D32-L«ncaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 1994 Don't gamble with your modern, high-powered, high priced engine! When you need engine machine work performed- We at Rutt's Machine Shop, Inc. have: • Well maintained, State of the Art, tooling and equipment Length standards traceable to NIST Temperature controlled work environment for accuracy • All work is done or directly supervised by ASE Certified Technicians 96 years combined experience in our work force Special machining performed by Journeyman Toolmaker • Large 1 data base of engine specifications fWe don’t guess) • Large supply of engine parts available • Pick-up and delivery service available COMPLETE BLOCK-HEAD-CRANK-ROD RECONDITIONING "Quick Service on Flywheel Grinding” Call for details (717) 367-3011 mma RUTT’S MACHINE SHOP, INC. 2329 (Rear) South Market Street Elizabethtown, PA 17022-9793 WE SHIP ||| We specialize in agricultural and industrial engines JD 4650, 4WD, cab & air (3) JD 4450, MFWD, power shift, sharp JD 4320 JD 2950, 4WD w/260 loader JD 2555, 4WD, cab & air JD 2550 JD 2350 JD 1050 w/470 hra. JD 4440, power shift, cab & air JD 4440, cab & air JD 4240, cab & air JD 4040, cab & air JD 2940, 4WD JD 2840 w/loader JD 2640 w/loadsr JD 2240 JD 2040, diesel JD 4430, Cab & air JD 4230, cab & air, power shift JD 4230, cab & air, quad JD 4030 w/158 loader JD 4030, gas JD 310 TLB w/cab, axcallent NH 785 skid staar Casa 1835 skid staar Ford 1700, 4WD w/loadar Ford 3 btm. 3 pt. hitch, spring rssst plow Whits 6 btm. 16” spring rssst plow IH conssrtlll 10’ JD 3 btm. roll ovsr plow JD 5 btm. on land hitch USED COMBINES IH 844 4RW head 244 JD com heads 444 JD corn heads 443 corn head JD 215 flax hMd JD 213 flax haad JD 3300, dlaaal, axcallant JD 4400, dlaaal HAY EQUIPMENT NH 852 round balar JD 346 wlra balar w/throwar NH 472 hayblna JD 410 round balar Gahl 1850 round balar NH 320 balar w/kickar, Ilka naw JD 348 wlra balar w/throwar, Ilka jp 327 balar w/thrower naw Gahl 800 racuttar JD 7000 4 row plantar Brllllon 21’ hyd. fold rollar harrow Kawanaa hyd. fold 20’ roller harrow, Ilka naw NH 358 grinder mixer, excellent Gahl 95 grinder mixer Kawanaa 21’ hyd. fold disc Taylorway 25’ disc D & R EQUIPMENT INC. USED TRACTORS JD 5020 JD 4520, power shift JD 4020, real sharp Case IH 7110, 2WD, cab & air IH 5088, cab & air IH 1466 w/cab ih lose, cab & air IH 966 IH 684 w/2250 loader IH 84 hydro IH 656, gas IH 544, diesel IH 384, power eteerlng, diesel IH 826 IH 1486 cab & air, sharp IH 595, 650 hours, like new Casa IH 245, MFWD, like new Ford 5610, sharp Ford 5000, diesel Ford 4000, gas MF 35 MF 231, new Case IH 5140, MFWD, cab & air, like new INDUSTRIAL Ford 1710 TLB, 4WD MF 200 diesel crawler loader, 4 In 1 bucket USED PLOWS JD 8 btm. 2800 varied width on land hitch plow IH 710 8 btm. 18” spring reset, on land hitch JD 2500 5 btm. 18” spring reset JD 2500 6 btm. auto reset New JD 643 corn head MISCELLANEOUI JD 110 disc JD 115 disc JD 16A flail chopper, very good Glanco soli finisher, 12’ AC Air Champ 8 row bean plantar, no till Rousseau radial arm ditch bank mowar, 15’ reach, Ilka naw Rt. 579, Rlngoaa, Now Jersey (908) 782-5082 MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACES u Th Efficiency Rating 83% to 85% - Cut Emissions by 90% Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnacel 3 Year Warranty Except Electrical Components (1 Year) 35 Years Heating Experience PROUDLY BUILT IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FUEL USED IN SEX SIZES: STANDARD UNIT: Model lOOSboth supply up to 100,000 BTU’s per hour WOOD & COAL & WOOD BY-PRODUCTS (SAWDUST, PAPER, ETC.) FUEL USED IN MULTI-FUEL MODEL: SAME AS ABOVE INCLUDING OIL, PROPANE, NATURAL GAS Models and specifications subject to change without notice TODAY'S MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACE WILL HEAT YOUR HOME, BARN, POOL, BUSINESS, GREENHOUSE, & DOMESTIC DRINKING WATER TOOI WE CAN CUSTOMIZE A UNIT TO FIT YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS! Safe • Efficient • Durable Look at what makea the Mahoning Outdoor Furnace a great purchase... CLEAN.AII dirt, dust, fuel and fire Is outside No chance of chimney fire or flue fire > ELIMINATES AIR POLLUTION IN THE HOME.Smoke. fuel odors and other causes of allergies are outside the home SAFE FOR MOBILE HOMES.Elimmales danger that other furnaces contained In a mobile home can cause NO DANGER OR EXPLOSION.This is a zero pressure furnace ENCLOSED COHPOfIfeNTS.The circulation pumps and electrical connections are enclosed in an insulated cabinet on the back of the Mahoning Outdoor Furnace ADAPTABI F.lnstal our furnace m any forced air healing or hot water system ★The only outdoor furnace made with a Catalytic Combustor.* Mahoning Catalytic Combuator Will Help In the Following Ways: 1. Burn one cord of wood which equals 166 gallons of oil. 2. Your fuel source becomes enormous inexhaustible and poses few nsks to public safety. 3. Over all efficiency of 85%, which means the heat no longer goes up the chimney! 4 You get more heat from a log compared to the non-cat. furnace. 5 More burn time - less reloading time! 6. Zap 90% of pollutants, made from fire source. 7 Saves you a lot of moneyl 8. User fnendly, emits no smoke! Proudly Built in Clearfteld County. Pennsylvania MAHONING MANUFACTURING Mahoning Outdoor Furnace Co. RD 1. Box 250, Mahaffey, PA 15757 (814) 277-6675 - (814) 277-6675 Dealer Inquiries Welcome - Call Tour Local Dealer Today and Find Oat Haw urfMmtog Can Soto Ton DoQan, Clyd* Adarfer Bill Lantz Odin Traa Farm (Hairy Fox) Ml Pleasant Mills Aurara, West Virginia 26705 Coudanpod, PA 16915 717-53M456 904-7354*15 8144474784 William Stahl LoytvUle, PA 17047 717-780-3244 Bauar Parma Lucinda, PA 16235 814-7444480400452-2118 Clark* Plumbing A Hatting Clearvrlle, PA 15535 814-7 M-5716 Chartn Hatting Clearfield, PA 16830 814-7854833 Sleepyhead Power Equlpmant Brink* Plumbing 5 Hatting Brookvllle, PA 15825 Glen Campbell, PA 15742 814440-3200 814448-7783 McNamara Halting Meadvllle, PA 16335 814-7244718 Henry Kintingar Oakland, Maryland 21550 I w to Heat Your Home " Model 200Sboth supply up to 200,000 BTU’s per hour Model SOOSboth supply up to 300,000 BTU’s per hour 300MF Model 400Sboth supply up to 400,000 BTU’s per hour 400MF Model SOOSboth supply up to 500,000 BTU’s per hour 500MF Model 1-mllllonSboth supply up to 1,000,000 BTU’s per hour l-millionMF 60 Inch long fire boxes Snow Garden Stag (Dtan Snow) Kama City, PA 16041 8144804558 412445-2716 Tim Stair* Somerset, PA 15501 8144434105 Mlk* Hoilenthaad Needmore, PA 17238 7174854030 R 4 B Induatriaa Sblppenvllle, PA 16254 814-7824332 Roger Hartla Grove CHy, PA 16127 4124554545 48 inch loi 60 inch loni 60 inch lonj All Mahoning Units Come Installed with Grates Including An External Shaker Handle Dav* Scott Orttsonla, PA 17243 8144474460 Merrill Stalne Three Springe, PA 17264 814-446-3647 Qliy'l |nc. Falls Creek, PA 15840 816371-4*45 Clarke Heeling Service Ligonler, PA 15658 412-2366122 Code Heeling Imler, PA 16655 81627*^066 DaveSeunden ailett, PA 16925 717-5864383 Are box fire box fire box All Mahoning Multi-Fuels Can Burn Coal, Wood, Oil, Propane, Natural Gas Rendy'i Repair Service MWcr*ek,WV 26280 306334-6066 Walter Sfenmone Brandywine, WV 26802 3062466206 —«- n-e- MVINOII Benyvat.VA 22611 7066662744 Kevin Hodman Hadley, PA 16130 6167660362 George Duncan MIIMHe, PA 17846 717-4564637 Chertee Bowman Lebanon, PA 17046 717-2766332 Tony Utter Lumberfand.MD 21502 301-777-0666
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