, 4R platalasa, dlae opanars, monitor, must ba aaan to ba appreciated JD 7000, 6R conservation plantar, fully equipped, good condition JD 7000, 4RW plantar, Insaetlcida boxas and monitor, very nice JD 7000 4RN, dry, platalasa, insaetlcida boxas USED PLOWS AND CHISELS White 508 4xlB cushion trip w/aprlng loaded coulters White 596, 4 or 5 bottom, variable widths, spring automatic, excellent condition Casa IH 720 5 or 6xlB spring auto, excellent Glaneo 0 tooth soil aavar, vary good condition Pittsburgh 20* transport spring tooth harrow, used very little Oliver 252 10’ finishing disc, dual wheels, very nice Brllllon 10’ double packer JD 16' transport type spring tooth harrow, good condition IH 133 4R cultivator w/rolllng shields, excellent McConnell 16’ transport spring tooth harrow Kawanaa 12’ rock flax finishing disc, very nice White 253 12' finishing disc w/tandem wheels, very nice Brllllon 12’ roller hatow, excellent Brllllon 10’ packer w/4” axle, vary nice White 265 11’ heavy frame cutting disc w/tandem wheels & 24” blades NH 258 rake w/rubber teeth NH 258 lp»lC*dollv wheel NH 316 w7#7o thrower, excellent NH 847 round baler NH 276 baler w/thrower, electric controls, cylinders & hoses, very nice NH 489 hayblne, stub guards, excellent, 2 to choose from JD 2RW w/elutch NH 824 2R corn Gehl 6’ pickup w/dolly wheels Ford 727 loader, fits 4000-7000 series tractors JD 300 plcker/husksr W/2RN head Used 18.4x34 snap-on duals USED TRACTORS USED FORAGE EQUIPMENT Ford NH 555 skid steer, late model, low hours, Kubota dsl., boom hyd., very nice Choice of 2 SEP PI USED HAY EQUIPMENT USED HARVESTER HEADS MISCELLANEOUS Harvester Knives 1-800-WEAVER D Case IH 485 dal, 4 WD, w/IH 2255 loader, roll bar * canopy, low hours, vary nice IH 5088, 4WD, 1984 model, cab, air, duals, weights, triple outlets, 2 shafts, excellent IH 1088,1981, cab, air, fully weighted, dual remotes, digital, western Interior, extra clean IH 886,1981, cab, air, digital, front & rear weights, dual remotes, excellent IH 786 D 1980 w/358 German engine, dual remotes, fender tractor, good condition AC 7040, cab, air, weights, 20.8x38 tires, 20 spd. power director, very nice White 2-105, cab & air, 2700 hours, vary nice White 2-135, 4WD, cab, air, digital, deluxe interior, 2 PTO’s, 2600 hrs. MF 285, multipower, dual remotes, dual PTO’s, wet brakes, excellent cond. FNH 790, electric controls, lots model heads, vary nlcs JD 716 A, 3 bsater w/roof, tandem axle wagon, sxcsllent JD 3950, alactrle controls, hyd. tongue, 2RN corn, S’ dolly wheel pickup head, excellent Gehl 1250, tandem axle, alactrle controls, 2 or .3 RN,-7' pickup, nice condition Rex 3 beater w/roof tandem axle wagon, steel sides, vary nice condition (Lamco) S AND DRILLS AND HARROWS FNH 790 hay haad, Ilka naw FNH 900 hay haad, Ilka naw NH 3 RN Augar baaa paekaga w/8' pickup TRONIE’S TARPS 717/584-2928 1/800/874-2928
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers